Walgreens Boots Alliance Enters into Definitive Agreement to Be Acquired by Sycamore Partners
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) has announced a definitive agreement to be acquired by private equity firm Sycamore Partners in a transaction valued at up to $23.7 billion. Shareholders will receive $11.45 per share in cash at closing, plus a non-transferable right to receive up to $3.00 in cash per share from future monetization of WBA's VillageMD businesses.
The Cash Consideration represents a 29% premium, and the Total Consideration up to 63% premium, to WBA's closing share price of $8.85 on December 9, 2024. The deal includes a 35-day go-shop period and is expected to close in Q4 2025. WBA's Executive Chairman Stefano Pessina, owning approximately 17% of shares, will reinvest all cash consideration and make an additional investment in the acquiring company.
Post-acquisition, WBA will become private and maintain its Chicago headquarters, continuing to operate under the Walgreens and Boots brands. The transaction aims to better position WBA to execute its turnaround strategy with Sycamore's retail expertise.
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) ha annunciato un accordo definitivo per essere acquisita dalla società di private equity Sycamore Partners in una transazione valutata fino a 23,7 miliardi di dollari. Gli azionisti riceveranno 11,45 dollari per azione in contanti al momento della chiusura, oltre a un diritto non trasferibile di ricevere fino a 3,00 dollari in contanti per azione dalla futura monetizzazione delle attività di VillageMD di WBA.
Il corrispettivo in contante rappresenta un premio del 29%, e il corrispettivo totale fino al 63% di premio, rispetto al prezzo di chiusura delle azioni di WBA di 8,85 dollari del 9 dicembre 2024. L'affare include un periodo di 35 giorni per eventuali offerte alternative e si prevede che si chiuda nel quarto trimestre del 2025. Il Presidente Esecutivo di WBA, Stefano Pessina, che possiede circa il 17% delle azioni, reinvestirà tutto il corrispettivo in contante e effettuerà un ulteriore investimento nella società acquirente.
Dopo l'acquisizione, WBA diventerà privata e manterrà la sua sede a Chicago, continuando a operare sotto i marchi Walgreens e Boots. La transazione mira a posizionare meglio WBA per eseguire la sua strategia di recupero con l'expertise al dettaglio di Sycamore.
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) ha anunciado un acuerdo definitivo para ser adquirida por la firma de capital privado Sycamore Partners en una transacción valorada en hasta 23.7 mil millones de dólares. Los accionistas recibirán 11.45 dólares por acción en efectivo al cierre, además de un derecho no transferible a recibir hasta 3.00 dólares en efectivo por acción de la futura monetización de los negocios de VillageMD de WBA.
La consideración en efectivo representa una prima del 29%, y la consideración total hasta un 63% de prima, respecto al precio de cierre de las acciones de WBA de 8.85 dólares del 9 de diciembre de 2024. El acuerdo incluye un periodo de 35 días para ofertas alternativas y se espera que se cierre en el cuarto trimestre de 2025. El Presidente Ejecutivo de WBA, Stefano Pessina, que posee aproximadamente el 17% de las acciones, reinvertirá toda la consideración en efectivo y realizará una inversión adicional en la empresa adquiriente.
Después de la adquisición, WBA se convertirá en una empresa privada y mantendrá su sede en Chicago, continuando a operar bajo las marcas Walgreens y Boots. La transacción tiene como objetivo posicionar mejor a WBA para ejecutar su estrategia de recuperación con la experiencia minorista de Sycamore.
월그린 부츠 얼라이언스(WBA)는 사모펀드 시카모어 파트너스에 인수되기로 한 최종 계약을 발표했습니다. 이번 거래의 가치는 최대 237억 달러에 달합니다. 주주들은 거래 완료 시 주당 11.45달러의 현금을 받을 수 있으며, WBA의 VillageMD 사업의 향후 수익화에서 주당 최대 3.00달러를 받을 수 있는 양도 불가능한 권리를 갖게 됩니다.
현금 보상은 29%의 프리미엄을 나타내며, 총 보상은 63%의 프리미엄을 나타내어 2024년 12월 9일 WBA의 종가인 8.85달러에 비해 높은 가격입니다. 이번 거래에는 35일간의 대안 제안 기간이 포함되어 있으며, 2025년 4분기에 마감될 것으로 예상됩니다. WBA의 집행 회장인 스테파노 페시나(Stefano Pessina)는 약 17%의 지분을 보유하고 있으며, 모든 현금 보상을 재투자하고 인수 회사에 추가 투자를 할 것입니다.
인수 이후 WBA는 비상장 회사가 되어 시카고 본사를 유지하며, 월그린 및 부츠 브랜드 하에 계속 운영될 것입니다. 이번 거래는 WBA가 시카모어의 소매 전문성을 활용하여 회복 전략을 실행하는 데 더 나은 위치를 차지하도록 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) a annoncé un accord définitif pour être acquise par la société de capital-investissement Sycamore Partners dans une transaction évaluée à 23,7 milliards de dollars. Les actionnaires recevront 11,45 dollars par action en espèces à la clôture, ainsi qu'un droit non transférable de recevoir jusqu'à 3,00 dollars en espèces par action provenant de la monétisation future des activités VillageMD de WBA.
La considération en espèces représente une prime de 29 %, et la considération totale jusqu'à 63 % de prime, par rapport au prix de clôture de l'action WBA de 8,85 dollars le 9 décembre 2024. L'accord comprend une période de 35 jours pour des offres alternatives et devrait se clore au quatrième trimestre 2025. Le Président Exécutif de WBA, Stefano Pessina, qui détient environ 17 % des actions, réinvestira la totalité de la considération en espèces et effectuera un investissement supplémentaire dans la société acquéreuse.
Après l'acquisition, WBA deviendra une entreprise privée et maintiendra son siège à Chicago, continuant à opérer sous les marques Walgreens et Boots. La transaction vise à mieux positionner WBA pour exécuter sa stratégie de redressement grâce à l'expertise de détail de Sycamore.
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) hat eine endgültige Vereinbarung zur Übernahme durch die Private-Equity-Firma Sycamore Partners bekannt gegeben, die mit bis zu 23,7 Milliarden Dollar bewertet wird. Die Aktionäre erhalten bei Abschluss 11,45 Dollar pro Aktie in bar sowie ein nicht übertragbares Recht, bis zu 3,00 Dollar in bar pro Aktie aus der zukünftigen Monetarisierung der VillageMD-Geschäfte von WBA zu erhalten.
Die Barvergütung stellt eine Prämie von 29 % dar, und die Gesamtvergütung von bis zu 63 % Prämie, im Vergleich zum Schlusskurs der WBA-Aktie von 8,85 Dollar am 9. Dezember 2024. Der Deal umfasst eine 35-tägige „Go-Shop“-Phase und wird voraussichtlich im vierten Quartal 2025 abgeschlossen. WBA's Executive Chairman Stefano Pessina, der etwa 17 % der Aktien besitzt, wird die gesamte Barvergütung reinvestieren und eine zusätzliche Investition in das erwerbende Unternehmen tätigen.
Nach der Übernahme wird WBA privat und behält seinen Hauptsitz in Chicago, während es weiterhin unter den Marken Walgreens und Boots operiert. Die Transaktion zielt darauf ab, WBA besser zu positionieren, um seine Turnaround-Strategie mit der Einzelhandelskompetenz von Sycamore umzusetzen.
- Premium of up to 63% for shareholders
- Sycamore's retail expertise to support turnaround
- Fully committed financing secured
- 35-day go-shop period for potential better offers
- Potential additional value from VillageMD monetization
- WBA will be delisted from NASDAQ
- Deal completion subject to regulatory approvals
- No guarantee on VillageMD monetization value
- Long closing timeline (Q4 2025)
- Company acknowledges challenging retail landscape
Sycamore Partners' acquisition of Walgreens Boots Alliance represents a substantial premium for shareholders in a challenging retail pharmacy environment. The $11.45 per share cash consideration offers a
This transaction structure addresses WBA's complex challenges. The company gains Sycamore's retail turnaround expertise while shareholders receive immediate premium value plus potential upside without execution risk. The
The deal includes several shareholder-friendly provisions: a 35-day go-shop period allowing WBA to solicit superior offers, majority-of-the-minority approval requirements, and continued participation by Executive Chairman Stefano Pessina who will reinvest his proceeds.
For VillageMD assets, WBA shareholders receive DAP Rights entitling them to
This acquisition represents a compelling exit strategy for WBA shareholders amid mounting industry pressures. The transaction delivers certainty through the
Sycamore's full commitment to financing removes a significant execution risk often present in large private equity transactions. The structured reinvestment by Pessina signals confidence in the turnaround strategy and aligns management interests with the post-acquisition performance.
The VillageMD monetization mechanism is particularly innovative, creating a separate committee to maximize value of these healthcare assets distinct from the core retail business. This acknowledges WBA's
Total Consideration Consists of
Sycamore and WBA Combine Retail and Healthcare Expertise to Better Position WBA to Accelerate Turnaround Plan
WBA shareholders will receive total consideration consisting of
Leveraging WBA’s healthcare expertise and Sycamore’s established leadership in retail and consumer services, WBA will be better positioned to become the first choice for pharmacy, retail and health services. The Company will continue to operate under Walgreens, Boots and its trusted portfolio of consumer brands. WBA will maintain its headquarters in the
Tim Wentworth, Chief Executive Officer, Walgreens Boots Alliance, said, “Throughout our history, Walgreens Boots Alliance has played a critical role in the retail healthcare ecosystem. We are focused on making healthcare delivery more effective, convenient and affordable as we navigate the challenges of a rapidly evolving pharmacy industry and an increasingly complex and competitive retail landscape. While we are making progress against our ambitious turnaround strategy, meaningful value creation will take time, focus and change that is better managed as a private company. Sycamore will provide us with the expertise and experience of a partner with a strong track record of successful retail turnarounds. The WBA Board considered all these factors in evaluating this transaction, and we believe this agreement provides shareholders premium cash value, with the ability to benefit from additional value creation going forward from monetization of the VillageMD businesses.”
Mr. Wentworth concluded, “Our trusted brands and deep commitment to our customers, patients, communities and team members have and will continue to anchor our business as we realize our goal of being the first choice for pharmacy, retail and health services. I am grateful to the more than 311,000 team members globally who are fiercely committed to WBA, our customers and patients.”
“For nearly 125 years, Walgreens, and for 175 years, Boots, along with their portfolio of trusted brands, have been integral to the lives of patients and customers. Sycamore has deep respect for WBA’s talented and dedicated team members, and we are committed to stewarding the Company’s iconic brands,” said Stefan Kaluzny, Managing Director of Sycamore Partners. “This transaction reflects our confidence in WBA’s pharmacy-led model and essential role in driving better outcomes for patients, customers and communities.”
Financing, Approvals and Timing
The WBA Board of Directors, with Stefano Pessina and John Lederer recused from the deliberations and approval, has unanimously approved the proposed transaction. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter calendar year 2025, subject to customary closing conditions, including approval by WBA shareholders (including a majority of votes cast by WBA shareholders unaffiliated with Mr. Pessina or Sycamore) and the receipt of required regulatory approvals. The transaction is not subject to a financing condition and Sycamore has received fully committed financing for the transaction.
Upon completion of the transaction, WBA’s common stock will no longer be listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market, and WBA will become a private company.
Go-Shop Period
The transaction agreement provides for a so-called “go-shop” period, during which WBA, with the assistance of Centerview Partners, its financial advisor, will actively solicit, and depending on interest, potentially receive, evaluate and enter into negotiations with parties that offer alternative proposals. The initial go-shop period is 35 days. There can be no assurance that this process will result in a superior proposal. WBA does not intend to disclose developments with respect to the solicitation process unless and until the WBA Board of Directors has made a decision with respect to any potential superior proposal.
Voting and Reinvestment Agreements
Sycamore and WBA have entered into voting and reinvestment agreements with WBA’s Executive Chairman, Mr. Pessina, and his holding company, who in the aggregate own approximately
In response to Sycamore’s request and in connection with facilitating Sycamore’s financing for the transaction, WBA’s Board of Directors requested and authorized Mr. Pessina to begin discussions with Sycamore regarding the possibility of Mr. Pessina’s reinvestment of his Cash Consideration. These discussions followed Mr. Pessina’s recusal from the WBA Board’s deliberation and evaluation of the transaction. Mr. Pessina agreed to participate as an investor in Sycamore’s acquisition following review of the proposal.
Value Maximization Process for VillageMD Businesses
As previously announced, WBA is currently evaluating a variety of options with respect to its significant debt and equity interests in the Divested Assets. Following the closing of the Sycamore transaction, a committee consisting of a representative of the pre-closing WBA Board of Directors, a representative of Mr. Pessina and a representative of Sycamore (the “Divested Assets Committee”) will determine the nature and timing of the process to maximize value of WBA’s debt and equity interests in the Divested Assets. The Divested Assets Committee intends to consider all paths available to maximize the value of these businesses, including actions to significantly enhance operational performance and strengthen the balance sheet of the businesses, ahead of any future monetization transaction or transactions.
WBA shareholders will receive, at closing of the Sycamore transaction, one non-transferable DAP Right per WBA share.
As the sole lender to the Divested Assets businesses, WBA expects to receive
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the DAP Rights,
Although the Divested Assets Committee will strive to maximize the value of the Divested Assets, and therefore, the DAP Rights, there can be no assurances that a sale of the Divested Assets will occur, and no assurances as to the timing, terms or amount of proceeds from any potential sale of the Divested Assets.
Walgreens Boots Alliance Fiscal 2025 Second Quarter Earnings Announcement
WBA will release its fiscal year 2025 second quarter financial results and file its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q on April 8, 2025.
Centerview Partners is acting as financial advisor, Kirkland & Ellis LLP is acting as legal advisor and Ropes & Gray LLP is acting as healthcare regulatory counsel to WBA. Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC was also a financial advisor, and provided a fairness opinion to the WBA Board of Directors.
UBS Investment Bank is acting as lead financial advisor, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan are acting as co-lead financial advisors, Citi and Wells Fargo are acting as financial advisors, Davis, Polk & Wardwell LLP is acting as legal counsel and Bass Berry & Sims PLC is acting as healthcare regulatory counsel to Sycamore Partners.
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP is acting as legal advisor to Stefano Pessina.
About Walgreens Boots Alliance
Walgreens Boots Alliance (Nasdaq: WBA) is an integrated healthcare, pharmacy and retail leader serving millions of customers and patients every day, with a 175-year heritage of caring for communities.
A trusted, global innovator in retail pharmacy with approximately 12,500 locations across the
WBA employs approximately 311,000 people, with a presence in eight countries and consumer brands including: Walgreens, Boots, Duane Reade, No7 Beauty Company and Benavides. The Company is proud of its contributions to healthy communities, a healthy planet, an inclusive workplace and a sustainable marketplace. In fiscal 2024, WBA scored
More Company information is available at www.walgreensbootsalliance.com.
About Sycamore Partners
Sycamore Partners is a private equity firm based in
Additional Information and Where to Find It
In connection with the proposed transaction between Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (the “Company”) and affiliates of Sycamore Partners Management, L.P. (“Sycamore Partners”), the Company will file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) a definitive proxy statement on Schedule 14A relating to its special meeting of stockholders, which will be mailed to the Company’s stockholders, and the Company and certain affiliates of the Company will jointly file a transaction statement on Schedule 13E-3. The Company may file or furnish other documents with the SEC regarding the proposed transaction. INVESTORS ARE URGED TO CAREFULLY READ THE PROXY STATEMENT, THE SCHEDULE 13E-3 AND ANY OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE COMPANY IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY, SYCAMORE PARTNERS AND THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION.
Stockholders may obtain free copies of the proxy statement and the Schedule 13E-3 (when available) and other documents the Company files with the SEC from the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov or through the Investors portion of the Company’s website at investor.walgreensbootsalliance.com under the link “Financials and Filings” and then under the link “SEC Filings” or by contacting the Company’s Investor Relations team by e-mail at Investor.Relations@wba.com.
Participants in the Solicitation
The Company and its directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the Company’s stockholders in connection with the proposed transaction. Information regarding the Company’s directors and executive officers is contained in the Company’s proxy statement for its 2025 annual meeting of stockholders filed with the SEC on December 13, 2024 (https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1618921/000155837024016214/tmb-20250130xdef14a.htm) under the sections entitled “Corporate governance,” “Security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management” and “Executive compensation.” To the extent that holdings of the Company’s securities have changed since the amounts set forth in the Company’s proxy statement for its 2025 annual meeting of stockholders, such changes have been or will be reflected on Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4 filed with the SEC. Other information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their interests will be contained in the proxy statement and other relevant materials to be filed with the SEC relating to the proposed transaction. These documents can be obtained (when available) free of charge from the sources indicated above.
Forward-Looking Statements
This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements include all statements that do not relate solely to historical or current facts, such as statements regarding our expectations, intentions or strategies regarding the future. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “accelerate,” “aim,” “ambition,” “anticipate,” “approximate,” “aspire,” “assume,” “believe,” “can,” “continue,” “could,” “create,” “enable,” “estimate,” “expect,” “extend,” “forecast,” “future,” “goal,” “guidance,” “intend,” “long-term,” “may,” “model,” “ongoing,” “opportunity,” “outlook,” “plan,” “position,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “preliminary,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “strive,” “target,” “transform,” “trend,” “vision,” “will,” “would,” and variations of these terms or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the proposed transaction, our ability to consummate the proposed transaction on the expected timeline or at all, the anticipated benefits of the proposed transaction, and the terms, the impact of the proposed transaction on our future business, results of operations and financial condition and the scope of the expected financing in connection with the proposed transaction. Forward-looking statements are based on current estimates, assumptions and beliefs and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that may cause actual results to vary materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: (i) the risk that the proposed transaction may not be completed in a timely manner or at all; (ii) the ability of affiliates of Sycamore Partners to obtain the necessary financing arrangements set forth in the commitment letters received in connection with the proposed transaction; (iii) the failure to satisfy any of the conditions to the consummation of the proposed transaction, including the receipt of certain regulatory approvals and stockholder approval; (iv) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance or condition that could give rise to the termination of the transaction agreements, including in circumstances requiring the Company to pay a termination fee; (v) the effect of the announcement or pendency of the proposed transaction on the Company’s business relationships, operating results and business generally; (vi) the risk that the proposed transaction disrupts the Company’s current plans and operations; (vii) the Company’s ability to retain and hire key personnel and maintain relationships with key business partners and customers, and others with whom it does business; (viii) risks related to diverting management’s attention from the Company’s ongoing business operations; (ix) significant or unexpected costs, charges or expenses resulting from the proposed transaction; (x) potential litigation relating to the proposed transaction that could be instituted against the parties to the transaction agreements or their respective directors, managers or officers, including the effects of any outcomes related thereto; (xi) uncertainties related to the continued availability of capital and financing and rating agency actions; (xii) certain restrictions during the pendency of the proposed transaction that may impact the Company’s ability to pursue certain business opportunities or strategic transactions; (xiii) uncertainty as to timing of completion of the proposed transaction; (xiv) the risk that the holders of Divested Asset Proceed Rights will receive less-than-anticipated payments or no payments with respect to the Divested Asset Proceed Rights after the closing of the proposed transaction and that such rights will expire valueless; (xv) the impact of adverse general and industry-specific economic and market conditions; and (xvi) other risks described in the Company’s filings with the SEC. Forward looking statements included herein are made only as of the date hereof and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law. All forward-looking statements in this communication are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.
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1 Based on cash consideration of |
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250306492146/en/
WBA Contacts
Investor Relations:
Brian Holzer
Jonathon Hosea
Sycamore Contacts
Michael Freitag or Arielle Rothstein
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
Source: Walgreens Boots Alliance
What is the total value of Sycamore Partners' acquisition of WBA?
When will the WBA-Sycamore Partners acquisition close?
What premium are WBA shareholders receiving in the Sycamore deal?
How will Stefano Pessina's 17% WBA stake be handled in the acquisition?