Carbon Solutions and Sustainable Aviation
Workiva has released a new episode of ESG Talk podcast focusing on climate solutions and sustainable aviation. The episode features segments from their Climate Week series, where hosts Steve Soter, Andie Wood, and Alyssa Zucker discuss greenhouse gas emissions and carbon accounting practices. A key highlight includes an interview with Delta Air Lines' chief sustainability officer Amelia DeLuca, who shares insights on reducing direct carbon emissions and advancing sustainable aviation fuel production.
The podcast is available on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube, produced by Workiva, which provides a unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk management.
Workiva ha rilasciato un nuovo episodio del podcast ESG Talk, incentrato sulle soluzioni climatiche e sull'aviazione sostenibile. L'episodio presenta segmenti dalla loro serie sulla settimana del clima, in cui i conduttori Steve Soter, Andie Wood e Alyssa Zucker discutono delle emissioni di gas serra e delle pratiche di contabilizzazione del carbonio. Un punto saliente include un'intervista con Amelia DeLuca, direttore della sostenibilità di Delta Air Lines, che condivide idee su come ridurre le emissioni dirette di carbonio e promuovere la produzione di carburante per aviazione sostenibile.
Il podcast è disponibile su Apple, Spotify e YouTube, prodotto da Workiva, che offre una piattaforma unificata per la rendicontazione finanziaria, ESG, audit e gestione del rischio.
Workiva ha lanzado un nuevo episodio del podcast ESG Talk centrado en soluciones climáticas y aviación sostenible. El episodio incluye segmentos de su serie de la Semana del Clima, donde los anfitriones Steve Soter, Andie Wood y Alyssa Zucker discuten sobre las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las prácticas de contabilidad de carbono. Un aspecto destacado incluye una entrevista con Amelia DeLuca, directora de sostenibilidad de Delta Air Lines, quien comparte conocimientos sobre la reducción de las emisiones directas de carbono y el avance en la producción de combustible sostenible para la aviación.
El podcast está disponible en Apple, Spotify y YouTube, producido por Workiva, que proporciona una plataforma unificada para la presentación de informes financieros, ESG, auditoría y gestión de riesgos.
워크바(Workiva)가 기후 솔루션 및 지속 가능한 항공에 초점을 맞춘 ESG 토크(ESG Talk) 팟캐스트의 새로운 에피소드를 출시했습니다. 이 에피소드는 기후 주간 시리즈의 여러 내용을 포함하고 있으며, 호스트인 스티브 소터(Steve Soter), 앤디 우드(Andie Wood), 알리사 주커(Alyssa Zucker)가 온실가스 배출과 탄소 회계 관행에 대해 논의합니다. 주요 하이라이트로는 델타 항공(Delta Air Lines)의 지속 가능성 책임자 아멜리아 델루카(Amelia DeLuca)와의 인터뷰가 있으며, 그녀는 직접적인 탄소 배출 감소와 지속 가능한 항공 연료 생산 증진에 대한 통찰을 공유합니다.
이 팟캐스트는 워크바(Workiva)에서 제작하며, 재무 보고서 작성, ESG, 감사 및 리스크 관리에 대한 통합 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 애플, 스포티파이, 유튜브에서도 청취할 수 있습니다.
Workiva a publié un nouvel épisode du podcast ESG Talk axé sur les solutions climatiques et l'aviation durable. L'épisode présente des segments de leur série sur la semaine du climat, où les animateurs Steve Soter, Andie Wood et Alyssa Zucker discutent des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et des pratiques de comptabilité du carbone. Un point saillant inclut une interview avec Amelia DeLuca, responsable de la durabilité de Delta Air Lines, qui partage des idées sur la réduction des émissions directes de carbone et l'avancement de la production de carburant aérien durable.
Le podcast est disponible sur Apple, Spotify et YouTube, produit par Workiva, qui fournit une plateforme unifiée pour le reporting financier, l'ESG, l'audit et la gestion des risques.
Workiva hat eine neue Episode des Podcasts ESG Talk veröffentlicht, die sich auf Klimaschutzlösungen und nachhaltige Luftfahrt konzentriert. Die Episode enthält Segmente aus ihrer Klimawoche-Serie, in der die Moderatoren Steve Soter, Andie Wood und Alyssa Zucker über Treibhausgasemissionen und Carbon-Accounting-Praktiken diskutieren. Ein wichtiges Highlight ist ein Interview mit Amelia DeLuca, der Leiterin für Nachhaltigkeit von Delta Air Lines, die Einblicke in die Reduzierung direkter Kohlenstoffemissionen und die Förderung der Produktion nachhaltiger Flugkraftstoffe gibt.
Der Podcast ist auf Apple, Spotify und YouTube verfügbar und wird von Workiva produziert, das eine einheitliche Plattform für Finanzberichterstattung, ESG, Audits und Risikomanagement bietet.
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 13, 2024 / Workiva:
In this episode, ESG Talk revisits key segments from the Climate Week series, spotlighting actionable solutions and industry insights. First, join hosts Steve Soter, Andie Wood, and Alyssa Zucker as they demystify greenhouse gas emissions and explore practical approaches to carbon accounting. Then, hear from Amelia DeLuca, Delta Air Lines' chief sustainability officer, as she discusses Delta's innovative strategies for reducing direct carbon emissions and advancing sustainable aviation fuel production in the airline industry.
Looking for more? Subscribe to the ESG Talk podcast on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.
ESG Talk is brought to you by Workiva, the world's only unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk. Learn more at

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Spokesperson: Workiva
SOURCE: Workiva
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What topics are covered in Workiva's (WK) latest ESG Talk podcast episode?
Who are the hosts of Workiva's (WK) ESG Talk Climate Week series?
What sustainable initiatives did Delta Air Lines discuss on Workiva's (WK) ESG Talk podcast?