Wesco 2024 Sustainability Report: Wesco Cares

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Wesco has released its 2024 Sustainability Report, highlighting the company's corporate philanthropy program, Wesco Cares. The program focuses on affordable housing, humanitarian aid, and STEM education. Key contributions in 2023 include:

- Over $671,050 donated to Habitat for Humanity
- $241,720 to the American Red Cross for various disaster relief efforts
- More than $205,000 in employee donations and company matches to 220 charities

Wesco encourages employee volunteerism through a paid volunteer day off and organized events like Earth Day clean-ups. The company also launched a centennial build-a-thon with Habitat for Humanity, reaching its goal of 100 builds globally. Wesco's Business Resource Groups (BRGs) have contributed to various causes and provided scholarships to members' children.

Wesco ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2024, evidenziando il programma di filantropia aziendale, Wesco Cares. Il programma si concentra su housing accessibili, aiuti umanitari e educazione STEM. Tra i principali contributi del 2023 ci sono:

- Oltre 671.050 dollari donati a Habitat for Humanity
- 241.720 dollari alla Croce Rossa Americana per vari sforzi di soccorso in caso di calamità
- Più di 205.000 dollari in donazioni dai dipendenti e corrispondenze aziendali a 220 enti di beneficenza

Wesco incoraggia il volontariato dei dipendenti attraverso una giornata di volontariato retribuita e eventi organizzati come le pulizie per la Giornata della Terra. L'azienda ha anche lanciato un centenario build-a-thon con Habitat for Humanity, raggiungendo l'obiettivo di 100 costruzioni a livello globale. I Gruppi di Risorse Aziendali (BRG) di Wesco hanno contribuito a varie cause e fornito borse di studio ai figli dei membri.

Wesco ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2024, destacando el programa de filantropía corporativa, Wesco Cares. El programa se enfoca en vivienda asequible, ayuda humanitaria y educación STEM. Las contribuciones clave en 2023 incluyen:

- Más de 671,050 dólares donados a Habitat for Humanity
- 241,720 dólares a la Cruz Roja Americana para diversos esfuerzos de asistencia en desastres
- Más de 205,000 dólares en donaciones de empleados y emparejamientos de la empresa a 220 organizaciones benéficas

Wesco fomenta el voluntariado de los empleados a través de un día de voluntariado pagado y eventos organizados como las limpiezas del Día de la Tierra. La empresa también lanzó un centenario build-a-thon con Habitat for Humanity, alcanzando su objetivo de 100 construcciones a nivel mundial. Los Grupos de Recursos Empresariales (BRG) de Wesco han contribuido a diversas causas y proporcionado becas a los hijos de los miembros.

Wesco는 2024 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 회사의 기업 자선 프로그램인 Wesco Cares를 강조했습니다. 이 프로그램은 저렴한 주택, 인도적 지원 및 STEM 교육에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 2023년의 주요 기여 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- Habitat for Humanity에 671,050달러 이상 기부
- 다양한 재난 구호 활동을 위해 미국 적십자사에 241,720달러 기부
- 220개의 자선 단체에 대해 직원 기부와 회사 매치로 205,000달러 이상

Wesco는 유급 자원봉사 휴일 및 지구의 날 정화 활동과 같은 조직된 이벤트를 통해 직원의 자원봉사를 장려합니다. 회사는 또한 Habitat for Humanity와 함께 세기 빌드아톤을 시작하여 전 세계적으로 100개의 건설 목표를 달성했습니다. Wesco의 비즈니스 리소스 그룹(BRG)은 다양한 원인에 기여하고 회원 자녀에게 장학금을 제공했습니다.

Wesco a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2024, mettant en avant son programme de philanthropie d'entreprise, Wesco Cares. Ce programme se concentre sur le logement abordable, l'aide humanitaire et l'éducation STEM. Parmi les principales contributions en 2023, on peut citer :

- Plus de 671 050 dollars donnés à Habitat for Humanity
- 241 720 dollars à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour divers efforts de secours en cas de catastrophe
- Plus de 205 000 dollars en dons d'employés et en égalements de l'entreprise à 220 œuvres de charité

Wesco encourage le volontariat des employés grâce à une journée de bénévolat rémunérée et à des événements organisés tels que le nettoyage de la Journée de la Terre. L'entreprise a également lancé un centenaire build-a-thon avec Habitat for Humanity, atteignant son objectif de 100 constructions dans le monde entier. Les Groupes de Ressources Commerciales (BRG) de Wesco ont contribué à diverses causes et ont fourni des bourses aux enfants des membres.

Wesco hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2024 veröffentlicht und das Unternehmensphilanthropie-Programm Wesco Cares hervorgehoben. Das Programm konzentriert sich auf bezahlbaren Wohnraum, humanitäre Hilfe und STEM-Ausbildung. Die wichtigsten Beiträge im Jahr 2023 umfassen:

- Über 671.050 Dollar an Habitat for Humanity gespendet
- 241.720 Dollar an das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz für verschiedene Katastrophenhilfeleistungen
- Mehr als 205.000 Dollar an Mitarbeiterspenden und Unternehmensmatches für 220 Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen

Wesco fördert das ehrenamtliche Engagement seiner Mitarbeiter durch einen bezahlten Freiwilligentag und organisierte Veranstaltungen wie die Reinigung zum Tag der Erde. Das Unternehmen startete auch einen Jahrhundert-Bauathon mit Habitat for Humanity und erreichte sein Ziel von 100 Bauprojekten weltweit. Wescos Geschäftsressourcengruppen (BRGs) haben zu verschiedenen Anliegen beigetragen und Stipendien für die Kinder der Mitglieder bereitgestellt.

  • None.
  • None.

The success of our company is driven by the strength of our team

Read the 2024 Wesco Sustainability Report here

Wesco Cares

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / Corporate giving and employee volunteerism are a part of the vibrant Wesco experience. Employees are actively engaged in local communities through fundraising, volunteering, contributing products and performing advocacy to address local needs. Many of these initiatives include strategic partnerships with global organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and the American Red Cross.

In 2022, we launched Wesco Cares, our new corporate philanthropy program focused on affordable housing and humanitarian aid. In 2023, we also added STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) as a focus for the program. In 2022, June 22 became an annual day of caring for Wesco employees globally, a day on which employees are encouraged to volunteer in their communities.

Three key areas of focus for Wesco Cares are Humanitarian Aid, Affordable Housing and STEM/STEAM.

Contributions from 2023 include:

  • More than $671,050 in donations toward our partnership with Habitat for Humanity to sponsor builds toward our 100 builds goal.

  • A combined $241,720 to the American Red Cross to support relief for the earthquakes in Türkiye/Syria/ Morocco, the Hawaii Wildfires, and conflict in the Middle East.

  • Between employee donations and company matches, we donated over $205,000 impacting 220 different charities in 2023.

Our approach to giving has three aspects: volunteer day off, matching gifts and corporate giving. Wesco launched a new corporate giving platform in June, making it easier than ever for our employees to donate and volunteer and enabling us to get a broader picture of the impact employees are making around the globe.

Sponsored Events

Earth Day Clean-Up:
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Glenview, Illinois

In 2023, Wesco Cares organized employee volunteer opportunities with Friends of the Riverfront (Pittsburgh, Pa.) and the Forest Preserves of Cook County (Glenview, Il.) in honor of Earth Day.

In Pittsburgh, a group of approximately 70 volunteers from Wesco, US Steel and the Pittsburgh Penguins worked on a park and trailhead location along the 40th Street Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Volunteers planted native plants, weeded invasive species, mended fences, painted signs and placed new gravel on the trail. After the vegetation was cleared the team planted 26 native trees along the riverbank.

In Glenview, approximately 20 employees volunteered with the Forest Preserves of Cook County to beautify the park by picking up litter along the Des Plaines trail.

Volunteer Day Off:

We encourage employees to volunteer in their community by providing one day of paid volunteer time off per year. By connecting with and contributing to local charitable organizations Wesco supports the development of strong, vibrant and diverse communities. In 2023,
152 employees participated in a volunteer day off impacting 57 different charitable organizations.

Corporate Giving

Wesco Cares also supported a series of community programs through corporate giving or employee- organized efforts. A few 2023 highlights include:

  • Carter Work Project: Wesco sponsored the 2023 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity. Over five days, future homeowners worked alongside hundreds of volunteers from around the world to build 27 single-family homes in Charlotte, NC.

  • Habitat for Humanity: Wesco sponsored the Chicagoland Habitat for Humanity Hero Awards. The company also served as Chicagoland Habitat for Humanity's inaugural Regional Repair program sponsor, supporting a dozen home repairs this past year. The company's other projects with Habitat for Humanity have ranged from a community renovations project in Sao Paolo, Brazil to a roof wind mitigation project in Orlando, Florida.

  • Boys & Girls Clubs of America: Wesco sponsored the Midwest Youth of the Year Awards, a program focused on fostering a new generation of leaders fully prepared to live and lead in a diverse, global and integrated world economy.

Wesco Cares Build-a-Thon

In 2022, Wesco launched our centennial build-a-thon
in partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Wesco has a strong, ongoing engagement with Habitat for Humanity focused on employee volunteerism and supporting affordable housing in the communities we serve. We kicked off our centennial year with the goal of 100 builds across the globe in partnership with Habitat for Humanity. We reached our goal and celebrated while commemorating our inaugural Day of Caring.

BRG Community Engagement

Wesco's Business Resource Groups (BRGs) have also made their mark on local communities around the world by contributing to various causes. In 2023, our BRGs donated to 18 different organizations, provided scholarships to four children of BRG members for pursuit of military service, trade school, or college and volunteered their time with additional philanthropic organizations.

To learn more, download the 2024 Wesco Sustainability Report here.

About This Report

Unless otherwise stated, this report covers activities, data and initiatives from our fiscal year 2023.

ESG Disclosure and Framework Alignment

The topics covered in this report include those that we have determined to be material for our business and stakeholders as noted on page 12. Wesco aligns with several ESG frameworks and disclosures in support of our commitment to transparency and our fulfillment of stakeholder needs and expectations. We leverage the following frameworks and standards to provide robust ESG information disclosure:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): GRI offers a list of global standards and guidelines around sustainability reporting.

  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB): SASB provides a comprehensive set of industry-specific disclosure topics and guidelines.

  • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): TCFD provides disclosure recommendations on thematic ESG topics such as governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets to provide stakeholders with fuller information surrounding climate risks.

  • CDP: Formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP is an international organization that helps companies and cities measure and disclose important environmental impact information through an annual questionnaire and rating system.

  • United Nations Global Compact (UNGC): UNGC is an initiative that aims to help businesses align their strategies and work toward the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals.

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs): U.N. SDGs provide a shared set of 17 toward peace and prosperity for people and planet goals and create a call to action by all countries in a global partnership.

We also regularly engage with our investors, employees, customers, regulators, ratings agencies and others on ESG and business issues. Additional information about Wesco can be found in our public financial filings-including our annual report and proxy filings-as well as on the Security and Exchange Commission's website at or on the Investors page of our website at

Wesco plans to continue to report annually as we monitor, measure, and deepen our ESG initiatives and disclosures.

Wesco endorses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

More information about our SDG aligned initiatives is included throughout this report.

We did not seek third-party assurance for this report; however, we will consider doing so for future reporting. The information and data contained in this report was vetted by internal subject matter experts on the various ESG topics included in this report.

Contact Us
We appreciate and welcome feedback on our ESG initiatives and reporting and invite you to contact us directly via email at

Wesco sponsored the 2023 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity.

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Wesco International on

Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Wesco International

SOURCE: Wesco International

View the original press release on


What are the main focus areas of Wesco's (WCC) corporate philanthropy program?

Wesco's (WCC) corporate philanthropy program, Wesco Cares, focuses on three key areas: humanitarian aid, affordable housing, and STEM/STEAM education.

How much did Wesco (WCC) donate to Habitat for Humanity in 2023?

In 2023, Wesco (WCC) donated more than $671,050 to Habitat for Humanity to sponsor builds toward their 100 builds goal.

What is Wesco's (WCC) approach to corporate giving?

Wesco's (WCC) approach to corporate giving has three aspects: volunteer day off, matching gifts, and corporate giving. They launched a new corporate giving platform in June 2023 to facilitate employee donations and volunteering.

How does Wesco (WCC) encourage employee volunteerism?

Wesco (WCC) encourages employee volunteerism by providing one day of paid volunteer time off per year and organizing events like Earth Day clean-ups and the annual Day of Caring on June 22.

What was the goal of Wesco's (WCC) centennial build-a-thon with Habitat for Humanity?

Wesco's (WCC) centennial build-a-thon goal was to complete 100 builds across the globe in partnership with Habitat for Humanity. This goal was successfully reached and celebrated during their inaugural Day of Caring.

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