WISeKey’s SEALCOIN Project Leverages Hedera DLT: Invites IoT Companies to Perform Proof of Concept (PoC) for Transactional-IoT (t-IoT) Technology

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WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY) is inviting companies to participate in a Proof of Concept (PoC) for its Transactional-IoT (t-IoT) technology, codenamed Project SEALCOIN. The PoC aims to demonstrate how SEALCOIN can enable autonomous communication and transactions between interconnected devices, eliminating intermediaries and enhancing efficiency in the IoT ecosystem.

Key features of SEALCOIN include:

  • Secure Element hardware for protecting device identities
  • Elliptic curve cryptography compatible with Hedera's DLT
  • On-chain authentication and transaction signing
WISeKey plans to launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by Q4 2024. The project leverages Hedera's DLT infrastructure, known for its performance, security, and stability.

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY) invita le aziende a partecipare a una Prova di Concetto (PoC) per la sua tecnologia Transactional-IoT (t-IoT), codice in progetto SEALCOIN. La PoC mira a dimostrare come SEALCOIN possa abilitare comunicazioni e transazioni autonome tra dispositivi interconnessi, eliminando gli intermediari e migliorando l'efficienza nell'ecosistema IoT.

Le caratteristiche principali di SEALCOIN includono:

  • Hardware Secure Element per la protezione delle identità dei dispositivi
  • Crittografia a curva ellittica compatibile con il DLT di Hedera
  • Autenticazione on-chain e firma delle transazioni
WISeKey prevede di lanciare un Minimum Viable Product (MVP) entro il Q4 2024. Il progetto sfrutta l'infrastruttura DLT di Hedera, nota per le sue prestazioni, sicurezza e stabilità.

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY) está invitando a las empresas a participar en una Prueba de Concepto (PoC) para su tecnología Transactional-IoT (t-IoT), conocida como Proyecto SEALCOIN. La PoC tiene como objetivo demostrar cómo SEALCOIN puede habilitar comunicaciones y transacciones autónomas entre dispositivos interconectados, eliminando intermediarios y mejorando la eficiencia en el ecosistema IoT.

Las características clave de SEALCOIN incluyen:

  • Hardware Secure Element para proteger las identidades de los dispositivos
  • Cryptografía de curva elíptica compatible con el DLT de Hedera
  • Autenticación en cadena y firma de transacciones
WISeKey planea lanzar un Minimum Viable Product (MVP) para el Q4 de 2024. El proyecto aprovecha la infraestructura DLT de Hedera, conocida por su rendimiento, seguridad y estabilidad.

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY)는 회사들이 Transactional-IoT (t-IoT) 기술의 개념 증명(Proof of Concept, PoC)에 참여하도록 초대하고 있습니다. 이 PoC는 SEALCOIN이 상호 연결된 장치 간의 자율적인 통신 및 거래를 가능하게 하여 중개인을 제거하고 IoT 생태계의 효율성을 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 시연하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

SEALCOIN의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 장치 신원을 보호하기 위한 Secure Element 하드웨어
  • Hedera의 DLT와 호환되는 타원 곡선 암호화
  • 온체인 인증 및 거래 서명
WISeKey는 2024년 4분기까지 Minimum Viable Product (MVP)를 출시할 계획입니다. 이 프로젝트는 성능, 보안 및 안정성으로 잘 알려진 Hedera의 DLT 인프라를 활용합니다.

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY) invite les entreprises à participer à une Preuve de Concept (PoC) pour sa technologie Transactional-IoT (t-IoT), codée sous le nom de projet SEALCOIN. Le PoC vise à démontrer comment SEALCOIN peut permettre des communications et des transactions autonomes entre des dispositifs interconnectés, en éliminant les intermédiaires et en améliorant l'efficacité dans l'écosystème IoT.

Les principales caractéristiques de SEALCOIN incluent :

  • Matériel Secure Element pour protéger les identités des appareils
  • Cryptographie à courbe elliptique compatible avec le DLT de Hedera
  • Authentification on-chain et signature des transactions
WISeKey prévoit de lancer un Minimum Viable Product (MVP) d'ici le quatrième trimestre 2024. Le projet tire parti de l'infrastructure DLT de Hedera, connue pour sa performance, sa sécurité et sa stabilité.

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY) lädt Unternehmen ein, an einem Proof of Concept (PoC) für seine Transactional-IoT (t-IoT) Technologie teilzunehmen, die unter dem Projektnamen SEALCOIN bekannt ist. Das PoC hat zum Ziel zu demonstrieren, wie SEALCOIN autonome Kommunikation und Transaktionen zwischen vernetzten Geräten ermöglichen kann, indem Zwischenhändler beseitigt und die Effizienz im IoT-Ökosystem gesteigert wird.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen von SEALCOIN gehören:

  • Sichere Hardware-Elemente zum Schutz der Geräteidentitäten
  • Elliptische Kurven-Kryptografie, die mit der DLT von Hedera kompatibel ist
  • On-chain-Authentifizierung und Transaktionssignierung
WISeKey plant, ein Minimum Viable Product (MVP) bis zum vierten Quartal 2024 zu starten. Das Projekt nutzt die DLT-Infrastruktur von Hedera, die für ihre Leistung, Sicherheit und Stabilität bekannt ist.

  • Development of innovative t-IoT technology (SEALCOIN) for autonomous device transactions
  • Planned launch of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by Q4 2024
  • Utilization of Hedera's robust DLT infrastructure for enhanced performance and security
  • Potential for cost reduction and increased efficiency in IoT ecosystems
  • None.

WISeKey's SEALCOIN project represents a significant leap in IoT technology. By leveraging Hedera's Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), SEALCOIN enables direct device-to-device transactions, potentially revolutionizing the IoT ecosystem. The key innovation lies in the Secure Element, an embedded hardware that protects device identities and facilitates autonomous, on-chain transactions using elliptic curve cryptography.

This technology could dramatically reduce transaction costs and improve efficiency in IoT networks by eliminating intermediaries. However, the success of this project hinges on widespread adoption and integration with existing IoT infrastructure. The planned Minimum Viable Product (MVP) launch in Q4 2024 will be important in demonstrating real-world applicability and attracting potential partners.

SEALCOIN's approach to IoT security is innovative and promising. The use of a Secure Element to protect device identities and private keys significantly enhances the security posture of IoT devices. This hardware-based security measure, combined with elliptic curve cryptography, provides a robust defense against many common IoT vulnerabilities.

However, as with any new technology, thorough security audits and real-world testing will be crucial. The project's success will depend on its ability to withstand sophisticated attacks and maintain security at scale. Additionally, the integration of blockchain technology introduces new complexities that must be carefully managed to prevent potential vulnerabilities in the overall system.

The SEALCOIN project addresses a critical need in the IoT market for secure, efficient device-to-device transactions. By eliminating intermediaries, this technology could potentially reduce operational costs for IoT deployments, making it attractive to a wide range of industries. The collaboration with Hedera, known for its high-performance DLT, adds credibility to the project.

However, market adoption may face challenges. The IoT industry is fragmented, with many established players and competing standards. WISeKey will need to demonstrate clear value proposition and interoperability to gain traction. The success of the upcoming MVP and the company's ability to form strategic partnerships will be key indicators of SEALCOIN's market potential. Investors should closely monitor the project's progress and industry reception in the coming months.

WISeKey’s SEALCOIN Project Leverages Hedera DLT: Invites IoT Companies to Perform Proof of Concept (PoC) for Transactional-IoT (t-IoT) Technology

For more information see PoC video:

Geneva – September 11, 2024 - WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (“WISeKey”) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leader in cybersecurity, AI, Blockchain, and IoT operating as a holding company, is inviting companies to participate in a groundbreaking machine-to-machine PoC for its innovative t-IoT technology, codenamed Project SEALCOIN. This PoC aims to showcase the transformative potential of SEALCOIN by demonstrating the disintermediation of service providers in interconnected devices, allowing them to communicate and transact autonomously. The result is a streamlined process that enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and creates a more seamless IoT ecosystem.

At the core of this PoC is the use of cutting-edge technology embedded within semiconductor devices, which autonomously validates and verifies transactions. SEALCOIN features a Secure Element—an embedded security hardware that protects the private key and certificate representing each device’s unique identity. Leveraging elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), compatible with Hedera’s Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT), these devices can simultaneously authenticate and sign transactions on-chain, ensuring security and transparency in real-time.

Earlier this year, WISeKey established SEALCOIN AG, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), to house and advance the SEALCOIN decentralized technology project. Following the successful launch of PoC, the Company is now focused on the launch of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by Q4 2024. This platform will serve as a comprehensive solution for secure, autonomous device interactions within the IoT ecosystem. By enabling devices to transact directly with each other, SEALCOIN effectively removes intermediaries, paving the way for a more efficient and cost-effective future for IoT.

Carlos Moreira, WISeKey’s CEO, noted, “SEALCOIN PoC is a major milestone in our journey toward enhancing the capabilities of our t-IoT technology. We are excited about our plan of delivering the MVP later this year and continuing to explore new possibilities that will further advance our mission of creating a safer, more interconnected world. As SEALCOIN leverages Hedera’s robust DLT infrastructure, known for its high performance, security, and stability, this project is set to set new standards in the IoT landscape.”

The successful execution of this PoC reinforces SEALCOIN's commitment to innovation, particularly in the areas of device security, autonomous transactions, and seamless on-chain interactions. This breakthrough in IoT technology, combined with the advanced security measures embedded in the Secure Element, marks an important step toward reshaping the future of the IoT landscape. For more information, interested parties can view the video presentation
About WISeKey
WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN; Nasdaq: WKEY) is a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and IoT solutions platform. It operates as a Swiss-based holding company through several operational subsidiaries, each dedicated to specific aspects of its technology portfolio. The subsidiaries include (i) SEALSQ Corp (Nasdaq: LAES), which focuses on semiconductors, PKI, and post-quantum technology products, (ii) WISeKey SA which specializes in RoT and PKI solutions for secure authentication and identification in IoT, Blockchain, and AI, (iii) WISeSat AG which focuses on space technology for secure satellite communication, specifically for IoT applications, (iv) WISe.ART Corp which focuses on trusted blockchain NFTs and operates the WISe.ART marketplace for secure NFT transactions, and (v) SEALCOIN AG which focuses on decentralized physical internet with DePIN technology and house the development of the SEALCOIN platform.

Each subsidiary contributes to WISeKey’s mission of securing the internet while focusing on their respective areas of research and expertise. Their technologies seamlessly integrate into the comprehensive WISeKey platform. WISeKey secures digital identity ecosystems for individuals and objects using Blockchain, AI, and IoT technologies. With over 1.6 billion microchips deployed across various IoT sectors, WISeKey plays a vital role in securing the Internet of Everything. The company’s semiconductors generate valuable Big Data that, when analyzed with AI, enable predictive equipment failure prevention. Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey cryptographic Root of Trust, WISeKey provides secure authentication and identification for IoT, Blockchain, and AI applications. The WISeKey Root of Trust ensures the integrity of online transactions between objects and people. For more information on WISeKey’s strategic direction and its subsidiary companies, please visit

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Press and investor contacts:

WISeKey International Holding Ltd
Company Contact:  Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000 
WISeKey Investor Relations (US) 
The Equity Group Inc.
Lena Cati
Tel: +1 212 836-9611 /
Katie Murphy
Tel: +1 212 836-9612 /


What is WISeKey's SEALCOIN project and how does it relate to IoT?

SEALCOIN is WISeKey's Transactional-IoT (t-IoT) technology project that enables autonomous communication and transactions between interconnected devices in the IoT ecosystem, eliminating intermediaries and enhancing efficiency.

When is WISeKey (WKEY) planning to launch the SEALCOIN Minimum Viable Product?

WISeKey is planning to launch the SEALCOIN Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by Q4 2024.

What technology does SEALCOIN use for secure transactions?

SEALCOIN uses a Secure Element hardware to protect device identities, elliptic curve cryptography compatible with Hedera's DLT, and enables on-chain authentication and transaction signing.

How does WISeKey's SEALCOIN project aim to improve the IoT landscape?

SEALCOIN aims to improve the IoT landscape by enabling devices to transact directly with each other, removing intermediaries, and creating a more efficient and cost-effective ecosystem for interconnected devices.

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