GeneDx Reports Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), a leader in genomic insights for improved health outcomes, has granted 75,100 restricted stock units (RSUs) to seven newly hired employees as inducement awards. The RSUs, granted under GeneDx's 2023 Equity Inducement Plan and in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4), will vest in equal annual installments over four years, subject to continued employment. Each RSU represents a right to receive one share of GeneDx's Class A Common Stock upon settlement. The company typically uses a 'sell to cover' transaction to address tax withholding obligations upon vesting and settlement of RSUs.

GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), leader nelle intuizioni genomiche per migliori risultati di salute, ha concesso 75.100 unità azionarie ristrette (RSU) a sette nuovi dipendenti come premi di indurre. Le RSU, concesse nell'ambito del Piano di Induzione Azionaria 2023 di GeneDx e in conformità con la Regola di Quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4), matureranno in rate annuali uguali su un periodo di quattro anni, a condizione del continuo impiego. Ogni RSU rappresenta un diritto a ricevere un'azione della Classe A Common Stock di GeneDx al momento della liquidazione. L'azienda di solito utilizza una transazione 'vendere per coprire' per far fronte agli obblighi fiscali al momento della maturazione e della liquidazione delle RSU.

GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), un líder en conocimientos genómicos para mejorar los resultados de salud, ha otorgado 75,100 unidades de acciones restringidas (RSUs) a siete nuevos empleados como premios de inducimiento. Las RSUs, otorgadas bajo el Plan de Inducción de Capital 2023 de GeneDx y en cumplimiento de la Regla de Cotización 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq, se consolidarán en cuotas anuales iguales durante cuatro años, sujeto a la continuación del empleo. Cada RSU representa el derecho a recibir una acción de la Clase A Common Stock de GeneDx al momento de la liquidación. La empresa normalmente utiliza una transacción de 'vender para cubrir' para abordar las obligaciones de retención de impuestos al momento de la consolidación y liquidación de las RSUs.

GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS)는 건강 결과를 개선하기 위한 유전체 통찰의 선두주자로서, 75,100개의 제한된 주식 단위 (RSU)새로 채용된 7명의 직원에게 유인 보상으로 부여했습니다. RSU는 GeneDx의 2023 주식 유인 계획에 따라 Nasdaq 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 부합하게 부여되며, 4년에 걸쳐 연간 균등 할당 방식으로 배분됩니다, 계속 고용될 경우에 한합니다. 각 RSU는 정산 시 GeneDx의 클래스 A 일반 주식 한 주를 받을 권리를 나타냅니다. 회사는 일반적으로 RSU의 정산 및 유예 시 세금 원천징수 의무를 해결하기 위해 '판매하여 충당하기' 거래를 사용합니다.

GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), un leader dans les insights génomiques pour améliorer les résultats de santé, a accordé 75 100 unités d'actions restreintes (RSU) à sept employés nouvellement recrutés en tant que récompenses d'incitation. Les RSU, accordées dans le cadre du Plan d'Incentive Boursier 2023 de GeneDx et conformément à la Règle de Cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4), seront acquises en versements annuels égaux sur quatre ans, sous réserve de l'emploi continu. Chaque RSU représente un droit de recevoir une action de l'Ordinaire Classe A de GeneDx lors du règlement. L'entreprise utilise généralement une transaction 'vendre pour couvrir' pour gérer les obligations fiscales lors de l'acquisition et du règlement des RSUs.

GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich genomischer Erkenntnisse zur Verbesserung von Gesundheitsresultaten, hat 75.100 eingeschränkte Aktieneinheiten (RSUs) an sieben neu eingestellte Mitarbeiter als Anreizvergütung gewährt. Die RSUs, die im Rahmen des Aktienanreizplans 2023 von GeneDx und in Übereinstimmung mit der Nasdaq-Notierungsregel 5635(c)(4) gewährt wurden, werden über vier Jahre in gleichen jährlichen Raten fällig, vorbehaltlich der Fortsetzung des Arbeitsverhältnisses. Jede RSU stellt ein Recht dar, eine Aktien der Klasse A Common Stock von GeneDx bei der Abwicklung zu erhalten. Das Unternehmen verwendet typischerweise eine 'Verkauf zum Abdecken'-Transaktion, um die steuerlichen Einbehaltungsverpflichtungen bei der Fälligkeit und Abwicklung von RSUs zu erfüllen.

  • Attraction of new talent with equity incentives
  • Alignment of employee interests with company performance through RSU grants
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders due to new RSU issuance

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), a leader in delivering improved health outcomes through genomic insights, today announced that, effective as of June 26, 2024, the compensation committee of GeneDx’s board of directors granted seven newly hired employees 75,100 restricted stock units (“RSUs”) as inducements material to each employee entering into employment with GeneDx. The RSUs were granted under GeneDx’s 2023 Equity Inducement Plan and in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The inducement RSUs will vest in equal annual installments over the four-year period following the grant date, subject to the employee’s continued service with the Company on each applicable vesting date.

Each RSU represents a contingent right to receive 1 share of the Issuer's Class A Common Stock upon settlement. Typically, upon full vesting, shares are sold to cover tax withholding obligations in connection with the vesting and settlement of RSUs and funded by a "sell to cover" transaction. This does not represent a discretionary transaction by the Reporting Person.

About GeneDx

At GeneDx (Nasdaq: WGS), we believe that everyone deserves personalized, targeted medical care—and that it all begins with a genetic diagnosis. Fueled by one of the world’s largest rare disease data sets, our industry-leading exome and genome tests translate complex genomic data into clinical answers that unlock personalized health plans, accelerate drug discovery, and improve health system efficiencies. It all starts with a single test. For more information, please visit and connect with us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram.

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Source: GeneDx


How many restricted stock units (RSUs) did GeneDx (WGS) grant to new employees on June 26, 2024?

GeneDx (WGS) granted 75,100 restricted stock units (RSUs) to seven newly hired employees on June 26, 2024.

What is the vesting schedule for the RSUs granted by GeneDx (WGS)?

The RSUs granted by GeneDx (WGS) will vest in equal annual installments over a four-year period following the grant date, subject to the employee's continued service with the company.

Under which plan were the inducement RSUs granted by GeneDx (WGS)?

The inducement RSUs were granted under GeneDx's (WGS) 2023 Equity Inducement Plan and in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

How does GeneDx (WGS) handle tax withholding for RSU settlements?

GeneDx (WGS) typically uses a 'sell to cover' transaction to address tax withholding obligations upon vesting and settlement of RSUs.

GeneDx Holdings Corp.


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