Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) Ushers Expanded Youth and Environmental Services Into Santa Rosa

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Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) is set to unveil its new facility in Sonoma County, marking an expansion of its youth and environmental services in Santa Rosa. The 25,000-square-foot building, located at 3555 Airway Dr., offers increased storage capacity for recyclables, improved accessibility for corpsmembers, and enhanced reach for natural resources services.

The expansion, supported by funders including Cal Recycle, Wells Fargo (WFC), REDF, and others, allows CCNB to grow its Zero Waste program, expanding e-waste and mattress recycling efforts. It also enables the organization to provide more fire fuel reduction, flood prevention, and trail restoration services across Sonoma County.

CEO Angel Minor noted immediate increases in recycling drop-offs, field projects, and local youth applications since the move began in March. The facility's location offers easy access by walking, biking, and public transportation, aligning with CCNB's mission of developing youth and conserving natural resources for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable community.

Il Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) è pronto a svelare la sua nuova struttura nella Contea di Sonoma, segnando un'espansione dei suoi servizi per i giovani e l'ambiente a Santa Rosa. L'edificio di 25.000 piedi quadrati, situato al 3555 di Airway Dr., offre una maggiore capacità di stoccaggio per il materiale riciclabile, un accesso migliorato per i membri del corpo e una portata ampliata per i servizi delle risorse naturali.

L'espansione, sostenuta da finanziatori come Cal Recycle, Wells Fargo (WFC), REDF e altri, consente al CCNB di far crescere il suo programma Zero Waste, ampliando gli sforzi di riciclaggio di e-waste e materassi. Permette inoltre all'organizzazione di fornire maggiori servizi di riduzione dei combustibili per incendi, prevenzione delle inondazioni e ripristino dei sentieri in tutta la Contea di Sonoma.

Il CEO Angel Minor ha sottolineato l'aumento immediato dei conferimenti di materiali riciclabili, dei progetti sul campo e delle domande da parte dei giovani locali da quando è iniziato il trasferimento a marzo. La posizione della struttura offre un facile accesso a piedi, in bicicletta e con i mezzi pubblici, in linea con la missione del CCNB di sviluppare i giovani e conservare le risorse naturali per una comunità resiliente, sostenibile ed equa.

Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) está a punto de inaugurar su nueva instalación en el Condado de Sonoma, marcando una expansión de sus servicios para jóvenes y ambientales en Santa Rosa. El edificio de 25,000 pies cuadrados, ubicado en 3555 Airway Dr., ofrece mayor capacidad de almacenamiento para reciclables, mejor accesibilidad para los miembros del cuerpo y un alcance ampliado para los servicios de recursos naturales.

La expansión, respaldada por financiadores como Cal Recycle, Wells Fargo (WFC), REDF y otros, permite al CCNB hacer crecer su programa de Cero Residuos, ampliando los esfuerzos de reciclaje de residuos electrónicos y colchones. También permite a la organización proporcionar más servicios de reducción de combustible contra incendios, prevención de inundaciones y restauración de senderos en todo el Condado de Sonoma.

El CEO Angel Minor destacó los aumentos inmediatos en la entrega de reciclables, proyectos de campo y solicitudes de jóvenes locales desde que comenzó la mudanza en marzo. La ubicación de la instalación ofrece fácil acceso a pie, en bicicleta y en transporte público, alineándose con la misión del CCNB de desarrollar a los jóvenes y conservar los recursos naturales para una comunidad resiliente, sostenible y equitativa.

노스 베이 보존 군단(Conservation Corps North Bay, CCNB)은 소노마 카운티에 새로운 시설을 공개할 준비가 되어 있으며, 이는 산타 로사에서 청소년 및 환경 서비스를 확장하는 것을 의미합니다. 25,000평방피트 크기의 건물은 3555 에어웨이 드라이브에 위치하며, 재활용품 저장 용량을 증가시킵니다, 단원들이 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 개선했으며, 자연 자원 서비스에 대한 도달 범위도 늘렸습니다.

캘리포니아 재활용(Cal Recycle), 웰스 파고(Wells Fargo, WFC), REDF 등 지원자들의 후원을 받아 이 확장은 CCNB가 제로 웨이스트 프로그램을 성장시키고, 전자 폐기물 및 매트리스 재활용 노력을 확대할 수 있도록 합니다. 또한, 기관이 소노마 카운티 전역에서 화재 연료 감소, 홍수 예방 및 산책로 복원 작업을 더 많이 제공할 수 있게 합니다.

CEO 앤젤 마이너는 3월에 이전이 시작된 이후 재활용품 반납, 현장 프로젝트 및 지역 청소년 지원서의 즉각적인 증가를 언급했습니다. 시설의 위치는 도보, 자전거, 대중교통으로 쉽게 접근할 수 있어 CCNB의 청소년 개발 및 자연 자원 보존을 위한 미션에 부합합니다.

Le Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) est sur le point de dévoiler sa nouvelle installation dans le comté de Sonoma, marquant une expansion de ses services pour les jeunes et environnementaux à Santa Rosa. Le bâtiment de 25 000 pieds carrés, situé au 3555 Airway Dr., offre une capacité de stockage accrue pour les matériaux recyclables, une accessibilité améliorée pour les membres du corps et une portée élargie pour les services de ressources naturelles.

L'expansion, soutenue par des bailleurs de fonds tels que Cal Recycle, Wells Fargo (WFC), REDF et d'autres, permet au CCNB de développer son programme Zéro Déchet, en élargissant les efforts de recyclage des déchets électroniques et des matelas. Cela permet également à l'organisation d'offrir davantage de services de réduction des combustibles pour les incendies, de prévention des inondations et de restauration de sentiers dans tout le comté de Sonoma.

Le PDG Angel Minor a noté des augmentations immédiates des dépôts de recyclage, des projets sur le terrain et des candidatures de jeunes locaux depuis le début du déménagement en mars. L'emplacement de l'installation offre un accès facile à pied, à vélo et en transports en commun, ce qui s'aligne avec la mission du CCNB de développer les jeunes et de préserver les ressources naturelles pour une communauté résiliente, durable et équitable.

Der Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) steht kurz davor, seine neue Einrichtung im Sonoma County einzuweihen, was eine Erweiterung seiner Jugend- und Umweltdienstleistungen in Santa Rosa markiert. Das 25.000 Quadratfuß große Gebäude, das sich in der 3555 Airway Dr. befindet, bietet erhöhte Lagermöglichkeiten für recyclierbare Materialien, verbesserte Zugänglichkeit für Mitglieder und einen erweiterten Zugang zu Naturressourcendiensten.

Die Expansion, unterstützt von Geldgebern wie Cal Recycle, Wells Fargo (WFC), REDF und anderen, ermöglicht es CCNB, sein Zero Waste-Programm auszubauen und die Recyclingbemühungen für Elektronikabfälle und Matratzen zu erweitern. Außerdem befähigt die Organisation, mehr Maßnahmen zur Brandminderung, Hochwasserschutz und Wiederherstellung von Wanderwegen im Sonoma County anzubieten.

CEO Angel Minor bemerkte sofortige Zuwächse bei den Recyclingabgaben, Feldprojekten und Bewerbungen von Jugendlichen aus der Region, seit der Umzug im März begann. Der Standort der Einrichtung bietet einfachen Zugang zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad und mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, was mit der Mission von CCNB übereinstimmt, Jugendliche zu entwickeln und natürliche Ressourcen für eine resiliente, nachhaltige und gerechte Gemeinschaft zu bewahren.

  • Wells Fargo (WFC) is among the funders supporting CCNB's expansion, potentially enhancing its ESG profile
  • The funding support demonstrates Wells Fargo's commitment to community development and environmental initiatives
  • None.

SANTA ROSA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Conservation Corps North Bay's (CCNB) new facility in Sonoma County will be unveiled to partners, donors, and community members in October's Grand Opening, highlighting its larger capacity for storage of recyclables, easier access for corpsmembers, and increased reach of its natural resources services.

With support from funders such as Cal Recycle, Wells Fargo, REDF, Ginnie and Peter Haas Jr., and The William G. Irwin Charity Foundation, CCNB purchased and is making renovations to a 25,000-square-foot building at 3555 Airway Dr. off Industrial Dr. in North Santa Rosa, which is accessible by walking or biking and close to public transportation routes.

Since the move began in March of this year, the new building represents more capacity for CCNB's Zero Waste program to expand their E-waste, mattress, and other recycling collection efforts, and the ability to provide more fire fuel reduction, flood prevention, and trail restoration services across Sonoma County.

"We are grateful to all who have been involved in making this vision a reality. In the six months since we made this move, we have seen immediate increases in recycling drop offs, quantity of field projects, and number of local young adults applying for our program. We can't wait to welcome more as our capacity continues to grow."
-Angel Minor, CEO

About Conservation Corps North Bay
Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) is a paid job training program that helps young adults navigate barriers to achieve their career goals. CCNB's mission is to develop youth and conserve natural resources for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable community. You can learn more at

Anastasia Pryor, Director of Development and Communications

(415) 763-3105

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SOURCE: Wells Fargo

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What is the new facility size for Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) in Santa Rosa?

CCNB's new facility in Santa Rosa is a 25,000-square-foot building located at 3555 Airway Dr. off Industrial Dr. in North Santa Rosa.

How has Wells Fargo (WFC) contributed to CCNB's expansion in Santa Rosa?

Wells Fargo (WFC) is listed as one of the funders supporting CCNB's purchase and renovation of the new facility in Santa Rosa, contributing to the expansion of youth and environmental services.

What services will CCNB expand with its new Santa Rosa facility?

CCNB will expand its Zero Waste program, including e-waste and mattress recycling, as well as fire fuel reduction, flood prevention, and trail restoration services across Sonoma County.

When did CCNB begin moving into its new Santa Rosa facility?

CCNB began moving into its new Santa Rosa facility in March 2024, with immediate increases in recycling drop-offs, field projects, and local youth applications noted.

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