Whirlpool Corporation Employees Help Improve Homes and Lives in Colombia

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Whirlpool (WHR) celebrated its 25th anniversary of supporting Habitat for Humanity by sending 25 employees to Colombia to participate in a life-changing project. The initiative, part of Habitat's "100,000 Floors to Play On" program, aims to replace dirt floors with concrete in 100,000 homes by 2028. This project directly benefited 25 families, impacting 125 people in total.

The concrete floors significantly improve living conditions, supporting cognitive development in children and reducing health risks associated with dirt floors. A World Bank study showed at least a 36% improvement in cognitive development among children after floor replacement, along with reductions in parasitic infections, diarrhea, and anemia. The project also boosted the local economy by hiring local labor and purchasing materials from local establishments.

Whirlpool (WHR) ha celebrato il suo 25° anniversario di supporto a Habitat for Humanity inviando 25 dipendenti in Colombia per partecipare a un progetto che cambia la vita. L'iniziativa, parte del programma "100.000 Piani su cui Giocare" di Habitat, mira a sostituire i pavimenti in terra con quelli in cemento in 100.000 case entro il 2028. Questo progetto ha beneficiato direttamente 25 famiglie, impattando un totale di 125 persone.

I pavimenti in cemento migliorano significativamente le condizioni di vita, supportando lo sviluppo cognitivo nei bambini e riducendo i rischi per la salute associati ai pavimenti in terra. Uno studio della Banca Mondiale ha mostrato almeno un 36% di miglioramento nello sviluppo cognitivo tra i bambini dopo la sostituzione del pavimento, insieme a riduzioni nelle infezioni parassitarie, nella diarrea e nell'anemia. Il progetto ha anche stimolato l'economia locale assumendo manodopera del posto e acquistando materiali da aziende locali.

Whirlpool (WHR) celebró su 25° aniversario de apoyo a Habitat for Humanity enviando a 25 empleados a Colombia para participar en un proyecto que cambia vidas. La iniciativa, parte del programa "100,000 Pisos para Jugar" de Habitat, tiene como objetivo reemplazar los pisos de tierra por cemento en 100,000 hogares para 2028. Este proyecto benefició directamente a 25 familias, impactando un total de 125 personas.

Los pisos de concreto mejoran significativamente las condiciones de vida, apoyando el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños y reduciendo los riesgos para la salud asociados a los pisos de tierra. Un estudio del Banco Mundial mostró al menos una mejora del 36% en el desarrollo cognitivo entre los niños después del reemplazo de pisos, junto con reducciones en infecciones parasitarias, diarrea y anemia. El proyecto también impulsó la economía local al contratar mano de obra local y comprar materiales de establecimientos locales.

Whirlpool (WHR)은 25명의 직원을 콜롬비아로 보내 Habitat for Humanity 지원 25주년을 기념했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 Habitat의 "100,000 바닥으로 놀기" 프로그램의 일환으로, 2028년까지 100,000 가정의 흙 바닥을 콘크리트로 교체하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 25 가정에 직접적인 혜택을 주어 총 125명에게 영향을 미쳤습니다.

콘크리트 바닥은 삶의 질을 크게 향상시키며, 아동의 인지 발달을 지원하고 흙 바닥과 관련된 건강 위험을 감소시킵니다. 세계은행의 연구에 따르면, 바닥 교체 후 아동의 인지 발달이 36% 개선되었으며, 기생충 감염, 설사 및 빈혈이 감소하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 또한, 이 프로젝트는 지역 경제를 활성화시키기 위해 지역 인력을 고용하고 지역 상점에서 자재를 구매했습니다.

Whirlpool (WHR) a célébré son 25e anniversaire de soutien à Habitat for Humanity en envoyant 25 employés en Colombie pour participer à un projet qui change la vie. L'initiative, qui fait partie du programme "100.000 Planchers pour Jouer" d'Habitat, vise à remplacer les sols en terre par du béton dans 100.000 foyers d'ici 2028. Ce projet a bénéficié directement à 25 familles, impactant un total de 125 personnes.

Les sols en béton améliorent considérablement les conditions de vie, soutenant le développement cognitif des enfants tout en réduisant les risques sanitaires associés aux sols en terre. Une étude de la Banque mondiale a montré une amélioration d'au moins 36% du développement cognitif chez les enfants après le remplacement des sols, ainsi qu'une réduction des infections parasitaires, de la diarrhée et de l'anémie. Le projet a également stimulé l'économie locale en embauchant de la main-d'œuvre locale et en achetant des matériaux auprès d'entreprises locales.

Whirlpool (WHR) feierte sein 25-jähriges Jubiläum der Unterstützung für Habitat for Humanity, indem 25 Mitarbeiter nach Kolumbien geschickt wurden, um an einem lebensverändernden Projekt teilzunehmen. Die Initiative ist Teil des Programms "100.000 Böden zum Spielen" von Habitat und zielt darauf ab, bis 2028 in 100.000 Haushalten Lehmböden durch Beton zu ersetzen. Dieses Projekt kam direkt 25 Familien zugute, was insgesamt 125 Personen zugutekam.

Die Betonböden verbessern die Lebensbedingungen erheblich und unterstützen die kognitive Entwicklung von Kindern, während sie die Gesundheitsrisiken, die mit Lehmböden verbunden sind, verringern. Eine Studie der Weltbank zeigte einen mindestens 36%igen Anstieg der kognitiven Entwicklung bei Kindern nach dem Austausch der Böden sowie eine Verringerung von parasitären Infektionen, Durchfall und Anämie. Das Projekt hat auch die lokale Wirtschaft angekurbelt, indem lokale Arbeitskräfte eingestellt und Materialien von örtlichen Unternehmen bezogen wurden.

  • Whirlpool 's continued support for Habitat for Humanity demonstrates long-term commitment to corporate social responsibility
  • The project directly benefited 125 people, potentially improving brand image and customer loyalty
  • Participation in the initiative may enhance employee engagement and satisfaction
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 30, 2024 / Whirlpool Corporation:

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Whirlpool Corporation's support of Habitat for Humanity, a team of 25 employees supported a life-changing project to impact 25 families in a new Latin American market for Habitat for Humanity International. The Whirlpool employees in Colombia worked to help update dirt floors to concrete floors in the family's homes. The work is part of a Habitat initiative, called "100,000 Floors to Play On", which is helping to replace 100,000 dirt floors with concrete floors by 2028. Concrete floors support hygienic housing that contributes to cognitive development, helping children to play, study, and grow up healthy.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, nearly 40% of the population does not have access to decent housing which means they reside in housing built with precarious materials or without basic amenities such as toilets, water, and electricity. Inadequate housing leads to more vulnerability to illness, poverty, eviction, and disasters. And approximately 6% of households have dirt floors, which increases the risk for parasites, bacteria, and insects that cause illnesses such as diarrhea, respiratory diseases, anemia, immunodeficiencies, malnutrition and Chagas disease. Replacing dirt floors with concrete floors generates direct health benefits as confirmed by a World Band study.1 The research revealed at least a 36% improvement in cognitive development among children whose dirt floors were transformed into concrete. In addition, children in these households showed reductions in parasitic infections, diarrhea and anemia, while parents showed an improvement in housing satisfaction and decreases in depression and stress levels.

The work supported by Whirlpool Corporation employees in Colombia directly benefited 125 people with healthier and safer homes providing better living conditions and giving children an adequate floor to play on. The program also supports the local economy by hiring labor and purchasing construction materials at local establishments.

About Whirlpool Corporation

Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE: WHR) is a leading kitchen and laundry appliance company, in constant pursuit of improving life at home and inspiring generations with our brands. The company is driving meaningful innovation to meet the evolving needs of consumers through its iconic brand portfolio, including Whirlpool, KitchenAid, JennAir, Maytag, Amana, Brastemp, Consul, and InSinkErator. In 2023, the company reported approximately $19 billion in annual sales, 59,000 employees, and 55 manufacturing and technology research centers. Additional information about the company can be found at

1 Housing, Health and Happiness by the World Bank and the University of CaliforniaView original content here.

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Spokesperson: Whirlpool Corporation

SOURCE: Whirlpool Corporation

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What is Whirlpool 's (WHR) recent initiative in Colombia?

Whirlpool (WHR) sent 25 employees to Colombia to help replace dirt floors with concrete floors in 25 families' homes, as part of Habitat for Humanity's '100,000 Floors to Play On' initiative.

How many people were directly impacted by Whirlpool's (WHR) project in Colombia?

Whirlpool 's (WHR) project in Colombia directly benefited 125 people by providing them with healthier and safer homes with concrete floors.

What are the health benefits of replacing dirt floors with concrete, according to Whirlpool's (WHR) press release?

According to the press release, replacing dirt floors with concrete reduces the risk of parasites, bacteria, and insects that cause illnesses such as diarrhea, respiratory diseases, anemia, immunodeficiencies, malnutrition, and Chagas disease.

How does Whirlpool's (WHR) project in Colombia support the local economy?

Whirlpool's (WHR) project in Colombia supports the local economy by hiring local labor and purchasing construction materials from local establishments.

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