WISeKey Enters Into $30 Million Convertible Notes Subscription Agreements

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WISeKey has signed Convertible Notes Subscription Agreements worth up to $30 million with institutional investors. The company will initially issue convertible notes of $2.5 million, with rights to request additional tranches of $1.25 million per investor. The notes have a 12-month maturity and are convertible into WISeKey Class B Shares at the lower of a fixed price or 94% of the lowest 10-day VWAP. The funding will support the company's cybersecurity business, WISeSat.Space's low-orbit satellite constellation project, SEALSQ's post-quantum semiconductors launch in 2025, and SEALCOIN's development with a second Proof of Concept planned for January 2025.

WISeKey ha firmato Contratti di Sottoscrizione di Note Convertibili per un valore fino a 30 milioni di dollari con investitori istituzionali. L'azienda emetterà inizialmente note convertibili per 2,5 milioni di dollari, con diritti di richiesta di tranche aggiuntive di 1,25 milioni di dollari per investitore. Le note hanno una scadenza di 12 mesi e sono convertibili in azioni di Classe B di WISeKey al prezzo inferiore tra un prezzo fisso o il 94% della media ponderata per volume (VWAP) più bassa su 10 giorni. Il finanziamento supporterà l'attività di cybersecurity dell'azienda, il progetto della costellazione di satelliti in orbita bassa di WISeSat.Space, il lancio dei semiconduttori post-quantum di SEALSQ nel 2025 e lo sviluppo di SEALCOIN, con un secondo Proof of Concept pianificato per gennaio 2025.

WISeKey ha firmado Acuerdos de Suscripción de Notas Convertibles por un valor de hasta 30 millones de dólares con inversores institucionales. La empresa emitirá inicialmente notas convertibles por 2,5 millones de dólares, con derechos para solicitar tramos adicionales de 1,25 millones de dólares por inversor. Las notas tienen un vencimiento de 12 meses y son convertibles en acciones de Clase B de WISeKey al menor entre un precio fijo o el 94% del promedio ponderado por volumen (VWAP) más bajo en 10 días. La financiación apoyará el negocio de ciberseguridad de la empresa, el proyecto de constelación de satélites en órbita baja de WISeSat.Space, el lanzamiento de los semiconductores post-cuánticos de SEALSQ en 2025 y el desarrollo de SEALCOIN, con una segunda Prueba de Concepto programada para enero de 2025.

WISeKey는 기관 투자자들과 3000만 달러 규모의 전환사채 구독 계약을 체결했습니다. 회사는 처음에 250만 달러 규모의 전환사채를 발행하고, 투자자당 추가 트랜치 125만 달러를 요청할 권리를 부여합니다. 전환사채는 12개월 만기이며, 고정 가격 또는 10일 최소 거래량 가중 평균(VWAP)의 94% 중 낮은 가격으로 WISeKey 클래스 B 주식으로 전환됩니다. 이 자금은 회사의 사이버 보안 사업, WISeSat.Space의 저궤도 위성 군집 프로젝트, SEALSQ의 2025년 포스트 양자 반도체 출시 및 SEALCOIN의 개발을 지원하며, 두 번째 개념 증명은 2025년 1월에 계획되어 있습니다.

WISeKey a signé des accords de souscription de billets convertibles d'une valeur allant jusqu'à 30 millions de dollars avec des investisseurs institutionnels. L'entreprise émettra initialement des billets convertibles de 2,5 millions de dollars, avec des droits de demander des tranches supplémentaires de 1,25 million de dollars par investisseur. Les billets ont une maturité de 12 mois et sont convertibles en actions de classe B de WISeKey au prix le plus bas entre un prix fixe ou 94% de la moyenne pondérée par volume (VWAP) des 10 jours les plus bas. Le financement soutiendra les activités de cybersécurité de l'entreprise, le projet de constellation de satellites en orbite basse de WISeSat.Space, le lancement des semi-conducteurs post-quantiques de SEALSQ prévu pour 2025, ainsi que le développement de SEALCOIN, avec un second Proof of Concept prévu pour janvier 2025.

WISeKey hat mit institutionellen Investoren Umwandlungsanleihen-Subskriptionsverträge im Wert von bis zu 30 Millionen Dollar unterzeichnet. Das Unternehmen wird zunächst Umwandlungsanleihen im Wert von 2,5 Millionen Dollar ausgeben, mit dem Recht, zusätzliche Tranchen von 1,25 Millionen Dollar pro Investor anzufordern. Die Anleihen haben eine Laufzeit von 12 Monaten und sind umwandelbar in WISeKey Klasse B Aktien zum niedrigeren von einem festen Preis oder 94% des niedrigsten 10-Tage-Durchschnittspreises (VWAP). Die Finanzierung wird das Cybersecurity-Geschäft des Unternehmens, das Projekt zur Konstellation von Satelliten in niedriger Erdumlaufbahn von WISeSat.Space, die Einführung der post-quanten Halbleiter von SEALSQ im Jahr 2025 und die Entwicklung von SEALCOIN unterstützen, mit einem zweiten Proof of Concept, der für Januar 2025 geplant ist.

  • Secured up to $30 million in convertible note financing
  • Flexible financing structure with initial $2.5 million and additional tranches available
  • Funding supports multiple strategic initiatives including satellite constellation and post-quantum semiconductors
  • Potential shareholder dilution due to convertible notes structure
  • Conversion price at 6% discount to market price (94% of lowest 10-day VWAP)


The $30 million convertible notes agreement represents a significant financial maneuver for WISeKey, though with notable dilution risks. The initial $2.5 million tranche, followed by potential $1.25 million increments, provides flexible capital access, but the conversion terms at 94% of the lowest 10-day VWAP could pressure share prices. The 12-month maturity structure offers short-term financing but may require refinancing relatively soon. The funding allocation toward satellite constellation deployment, post-quantum semiconductors and SEALCOIN development indicates strategic prioritization of high-growth segments. However, investors should carefully monitor the dilution impact and conversion dynamics, as the variable pricing mechanism could create downward pressure on the stock.

WISeKey Enters Into $30 Million Convertible Notes Subscription Agreements

Geneva, Switzerland – October 23, 2024: – Ad-Hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 of SIX Listing Rules – WISeKey International Holding Ltd. ("WISeKey") (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity and Internet of Things (IoT) innovations operating as a holding company, today announced that it has signed Convertible Notes Subscription Agreements (“Agreements”) for up to $30 million, via private placements with a select group of institutional investors (the “Investors”).

Under terms of the Agreements, WISeKey will initially issue convertible notes in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500,000 for subscription by the Investors. WISeKey has the right to request the Investors to subscribe for additional tranches, each additional tranche will be in the aggregate principal total amount of $1,250,000 per Investor, at the date and time determined by WISeKey, subject to certain cool-down and volume-related criteria. Each of the convertible notes under the Agreements has a maturity date of 12 months after the relevant issue date and is convertible at any time at the election of the Investors into WISeKey Class B Shares. The conversion price under the Agreements is equal to the lower of a fixed conversion price as determined in the Agreements and 94% of the lowest daily VWAPs of one Class B Share, as applicable, during the ten (10) consecutive trading days preceding the relevant conversion date.

Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO of WISeKey noted, “This new funding provides WISeKey with flexible financing at a competitive cost, which is particularly valuable in the current market environment. It enables us to continue funding the growth and development of our core cybersecurity business and strategic initiatives at each of our subsidiaries. Specifically, WISeSat.Space remains focused on key projects, including the deployment of a low-orbit satellite constellation by 2027 by leveraging cutting-edge technological innovations, and SEALSQ is on track to launch its next-generation post-quantum semiconductors in 2025. Additionally, this financing will support our ongoing work on SEALCOIN, with a second Proof of Concept set for January 2025, which will demonstrate the transfer of tokens via satellite to IoT devices thus accelerating the token's broader availability on digital exchanges in 2025.” 

Maxim Group LLC served as the sole placement agent for these private placements.

About WISeKey
WISeKey is a Swiss-based computer infrastructure company specializing in cybersecurity, digital identity, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, and post-quantum semiconductors. As a computer infrastructure company, WISeKey provides secure platforms for data and device management across industries like finance, healthcare, and government. It leverages its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to ensure encrypted communications and authentication, while also focusing on next-generation security through post-quantum cryptography.

WISeKey's work with post-quantum semiconductors is aimed at future-proofing its security solutions against the threats posed by quantum computing. These advanced semiconductors support encryption that can withstand the computational power of quantum computers, ensuring the long-term security of connected devices and critical infrastructure. Combined with its expertise in blockchain and IoT, WISeKey's post-quantum technologies provide a robust foundation for secure digital ecosystems at the hardware, software, and network levels.

This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning WISeKey International Holding Ltd and its business. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of WISeKey International Holding Ltd to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. WISeKey International Holding Ltd is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities, and it does not constitute an offering prospectus within the meaning of the Swiss Financial Services Act (“FinSA”), the FinSa's predecessor legislation or advertising within the meaning of the FinSA. Investors must rely on their own evaluation of WISeKey and its securities, including the merits and risks involved. Nothing contained herein is, or shall be relied on as, a promise or representation as to the future performance of WISeKey.

Press and Investor Contacts

WISeKey International Holding Ltd
Company Contact: Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000 
WISeKey Investor Relations (US) 
The Equity Group Inc.
Lena Cati
Tel: +1 212 836-9611 /
Katie Murphy
Tel: +1 212 836-9612 /


What is the total value of WISeKey's (WKEY) convertible notes agreement?

WISeKey has signed Convertible Notes Subscription Agreements for up to $30 million via private placements with institutional investors.

What is the initial issuance amount for WISeKey's (WKEY) convertible notes?

The initial issuance amount is $2.5 million in convertible notes, with additional tranches of $1.25 million per investor available.

What is the maturity period for WISeKey's (WKEY) convertible notes?

The convertible notes have a maturity date of 12 months after their respective issue dates.

How will WISeKey (WKEY) use the convertible notes funding?

The funding will support cybersecurity business growth, WISeSat.Space's satellite constellation project, SEALSQ's post-quantum semiconductors, and SEALCOIN development.

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