Upcycled Certified® Enjoys Strong Growth as Consumers Seek Out Sustainably Produced Foods and Beverages that Reduce Waste and Lessen Environmental Impacts
Where Food Comes From (WFCF) reported strong growth in its Upcycled Certified® Program, with a 17% year-over-year increase in certifications for 2024. The program, which certifies sustainable food production practices, has expanded to 105 companies, including major players like Del Monte, Kerry, and Hershey-backed Blue Stripes.
In 2024, certified companies diverted approximately 1.2 million tons of food waste, equivalent to 248 million bags of groceries. The program now certifies 568 products, with pet foods, snack foods, and beverages leading the categories. WFCF's Upcycled Certified has become the fastest-growing certification seal in the food industry, operating in 14 countries.
The total upcycled industry is valued at $46 billion, with significant growth potential. Market research shows that 62% of consumers are willing to pay more for products that fight food waste, and 70% showed increased purchase intent when seeing the Upcycled Certified® seal on packaging.
Where Food Comes From (WFCF) ha riportato una forte crescita nel suo programma Upcycled Certified®, con un aumento del 17% rispetto all'anno precedente nelle certificazioni per il 2024. Il programma, che certifica le pratiche di produzione alimentare sostenibile, è stato esteso a 105 aziende, inclusi nomi importanti come Del Monte, Kerry e Blue Stripes sostenuta da Hershey.
Nel 2024, le aziende certificate hanno ridiretto circa 1,2 milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti alimentari, pari a 248 milioni di sacchetti di generi alimentari. Il programma ora certifica 568 prodotti, con alimenti per animali domestici, snack e bevande in testa alle categorie. L'Upcycled Certified di WFCF è diventato il sigillo di certificazione a crescita più rapida nel settore alimentare, operando in 14 paesi.
Il valore totale dell'industria upcycled è stimato in 46 miliardi di dollari, con un significativo potenziale di crescita. Le ricerche di mercato mostrano che il 62% dei consumatori è disposto a pagare di più per prodotti che combattano lo spreco alimentare, e il 70% ha mostrato una maggiore intenzione di acquisto vedendo il sigillo Upcycled Certified® sulla confezione.
Where Food Comes From (WFCF) informó de un fuerte crecimiento en su Programa Upcycled Certified®, con un aumento del 17% interanual en certificaciones para 2024. El programa, que certifica prácticas de producción de alimentos sostenibles, se ha expandido a 105 empresas, incluyendo jugadores importantes como Del Monte, Kerry y Blue Stripes respaldada por Hershey.
En 2024, las empresas certificadas desviaron aproximadamente 1,2 millones de toneladas de desechos alimentarios, equivalente a 248 millones de bolsas de supermercado. El programa ahora certifica 568 productos, con alimentos para mascotas, bocadillos y bebidas liderando las categorías. El Upcycled Certified de WFCF se ha convertido en el sello de certificación de más rápido crecimiento en la industria alimentaria, operando en 14 países.
La industria upcycled total está valorada en 46 mil millones de dólares, con un potencial de crecimiento significativo. Las investigaciones de mercado muestran que el 62% de los consumidores está dispuesto a pagar más por productos que combaten el desperdicio de alimentos, y el 70% mostró una mayor intención de compra al ver el sello Upcycled Certified® en el empaque.
Where Food Comes From (WFCF)는 2024년 인증서 증가율이 전년 대비 17%에 달하는 강력한 성장세를 보고했습니다. 이 프로그램은 지속 가능한 식품 생산 관행을 인증하며, 105개 회사로 확장되었습니다. 여기에는 Del Monte, Kerry 및 Hershey가 지원하는 Blue Stripes와 같은 주요 업체가 포함됩니다.
2024년에는 인증된 회사들이 약 120만 톤의 음식물 쓰레기를 재활용했으며 이는 2억 4천8백만 개의 장바구니에 해당합니다. 이 프로그램은 현재 568개 제품을 인증하며, 애완동물 사료, 스낵, 음료가 주요 카테고리입니다. WFCF의 Upcycled Certified는 식품 산업에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 인증 마크가 되어 14개국에서 운영되고 있습니다.
전체 업사이클 산업의 가치는 460억 달러로, 큰 성장 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다. 시장 조사에 따르면, 소비자의 62%가 음식물 쓰레기 문제를 해결하는 제품에 더 많은 비용을 지불할 의향이 있으며, 70%는 포장에서 Upcycled Certified® 마크를 보았을 때 구매 의사가 증가했습니다.
Where Food Comes From (WFCF) a signalé une forte croissance de son programme Upcycled Certified®, avec une augmentation de 17 % d'une année sur l'autre des certifications pour 2024. Le programme, qui certifie des pratiques de production alimentaire durables, s'est élargi à 105 entreprises, y compris des acteurs majeurs comme Del Monte, Kerry et Blue Stripes soutenu par Hershey.
En 2024, les entreprises certifiées ont détourné environ 1,2 million de tonnes de déchets alimentaires, soit l'équivalent de 248 millions de sacs de courses. Le programme certifie désormais 568 produits, avec des aliments pour animaux, des collations et des boissons en tête des catégories. L'Upcycled Certified de WFCF est devenu le label de certification à la croissance la plus rapide dans le secteur alimentaire, opérant dans 14 pays.
La valeur totale de l'industrie upcycled est estimée à 46 milliards de dollars, avec un potentiel de croissance significatif. Les études de marché montrent que 62 % des consommateurs sont prêts à payer plus pour des produits qui luttent contre le gaspillage alimentaire, et 70 % ont montré une intention d'achat accrue en voyant le sceau Upcycled Certified® sur l'emballage.
Where Food Comes From (WFCF) meldete ein starkes Wachstum seines Upcycled Certified® Programms, mit einem 17%igen Anstieg im Jahresvergleich bei den Zertifizierungen für 2024. Das Programm, das nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktionspraktiken zertifiziert, wurde auf 105 Unternehmen ausgeweitet, darunter bedeutende Akteure wie Del Monte, Kerry und Blue Stripes, unterstützt von Hershey.
Im Jahr 2024 haben zertifizierte Unternehmen etwa 1,2 Millionen Tonnen Lebensmittelabfälle umgeleitet, was 248 Millionen Einkaufstaschen entspricht. Das Programm zertifiziert nun 568 Produkte, wobei Tiernahrung, Snacks und Getränke die Hauptkategorien anführen. WFCFs Upcycled Certified ist das am schnellsten wachsende Zertifizierungssiegel in der Lebensmittelindustrie und ist in 14 Ländern tätig.
Die gesamte Upcycled-Industrie hat einen Wert von 46 Milliarden Dollar und zeigt ein erhebliches Wachstumspotenzial. Marktforschung zeigt, dass 62% der Verbraucher bereit sind, mehr für Produkte zu zahlen, die gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung kämpfen, und 70% zeigten ein erhöhtes Kaufinteresse, als sie das Upcycled Certified®-Siegel auf der Verpackung sahen.
- 17% YOY growth in certified products, reaching 568 products in 2024
- Expansion to 105 participating companies, including major brands
- 1.2 million tons of food waste diverted in 2024
- Strong market positioning in $46 billion upcycled industry
- Revenue diversification through certification bundling opportunities
- None.
The growth metrics of WFCF's Upcycled Certified® program reveal compelling market dynamics. The 17% YOY increase in certifications and expansion to 105 participating companies indicates strong market penetration. Most notably, the program's ability to attract major players like Del Monte and Hershey-backed ventures signals mainstream market acceptance.
WFCF's bundling strategy with Organic and Non-GMO certifications creates competitive moats through reduced audit costs for customers. This positions them to capture greater wallet share in the rapidly expanding sustainable certification market.
The environmental impact metrics are substantial - 1.2 million tons of diverted food waste in 2024 represents a significant acceleration, comprising
The program's expansion across 14 countries and diverse product categories (pet food, snacks, beverages) demonstrates scalability of the upcycling model. The
17% YOY increase in Upcycled Certifications in 2024- Number of Participating Companies Grows to 105, Including Del Monte, Kerry and Hershey-Backed Blue Stripes
- 1.2 Million Tons of Diverted Food Waste in US in 2024 — Equivalent of 248 Million Bags of Groceries
CASTLE ROCK, Colo., Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Where Food Comes From, Inc. (WFCF) (Nasdaq: WFCF), the most trusted resource for independent, third-party verification of food production practices in North America, today reported accelerating growth of its Upcycled Certified® Program following acquisition of the popular certification standard one year ago.
Upcycled Certified is the world’s first and largest provider of certifications for the upcycled food chain and one of the fastest-growing certification seals in the food industry, enabling environmentally conscious consumers to shop sustainably and avoid food waste. Pet foods, snack foods and beverages are the leading products incorporating upcycled ingredients, with all three categories enjoying solid market share gains in 2024 as the upcycling trend builds momentum.
In 2024, 105 companies were certified to the Upcycled Certified standard and combined to divert approximately 1.2 million tons of food waste — the equivalent of 248 million bags of groceries. Upcycled Certified customers range from start-ups to major food producers such as Del Monte, Kerry, Kerr by Ingredion and Hershey-backed Blue Stripes. There currently are 568 products certified to the Upcycled standard, a
One such product is POM Wonderful juice brand, which is Upcycled Certified for its liquid pomegranate extract POMxL. “POM Wonderful is proud to have achieved Upcycled Certification,” said Brad Buchholz, VP Business Development for POM Wonderful Specialty Ingredients. “Over the past year, we’ve found that this certification resonates stronger than most with industry professionals, further underscoring our commitment to sustainability and role as a trusted global partner.”
Kathryn Britton, EVP Customer Experience at WFCF, said, “Upcycled Certified has emerged as our fastest growing program led initially by small and start-up brands that have done a great job connecting with consumer sentiment around food waste and sustainable practices. More recently, we are seeing larger, more progressive consumer packaged goods companies embracing the trend in response to evolving customer preferences. And it’s a trend that is spreading globally, as today participants are upcycling food ingredients in 14 countries.”
Vinodthan Nayagar, EVP Growth Strategy at WFCF, added “Where Food Comes From has a strong first-to-market advantage with Upcycled Certified that has given us not only an important new revenue stream but is a great fit for our bundling strategy since Upcycled Certified customers often contract for Organic and Non-GMO Project certifications. As the most diversified provider of certification services, we are ideally positioned to capitalize on this unique bundling advantage. Those customers who use Where Food Comes From as their exclusive certification body for more than one certification can reduce audit fatigue and lower their overall costs. With the total upcycled industry pegged at
Upcycle Growth Statistics:
- An estimated
40% of food grown annually in the US is unsold or uneaten, with approximately 80 million tons of food wasted annually at a financial loss of$310 billion . (Source: ReFED) - Global food waste topped
$1 trillion last year. (Source: United Nations Food Waste Index Report) - Globally, new food and beverage launches with an upcycling claim…showed a compound average annual growth rate of
77% from 2019 to 2023. (Source: Innova Market Insights) - Upcycled food growth in the US is accelerating rapidly; since Upcycled Certified program inception in 2019, 3.4 million tons of food has been upcycled with 1.2 million of that — or
35% — occurring in 2024 alone. - In 2024, Upcycled Certified snacks grew by
41.6% compared to just1.4% growth in the overall food and beverage industry over the same period. (Source: SPINS Product Intelligence) - Decreasing food waste is the number one solution to reducing the amount of land and resources used in food production as well as the greenhouse gases released in the process. (Source: Project Drawdown)
62% of consumers are willing to pay more for a product that fights food waste. (Source: Innova Market Insights)70% of consumers had increased intent to buy Upcycle Certified® foods when the seal was on packaging. (Source: Hartman Group)
For more information about Upcycled Certified and/or to help shape the future of the program by participating in the Standard V3 Public Comment Survey, click the following link: https://www.wherefoodcomesfrom.com/upcycled.
Where Food Comes From, Inc. is America’s trusted resource for third party verification of food production practices. Through proprietary technology and patented business processes, the Company estimates that it supports more than 17,500 farmers, ranchers, vineyards, wineries, processors, retailers, distributors, trade associations, consumer brands and restaurants with a wide variety of value-added services. Through its IMI Global, Validus Verification Services, SureHarvest, WFCF Organic, and Postelsia divisions, Where Food Comes From services verify food claims, optimize production practices and enable food supply chains with analytics and data driven insights.
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, based on current expectations, estimates and projections that are subject to risk. Forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and actual events could differ materially from the Company’s predictions. Important factors that could cause actual events to vary from predictions include those discussed in our SEC filings. Specifically, statements in this news release about industry leadership and demand for, and impact and efficacy of, the Company’s products and services on the marketplace; expectations for growth and expansion of the Upcycled Certified program; ability to generate bundling opportunities; and expectations for continued consumer interest in upcycled products are forward-looking statements that are subject to a variety of factors, including availability of capital, personnel and other resources; competition; governmental regulation of the agricultural industry; the market for beef and other commodities; and other factors. Readers should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect new information or developments. For a more extensive discussion of the Company’s business, please refer to the Company’s SEC filings at www.sec.gov.
Company Contact:
Vinodthan Nayagar
Executive Vice President of Growth Strategy
Where Food Comes From, Inc.
Investor Contact:
Jay Pfeiffer
Investor Relations
Direct: 303-880-9000

How much food waste did WFCF's Upcycled Certified program divert in 2024?
What was the growth rate of WFCF's Upcycled Certified products in 2024?
How many companies participate in WFCF's Upcycled Certified program?
What is the market size of the upcycled food industry where WFCF operates?