Weave Named to Utah Business's Fast 50 List Sixth Year in a Row

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Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience software and payments platform, has been named to the Utah Business Fast 50 list for the sixth consecutive year. This recognition highlights Weave's excellent performance and significant contribution to Utah's economy. The Fast 50 List selection is based on a combination of revenue growth and total revenue.

Weave's mission focuses on enhancing healthcare experiences for practices, patients, and interactions. Their solutions help healthcare providers optimize operations, manage payments, and drive growth through improved patient communication and engagement. CEO Brett White expressed excitement about the recognition, emphasizing the company's commitment to customer-first solutions.

This accolade follows other recent achievements, including top rankings in G2's 2024 Summer Report and winning a fourth consecutive Dental Product Shopper Readers' Choice Award for Patient Communication and Dental Analytic software.

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), una delle principali piattaforme software per l'esperienza del cliente e i pagamenti, è stata inserita nella Utah Business Fast 50 list per il sesto anno consecutivo. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'ottima performance di Weave e il suo significativo contributo all'economia dello Utah. La selezione della Fast 50 List si basa su una combinazione di crescita dei ricavi e ricavi totali.

La missione di Weave si concentra sul miglioramento delle esperienze sanitarie per le pratiche, i pazienti e le interazioni. Le loro soluzioni aiutano i fornitori di servizi sanitari a ottimizzare le operazioni, gestire i pagamenti e stimolare la crescita attraverso un miglioramento della comunicazione e del coinvolgimento dei pazienti. Il CEO Brett White ha espresso entusiasmo per il riconoscimento, sottolineando l'impegno dell'azienda verso soluzioni orientate al cliente.

Questo riconoscimento segue altri recenti successi, tra cui i punteggi più alti nel G2's 2024 Summer Report e la vincita del quarto premio consecutivo del Readers' Choice Award di Dental Product Shopper per la comunicazione con i pazienti e il software analitico odontoiatrico.

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), una de las principales plataformas de software para la experiencia del cliente y pagos, ha sido incluida en la lista Fast 50 de Utah Business por sexto año consecutivo. Este reconocimiento destaca el excelente desempeño de Weave y su significativa contribución a la economía de Utah. La selección de la lista Fast 50 se basa en una combinación de crecimiento de ingresos y ingresos totales.

La misión de Weave se centra en mejorar las experiencias en salud para prácticas, pacientes e interacciones. Sus soluciones ayudan a los proveedores de atención médica a optimizar sus operaciones, gestionar pagos y fomentar el crecimiento a través de una mejor comunicación y compromiso con los pacientes. El CEO Brett White expresó su entusiasmo por el reconocimiento, enfatizando el compromiso de la empresa con soluciones centradas en el cliente.

Este reconocimiento sigue a otros logros recientes, incluido los mejores rankings en el Informe de Verano 2024 de G2 y la obtención del cuarto premio consecutivo del Readers' Choice Award de Dental Product Shopper para comunicación con pacientes y software de análisis dental.

Weave (NYSE: WEAV)는 고객 경험 소프트웨어 및 결제 플랫폼의 선두주자로, 유타 비즈니스 패스트 50 리스트여섯 번째 연속 포함되었습니다. 이 인식은 Weave의 우수한 성과와 유타 경제에의 중요한 기여를 강조합니다. 패스트 50 리스트의 선정은 수익 성장과 총 수익의 조합을 기반으로 합니다.

Weave의 사명은 의료 경험을 개선하는 데 중점을 두고 있으며, 진료소, 환자 및 상호 작용을 포함합니다. 그들의 솔루션은 의료 제공자가 운영을 최적화하고, 결제를 관리하며, 환자 커뮤니케이션 및 참여를 개선함으로써 성장을 촉진하는 데 도움을 줍니다. CEO Brett White는 이 인식에 대한 기대감을 표하며, 고객 우선 솔루션에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.

이번 수상은 G2의 2024 여름 보고서에서의 높은 순위와 환자 커뮤니케이션 및 치과 분석 소프트웨어에 대한 소비자 선택 시상에서의 4년 연속 수상이라는 다른 최근 성과에 이어 이루어졌습니다.

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), une plateforme de logiciel tout-en-un pour l'expérience client et les paiements, a été nommée au classement Fast 50 de Utah Business pour la sixième année consécutive. Cette reconnaissance met en lumière l'excellente performance de Weave et sa contribution significative à l'économie de l'Utah. La sélection dans le classement Fast 50 est basée sur une combinaison de croissance des revenus et de revenus totaux.

La mission de Weave se concentre sur l'amélioration des expériences de santé pour les pratiques, les patients et les interactions. Leurs solutions aident les prestataires de soins de santé à optimiser leurs opérations, gérer les paiements et favoriser la croissance grâce à une meilleure communication et engagement des patients. Le PDG Brett White a exprimé son enthousiasme pour cette reconnaissance, en soulignant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers des solutions centrées sur le client.

Cette distinction s'ajoute à d'autres réalisations récentes, y compris les meilleurs classements dans le rapport d'été 2024 de G2 et la victoire d'un quatrième prix consécutif du Readers' Choice Award de Dental Product Shopper pour la communication avec les patients et le logiciel d'analyse dentaire.

Weave (NYSE: WEAV), eine führende All-in-One-Software für das Kundenerlebnis und Zahlungsplattform, wurde zum Utah Business Fast 50 list für das sechste Jahr in Folge ernannt. Diese Auszeichnung hebt die hervorragende Leistung von Weave und den bedeutenden Beitrag zum Wirtschaftswachstum in Utah hervor. Die Auswahl für die Fast 50 Liste basiert auf einer Kombination von Umsatzwachstum und Gesamtumsatz.

Die Mission von Weave konzentriert sich darauf, die Gesundheitsversorgungserfahrungen für Praxen, Patienten und Interaktionen zu verbessern. Ihre Lösungen helfen Gesundheitsdienstleistern, die Abläufe zu optimieren, Zahlungen zu verwalten und das Wachstum durch verbesserte Patientenkommunikation und Engagement voranzutreiben. CEO Brett White drückte seine Begeisterung über die Auszeichnung aus und betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für kundenorientierte Lösungen.

Diese Auszeichnung folgt anderen jüngsten Erfolgen, darunter die höchsten Platzierungen im G2s 2024 Sommerbericht und den Gewinn des vierten aufeinanderfolgenden Dental Product Shopper Readers' Choice Award für Patientenkommunikation und Zahnanalyse-Software.

  • Named to Utah Business Fast 50 list for sixth consecutive year
  • Recognition based on revenue growth and total revenue performance
  • Recent accolades include top 50 list of best software products for small businesses
  • Placed first in 27 categories in G2 2024 Summer Report
  • Won fourth consecutive Dental Product Shopper Readers' Choice Award
  • None.

Weave is recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in Utah by Utah Business Magazine

LEHI, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Weave (NYSE: WEAV), a leading all-in-one customer experience software and payments platform, was named on the Utah Business Fast 50 list for the sixth consecutive year. The Fast 50 List recognizes companies established in Utah that have achieved excellent performance and significantly contributed to the state's economy. Winners are chosen based on a combination of revenue growth and total revenue.

Weave’s mission is to enhance healthcare experiences for every practice, patient and interaction. Their solutions empower healthcare providers to focus on patient care while Weave helps optimize practice operations, manage payment processing, and drive practice growth through enhanced patient communication and engagement. Inclusion on the Fast 50 List confirms Weave's strong performance in the past year and solidifies it as a Utah tech leader.

"We are thrilled to be recognized once again on the Utah Business Fast 50 List," said Brett White, CEO of Weave. "Our commitment to putting our customers first has resulted in delivering groundbreaking solutions that have helped our customers establish strong connections with their patients. We’re looking forward to what the future brings as we continue to grow and build out our platform to further help small- and medium-sized healthcare businesses attract, engage, and retain customers.”

This recognition comes on the heels of several other recent accolades for Weave, including making the top 50 list of best software products for small businesses and placing first in 27 categories in the G2 2024 Summer Report, and winning a fourth consecutive Dental Product Shopper Readers’ Choice Award for Patient Communication software and Dental Analytic software.

For more information about Weave and its customer experience software solutions, visit

About Weave

Weave is the all-in-one customer experience and payments software platform for small and medium-sized healthcare practices. From the first phone call to the final invoice, Weave connects the entire patient journey. Weave’s software solutions transform how local healthcare practitioners attract, communicate with and engage patients to grow their practice. In the past year, Weave has been named a G2 leader in Patient Relationship Management, Patient Engagement, Optometry, and Dental Practice Management software. To learn more, visit

Natalie House

Sr. Director of Content and Communications, Weave

Source: Weave


What recognition did Weave (WEAV) receive from Utah Business Magazine in 2023?

Weave (WEAV) was named to Utah Business's Fast 50 List for the sixth consecutive year in 2023, recognizing it as one of the fastest-growing companies in Utah.

How are companies selected for the Utah Business Fast 50 List?

Companies are chosen for the Utah Business Fast 50 List based on a combination of revenue growth and total revenue, recognizing excellent performance and significant contributions to Utah's economy.

What other recent accolades has Weave (WEAV) received?

Weave (WEAV) recently made the top 50 list of best software products for small businesses, placed first in 27 categories in the G2 2024 Summer Report, and won a fourth consecutive Dental Product Shopper Readers' Choice Award for Patient Communication and Dental Analytic software.

What is Weave's (WEAV) primary focus in the healthcare industry?

Weave (WEAV) focuses on enhancing healthcare experiences by providing solutions that help healthcare providers optimize practice operations, manage payment processing, and drive growth through improved patient communication and engagement.

Weave Communications, Inc.


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Health Information Services
Services-prepackaged Software
United States of America