Announcement of Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement

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Willis Lease Finance (NASDAQ: WLFC) has entered into a Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement with the Development Bank of Japan Inc. This agreement refinances WLFC's $50 million of aggregate Series A-1 and Series A-2 preferred stock into one $65 million preferred stock series with a seven-year term, at the rate per annum of 8.35% per share.

Scott B. Flaherty, Executive Vice President and CFO of WLFC, stated that this investment is the result of a strong, long-term relationship between the two organizations. The expansion of the investment provides WLFC with incremental equity to support the continued growth of their business.

WLFC specializes in leasing commercial aircraft engines, auxiliary power units, and aircraft to airlines, manufacturers, and maintenance providers worldwide. The company also offers various services including engine and aircraft trading, asset management, end-of-life solutions, and maintenance services.

Willis Lease Finance (NASDAQ: WLFC) ha stipulato un Accordo di Acquisto di Azioni Preferenziali di Serie A con la Development Bank of Japan Inc. Questo accordo rifinanzia i 50 milioni di dollari di azioni preferenziali aggregate Series A-1 e Series A-2 in un'unica serie di azioni preferenziali da 65 milioni di dollari con un termine di sette anni, al tasso annuale di 8,35% per azione.

Scott B. Flaherty, Vice Presidente Esecutivo e CFO di WLFC, ha dichiarato che questo investimento è il risultato di una forte e duratura relazione tra le due organizzazioni. L'espansione dell'investimento fornisce a WLFC capitale aggiuntivo per sostenere la continua crescita della loro attività.

WLFC è specializzata nel noleggio di motori per aerei commerciali, unità di alimentazione ausiliaria e aerei per compagnie aeree, produttori e fornitori di manutenzione in tutto il mondo. L'azienda offre anche vari servizi tra cui trading di motori e aerei, gestione degli asset, soluzioni per la fine della vita utile e servizi di manutenzione.

Willis Lease Finance (NASDAQ: WLFC) ha firmado un Acuerdo de Compra de Acciones Preferentes de Serie A con el Development Bank of Japan Inc. Este acuerdo refinancia los 50 millones de dólares de acciones preferentes agregadas de Serie A-1 y Serie A-2 en una serie de acciones preferentes de 65 millones de dólares con un plazo de siete años, a una tasa anual de 8.35% por acción.

Scott B. Flaherty, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y CFO de WLFC, declaró que esta inversión es el resultado de una fuerte y duradera relación entre las dos organizaciones. La expansión de la inversión proporciona a WLFC capital incremental para apoyar el crecimiento continuo de su negocio.

WLFC se especializa en el arrendamiento de motores de aviones comerciales, unidades de energía auxiliar y aviones para aerolíneas, fabricantes y proveedores de mantenimiento en todo el mundo. La empresa también ofrece varios servicios que incluyen el comercio de motores y aviones, gestión de activos, soluciones de fin de vida útil y servicios de mantenimiento.

Willis Lease Finance (NASDAQ: WLFC)는 일본 개발 은행(Development Bank of Japan Inc.)과 시리즈 A 우선주 매매 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 WLFC의 5천만 달러의 시리즈 A-1 및 A-2 우선주를 6천5백만 달러의 우선주 시리즈로 재융자하며, 7년의 기간연 8.35%의 주당 금리를 갖습니다.

WLFC의 수석 부사장이자 CFO인 Scott B. Flaherty는 이 투자가 두 조직 간의 강력하고 장기적인 관계의 결과라고 밝혔습니다. 투자 확장은 WLFC에 지속적인 성장 지원을 위한 추가 자본을 제공합니다.

WLFC는 전 세계의 항공사, 제조업체 및 유지보수 제공업체에 상업용 항공기 엔진, 보조 전원 장치 및 항공기를 임대하는 전문 회사입니다. 또한 엔진 및 항공기 거래, 자산 관리, 수명 종료 솔루션 및 유지보수 서비스를 포함한 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다.

Willis Lease Finance (NASDAQ: WLFC) a conclu un Accord d'Achat d'Actions Privilégiées de Série A avec la Development Bank of Japan Inc. Cet accord refinance les 50 millions de dollars d'actions privilégiées agrégées des séries A-1 et A-2 en une série d'actions privilégiées de 65 millions de dollars avec un terme de sept ans, à un taux annuel de 8,35 % par action.

Scott B. Flaherty, Vice-Président Exécutif et CFO de WLFC, a déclaré que cet investissement est le résultat d'une relation forte et de longue date entre les deux organisations. L'expansion de l'investissement procure à WLFC des capitaux supplémentaires pour soutenir la croissance continue de son entreprise.

WLFC est spécialisée dans la location de moteurs d'avions commerciaux, d'unités de puissance auxiliaires et d'avions pour des compagnies aériennes, des fabricants et des fournisseurs de maintenance dans le monde entier. L'entreprise propose également divers services, notamment le commerce de moteurs et d'avions, la gestion des actifs, des solutions de fin de vie et des services de maintenance.

Willis Lease Finance (NASDAQ: WLFC) hat eine Kaufvereinbarung über Vorzugsaktien der Serie A mit der Development Bank of Japan Inc. getroffen. Diese Vereinbarung refinanziert die 50 Millionen Dollar an aggregierten Vorzugsaktien der Serien A-1 und A-2 in eine Vorzugsaktienserie über 65 Millionen Dollar mit einer Laufzeit von sieben Jahren und einem jährlichen Satz von 8,35 % pro Aktie.

Scott B. Flaherty, Executive Vice President und CFO von WLFC, erklärte, dass diese Investition das Ergebnis einer starken, langfristigen Beziehung zwischen den beiden Organisationen ist. Die Erweiterung der Investition bietet WLFC zusätzliche Eigenkapitalmittel zur Unterstützung des fortlaufenden Wachstums ihres Unternehmens.

WLFC ist auf das Leasing von kommerziellen Flugzeugtriebwerken, Hilfsstromaggregaten und Flugzeugen an Fluggesellschaften, Hersteller und Wartungsdienstleister weltweit spezialisiert. Das Unternehmen bietet auch verschiedene Dienstleistungen an, darunter den Handel mit Triebwerken und Flugzeugen, das Asset Management, Lösungen zum Lebensende und Wartungsdienstleistungen.

  • Refinancing of $50 million preferred stock into a larger $65 million series
  • Seven-year term for the new preferred stock series
  • Expansion of investment provides incremental equity for business growth
  • Strong, long-term relationship with the Development Bank of Japan
  • Increased preferred stock liability from $50 million to $65 million
  • Higher annual rate of 8.35% per share on the new preferred stock series


This refinancing deal with the Development Bank of Japan is a significant financial move for Willis Lease Finance The company is effectively increasing its preferred stock funding from $50 million to $65 million, providing an additional $15 million in equity capital. This extra liquidity can be important for supporting business growth in the capital-intensive aircraft leasing industry.

The new preferred stock comes with a 8.35% annual dividend rate and a seven-year term. While this rate is relatively high in the current environment, it reflects the specialized nature of WLFC's business and the long-term commitment from the investor. The consolidation of two series into one may also streamline WLFC's capital structure.

For investors, this deal signals strong institutional backing and confidence in WLFC's business model. The expanded investment from a reputable institution like the Development Bank of Japan could be seen as a positive indicator for the company's future prospects and financial stability.

This refinancing agreement comes at an interesting time for the aviation industry. As the sector continues to recover from the pandemic-induced downturn, there's an increasing demand for flexible aircraft and engine leasing solutions. WLFC's ability to secure additional funding suggests they're positioning themselves to capitalize on these market trends.

The company's diverse service offerings, including engine leasing, trading and maintenance, provide a comprehensive ecosystem for airlines and maintenance providers. This integrated approach could be particularly attractive in the current market, where efficiency and cost management are crucial.

Investors should note that while this deal provides WLFC with more financial flexibility, it also increases the company's preferred dividend obligations. However, if WLFC can effectively deploy this capital to grow its leasing portfolio or expand its service offerings, it could lead to enhanced long-term value for common shareholders.

COCONUT CREEK, Fla., Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Willis Lease Finance Corporation (NASDAQ: WLFC) (“WLFC”) today reported that on September 27, 2024, WLFC entered into a Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement with the Development Bank of Japan Inc., which refinances WLFC’s $50 million of aggregate Series A-1 and Series A-2 preferred stock into one $65 million preferred stock series with a seven-year term, at the rate per annum of 8.35% per share.

“The Development Bank of Japan’s preferred stock investment is the result of a strong, long-term relationship between our two organizations, and we are proud to have them as partners,” said Scott B. Flaherty, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of WLFC. “The expansion of their investment provides WLFC with incremental equity to support the continued growth of our business.”

Willis Lease Finance Corporation

Willis Lease Finance Corporation leases large and regional spare commercial aircraft engines, auxiliary power units and aircraft to airlines, aircraft engine manufacturers and maintenance, repair, and overhaul providers worldwide. These leasing activities are integrated with engine and aircraft trading, engine lease pools and asset management services through Willis Asset Management Limited, as well as various end-of-life solutions for engines and aviation materials provided through Willis Aeronautical Services, Inc. Additionally, through Willis Engine Repair Center®, Jet Centre by Willis, and Willis Aviation Services Limited, the Company’s service offerings include Part 145 engine maintenance, aircraft line and base maintenance, aircraft disassembly, parking and storage, airport FBO and ground and cargo handling services.

Except for historical information, the matters discussed in this press release contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Do not unduly rely on forward-looking statements, which give only expectations about the future and are not guarantees. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update them. Our actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to: the effects on the airline industry and the global economy of events such as war, terrorist activity and the COVID-19 pandemic; changes in oil prices, rising inflation and other disruptions to world markets; trends in the airline industry and our ability to capitalize on those trends, including growth rates of markets and other economic factors; risks associated with owning and leasing jet engines and aircraft; our ability to successfully negotiate equipment purchases, sales and leases, to collect outstanding amounts due and to control costs and expenses; changes in interest rates and availability of capital, both to us and our customers; our ability to continue to meet changing customer demands; regulatory changes affecting airline operations, aircraft maintenance, accounting standards and taxes; the market value of engines and other assets in our portfolio; and risks detailed in WLFC’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and other continuing reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

 CONTACT:Scott B. Flaherty
 EVP & Chief Financial Officer


What is the new preferred stock agreement for Willis Lease Finance (WLFC)?

WLFC entered into a Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement with the Development Bank of Japan Inc., refinancing $50 million of existing preferred stock into a new $65 million series with a seven-year term at 8.35% per annum.

How much additional capital did WLFC secure through the new preferred stock agreement?

WLFC secured an additional $15 million in capital, as the new agreement refinances $50 million of existing preferred stock into a $65 million series.

What is the interest rate on WLFC's new preferred stock series?

The new preferred stock series has an interest rate of 8.35% per annum.

How will the new preferred stock agreement benefit WLFC?

The agreement provides WLFC with incremental equity to support the continued growth of its business, according to CFO Scott B. Flaherty.

Willis Lease Finance Corp


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Rental & Leasing Services
Wholesale-machinery, Equipment & Supplies
United States of America