The OISTE Foundation, Gold Sponsor of the Vargas Llosa Chair at its IV Annual Conference “A Gathering for Culture in Freedom”

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WISeKey International Holding (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY) announced that the OISTE Foundation, in collaboration with WISeKey, is the Gold Sponsor of the Vargas Llosa Chair's IV Annual Conference titled 'A Gathering for Culture in Freedom'. This partnership reaffirms their commitment to defending human rights in the digital environment.

The OISTE Foundation, established in 1998, focuses on ensuring human rights are respected both online and offline. It shares common values with the Vargas Llosa Chair in promoting freedom of expression and democratic principles. OISTE led a workshop on 'Matching the Speed of the Running Code: Public Awareness and Digital Identity Management' to raise awareness about online privacy risks and digital identity management.

WISeKey, as a global leader in cybersecurity and digital identity, supports OISTE's mission to promote secure electronic communications and protect individual privacy rights online.

WISeKey International Holding (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY) ha annunciato che la Fondazione OISTE, in collaborazione con WISeKey, è lo Sponsor Gold della IV Conferenza Annuale della Cattedra Vargas Llosa intitolata 'Un Incontro per la Cultura nella Libertà'. Questa partnership riafferma il loro impegno a difendere i diritti umani nell'ambiente digitale.

La Fondazione OISTE, fondata nel 1998, si concentra sull'assicurare che i diritti umani siano rispettati sia online che offline. Condivide valori comuni con la Cattedra Vargas Llosa nella promozione della libertà di espressione e dei principi democratici. OISTE ha guidato un workshop su 'Adattare la Velocità del Codice Eseguito: Consapevolezza Pubblica e Gestione dell'Identità Digitale' per aumentare la consapevolezza sui rischi per la privacy online e la gestione dell'identità digitale.

WISeKey, leader globale nella cybersicurezza e nell'identità digitale, supporta la missione di OISTE di promuovere comunicazioni elettroniche sicure e proteggere i diritti di privacy individuali online.

WISeKey International Holding (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY) anunció que la Fundación OISTE, en colaboración con WISeKey, es el Patrocinador Oro de la IV Conferencia Anual de la Cátedra Vargas Llosa titulada 'Un Encuentro por la Cultura en Libertad'. Esta alianza reafirma su compromiso de defender los derechos humanos en el entorno digital.

La Fundación OISTE, establecida en 1998, se enfoca en asegurar que se respeten los derechos humanos tanto en línea como fuera de ella. Comparte valores comunes con la Cátedra Vargas Llosa en la promoción de la libertad de expresión y los principios democráticos. OISTE lideró un taller sobre 'Ajustando la Velocidad del Código en Ejecución: Conciencia Pública y Gestión de Identidad Digital' para crear conciencia sobre los riesgos de privacidad en línea y la gestión de identidad digital.

WISeKey, como líder global en ciberseguridad e identidad digital, apoya la misión de OISTE de promover comunicaciones electrónicas seguras y proteger los derechos de privacidad individual en línea.

WISeKey International Holding (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY)는 OISTE 재단이 WISeKey와 협력하여 바르가스 로사 의자 IV 연례 회의골드 스폰서가 되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 디지털 환경에서 인권을 수호하겠다는 의지를 재확인합니다.

1998년에 설립된 OISTE 재단은 온라인과 오프라인 모두에서 인권이 존중받도록 보장하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. OISTE는 표현의 자유와 민주적 원칙을 촉진하는 바르가스 로사 의자와 공통의 가치를 공유합니다. OISTE는 온라인 개인 정보 보호 위험 및 디지털 신원 관리에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해 '실행 중인 코드의 속도에 맞추기: 공공 인식 및 디지털 신원 관리'라는 주제로 워크숍을 이끌었습니다.

WISeKey는 사이버 보안 및 디지털 신원 분야의 글로벌 리더로서 OISTE의 안전한 전자 통신을 촉진하고 온라인에서 개인의 사생활 권리를 보호하는 사명을 지지합니다.

WISeKey International Holding (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY) a annoncé que la Fondation OISTE, en collaboration avec WISeKey, est le Sponsor Or de la IVe Conférence Annuelle de la Chaire Vargas Llosa intitulée 'Un Rassemblement pour la Culture en Liberté'. Ce partenariat réaffirme leur engagement à défendre les droits de l'homme dans l'environnement numérique.

La Fondation OISTE, créée en 1998, se concentre sur le respect des droits de l'homme tant en ligne qu'hors ligne. Elle partage des valeurs communes avec la Chaire Vargas Llosa dans la promotion de la liberté d'expression et des principes démocratiques. OISTE a dirigé un atelier sur 'Adapter la Vitesse du Code Exécuté : Sensibilisation Publique et Gestion de l'Identité Numérique' pour sensibiliser aux risques de confidentialité en ligne et à la gestion de l'identité numérique.

WISeKey, en tant que leader mondial en cybersécurité et identité numérique, soutient la mission d'OISTE de promouvoir des communications électroniques sécurisées et de protéger les droits de la vie privée des individus en ligne.

WISeKey International Holding (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY) gab bekannt, dass die OISTE-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit WISeKey der Gold-Sponsor der IV. Jahreskonferenz des Vargas Llosa Stuhls mit dem Titel 'Ein Treffen für Kultur in Freiheit' ist. Diese Partnerschaft bekräftigt ihr Engagement für die Verteidigung der Menschenrechte im digitalen Umfeld.

Die OISTE-Stiftung, gegründet im Jahr 1998, konzentriert sich darauf, sicherzustellen, dass die Menschenrechte sowohl online als auch offline respektiert werden. Sie teilt gemeinsame Werte mit dem Vargas Llosa Stuhl in der Förderung der Meinungsfreiheit und demokratischen Prinzipien. OISTE leitete einen Workshop mit dem Titel 'Die Geschwindigkeit des laufenden Codes anpassen: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und digitales Identitätsmanagement', um das Bewusstsein für Risiken für die Privatsphäre online und digitales Identitätsmanagement zu schärfen.

WISeKey, als globaler Marktführer in den Bereichen Cybersicherheit und digitale Identität, unterstützt die Mission von OISTE zur Förderung sicherer elektronischer Kommunikation und zum Schutz der individuellen Privatrechte online.

  • WISeKey's collaboration with OISTE Foundation enhances its position in digital rights and cybersecurity
  • Sponsorship of high-profile conference may increase brand visibility and market presence
  • Alignment with Vargas Llosa Chair could open new partnership opportunities in the cultural sector
  • None.

The OISTE Foundation, Gold Sponsor of the Vargas Llosa Chair at its IV Annual Conference “A Gathering for Culture in Freedom”

Geneva, Switzerland – October 18, 2024: WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (“WISeKey” or the “Company”) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and Internet of Things (IoT) innovations, today announced that, in collaboration with the OISTE Foundation, Gold Sponsor of the Vargas Llosa Chair at its IV Annual Conference “A Gathering for Culture in Freedom,” it reaffirms its commitment to defending human rights in the digital environment. Since its founding in 1998, the OISTE Foundation has focused its efforts on ensuring that human rights are respected both online and offline. As digital technologies advance, they also present challenges in terms of privacy, digital identity, and the misuse of surveillance tools, raising concerns about data protection and online violence.

This commitment resonates with the values promoted by the Vargas Llosa Chair, which, since its establishment in 2011, has fostered the study of contemporary literature and supported freedom of expression. Both institutions share a common mission: to defend democratic principles and promote a culture of freedom and respect, both in the literary and digital realms.

The OISTE Foundation is committed to finding feasible solutions for digital identity management as an essential component of a knowledge society. OISTE led a workshop titled “Matching the Speed of the Running Code: Public Awareness and Digital Identity Management,” aimed at raising public awareness among internet users about the risks of the current environment and the threats to individual privacy rights.

Trust among users is at the core of OISTE’s trust model, which strives for legitimacy that can only be achieved through documented consensus. As part of its adherence to OISTE Foundation’s trust model, the foundation aims to promote the security of electronic communications worldwide, ensuring compliance with regulations related to information protection. The company is a leading advocate for protecting individual privacy rights online while enabling individuals to maximize their use of the Internet.

About WISeKey
WISeKey is a Swiss-based computer infrastructure company specializing in cybersecurity, digital identity, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, and post-quantum semiconductors. As a computer infrastructure company, WISeKey provides secure platforms for data and device management across industries like finance, healthcare, and government. It leverages its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to ensure encrypted communications and authentication, while also focusing on next-generation security through post-quantum cryptography.

WISeKey's work with post-quantum semiconductors is aimed at future-proofing its security solutions against the threats posed by quantum computing. These advanced semiconductors support encryption that can withstand the computational power of quantum computers, ensuring the long-term security of connected devices and critical infrastructure. Combined with its expertise in blockchain and IoT, WISeKey's post-quantum technologies provide a robust foundation for secure digital ecosystems at the hardware, software, and network levels.

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Press and Investor Contacts

WISeKey International Holding Ltd
Company Contact: Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000 
WISeKey Investor Relations (US) 
The Equity Group Inc.
Lena Cati
Tel: +1 212 836-9611 /
Katie Murphy
Tel: +1 212 836-9612 /


What is WISeKey's (WKEY) role in the Vargas Llosa Chair's IV Annual Conference?

WISeKey, in collaboration with the OISTE Foundation, is the Gold Sponsor of the Vargas Llosa Chair's IV Annual Conference titled 'A Gathering for Culture in Freedom', reaffirming their commitment to defending human rights in the digital environment.

How does the OISTE Foundation, supported by WISeKey (WKEY), contribute to digital rights?

The OISTE Foundation, supported by WISeKey, focuses on ensuring human rights are respected online and offline, addressing challenges in privacy, digital identity, and data protection. They also led a workshop on public awareness and digital identity management.

What is the significance of WISeKey's (WKEY) involvement with the OISTE Foundation?

WISeKey's involvement with the OISTE Foundation aligns with its position as a global leader in cybersecurity and digital identity. It supports OISTE's mission to promote secure electronic communications and protect individual privacy rights online.

How does the partnership between WISeKey (WKEY) and the Vargas Llosa Chair benefit both parties?

The partnership allows both entities to promote shared values of freedom of expression and democratic principles. It combines WISeKey's expertise in digital security with the Vargas Llosa Chair's focus on literature and cultural freedom.

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