Worksport ($WKSP) Publishes Investor Q&A Responses, Strengthening Engagement
Worksport ($WKSP), a U.S.-based manufacturer of hybrid and clean energy solutions for light trucks, has published responses to investor questions from its Q2 earnings call and Investor Q&A Portal. The company reported record-high revenues in Q2 2024, with a 274% growth from Q1 2024. Key highlights include:
- Production of SOLIS and COR Alpha units is underway, with release expected in September.
- The AL3 model is gaining traction, with a target of exceeding $1 million in Monthly Recurring Revenue by year-end.
- The premium AL4 line is scheduled for release in Q4 2024.
- Worksport aims to achieve operational cash flow positivity by 2025.
- The company's market cap was $19.67MM as of August 21, 2024, with a book value of $19.15MM.
Worksport is on track to meet or exceed its 2024 revenue guidance of $6-8 million and projects $15-20 million in revenue for FY 2025 from the tonneau cover segment alone.
Worksport ($WKSP), un produttore statunitense di soluzioni ibride e di energia pulita per camion leggeri, ha pubblicato le risposte alle domande degli investitori dal suo earnings call del secondo trimestre e dal Portale Q&A per gli Investitori. L'azienda ha riportato entrate record nel Q2 2024, con una crescita del 274% rispetto al Q1 2024. I punti salienti includono:
- È in corso la produzione delle unità SOLIS e COR Alpha, con rilascio previsto per settembre.
- Il modello AL3 sta guadagnando slancio, con l'obiettivo di superare $1 milione di entrate ricorrenti mensili entro la fine dell'anno.
- La linea premium AL4 è prevista per il rilascio nel Q4 2024.
- Worksport mira a raggiungere una positività di flusso di cassa operativo entro il 2025.
- La capitalizzazione di mercato dell'azienda era di $19.67MM al 21 agosto 2024, con un valore contabile di $19.15MM.
Worksport è sulla buona strada per rispettare o superare il proprio obiettivo di entrate per il 2024 di $6-8 milioni e prevede $15-20 milioni di entrate per l'anno fiscale 2025 solo dal segmento dei tettucci.
Worksport ($WKSP), un fabricante estadounidense de soluciones híbridas y de energía limpia para camionetas ligeras, ha publicado respuestas a las preguntas de los inversores de su conferencia de resultados del segundo trimestre y del Portal de Preguntas y Respuestas para Inversores. La compañía reportó ingresos récord en el Q2 2024, con un crecimiento del 274% en comparación con el Q1 2024. Los puntos destacados incluyen:
- La producción de unidades SOLIS y COR Alpha está en marcha, con un lanzamiento previsto para septiembre.
- El modelo AL3 está ganando tracción, con el objetivo de superar $1 millón en ingresos recurrentes mensuales para fin de año.
- La línea premium AL4 está programada para lanzamiento en el Q4 2024.
- Worksport aspira a alcanzar posibilidad de flujo de efectivo operativo para 2025.
- La capitalización de mercado de la compañía era de $19.67MM a partir del 21 de agosto de 2024, con un valor contable de $19.15MM.
Worksport está en camino de cumplir o superar su guía de ingresos de 2024 de $6-8 millones y proyecta $15-20 millones en ingresos para el año fiscal 2025 solo del segmento de cubiertas de camionetas.
Worksport ($WKSP)은 경량 트럭을 위한 하이브리드 및 청정 에너지 솔루션을 제조하는 미국 기반 회사로, 2분기 결산 전화 회의 및 투자자 Q&A 포털에 대한 투자자 질문에 대한 답변을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2024년 2분기에 기록적인 수익을 보고, 2024년 1분기 대비 274% 성장했다고 밝혔습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- SOLIS 및 COR Alpha 유닛의 생산이 진행 중이며, 9월에 출시될 예정입니다.
- AL3 모델이 주목받고 있으며, 연말까지 월간 반복 수익 100만 달러 이상 달성 목표를 세우고 있습니다.
- 프리미엄 AL4 라인은 2024년 4분기에 출시될 예정입니다.
- Worksport는 2025년까지 운영 현금 흐름을 긍정적으로 만들 계획입니다.
- 이 회사의 시장 가치는 2024년 8월 21일 기준 $19.67MM이며, 장부 가치는 $19.15MM입니다.
Worksport는 2024년 수익 목표인 600-800만 달러를 달성하거나 초과할 계획이며, 2025 회계연도에만 덮개 세그먼트에서 1500-2000만 달러의 수익을 예상하고 있습니다.
Worksport ($WKSP), un fabricant américain de solutions hybrides et d'énergie propre pour les camionnettes légères, a publié des réponses aux questions des investisseurs provenant de sa conférence de résultats du deuxième trimestre et de son Portail Q&A pour les investisseurs. La société a rapporté des revenus records au Q2 2024, avec une croissance de 274 % par rapport au Q1 2024. Les points saillants incluent :
- La production des unités SOLIS et COR Alpha est en cours, avec une sortie prévue en septembre.
- Le modèle AL3 prend de l'ampleur, avec l'objectif de dépasser 1 million de dollars de revenus récurrents mensuels d'ici la fin de l'année.
- La gamme premium AL4 est prévue pour le lancement au Q4 2024.
- Worksport vise à atteindre la positivité du flux de trésorerie opérationnel d'ici 2025.
- La capitalisation boursière de la société était de 19,67 millions de dollars au 21 août 2024, avec une valeur comptable de 19,15 millions de dollars.
Worksport est en bonne voie pour atteindre ou dépasser son objectif de revenus 2024 de 6 à 8 millions de dollars et prévoit 15 à 20 millions de dollars de revenus pour l'exercice 2025 rien que pour le segment des couvres.
Worksport ($WKSP), ein in den USA ansässiger Hersteller von Hybrid- und sauberen Energielösungen für leichte Lastwagen, hat die Antworten auf die Fragen der Investoren aus seinem Quartalsbericht Q2 und dem Investoren-Q&A-Portal veröffentlicht. Das Unternehmen berichtete von Rekordumsätzen im Q2 2024, mit einem Wachstum von 274% im Vergleich zum Q1 2024. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:
- Die Produktion der SOLIS- und COR Alpha-Einheiten ist im Gange, mit einer Freigabe, die für September erwartet wird.
- Das AL3-Modell gewinnt an Aufmerksamkeit, mit dem Ziel, bis Ende des Jahres 1 Million Dollar an monatlich wiederkehrenden Einnahmen zu überschreiten.
- Die Premiumlinie AL4 ist für die Veröffentlichung im Q4 2024 geplant.
- Worksport hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2025 einen positiven operativen Cashflow zu erreichen.
- Die Marktkapitalisierung des Unternehmens betrug am 21. August 2024 $19,67 Millionen, bei einem Buchwert von $19,15 Millionen.
Worksport ist auf dem besten Weg, seine Umsatzprognose für 2024 von 6-8 Millionen Dollar zu erreichen oder zu übertreffen und prognostiziert 15-20 Millionen Dollar Umsatz für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 nur aus dem Bereich der Tonnendächer.
- Record-high revenues in Q2 2024, with 274% growth from Q1 2024
- AL3 model gaining traction, targeting $1 million in Monthly Recurring Revenue by year-end
- On track to meet or exceed 2024 revenue guidance of $6-8 million
- Projected $15-20 million in revenue for FY 2025 from tonneau cover segment
- Production of SOLIS and COR Alpha units underway, with release expected in September
- Premium AL4 line scheduled for release in Q4 2024
- Aiming to achieve operational cash flow positivity by 2025
- Company still operating at a net loss
- Potential risk of delisting from Nasdaq if compliance is not regained by October 16, 2024
Insightful Answers to Investor Questions from Our Earnings Call and Q&A Portal
West Seneca, New York, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Worksport Ltd. (NASDAQ: WKSP) (“Worksport” or the “Company”), a U.S.-based manufacturer and innovator of hybrid and clean energy solutions for the light truck, overlanding, and global consumer goods sectors, is committed to fostering transparency and engagement with its investor community. Today, the Company is pleased to share answers to key investor questions submitted through its recently launched Investor Q&A Portal and during its Q2 earnings call. This initiative further strengthens Worksport's open communication efforts as the Company continues its growth trajectory.
Worksport’s Q2 Earnings Call occurred at 4:30 PM ET on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, where the Company reported record-high revenues. You can review the recorded webinar [here], along with the prepared remarks and presentation deck [here]. The Q2 2024 financial results can be accessed through the Worksport Q2 2024 10-Q filing [here]. These resources provide an in-depth look into Worksport’s financial performance and key updates shared during the earnings call.
Answers To Investor Questions: The Company addresses key investor questions, categorized into three segments: A) Company & Financial Questions, B) Worksport Automotive Accessories Questions, and C) Worksport Clean-Tech Questions.
A) Company & Financial Questions:
1. Question: What is Worksport’s near term accomplishments, and what is the release date of the COR System?
Answer: Worksport achieved record Q2 2024 revenues, reflecting a
2. Question: What are Worksport’s end of the year goals?
Answer: Worksport is focused on finishing the year strong by leveraging early market penetration. We will continue the AL3 rollout with a target of exceeding
Looking ahead to 2024, we anticipate successful Alpha launches for the COR and SOLIS lines, positioning us for a significant sales ramp-up in 2025. In that year, Worksport will prioritize achieving cash flow positivity, completing the full rollout of the COR and SOLIS products, and scaling operations to meet growing demand.
3. Question: When do you plan on showing profit per share?
Answer: Worksport invested heavily in infrastructure and product development initiatives to build a strong foundation for sustained operational growth. Worksport now has the infrastructure in place, along with innovative product lines, to move towards operational cash flow positivity. Worksport is well positioned to use its equipment, facilities and inventory investments to meet current and anticipated sales growth for the remainder of 2024. No significant equipment investment is expected within the next 12 months. As revenues accelerate, we expect the net loss from operations to decrease, with a clear vision to move to positive operational cash flow within 2025.
4. Question: Can you give any detail on status of Hyundai partnership and how it is progressing, and whether there are any discussions progressing with other OEMs to make a SOLIS cover for their truck?
Answer: We are committed to pursuing OEM relationships with EV truck manufacturers in the mid-to-long term, and our relationship with Hyundai remains active. From a macro perspective, pickup trucks continue to be the top-selling US vehicles on the road. While the EV pickup truck market has experienced delays and waning sales interest, we believe that with improved infrastructure and technology, EV adoption will extend to pickups as well. Worksport’s SOLIS solar cover is designed for use with both current ICE vehicles and current/future Electric Vehicles, allowing us to navigate without adverse effects by these market shifts.
5. Question: Is the Company contemplating a reverse stock split?
Answer: As per Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A), the Company has until October 16, 2024, to regain compliance. Should additional time be required, Worksport may qualify for an extension for another 180 days, reaffirming our commitment to fulfill all necessary requirements with Nasdaq and maintain our listing. We remain focused on our growth trajectory and confidently believe in the positive impact of our upcoming product launches and revenue milestones.
During this time, Worksport’s stock will continue to be listed and traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market. We are optimistic about the future of Worksport, and at this time, we do not have any plans to consolidate.
6. Question: What are future financial requirements doing to entail, & how soon will the company need to raise additional capital?
Answer: Worksport’s revenues are increasing, allowing the Company to fund a larger portion of its operations and growth through those revenues, although a net loss remains. Management is continuously evaluating opportunities and investments that align with the long-term interests of the Company. The goal is to achieve operational cash flow positivity by 2025 while supporting rapid expansion.
7. Question: May you provide detailed reasons as to why Management believes the stock to be undervalued?
Answer: Worksport management believes that the true value of Worksport has not been reflected in its stock price and believes that value continues to grow every day. The Company states the following points to consider:
Worksport ($WKSP) Market Cap as of close on August 21st, 2024, was
Worksport’s Revenue Trend:
- Q1 2023:
$31,925 → Q2 2023:$199,851 →
- Q1 2024:
$512,637 → Q2 2024:$1,921,539 →
Worksport’s Forward Guidance:
At our current Q2 revenue pace, Worksport is on track to meet or exceed our previously issued 2024 revenue guidance of
We are thrilled to launch the Alpha release of our COR and SOLIS lines this September, marking the foundation of our future growth into a mid-to-large market Company. Stay tuned for an initial sales outlook of for the COR and SOLIS during our Q3 2024 earnings call.
B) Worksport Automotive Accessories Questions:
8. Question: Are there any plans to expand tonneau cover lineups to cover older models of pickups?
Answer: Worksport does have plans to expand its product lineup to cover older pickup models in the future. Currently, the Company's focus is on high-demand, popular models from manufacturers such as Ford, RAM and GM, specifically the 5.5-foot and 6.5-foot bed configurations. These models are prioritized as they represent the bulk of market demand.
While we recognize of the market for older or niche models, such as the 1988-1998 GM pickups, the current demand is comparatively lower. Therefore, the strategy is to first expand the product line outward, with continued development of the AL3, AL4, and SOLIS lines for popular models. Following this, Worksport plans to extend its range to include older and classic vehicle models, potentially including iconic trucks like the 1949 Chevy.
Thanks to the Company’s advanced robotic manufacturing capabilities, producing these covers is feasible, but it will take time. Although the expansion to older models is in the long-term strategy, it is not the immediate focus at this time.
9. Question: You have indicated previously that you would be unveiling both an additional hard cover before the EOY 2024. Is this still on track?
Answer: Yes, the highly anticipated Worksport AL4 cover is scheduled for release in Q4. This premium, durable hard cover is designed with four panels, allowing it to fully fold up against the cab, providing complete access to the truck bed.
10. Question: Could you please talk about the ISO certification process?
Answer: Worksport is actively pursuing ISO certification, which is targeted for completion this year. Significant milestones have already been achieved, with further updates planned to be announced to the market at a later date.
ISO certification requires comprehensive internal organization before applying, followed by a rigorous evaluation process. Should the initial application not meet the required standards, improvements will be made to achieve compliance. Worksport remains confident in securing ISO certification this year, which would mark a major milestone for the Company’s manufacturing operations. Progress is being made daily toward this goal.
C) Worksport Clean-Tech Questions:
11. Question: How durable will the Worksport SOLIS Solar Cover be?
Answer: The SOLIS tonneau cover shares the same durable framework as our AL3 model, using thick aluminum panels and extrusions. Its integrated solar panels have undergone rigorous testing—hammered, stepped on, and folded—while retaining a high level of efficiency.
Designed to withstand harsh conditions, such as golf ball-sized hail and inclement weather, the SOLIS cover is built for durability. It can handle metal toolboxes and equipment reasonably without affecting performance. Key enhancements include hard mechanical hinges, a dent- and scratch-resistant PV panel, and covered wiring for added protection.
12. Question: Will the Company share a spec-sheet on the SOLIS & COR?
Answer: Yes, a detailed spec sheet will be released. Worksport has already shared some initial test results. You can view the SOLIS initial test results [here] and the COR test results [here].
13. Question: How widespread based on cost and a tightening economy is adoption of the COR & SOLIS expected to be?
Answer: The SOLIS Solar Cover will be competitively priced alongside other premium folding covers in the market, but will stand out as the only product featuring integrated solar panels.
While consumer outreach has not yet begun, there has already been significant media and industry interest in the SOLIS Solar Cover. With approximately 21,000 tonneau covers sold annually, we are confident that being the first-to-market with a folding solar tonneau cover will attract considerable attention from pickup truck owners. Furthermore, the emerging market for mobile battery-powered generators is growing rapidly, with low penetration, offering additional opportunities for our system of products.
Worksport is well-positioned to capitalize on this demand, with a pre-order campaign set to ramp up in Q3 and Q4 this year. We anticipate strong interest, particularly as we aim to fulfill pre-orders within weeks of purchase, bringing us closer to a full-scale product launch. Additionally, our existing customer base has expressed significant demand for the SOLIS cover, further validating its market potential.
14. Question: The heat pump still remains a mystery with respect to capitalization and market launch. The last update you provided indicating supply chains were being formed. Do you have a release date for this product?
Answer: Terravis Energy, Inc., a subsidiary of Worksport, will be providing updates on the heat pump later this year. Worksport is encouraged by the strong early test results demonstrated by this Terravis product and looks forward to sharing further developments.
15. Question: When will the WKSP COR be compatible with the 220 Volt market outside USA?
Answer: At launch, the Worksport COR system will be produced to meet North American specifications. The Company has already received international interest for both the COR and SOLIS products and plans to expand into global markets with international models in the future.
Stay Tuned for More Updates
Investors and tech enthusiasts can look forward to more updates in the coming weeks as Worksport continues to ramp up and three new products are scheduled to be released.
Investor Inquiries May Be Directed To:
Investor Relations, Worksport Ltd.
T: 1 (888) 554-8789 x128
Key 2024 Press-Releases:
- August 20th: Worksport ($WKSP) Begins COR Alpha Production
- August 14th: Worksport Announces Record High Revenues;
275% Q2 Growth - August 1: Worksport Announces Impressive SOLIS Solar Cover Test Results
- June 20: Worksport Announces Record Breaking May Sales
- May 16: Worksport Reports 1,
506% Q1 Revenue Surge - May 8: Worksport Awarded
$2.8M M Grant - April 25: Worksport Signals Undervalued Status, Eyes Major 2024 Growth
- March 6: Worksport to Launch Innovative SOLIS & COR Products This Summer
Read all Worksport press releases: [Link to All Press Releases].
Stay Connected
- Investor Newsletter: Investors and customers are invited to follow Worksport’s progress as it builds on this momentum and strives to redefine industry standards with each new corporate development. Link to Newsletter
- Contact Information
Investor Relations, Worksport Ltd. T: 1 (888) 554-8789 -128 W: E: W:
About Worksport
Worksport Ltd. (Nasdaq: WKSP), through its subsidiaries, designs, develops, manufactures, and owns the intellectual property on a variety of tonneau covers, solar integrations, and NP (Non-Parasitic), hydrogen-based true green energy solutions for the sustainable, clean energy, and automotive industries. Worksport has an active partnership with Hyundai for the SOLIS Solar cover. Additionally, Worksport's hard-folding cover, designed and manufactured in-house, is compatible with RAM, Chevrolet, and GMC models from General Motors, as well as Ford, Jeep, Nissan, and Toyota pickup trucks. Worksport seeks to capitalize on the growing shift of consumer mindsets towards clean energy integrations with its proprietary solar solutions, mobile energy storage systems (ESS), and NP (Non-Parasitic), Hydrogen-based technology. Terravis Energy’s website is For more information, please visit
Connect with Worksport
Please follow the Company’s social media accounts on X (previously Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram (collectively, the “Accounts”), the links of which are links to external third party websites, as well as sign up for the Company’s newsletters at The Company does not endorse, ensure the accuracy of, or accept any responsibility for any content on these third-party websites other than content published by the Company.
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Investors and others should note that the Company announces material financial information to our investors using our investor relations website, press releases, Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings, and public conference calls and webcasts. The Company also uses social media to announce Company news and other information. The Company encourages investors, the media, and others to review the information the Company publishes on social media.
The Company does not selectively disclose material non-public information on social media. If there is any significant financial information, the Company will release it broadly to the public through a press release or SEC filing prior to publishing it on social media.
For additional information, please contact:
Investor Relations, Worksport Ltd. T: 1 (888) 554-8789 -128 W: W: E:
Forward-Looking Statements
The information contained herein may contain “forward‐looking statements.” Forward‐looking statements reflect the current view about future events. When used in this press release, the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “future,” “intend,” “plan,” “project,” “should," or the negative of these terms and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management, identify forward‐looking statements. These statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: (i) supply chain delays; (ii) acceptance of our products by consumers; (iii) delays in or nonacceptance by third parties to sell our products; and (iv) competition from other producers of similar products. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company’s filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, our Annual Report on Form 10-K and our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC’s web site at As a result of these matters, changes in facts, assumptions not being realized or other circumstances, the Company’s actual results may differ materially from the expected results discussed in the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. The forward-looking statements made in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

What was Worksport's (WKSP) revenue growth in Q2 2024?
When is Worksport (WKSP) expecting to release the SOLIS and COR Alpha units?
What is Worksport's (WKSP) revenue guidance for 2024?
When does Worksport (WKSP) aim to achieve operational cash flow positivity?