Willdan Selected by the City of Seattle to Implement Energy Design Assistance Program

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Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) has been awarded a four-year contract by the City of Seattle to implement its Seattle City Light Energy Design Assistance Program. Under this contract, Willdan will provide technical assistance for energy-efficient design decisions in new multifamily and commercial buildings. The company will also partner with local women- and minority-owned businesses, sharing knowledge and its NEO® software for simplified energy modeling.

Patrick Campbell, Program Manager for Seattle City Light, emphasized the importance of designing buildings with electrification and energy efficiency in mind to achieve the city's shared energy future vision. Mike Bieber, Willdan's CEO, highlighted Seattle City Light's early adoption of energy modeling to advance decarbonization, noting that their tech-enabled approach allows utilities to meet growing demands for new construction while addressing energy goals and following strict energy codes.

Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) ha ricevuto un contratto quadriennale dalla città di Seattle per implementare il suo Programma di Assistenza alla Progettazione Energetica di Seattle City Light. Nell'ambito di questo contratto, Willdan fornirà assistenza tecnica per decisioni progettuali energie-efficienti in nuovi edifici multifamiliari e commerciali. L'azienda collaborerà inoltre con imprese locali di proprietà femminile e minoritaria, condividendo conoscenze e il suo software NEO® per una modellazione energetica semplificata.

Patrick Campbell, Program Manager di Seattle City Light, ha sottolineato l'importanza di progettare edifici considerando l'elettrificazione e l'efficienza energetica per raggiungere la visione condivisa del futuro energetico della città. Mike Bieber, CEO di Willdan, ha evidenziato l'adozione anticipata da parte di Seattle City Light della modellazione energetica per avanzare nella decarbonizzazione, osservando che il loro approccio basato sulla tecnologia consente ai servizi pubblici di soddisfare le crescenti richieste per nuove costruzioni, affrontando al contempo obiettivi energetici e rispettando rigidi codici energetici.

Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) ha sido galardonado con un contrato de cuatro años por la Ciudad de Seattle para implementar su Programa de Asistencia en Diseño Energético de Seattle City Light. Bajo este contrato, Willdan proporcionará asistencia técnica para decisiones de diseño energéticamente eficientes en nuevos edificios multifamiliares y comerciales. La compañía también colaborará con negocios locales de mujeres y minorías, compartiendo conocimientos y su software NEO® para un modelado energético simplificado.

Patrick Campbell, Gerente de Programa de Seattle City Light, enfatizó la importancia de diseñar edificios teniendo en mente la electrificación y la eficiencia energética para lograr la visión compartida del futuro energético de la ciudad. Mike Bieber, CEO de Willdan, destacó la adopción temprana de modelado energético para avanzar en la descarbonización por parte de Seattle City Light, señalando que su enfoque habilitado por tecnología permite a los servicios públicos satisfacer la creciente demanda de nuevas construcciones mientras aborda metas energéticas y sigue códigos energéticos estrictos.

Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN)는 시애틀시로부터 4년 계약을 체결하여 시애틀 시 전력 디자인 지원 프로그램을 시행하게 되었습니다. 이 계약 하에 Willdan은 새로운 다세대 및 상업 건물의 에너지 효율적인 설계 결정을 위한 기술 지원을 제공할 것입니다. 또한 회사는 지역 여성 및 소수 민족 소유 기업과 협력하여 에너지 모델링을 간소화하는 NEO® 소프트웨어와 지식을 공유할 것입니다.

시애틀 시 전력의 프로그램 관리자 Patrick Campbell은 전기화 및 에너지 효율성을 고려하여 건물을 설계하는 것이 도시의 공동 에너지 미래 비전을 달성하는 데 중요하다고 강조했습니다. Willdan의 CEO인 Mike Bieber는 시애틀 시 전력이 탈탄소화를 촉진하기 위해 에너지 모델링을 조기에 도입했다고 강조하며, 기술 기반 접근 방식이 유틸리티가 새로운 건설에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하는 동시에 에너지 목표를 다루고 엄격한 에너지 코드를 준수할 수 있도록 한다고 언급했습니다.

Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) a reçu un contrat de quatre ans de la Ville de Seattle pour mettre en œuvre son Programme d'Assistance au Design Énergétique de Seattle City Light. Dans le cadre de ce contrat, Willdan fournira une assistance technique pour des choix de conception écoénergétiques dans de nouveaux bâtiments multifamiliaux et commerciaux. L'entreprise collaborera également avec des entreprises locales dirigées par des femmes et des minorités, partageant ses connaissances et son logiciel NEO® pour une modélisation énergétique simplifiée.

Patrick Campbell, Responsable de Programme pour Seattle City Light, a souligné l'importance de concevoir des bâtiments en tenant compte de l'électrification et de l'efficacité énergétique pour réaliser la vision partagée de l'avenir énergétique de la ville. Mike Bieber, PDG de Willdan, a mis en avant l'adoption précoce par Seattle City Light de la modélisation énergétique pour faire avancer la décarbonisation, notant que leur approche technologique permet aux services publics de répondre à la demande croissante de nouvelles constructions tout en atteignant des objectifs énergétiques et en respectant des codes énergétiques stricts.

Die Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) wurde von der Stadt Seattle mit einem vierjährigen Vertrag beauftragt, um ihr Seattle City Light Energie-Design-Hilfsprogramm umzusetzen. Im Rahmen dieses Vertrags wird Willdan technische Unterstützung für energieeffiziente Designentscheidungen in neuen Mehrfamilien- und Gewerbegebäuden bieten. Das Unternehmen wird zudem mit lokalen Frauen- und Minderheitenunternehmen zusammenarbeiten und Wissen sowie seine NEO®-Software für eine vereinfachte Energiemodellierung teilen.

Patrick Campbell, Programmmanager von Seattle City Light, betonte die Wichtigkeit der Gebäudegestaltung unter Berücksichtigung von Elektrifizierung und Energieeffizienz, um die gemeinsame Energiezukunftsvision der Stadt zu erreichen. Mike Bieber, CEO von Willdan, hob die frühe Annahme der Energie-Modellierung zur Förderung der Dekarbonisierung durch Seattle City Light hervor und stellte fest, dass ihr technologiegestützter Ansatz es den Versorgungsunternehmen ermöglicht, der steigenden Nachfrage nach neuem Bau gerecht zu werden und dabei Energieziele zu verfolgen und strenge Energiestandards einzuhalten.

  • Secured a four-year contract with the City of Seattle
  • Opportunity to implement Energy Design Assistance Program for Seattle City Light
  • Potential for increased revenue through technical assistance services
  • Expansion of market presence in the energy efficiency sector
  • Collaboration with local women- and minority-owned businesses, potentially enhancing reputation
  • None.


This contract win for Willdan is a positive development, albeit with a immediate financial impact. The four-year agreement with Seattle City Light demonstrates Willdan's growing presence in the energy efficiency sector, particularly in new construction. The program's focus on multifamily and commercial buildings aligns well with urban development trends and increasing demand for energy-efficient designs. Willdan's NEO® software could be a key differentiator, potentially leading to future opportunities in other municipalities. The partnership aspect with local women- and minority-owned businesses is noteworthy, as it could enhance Willdan's reputation and open doors to additional contracts. However, without specific financial details, it's challenging to quantify the direct impact on Willdan's bottom line. Investors should view this as a strategic win that strengthens the company's position in the growing market for sustainable building solutions.

Seattle's selection of Willdan for this energy program is indicative of a broader trend in urban climate action. Cities are increasingly leveraging private sector expertise to meet ambitious decarbonization goals. This contract positions Willdan at the forefront of municipal efforts to reduce building-related emissions, a critical component of urban climate strategies. The focus on new construction is particularly impactful, as it's more cost-effective to design energy efficiency from the ground up rather than retrofitting existing structures. The program's emphasis on electrification aligns with the shift away from fossil fuels in building systems. While the immediate financial impact may be modest, this contract could serve as a model for other cities, potentially leading to a significant expansion of Willdan's municipal client base. Investors should consider this as a signal of Willdan's growing influence in shaping sustainable urban development policies.

ANAHEIM, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) announced today that the City of Seattle has awarded Willdan a four-year contract to implement its Seattle City Light Energy Design Assistance Program. Under this contract, Willdan will provide technical assistance that supports energy-efficient design decisions in the development of new multifamily and commercial buildings. Willdan will also partner and subcontract with qualified, local women- and minority-owned businesses, sharing knowledge and its NEO® software – a simplified energy modeling tool – to demonstrate ways to enhance the businesses’ current skillsets and broaden their impact in the industry.

“To achieve our vision of a shared energy future as a city, the next generation of buildings will need to be designed with electrification and energy efficiency in mind,” said Patrick Campbell, Program Manager for Seattle City Light. “This program moves us closer to these goals by giving design teams access to the tools and knowledge needed to effectively evaluate energy-efficient options.”

“We’re pleased that Seattle City Light is an early municipal adopter of energy modeling to advance decarbonization,” said Mike Bieber, Willdan’s CEO. “Our tech-enabled approach allows utilities of all sizes to cost-effectively meet growing demands for new construction while also addressing energy goals and following strict energy codes.”

About the City of Seattle

Founded in 1869, the City of Seattle is located in the State of Washington on Puget Sound, 113 miles (182 km) from the US-Canadian border. Seattle is a commercial, cultural, and advanced technology hub of the US Pacific Northwest and a major port city for trans-Pacific and European trade.

About Seattle City Light

Seattle City Light safely provides affordable, reliable, and environmentally sound electric power to the City of Seattle and neighboring cities. Ranked as the ninth largest publicly owned electric utility by customer size, the utility serves approximately 501,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers. As a nationally recognized leader in energy efficiency, renewable resources, and environmental stewardship, City Light was the first utility to achieve 100% net carbon neutrality in 2005.

About Willdan

Willdan is a nationwide provider of professional, technical, and consulting services to utilities, government agencies, and private industry. Willdan’s service offerings span a broad set of complementary disciplines that include electric grid solutions, energy efficiency and sustainability, energy policy planning and advisory, engineering and planning, and municipal financial consulting. For additional information, visit Willdan's website at

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. It is important to note that Willdan’s actual results could differ materially from those in any such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, the risk factors listed from time to time in Willdan’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed for the year ended December 29, 2023. Willdan cautions investors not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Willdan disclaims any obligation to, and does not undertake to, update or revise any forward-looking statements in this press release.

Al Kaschalk

Vice President


Source: Willdan Group, Inc.


What contract did Willdan Group (WLDN) recently secure with the City of Seattle?

Willdan Group (WLDN) secured a four-year contract to implement Seattle City Light's Energy Design Assistance Program, providing technical assistance for energy-efficient design in new multifamily and commercial buildings.

How will Willdan (WLDN) support local businesses in Seattle through this contract?

Willdan (WLDN) will partner and subcontract with qualified local women- and minority-owned businesses, sharing knowledge and its NEO® software to enhance their skills and broaden their impact in the energy efficiency industry.

What is the purpose of Seattle City Light's Energy Design Assistance Program?

The program aims to support energy-efficient design decisions in the development of new multifamily and commercial buildings, advancing the city's goals of electrification and energy efficiency in future construction projects.

What technology will Willdan (WLDN) use in implementing the Seattle contract?

Willdan (WLDN) will use its NEO® software, a simplified energy modeling tool, to demonstrate ways to enhance energy efficiency in building designs and support the program's objectives.

Willdan Group, Inc.


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Engineering & Construction
Services-engineering Services
United States of America