Westlake Royal Building Products™ Expands Partnership with Alexandria Moulding for Versetta Stone® Distribution
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) has expanded its partnership with Alexandria Moulding to strengthen its distribution footprint in Canada. Alexandria Moulding will now distribute Versetta Stone®, a mortarless cement-based stone veneer siding panel, at locations in Alexandria, Ontario, Calgary, Alberta, and Moxee, Washington. The expansion builds upon their existing partnership, which includes distribution of Royal® Trim & Mouldings and Celect® Cellular Composite Siding. Versetta Stone offers the appearance of hand-laid stone walls with virtually undetectable joints and easy installation features.
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) ha ampliato la sua partnership con Alexandria Moulding per rafforzare la sua presenza distributiva in Canada. Alexandria Moulding distribuirà ora Versetta Stone®, un pannello di rivestimento in pietra a base di cemento senza malta, presso sedi ad Alexandria, Ontario, Calgary, Alberta e Moxee, Washington. L'espansione si basa sulla loro partnership esistente, che include la distribuzione di Royal® Trim & Mouldings e Celect® Cellular Composite Siding. Versetta Stone offre l'aspetto di muri in pietra posati a mano con giunti praticamente impercettibili e caratteristiche di facile installazione.
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) ha ampliado su asociación con Alexandria Moulding para fortalecer su huella de distribución en Canadá. Alexandria Moulding ahora distribuirá Versetta Stone®, un panel de revestimiento de piedra a base de cemento sin mortero, en ubicaciones en Alexandria, Ontario, Calgary, Alberta, y Moxee, Washington. La expansión se basa en su asociación existente, que incluye la distribución de Royal® Trim & Mouldings y Celect® Cellular Composite Siding. Versetta Stone ofrece la apariencia de muros de piedra colocados a mano con juntas prácticamente indetectables y características de fácil instalación.
웨스트레이크 로열 빌딩 제품 (NYSE:WLK)이 알렉산드리아 몰딩과의 파트너십을 확장하여 캐나다 내 유통 기반을 강화했습니다. 알렉산드리아 몰딩은 이제 버세타 스톤®을 유통하게 되며, 이는 모르타르가 필요 없는 시멘트 기반의 석재 베니어 사이딩 패널입니다. 알렉산드리아, 온타리오, 캘거리, 앨버타, 믹시, 워싱턴 등에서 유통됩니다. 이번 확장은 Royal® Trim & Mouldings 및 Celect® Cellular Composite Siding의 유통을 포함하는 기존 파트너십을 기반으로 합니다. 버세타 스톤은 거의 감지할 수 없는 이음새와 쉽게 설치할 수 있는 특징으로 손으로 쌓은 석재 벽의 외관을 제공합니다.
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) a élargi son partenariat avec Alexandria Moulding pour renforcer sa présence de distribution au Canada. Alexandria Moulding distribuera désormais Versetta Stone®, un panneau de revêtement en pierre à base de ciment sans mortier, dans des lieux à Alexandria, Ontario, Calgary, Alberta et Moxee, Washington. Cette expansion s'inscrit dans le cadre de leur partenariat existant, qui inclut la distribution de Royal® Trim & Mouldings et Celect® Cellular Composite Siding. Versetta Stone offre l'apparence de murs en pierre posés à la main avec des joints pratiquement indétectables et des caractéristiques d'installation faciles.
Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK) hat seine Partnerschaft mit Alexandria Moulding erweitert, um seine Vertriebspräsenz in Kanada zu stärken. Alexandria Moulding wird nun Versetta Stone® vertreiben, ein nicht-mörtelbasierter, zementgebundener Steinverblender, an Standorten in Alexandria, Ontario, Calgary, Alberta und Moxee, Washington. Die Erweiterung baut auf ihrer bestehenden Partnerschaft auf, die den Vertrieb von Royal® Trim & Mouldings und Celect® Cellular Composite Siding umfasst. Versetta Stone bietet die Optik von handverlegten Steinmauern mit nahezu unsichtbaren Fugen und einfachen Installationsmerkmalen.
- Expanded distribution network in Canada through established partner
- Addition of new product line to existing distribution channels
- Geographic expansion to three new locations
- None.
This distribution expansion with Alexandria Moulding represents a strategic but modest enhancement to Westlake Royal's Canadian market presence. While the partnership strengthens the company's distribution network for Versetta Stone products across key locations in Ontario, Alberta and Washington state, the immediate financial impact is likely to be minimal relative to Westlake's
The development adds incrementally to Westlake's building products segment, which complements their larger chemicals business. The expanded partnership leverages existing relationships and infrastructure, suggesting efficient execution with additional overhead costs. However, without specific revenue projections or market size data, this appears to be more of an operational optimization than a material catalyst for significant growth.
Partnership strengthens Westlake Royal’s distribution footprint in
To strengthen Westlake Royal’s distribution in
"Alexandria Moulding has been a valued partner, consistently helping us make Westlake Royal products accessible to our Canadian customers,” said Gary Taylor, vice president of sales,
“We are excited to expand our distribution partnership with Westlake Royal,” says David Stojni, vice president of sales, Alexandria Moulding. “The addition of the Versetta Stone veneer siding panel helps round out a product offering (including Royal Trim & Moulding and Celect Cellular Composite Siding) that provides high performance solutions for our customers across Canada.”
To learn more about the Westlake Royal Building Products, visit www.westlakeroyalbuildingproducts.com.
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Westlake Royal Building Products
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Kriss Swint
Westlake Royal Building Products
Source: Westlake Royal Building Products