Waste Connections (WCN) has announced changes to its Board of Directors. Cherylyn Harley LeBon, 58, will join the Board and its Compensation Committee effective August 1, 2024, filling the vacancy created by Larry S. Hughes' resignation. LeBon, a partner at Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, brings extensive experience in corporate governance, business strategy, and government relations. She has previously held senior roles in the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Ronald J. Mittelstaedt, President and CEO, expressed confidence in LeBon's addition to the Board, citing her diverse background and expertise. The company also thanked Hughes for his decade of service, acknowledging his valuable contributions as an attorney and in C-suite level leadership roles.
Waste Connections (WCN) ha annunciato cambiamenti nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Cherylyn Harley LeBon, 58 anni, entrerà a far parte del Consiglio e del suo Comitato Compensi a partire dal 1 agosto 2024, riempiendo il posto vacante lasciato dalla dimissioni di Larry S. Hughes. LeBon, partner presso Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, porta con sé un'ampia esperienza in governance aziendale, strategia commerciale e relazioni governative. In passato ha ricoperto ruoli di prestigio nell'Amministrazione delle Piccole Imprese degli Stati Uniti e nel Dipartimento per gli Affari dei Veterani.
Ronald J. Mittelstaedt, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso fiducia nell'aggiunta di LeBon al Consiglio, citando il suo background diversificato e la sua esperienza. La società ha anche ringraziato Hughes per il suo decennale servizio, riconoscendo i suoi contributi preziosi come avvocato e nei ruoli di leadership a livello C-suite.
Waste Connections (WCN) ha anunciado cambios en su Junta Directiva. Cherylyn Harley LeBon, de 58 años, se unirá a la Junta y a su Comité de Compensación a partir del 1 de agosto de 2024, ocupando la vacante dejada por la renuncia de Larry S. Hughes. LeBon, socia de Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, aporta una amplia experiencia en gobernanza corporativa, estrategia empresarial y relaciones gubernamentales. Anteriormente, ocupó cargos de alta dirección en la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas de EE. UU. y en el Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos.
Ronald J. Mittelstaedt, Presidente y CEO, expresó confianza en la incorporación de LeBon a la Junta, citando su experiencia diversa y experticia. La empresa también agradeció a Hughes por su década de servicio, reconociendo sus valiosas contribuciones como abogado y en roles de liderazgo a nivel C-suite.
Waste Connections (WCN)은 이사회에 변화가 있음을 발표했습니다. Cherylyn Harley LeBon, 58세,은 2024년 8월 1일부터 이사회 및 보상위원회에 합류하며, Larry S. Hughes의 사임으로 발생한 공석을 채울 것입니다. 리본은 Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP의 파트너로서 기업 거버넌스, 비즈니스 전략 및 정부 관계에 대한 광범위한 경험을 갖추고 있습니다. 그녀는 이전에 미국 중소기업청 및 재향군인부에서 고위직을 역임했습니다.
회장 겸 CEO인 Ronald J. Mittelstaedt는 리본이 이사회에 합류하는 것에 대해 신뢰를 표명하며 그녀의 다양한 배경과 전문성을 강조했습니다. 회사는 또한 Hughes의 10년간의 노고에 감사하며, 변호사로서 및 C-suite 수준의 리더십 역할에서의 소중한 기여를 인정했습니다.
Waste Connections (WCN) a annoncé des changements au sein de son Conseil d'Administration. Cherylyn Harley LeBon, 58 ans, rejoindra le Conseil et son Comité de Rémunération à partir du 1er août 2024, remplissant ainsi le poste vacant laissé par la démission de Larry S. Hughes. LeBon, associée chez Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, apporte une vaste expérience en gouvernance d'entreprise, stratégie commerciale et relations gouvernementales. Elle a précédemment occupé des postes de direction au sein de la Small Business Administration des États-Unis et du Département des Affaires des Vétérans.
Ronald J. Mittelstaedt, Président et CEO, a exprimé sa confiance quant à l'ajout de LeBon au Conseil, en mentionnant son parcours diversifié et son expertise. L'entreprise a également remercié Hughes pour ses dix années de service, en reconnaissant ses précieuses contributions en tant qu'avocat et dans des postes de direction au niveau C-suite.
Waste Connections (WCN) hat Änderungen im Vorstand bekannt gegeben. Cherylyn Harley LeBon, 58 Jahre alt, wird ab dem 1. August 2024 dem Vorstand und dem Vergütungsausschuss beitreten und die durch den Rücktritt von Larry S. Hughes entstandene Vakanz füllen. LeBon, Partnerin bei Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Unternehmensführung, Geschäftsstrategie und Regierungsbeziehungen mit. Zuvor hat sie leitende Positionen in der US-amerikanischen Small Business Administration und im Ministerium für Veteranenangelegenheiten innehatten.
Ronald J. Mittelstaedt, Präsident und CEO, drückte sein Vertrauen in LeBons Aufnahme in den Vorstand aus und hob ihren vielfältigen Hintergrund sowie ihre Fachkompetenz hervor. Das Unternehmen dankte auch Hughes für sein zehnjähriges Engagement und erkannte seine wertvollen Beiträge als Anwalt und in Führungspositionen auf C-suite-Ebene an.
- Appointment of Cherylyn Harley LeBon brings diverse expertise in corporate governance, business strategy, and government relations
- LeBon's international business experience may benefit Waste Connections' global operations
- Smooth transition in Board composition maintains continuity of governance
- Departure of Larry S. Hughes may result in loss of long-standing experience and insights
"We are very pleased to welcome Cherylyn to our Board," said Mr. Mittelstaedt. "Cherylyn is an accomplished attorney and independent director with significant experience providing strategic counsel, corporate governance expertise, and business strategy to corporations, start-ups, and C-suite executives. Cherylyn also brings a wealth of governmental and international relations experience to the Board. Cherylyn will be an excellent addition to our Board."
Ms. LeBon, 58, has served since 2023 as a partner with Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, a law firm based in
The Company also announced that Larry S. Hughes has resigned from the Board effective August 1, 2024. Mr. Hughes' departure as a director is not due to any disagreement with the Company.
"We want to thank Larry for his decade of service on our Board and wish him luck in his future endeavors," said Ronald J. Mittelstaedt, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Larry's experience as an attorney and in C-suite level leadership and board of director roles for public companies have been invaluable to the Company."
About Waste Connections
Waste Connections (wasteconnections.com) is an integrated solid waste services company that provides non-hazardous waste collection, transfer and disposal services, including by rail, along with resource recovery primarily through recycling and renewable fuels generation. The Company serves approximately nine million residential, commercial and industrial customers in mostly exclusive and secondary markets across 46 states in the
Mary Anne Whitney / (832) 442-2253 | Joe Box / (832) 442-2153 |
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SOURCE Waste Connections, Inc.