Wesdome Gold Mines Appoints Guy Belleau as Chief Operating Officer

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Wesdome Gold Mines has appointed Guy Belleau as Chief Operating Officer, effective September 30, 2024. Mr. Belleau brings over three decades of experience in mine operations, development, and management to the role. His background includes serving as CEO of Sayona Canada and COO of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada. Notably, he spent 8 years as Mine General Manager at Goldcorp's Éléonore Mine in northern Québec.

Anthea Bath, President and CEO of Wesdome, highlighted Mr. Belleau's extensive expertise in underground operations and gold projects within Québec as key factors in his appointment. The company expects his proven track record to contribute significantly to Wesdome's growth and operational excellence.

Mr. Belleau is a Professional Engineer with a Degree in Mining Engineering from Laval University, Québec. He has also served on various boards, including as Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Mining Institute of Quebec.

Wesdome Gold Mines ha nominato Guy Belleau come Chief Operating Officer, con effetto dal 30 settembre 2024. Il Sig. Belleau porta con sé oltre tre decenni di esperienza nelle operazioni minerarie, nello sviluppo e nella gestione. Il suo background include ruoli come CEO di Sayona Canada e COO di ArcelorMittal Mines Canada. È degno di nota che ha trascorso 8 anni come Direttore Generale della Miniera Éléonore di Goldcorp nel Québec settentrionale.

Anthea Bath, Presidente e CEO di Wesdome, ha sottolineato come l'ampia esperienza del Sig. Belleau nelle operazioni sotterranee e nei progetti di oro nel Québec siano fattori chiave nella sua nomina. La compagnia si aspetta che il suo comprovato successo contribuisca in modo significativo alla crescita e all'eccellenza operativa di Wesdome.

Il Sig. Belleau è un Ingegnere Professionista con una Laurea in Ingegneria Mineraria presso l'Università Laval del Québec. Ha anche ricoperto vari incarichi nei consigli, inclusa la carica di Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell'Istituto Nazionale di Miniera del Québec.

Wesdome Gold Mines ha nombrado a Guy Belleau como Director de Operaciones, con efecto a partir del 30 de septiembre de 2024. El Sr. Belleau aporta más de tres décadas de experiencia en operaciones mineras, desarrollo y gestión. Su trayectoria incluye haber sido CEO de Sayona Canada y COO de ArcelorMittal Mines Canada. Cabe destacar que pasó 8 años como Gerente General de la Mina Éléonore de Goldcorp en el norte de Québec.

Anthea Bath, Presidenta y CEO de Wesdome, destacó que la amplia experiencia del Sr. Belleau en operaciones subterráneas y proyectos de oro en Québec son factores clave para su nombramiento. La empresa espera que su historial comprobado contribuya significativamente al crecimiento y a la excelencia operativa de Wesdome.

El Sr. Belleau es Ingeniero Profesional con un título en Ingeniería de Minas de la Universidad Laval de Québec. También ha formado parte de varios consejos, incluyendo la presidencia del Consejo de Administración del Instituto Nacional de Minería de Québec.

Wesdome Gold MinesGuy Belleau를 최고 운영 책임자로 임명했으며, 시행일은 2024년 9월 30일입니다. Belleau 씨는 30년 이상의 광산 운영, 개발 및 관리 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그의 경력에는 Sayona Canada의 CEO와 ArcelorMittal Mines Canada의 COO로 일한 경험이 포함됩니다. 특히, 그는 퀘벡 북부의 Goldcorp Éléonore 광산에서 8년 동안 광산 총괄 관리자로 근무했습니다.

Wesdome의 회장 겸 CEO인 Anthea Bath는 Belleau 씨의 퀘벡 내 지하 운영 및 금 프로젝트에 대한 폭넓은 전문성이 그의 임명에 있어 핵심 요소라고 강조했습니다. 회사는 그의 입증된 실적이 Wesdome의 성장과 운영 우수성에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

Belleau 씨는 퀘벡 라발 대학교에서 광산 공학 학위를 받은 전문 엔지니어입니다. 그는 또한 퀘벡의 국가 광업 연구소 이사회 의장을 포함하여 여러 이사회에서 활동한 경험이 있습니다.

Wesdome Gold Mines a nommé Guy Belleau au poste de directeur des opérations, à compter du 30 septembre 2024. M. Belleau possède plus de trois décennies d'expérience dans les opérations minières, le développement et la gestion. Son parcours professionnel comprend des postes de PDG de Sayona Canada et de COO d'ArcelorMittal Mines Canada. Notamment, il a passé 8 ans en tant que directeur général de la mine Éléonore de Goldcorp dans le nord du Québec.

Anthea Bath, présidente et directrice générale de Wesdome, a souligné que l'expertise étendue de M. Belleau dans les opérations souterraines et les projets aurifères au Québec était un facteur clé de sa nomination. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que son bilan éprouvé contribue de manière significative à la croissance et à l'excellence opérationnelle de Wesdome.

M. Belleau est ingénieur professionnel avec un diplôme en ingénierie minière de l'Université Laval du Québec. Il a également siégé à divers conseils, notamment en tant que président du conseil d'administration de l'Institut national des mines du Québec.

Wesdome Gold Mines hat Guy Belleau zum Chief Operating Officer ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 30. September 2024. Herr Belleau bringt über drei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in den Bereichen Bergbauoperationen, Entwicklung und Management mit. Sein beruflicher Werdegang umfasst Posten als CEO von Sayona Canada und COO von ArcelorMittal Mines Canada. Hervorzuheben ist, dass er 8 Jahre lang als Bergbau-Geschäftsführer in der Éléonore-Mine von Goldcorp im nördlichen Québec tätig war.

Anthea Bath, Präsidentin und CEO von Wesdome, betonte, dass die umfassende Expertise von Herrn Belleau in Untertagbetrieb und Goldprojekten in Québec zentrale Faktoren für seine Ernennung sind. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass sein nachgewiesener Erfolg erheblich zum Wachstum und zur operativen Exzellenz von Wesdome beitragen wird.

Herr Belleau ist ein professioneller Ingenieur und hat einen Abschluss in Bergbauingenieurwesen von der Laval-Universität in Québec. Er hat zudem in verschiedenen Gremien gedient, einschließlich als Vorsitzender des Vorstands des Nationalen Bergbauinstituts von Québec.

  • Appointment of experienced mining professional as COO
  • New COO brings expertise in underground operations and gold projects
  • Potential for improved operational performance and growth
  • None.

TORONTO, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. (TSX:WDO, OTCQX:WDOFF) (“Wesdome” or the “Company”) announces the appointment of Mr. Guy Belleau as Chief Operating Officer effective today, September 30, 2024.

Anthea Bath, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “With his depth of experience in the mining industry, particularly in underground operations and gold projects within the relevant jurisdictions of Québec, Guy stands out as an excellent addition to Wesdome. His proven track record and extensive expertise will be instrumental in driving our continued growth and success. We are excited to have Guy on board and look forward to the valuable contributions he will make in upholding Wesdome’s tradition of operational excellence and high safety standards.”

Mr. Belleau is a Professional Engineer who has spent more than three decades in mine operations, development, and management. Most recently, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Sayona Canada, a subsidiary of Australian-listed Sayona Mining Ltd. Before that, he was the Chief Operating Officer of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada, overseeing the operation of two mines and a concentrator as well as various other critical infrastructures. Additionally, he held the position of Mine General Manager for 14 years, including 8 years at Goldcorp’s Éléonore Mine in northern Québec. Mr. Belleau also served on various boards and most recently as Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Mining Institute of Quebec. He holds a Degree in Mining Engineering from Laval University, Québec.

About Wesdome

Wesdome is a Canadian-focused gold producer with two high-grade underground assets, the Eagle River mine in Ontario and the Kiena mine in Quebec. The Company’s primary goal is to responsibly leverage this operating platform and high-quality brownfield and greenfield exploration pipeline to build Canada’s next intermediate gold producer.

For further information, please contact:
Raj Gill, SVP, Corporate Development & Investor Relations
Trish Moran, VP, Investor Relations
Phone: +1 (416) 360-3743

To receive Wesdome’s news releases by email, please register on the Company website at

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Who is the new Chief Operating Officer of Wesdome Gold Mines (WDOFF)?

Guy Belleau has been appointed as the new Chief Operating Officer of Wesdome Gold Mines, effective September 30, 2024.

What is Guy Belleau's background in the mining industry?

Guy Belleau has over three decades of experience in mine operations, development, and management. He previously served as CEO of Sayona Canada and COO of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada, and spent 8 years as Mine General Manager at Goldcorp's Éléonore Mine in Québec.

When does Guy Belleau start his role as COO at Wesdome Gold Mines (WDOFF)?

Guy Belleau starts his role as Chief Operating Officer at Wesdome Gold Mines on September 30, 2024.

What specific expertise does Guy Belleau bring to Wesdome Gold Mines (WDOFF)?

Guy Belleau brings expertise in underground operations and gold projects, particularly within the relevant jurisdictions of Québec. He also has experience in mine management and development.



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