Neurodiversity workshops to be delivered at no cost to corporate America through UConn and Wells Fargo collaboration

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Wells Fargo has partnered with the University of Connecticut's Center for Neurodiversity & Employment Innovation to offer free neurodiversity workshops for corporate America. This initiative is part of a $3.75 million grant from Wells Fargo to create the Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity and Inclusive Employment at UConn. The grant focuses on three key areas: providing neurodiversity education and training, funding academic research on business outcomes of neurodiversity programs, and connecting job seekers with inclusive employers.

The workshops aim to help Fortune 500 companies design end-to-end neurodiversity initiatives. This collaboration addresses the underemployment of neurodivergent individuals, as only about half of autistic college graduates are fully employed compared to their peers. The program seeks to create inclusive workplaces by increasing employer awareness of the value of neurodivergent talent.

Wells Fargo ha collaborato con il Centro per la Neurodiversità e l'Innovazione nell'Occupazione dell'Università del Connecticut per offrire workshop gratuiti sulla neurodiversità per le aziende americane. Questa iniziativa fa parte di una donazione di 3,75 milioni di dollari da parte di Wells Fargo per creare il Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity and Inclusive Employment presso UConn. La donazione si concentra su tre aree chiave: fornire educazione e formazione sulla neurodiversità, finanziare ricerche accademiche sugli esiti aziendali dei programmi di neurodiversità e collegare i cercatori di lavoro con datori di lavoro inclusivi.

I workshop mirano ad aiutare le aziende Fortune 500 a progettare iniziative di neurodiversità a 360 gradi. Questa collaborazione affronta il problema della sottooccupazione degli individui neurodivergenti, poiché solo circa la metà dei laureati autistici ha un'occupazione a tempo pieno rispetto ai loro coetanei. Il programma si propone di creare ambienti di lavoro inclusivi aumentando la consapevolezza dei datori di lavoro sul valore dei talenti neurodivergenti.

Wells Fargo se ha asociado con el Centro de Neurodiversidad e Innovación en Empleo de la Universidad de Connecticut para ofrecer talleres gratuitos sobre neurodiversidad para las empresas de Estados Unidos. Esta iniciativa forma parte de una subvención de 3,75 millones de dólares por parte de Wells Fargo para crear el Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity and Inclusive Employment en UConn. La subvención se enfoca en tres áreas clave: proporcionar educación y capacitación en neurodiversidad, financiar investigaciones académicas sobre los resultados empresariales de los programas de neurodiversidad y conectar a buscadores de empleo con empleadores inclusivos.

Los talleres tienen como objetivo ayudar a las empresas Fortune 500 a diseñar iniciativas de neurodiversidad de principio a fin. Esta colaboración aborda la subempleabilidad de las personas neurodivergentes, ya que solo alrededor de la mitad de los graduados universitarios autistas están completamente empleados en comparación con sus compañeros. El programa busca crear lugares de trabajo inclusivos al aumentar la conciencia de los empleadores sobre el valor del talento neurodivergente.

웰스파고는 코네티컷 대학교의 신경다양성 및 고용 혁신 센터와 협력하여 미국 기업을 위한 무료 신경다양성 워크숍을 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 웰스파고가 UConn에 신경다양성 및 포괄적 고용을 위한 웰스파고 센터를 설립하기 위해 제공하는 375만 달러 보조금의 일환입니다. 이 보조금은 세 가지 주요 영역에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다: 신경다양성 교육 및 훈련 제공, 신경다양성 프로그램의 비즈니스 성과에 대한 학술 연구 자금 지원, 포괄적 고용주와 구직자 연결.

이 워크숍은 포춘 500대 기업이 신경다양성 이니셔티브를 처음부터 끝까지 설계하도록 돕는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 협력은 약 50%의 자폐증 대학 졸업생이 동료들에 비해 완전 고용된 것에 불과하기 때문에 신경다양적인 개인의 고용 부족 문제를 다룹니다. 이 프로그램은 신경다양적인 인재의 가치를 고용주들이 인식하도록 하여 포괄적인 직장을 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Wells Fargo a établi un partenariat avec le Centre de neurodiversité et d'innovation en matière d'emploi de l'Université du Connecticut pour proposer des ateliers gratuits sur la neurodiversité pour les entreprises américaines. Cette initiative fait partie d'une subvention de 3,75 millions de dollars de Wells Fargo pour créer le Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity and Inclusive Employment à l'UConn. La subvention se concentre sur trois domaines clés : fournir une éducation et une formation sur la neurodiversité, financer des recherches académiques sur les résultats commerciaux des programmes de neurodiversité et connecter les chercheurs d'emploi avec des employeurs inclusifs.

Les ateliers visent à aider les entreprises du Fortune 500 à concevoir des initiatives de neurodiversité de A à Z. Cette collaboration aborde le problème du sous-emploi des personnes neurodivergentes, puisque seul environ la moitié des diplômés autistes sont entièrement employés par rapport à leurs pairs. Le programme vise à créer des lieux de travail inclusifs en augmentant la sensibilisation des employeurs à la valeur des talents neurodivergents.

Wells Fargo hat sich mit dem Zentrum für Neurodiversität und Beschäftigungsinnovation der Universität von Connecticut zusammengeschlossen, um kostenlose Neurodiversitäts-Workshops für die amerikanische Wirtschaft anzubieten. Diese Initiative ist Teil eines 3,75 Millionen Dollar Förderprogramms von Wells Fargo zur Schaffung des Wells Fargo Centers für Neurodiversität und inklusive Beschäftigung an der UConn. Der Zuschuss konzentriert sich auf drei Schwerpunktbereiche: Bereitstellung von Bildungs- und Schulungsprogrammen zur Neurodiversität, Finanzierung akademischer Forschungen zu den Geschäftsergebnissen von Neurodiversitätsprogrammen und Vermittlung von Arbeitssuchenden an inklusive Arbeitgeber.

Die Workshops zielen darauf ab, Fortune-500-Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, umfassende Neurodiversitätsinitiativen zu gestalten. Diese Zusammenarbeit spricht die Unterbeschäftigung von neurodivergenten Personen an, da nur etwa die Hälfte der autistischen Hochschulabsolventen im Vergleich zu ihren Altersgenossen voll beschäftigt ist. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, inklusive Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, indem das Bewusstsein der Arbeitgeber für den Wert neurodivergenten Talents erhöht wird.

  • Wells Fargo's $3.75 million grant to UConn for neurodiversity initiatives
  • Free neurodiversity workshops for corporate America
  • Collaboration between academic and corporate sectors to address neurodiversity in employment
  • Potential for improved employment rates for neurodivergent individuals
  • None.


This initiative by Wells Fargo demonstrates a significant commitment to corporate social responsibility and diversity & inclusion efforts. The $3.75 million grant to UConn for neurodiversity workshops is a substantial investment in addressing workplace inclusivity. This move aligns with growing ESG trends, potentially enhancing Wells Fargo's reputation and attracting socially conscious investors and customers.

The program's focus on educating Fortune 500 companies could have a ripple effect, influencing broader corporate practices and potentially creating more job opportunities for neurodivergent individuals. While the immediate financial impact on Wells Fargo may be minimal, the long-term benefits in terms of brand image, talent acquisition and potential regulatory goodwill are noteworthy.

Investors should view this as a strategic move that could yield positive returns in employee engagement, innovation and corporate reputation. However, the tangible financial benefits may take time to materialize and could be challenging to quantify directly.

This partnership between Wells Fargo and UConn represents a significant advancement in workplace diversity initiatives. By providing free neurodiversity workshops to corporate America, Wells Fargo is positioning itself as a leader in inclusive employment practices. This could give the company a competitive edge in talent acquisition, particularly in attracting neurodivergent individuals who are often underemployed despite their skills.

The program's potential to improve employment rates for neurodivergent college graduates (currently only about 50% for autistic graduates) could lead to a more diverse and innovative workforce. For Wells Fargo, this initiative may result in:

  • Enhanced problem-solving capabilities within their teams
  • Improved company culture and employee satisfaction
  • Potential cost savings through reduced turnover and increased productivity

While the immediate financial impact is minimal, the long-term benefits in terms of human capital and innovation potential could be substantial for Wells Fargo and other participating companies.

$3.75 million grant from Wells Fargo to provide employers with free neurodiversity education, training, academic research, and talent connections

STORRS, Conn., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Wells Fargo has partnered with the University of Connecticut's Center for Neurodiversity & Employment Innovation to introduce free neurodiversity workshops for corporate America. The new workshops, an academic and corporate collaboration, aim to provide instruction to key leaders from Fortune 500 companies to help design neurodiversity initiatives end-to-end.

The full-day workshops are part of a larger $3.75 million grant from Wells Fargo to create the Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity and Inclusive Employment at UConn. There are three components to the grant: 1) Providing neurodiversity education and training; 2) funding groundbreaking academic research study to capture much-needed metrics about the business outcomes of neurodiversity programs and to create standards for measuring success in this arena; and 3) working with universities, non-profits, and vocational rehab agencies nationwide to bring efficiency, programming, and education to their regions and better connect job seekers and inclusive employers within their local communities.

Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in the ways people think, behave, and communicate. Neurodivergence is when that variation falls outside of what is typical, often creating barriers to success in finding and keeping meaningful employment. Neurodivergent conditions commonly include autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and other differences.

Only about half of autistic college graduates are fully employed compared to their peers, according to Stephen DeStefani, the Wells Fargo team's program executive who has led the initiative to partner with UConn.

"Partnering with Wells Fargo's team has been amazing," says Judy Reilly, Executive Director of UConn's Center for Neurodiversity and Employment Innovation. "Wells Fargo's willingness to share their real-world industry expertise to create—and deliver at no cost—education for corporate America that's grounded in academic and research excellence is unheard of in this field." 

"This partnership enables UConn to blend academic instructional design and research with real-world industry application and expertise to create solutions for corporate America," Reilly says.

"The workshops further the Center's mission to create inclusive workplaces by increasing employer awareness and understanding of the value of neurodivergent talent," says Anne D'Alleva, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at UConn. "This is a great example of how UConn's research provides novel approaches to solve real-world problems in Connecticut and nationwide."

"Since we launched our Neurodiversity program in 2020, we've experienced first-hand the significant impact these highly skilled individuals can have on the nation's largest organizations," said Kristy Fercho, head of Diverse Segments, Representation and Inclusion at Wells Fargo. "With continued underemployment of neurodivergent talent, we understand our responsibility to work with our corporate partners to collectively educate and bring awareness to this extraordinarily valuable and untapped talent pool."

Job seekers and organizations can learn more about the new workshops and programming at or

About the University of Connecticut Center for Neurodiversity and Employment Innovation

UConn's center was launched in January 2021 and works nationally to educate and train employers about neurodiversity as a competitive advantage and how to implement inclusive practices to attain that advantage. The center also helps connect neurodivergent candidates with companies that value and support their neurodiversity and drives critical academic research into the impact of neurodiversity on organizational outcomes.

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is a public, land grant research university system with its main campus in Storrs, Conn. Founded in 1881, UConn has more than 32,000 students and is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.

About Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) is a leading financial services company that has approximately $1.9 trillion in assets. We provide a diversified set of banking, investment and mortgage products and services, as well as consumer and commercial finance, through our four reportable operating segments: Consumer Banking and Lending, Commercial Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking, and Wealth & Investment Management. Wells Fargo ranked No. 34 on Fortune's 2024 rankings of America's largest corporations. In the communities we serve, the company focuses its social impact on building a sustainable, inclusive future for all by supporting housing affordability, small business growth, financial health, and a low-carbon economy.

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SOURCE Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity & Inclusive Employment at UConn


What is the purpose of the Wells Fargo and UConn collaboration on neurodiversity workshops?

The collaboration aims to provide free neurodiversity education and training to corporate America, helping companies design end-to-end neurodiversity initiatives and increase employment opportunities for neurodivergent individuals.

How much did Wells Fargo (WFC) invest in the neurodiversity program at UConn?

Wells Fargo invested $3.75 million through a grant to create the Wells Fargo Center for Neurodiversity and Inclusive Employment at UConn.

What are the three main components of the Wells Fargo grant for neurodiversity at UConn?

The three components are: 1) Providing neurodiversity education and training, 2) Funding academic research on business outcomes of neurodiversity programs, and 3) Connecting job seekers with inclusive employers in local communities.

When did Wells Fargo (WFC) launch its Neurodiversity program?

Wells Fargo launched its Neurodiversity program in 2020, as mentioned by Kristy Fercho, head of Diverse Segments, Representation and Inclusion at Wells Fargo.

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