DaVinci® Roofscapes Masterpiece Contractor 2024 Project of the Year Awards Announced
DaVinci Roofscapes, a division of Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK), has announced six winners of their 2024 Masterpiece Contractor Project of the Year Awards. Five residential and one commercial project were recognized for excellence in installation, visual impact, and transformation ability.
The residential winners include: Allstar Construction for reconstructing a historic home after fire damage; Great Roofing and Restoration for replacing a wind-damaged roof on a castle-like estate; JnJ Restoration for restoring three historical structures; Oconee Designer Roofing for a lakeside home renovation; and Shake Guys for updating a lakeside estate roof. The commercial award went to Totin Too, for replacing Shannopin Country Club's roof.
DaVinci's composite roofing tiles are made with virgin resins and specialized fire retardant, offering resistance to impact, fire, severe weather, insects, and rotting. The products come with a Lifetime Material Warranty.
DaVinci Roofscapes, una divisione di Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK), ha annunciato sei vincitori dei loro Masterpiece Contractor Project of the Year Awards per il 2024. Sono stati riconosciuti cinque progetti residenziali e uno commerciale per l'eccellenza nell'installazione, impatto visivo e capacità di trasformazione.
I vincitori residenziali includono: Allstar Construction per la ricostruzione di una casa storica dopo un incendio; Great Roofing and Restoration per la sostituzione di un tetto danneggiato dal vento su una tenuta simile a un castello; JnJ Restoration per il restauro di tre strutture storiche; Oconee Designer Roofing per una ristrutturazione in riva al lago; e Shake Guys per l'aggiornamento del tetto di una proprietà lacustre. Il riconoscimento commerciale è andato a Totin Too, per la sostituzione del tetto del Shannopin Country Club.
Le tegole in composito di DaVinci sono realizzate con resine vergini e ritardanti di fiamma specializzati, offrendo resistenza agli impatti, al fuoco, a condizioni climatiche severe, insetti e marciscenza. I prodotti sono coperti da una garanzia a vita sui materiali.
DaVinci Roofscapes, una división de Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK), ha anunciado seis ganadores de sus Masterpiece Contractor Project of the Year Awards para 2024. Se reconocieron cinco proyectos residenciales y uno comercial por su excelencia en la instalación, impacto visual y capacidad de transformación.
Los ganadores residenciales son: Allstar Construction por reconstruir una casa histórica después de daños por fuego; Great Roofing and Restoration por reemplazar un techo dañado por el viento en una propiedad similar a un castillo; JnJ Restoration por restaurar tres estructuras históricas; Oconee Designer Roofing por una renovación de una casa junto al lago; y Shake Guys por actualizar el techo de una finca junto al lago. El premio comercial fue para Totin Too, por reemplazar el techo del Shannopin Country Club.
Las tejas compuestas de DaVinci están hechas con resinas vírgenes y retardantes de fuego especializados, ofreciendo resistencia a impactos, fuego, condiciones climáticas severas, insectos y descomposición. Los productos tienen una garantía de materiales de por vida.
다빈치 루프스케이프스는 Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK)의 한 부서로서 2024년 마스터피스 계약자 프로젝트 올해의 상 수상자 6명을 발표했습니다. 설치, 시각적 영향 및 변형 능력에서 우수성을 인정받은 5개의 주거 프로젝트와 1개의 상업 프로젝트가 선정되었습니다.
주거 부문 수상자는: 올스타 건설이 화재 피해 후 역사적인 집을 재건한 것; 그레이트 루핑 앤 레스토레이션이 성과 같은 저택의 바람에 손상된 지붕을 교체한 것; JnJ 복원이 3개의 역사적 구조물을 복원한 것; 오코니 디자이너 루핑이 호숫가의 집을 리노베이션한 것; 그리고 쉐이크 가이즈가 호숫가 저택의 지붕을 업데이트한 것입니다. 상업 부문 수상자는 토틴 투로, 샤노핀 컨트리 클럽의 지붕을 교체한 것입니다.
다빈치의 복합 지붕 타일은 처녀 수지와 특수 방염제로 제작되어 충격, 화재, 악천후, 곤충 및 부패에 대한 저항력을 제공합니다. 이 제품들은 평생 재료 보증이 포함되어 있습니다.
DaVinci Roofscapes, une division de Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK), a annoncé six lauréats de ses Masterpiece Contractor Project of the Year Awards pour 2024. Cinq projets résidentiels et un projet commercial ont été reconnus pour leur excellence en installation, impact visuel et capacité de transformation.
Les lauréats résidentiels incluent : Allstar Construction pour la reconstruction d'une maison historique après un incendie ; Great Roofing and Restoration pour le remplacement d'un toit endommagé par le vent sur un domaine semblable à un château ; JnJ Restoration pour la restauration de trois structures historiques ; Oconee Designer Roofing pour la rénovation d'une maison au bord d'un lac ; et Shake Guys pour la mise à jour du toit d'un domaine au bord du lac. Le prix commercial a été attribué à Totin Too pour le remplacement du toit du Shannopin Country Club.
Les tuiles en composites de DaVinci sont fabriquées avec des résines vierges et un retardateur de flamme spécialisé, offrant une résistance aux impacts, au feu, aux intempéries, aux insectes et à la pourriture. Les produits sont couverts par une garantie à vie sur les matériaux.
DaVinci Roofscapes, eine Abteilung von Westlake Royal Building Products (NYSE:WLK), hat die sechs Gewinner ihrer Masterpiece Contractor Project of the Year Awards für 2024 bekannt gegeben. Fünf Wohnprojekte und ein Gewerbeprojekt wurden für ihre Exzellenz in der Installation, visuellen Wirkung und Umwandlungsfähigkeit ausgezeichnet.
Die Gewinner der Wohnprojekte sind: Allstar Construction für den Wiederaufbau eines historischen Hauses nach Brandschaden; Great Roofing and Restoration für den Austausch eines sturmgeschädigten Dachs auf einem Schloss ähnlichen Anwesen; JnJ Restoration für die Restaurierung von drei historischen Gebäuden; Oconee Designer Roofing für eine Renovaition eines Hauses am See; und Shake Guys für die Aktualisierung des Daches einer am See gelegenen Immobilie. Der gewerbliche Preis ging an Totin Too für den Austausch des Daches des Shannopin Country Clubs.
Die Verbunddachziegel von DaVinci sind aus neuen Harzen und speziellen Brandschutzmitteln hergestellt und bieten Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Stößen, Feuer, extremen Wetterbedingungen, Insekten und Verrottung. Die Produkte sind mit einer Lebenslangen Materialgarantie ausgestattet.
- Products feature high durability with resistance to multiple environmental factors
- Company offers lifetime material warranty on products
- Strong market presence demonstrated through diverse project portfolio
- None.
The top honors for residential projects are awarded to:
Allstar Construction,
Eden Prairie, Minn. , for the reconstruction and reroofing of a historic home following a fire. DaVinci Multi-Width Slate roofing, credited by firefighters with saving the structure from massive fire damage, was replaced on the roof of the 140+ year old mansion.
Great Roofing and Restoration,
Columbus, Ohio , for the replacement of a wind-damaged roof with a DaVinci Multi-Width Slate roof in Smokey Gray on a castle-like estate. The team retained the existing copper turret and gutters to maintain the integrity of the expansive roof.
JnJ Restoration,
Evanston , Ill., for restoration of three structures on a historical property in the Village of Lake Forest with DaVinci Select Shake. The team gained approval from the local historical district to install the composite roofing product and for the Black Oak color selection.
Oconee Designer Roofing,
Milledgeville, Ga. , for replacing the roof on a sprawling lakeside home with a DaVinci Single-Width Shake roof. An on-trend Tahoe color was chosen to complement the stacked stone exterior, providing a refined, natural appearance to the house.
Shake Guys,
Milwaukee, Wis. , for updating the roof on a lakeside estate with weather-resistant DaVinci Select Shake. The custom home’s intricate roof features custom copper finishes and a dozen dormer windows.
The commercial project receiving top honors is:
Totin Too, LLC,
Wexford, Pa. , for replacing the failing standing seam metal roof on the Shannopin Country Club structure inPittsburgh with DaVinci Single-Width Slate in a European blend. The 100+ year old historic club house was brought back to its original look with the synthetic slate roof.
MEDIA NOTE: Professional images, videos and more details are available on each of the award-winning projects.
About DaVinci Roofscapes
Industry-leading DaVinci® Roofscapes captures the authentic look of real cedar shake and natural slate in each of their composite roofing tiles. Made of virgin resins, UV and thermal stabilizer, plus a highly specialized fire retardant, each tile resists impact, fire and severe weather. They also defy insects, rotting, fading and splitting. Available in dozens of colors, the composite tiles are backed by a Lifetime Limited Material Warranty. DaVinci Roofscapes is a division of Westlake Royal Building Products™.
About Westlake Royal Building Products
Westlake Royal Building Products™
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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250107139592/en/
Wendy Bruch
Source: Westlake Royal Building Products