L'ATTITUDE Partners with Wells Fargo to Celebrate the New Mainstream Economy Powered by U.S. Latinos

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L'ATTITUDE, the premier U.S. business event focusing on the Latino cohort's economic impact, has extended its partnership with Wells Fargo as the presenting sponsor for the 2024 conference. The event, scheduled for September 12-15 in San Diego, aims to highlight how U.S. Latinos are shaping the New Mainstream Economy.

On the first day, the Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank will unveil the 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ and the 2024 Latinos In Tech Report- AI Edition, both sponsored by Wells Fargo. These reports will provide important insights into Latino contributions to the economy and serve as the foundation for conference discussions.

Wells Fargo's commitment to the U.S. Latino community spans over 160 years, providing access to capital, home loans, and programs supporting small businesses and diverse suppliers. The partnership underscores the shared goal of highlighting U.S. Latinos as America's true growth engine.

L'ATTITUDE, il principale evento commerciale negli Stati Uniti che si concentra sull'impatto economico della comunità Latino, ha esteso la sua collaborazione con Wells Fargo come sponsor principale per la conferenza del 2024. L'evento, in programma dal 12 al 15 settembre a San Diego, si propone di evidenziare come i Latino negli Stati Uniti stiano modellando la New Mainstream Economy.

Il primo giorno, il Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank presenterà il 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ e il 2024 Latinos In Tech Report - AI Edition, entrambi sponsorizzati da Wells Fargo. Questi rapporti forniranno importanti approfondimenti sui contributi dei Latino all'economia e serviranno da base per le discussioni della conferenza.

Il impegno di Wells Fargo per la comunità Latino statunitense dura da oltre 160 anni, offrendo accesso al capitale, prestiti per la casa e programmi di supporto per piccole imprese e fornitori diversi. La partnership sottolinea l'obiettivo comune di mettere in evidenza i Latino statunitensi come il vero motore di crescita dell'America.

L'ATTITUDE, el evento empresarial más destacado de EE.UU. que se centra en el impacto económico de la comunidad latina, ha ampliado su asociación con Wells Fargo como patrocinador principal de la conferencia de 2024. El evento, programado para el 12 al 15 de septiembre en San Diego, tiene como objetivo resaltar cómo los latinos en EE.UU. están moldeando la New Mainstream Economy.

En el primer día, el Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank dará a conocer el 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ y el 2024 Latinos In Tech Report - AI Edition, ambos patrocinados por Wells Fargo. Estos informes ofrecerán información importante sobre las contribuciones de los latinos a la economía y servirán de base para las discusiones de la conferencia.

El compromiso de Wells Fargo con la comunidad latina de EE.UU. abarca más de 160 años, proporcionando acceso a capital, préstamos para vivienda y programas de apoyo a pequeñas empresas y proveedores diversos. La asociación subraya el objetivo compartido de destacar a los latinos de EE.UU. como el verdadero motor de crecimiento de América.

L'ATTITUDE라틴계 공동체의 경제적 영향에 초점을 맞춘 미국의 대표적인 비즈니스 행사로, 2024 콘퍼런스의 주요 후원사로 웰스 파고와의 파트너십을 연장했습니다. 샌디에이고에서 9월 12일부터 15일까지 열리는 이 행사는 미국 라틴계가 New Mainstream Economy를 어떻게 형성하고 있는지를 강조하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

첫날에는 Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank2024 LDC 미국 라틴계 GDP 보고서™2024 기술 분야의 라틴계 보고서 - AI 에디션을 공개합니다. 두 보고서는 웰스 파고의 후원을 받습니다. 이 보고서는 라틴계의 경제 기여를 파악할 수 있는 중요한 통찰력을 제공하며, 콘퍼런스 논의의 기초로 사용될 것입니다.

웰스 파고의 미국 라틴계 커뮤니티에 대한 약속은 160년 이상 연륜을 자랑하며, 자본 접근, 주택 대출, 중소기업 및 다양한 공급자를 지원하는 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이 파트너십은 미국 라틴계를 미국의 진정한 성장 엔진으로 부각시키려는 공동의 목표를 강조합니다.

L'ATTITUDE, le principal événement commercial américain axé sur l'impact économique de la communauté latino, a prolongé son partenariat avec Wells Fargo en tant que sponsor principal pour la conférence de 2024. L'événement, prévu du 12 au 15 septembre à San Diego, vise à mettre en lumière comment les Latinos américains façonnent la New Mainstream Economy.

Le premier jour, le Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank présentera le 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ et le 2024 Latinos In Tech Report - AI Edition, tous deux sponsorisés par Wells Fargo. Ces rapports fourniront des informations importantes sur les contributions des Latinos à l'économie et serviront de base pour les discussions de la conférence.

L'engagement de Wells Fargo envers la communauté latino américaine s'étend sur plus de 160 ans, offrant un accès au capital, des prêts immobiliers et des programmes soutenant les petites entreprises et les fournisseurs divers. Le partenariat souligne l'objectif commun de mettre en avant les Latinos américains comme le véritable moteur de croissance de l'Amérique.

L'ATTITUDE, die führende Geschäftsveranstaltung in den USA, die sich auf den wirtschaftlichen Einfluss der Latino-Community konzentriert, hat ihre Partnerschaft mit Wells Fargo als Hauptsponsor für die Konferenz 2024 verlängert. Die Veranstaltung, die vom 12. bis 15. September in San Diego stattfindet, zielt darauf ab, zu verdeutlichen, wie die Latinos in den USA die New Mainstream Economy gestalten.

Am ersten Tag wird der Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank den 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ und den 2024 Latinos In Tech Report - AI Edition präsentieren, die beide von Wells Fargo gesponsert werden. Diese Berichte bieten wichtige Einblicke in die Beiträge der Latinos zur Wirtschaft und dienen als Grundlage für die Diskussionen auf der Konferenz.

Das Engagement von Wells Fargo für die US-Latino-Community reicht über 160 Jahre zurück und bietet Zugang zu Kapital, Hypothekendarlehen und Programme, die kleine Unternehmen und diverse Lieferanten unterstützen. Die Partnerschaft unterstreicht das gemeinsame Ziel, die US-Latinos als die wahre Wachstumskraft Amerikas hervorzuheben.

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Wells Fargo continues its long-standing relationship, joining L'ATTITUDE as the presenting sponsor of the 2024 conference

SAN DIEGO, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- L'ATTITUDE, the nation's premier business event focused on amplifying the critical importance and power of the U.S. Latino cohort, is extending its partnership with Wells Fargo. As the presenting sponsor of the 2024 conference, Wells Fargo will join L'ATTITUDE in its mission to highlight how the influential U.S. Latino cohort is Forging the Future of The New Mainstream Economy in 21st Century America.

L'ATTITUDE is an annual four-day business event focused on educating executives and business leaders through data, reports and dialogue on how the U.S. Latino cohort's contributions, power and influence are reshaping the fabric of U.S. culture and the broader economy. Leading with critical facts, data, dialogue and insights, L'ATTITUDE brings together entrepreneurs, executives, investors, entertainers, CEOs, educators, and political and association leaders to amplify the U.S. Latino agenda and to participate in a dynamic marketplace where connections are forged and partnerships are born. This year, the conference will take place in San Diego, CA, from September 12-15.

On day one of the L'ATTITUDE conference, The Latino Donor Collaborative Think Tank (LDC) will unveil its 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ sponsored by Wells Fargo since its inception. This report, which includes the latest statistics and insights on the impact, breadth, and growth of U.S. Latino contributions to the economy, will serve as the cornerstone for presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions. That same day, LDC and Wells Fargo will also unveil the 2024 Latinos In Tech Report- AI Edition at L'ATTITUDE.

"Wells Fargo's long-standing commitment to the U.S. Latino cohort cannot be overstated," said Sol Trujillo, L'ATTITUDE co-founder. "It's an honor to, once again, partner with an organization that genuinely understands and embraces the opportunities that U.S. Latinos are generating for the entire nation. Wells Fargo's support for data-driven insights on the New Mainstream Economy underscores our unified objective to shine a light on America's true growth engine: U.S. Latinos."

For over 160 years, Wells Fargo has served Hispanic and U.S. Latino families by providing access to capital, home loans and programs that foster the growth and sustainability of small businesses, diverse suppliers, and community development.

"At Wells Fargo, we are deeply committed to supporting the growth and success of the Latino community, understanding that our own success is intertwined with theirs," said Patty Juarez, Executive VP and Head of Hispanic/Latino Affairs at Wells Fargo. "L'ATTITUDE, as the largest gathering of Latino business executives and business owners in the United States, provides an unparalleled platform to highlight, uplift and fuel Latino contributions to our economy across industries. We are proud to sponsor this event and to participate through workshops and panels, including a special session on trailblazing Latinas and their incredible journeys of success and sneak peeks into new banking products for the Latino cohort."

The brainchild of international business executive Sol Trujillo and NAHREP Co-Founder & CEO Gary Acosta, L'ATTITUDE hosts a world-class slate of CEOs, celebrities, economists, educators, entrepreneurs, journalists, politicians and industry influencers at its annual conference. Participants engage in open dialogue about the latest facts and data regarding America's Latino Factor and the New Mainstream Economy. As the name implies, L'ATTITUDE is about staying on course to a growing and sustainable economic future for America. U.S. Latinos, our country's youngest cohort, represent nearly 1 in 5 Americans, and account for over $3.2 trillion in GDP, making it the 5th largest economy in the world if it were a stand-alone country. L'ATTITUDE features presentations, panel discussions, interactive sessions, and entertainment featuring leading celebrities.

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) is a leading financial services company that has approximately $1.9 trillion in assets. We provide a diversified set of banking, investment and mortgage products and services, as well as consumer and commercial finance, through our four reportable operating segments: Consumer Banking and Lending, Commercial Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking, and Wealth & Investment Management. Wells Fargo ranked No. 34 on Fortune's 2024 rankings of America's largest corporations. In the communities we serve, the company focuses its social impact on building a sustainable, inclusive future for all by supporting housing affordability, small business growth, financial health, and a low-carbon economy. Additional information may be found at LinkedIn:

For more information on L'ATTITUDE and the New Mainstream Economy, visit


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When and where is the L'ATTITUDE 2024 conference taking place?

The L'ATTITUDE 2024 conference is scheduled to take place in San Diego, California, from September 12-15, 2024.

What reports will be unveiled at the L'ATTITUDE 2024 conference?

The 2024 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report™ and the 2024 Latinos In Tech Report- AI Edition will be unveiled on the first day of the conference, both sponsored by Wells Fargo (WFC).

How long has Wells Fargo (WFC) been supporting the U.S. Latino community?

Wells Fargo has been serving Hispanic and U.S. Latino families for over 160 years, providing various financial services and support programs.

What is the main focus of the L'ATTITUDE conference?

The L'ATTITUDE conference focuses on amplifying the critical importance and power of the U.S. Latino cohort in shaping the New Mainstream Economy in 21st Century America.

Who is the presenting sponsor for the L'ATTITUDE 2024 conference?

Wells Fargo (WFC) is the presenting sponsor for the L'ATTITUDE 2024 conference, continuing its long-standing relationship with the event.

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