Eco Wave Power Commences Infrastructure Enhancements for Portugal Wave Energy Project
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) has initiated infrastructure enhancements for its first 1MW wave energy project in Porto, Portugal, scheduled for completion in 2026. The project involves transforming 'The Gallery,' a breakwater tunnel, into a facility housing wave energy conversion equipment and an underwater wave energy museum.
Key infrastructure improvements include sand and debris removal, structural reinforcements, and waterproofing measures. The company has appointed Juan José Gómez as Power Station Manager and partnered with MOQ Engineering for final design and load calculations.
The project aims to support Portugal's renewable energy strategy, targeting 85% renewable electricity generation by 2030, while serving as a model for global expansion.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) ha avviato miglioramenti infrastrutturali per il suo primo progetto di energia dalle onde da 1 MW a Porto, in Portogallo, previsto per il completamento nel 2026. Il progetto prevede la trasformazione de 'La Galleria', un tunnel frangiflutti, in una struttura che ospiterà attrezzature per la conversione dell'energia dalle onde e un museo sottomarino dedicato all'energia ondosa.
I principali miglioramenti infrastrutturali includono la rimozione di sabbia e detriti, rinforzi strutturali e misure di impermeabilizzazione. L'azienda ha nominato Juan José Gómez come Responsabile della Centrale e ha collaborato con MOQ Engineering per il design finale e i calcoli di carico.
Il progetto mira a supportare la strategia energetica rinnovabile del Portogallo, puntando all'85% di produzione di elettricità rinnovabile entro il 2030, fungendo al contempo da modello per l'espansione globale.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) ha comenzado mejoras en la infraestructura para su primer proyecto de energía de olas de 1 MW en Oporto, Portugal, programado para completarse en 2026. El proyecto implica transformar 'La Galería', un túnel rompeolas, en una instalación que albergará equipos de conversión de energía de olas y un museo submarino de energía de olas.
Las principales mejoras de infraestructura incluyen la eliminación de arena y escombros, refuerzos estructurales y medidas de impermeabilización. La empresa ha nombrado a Juan José Gómez como Gerente de la Central Eléctrica y se ha asociado con MOQ Engineering para el diseño final y los cálculos de carga.
El proyecto tiene como objetivo apoyar la estrategia de energía renovable de Portugal, con el objetivo de alcanzar un 85% de generación de electricidad renovable para 2030, al mismo tiempo que sirve como modelo para la expansión global.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE)는 포르투갈 포르토에서 1MW 해양 에너지 프로젝트의 인프라 개선을 시작했으며, 2026년 완공 예정입니다. 이 프로젝트는 '갤러리'라는 방파제 터널을 해양 에너지 변환 장비와 수중 해양 에너지 박물관이 있는 시설로 변환하는 것을 포함합니다.
주요 인프라 개선 사항으로는 모래 및 잔해 제거, 구조 보강 및 방수 조치가 포함됩니다. 회사는 Juan José Gómez를 발전소 관리자에 임명하고, 최종 설계 및 하중 계산을 위해 MOQ Engineering와 협력했습니다.
이 프로젝트는 포르투갈의 재생 가능 에너지 전략을 지원하며, 2030년까지 85%의 재생 가능 전기 생산을 목표로 하고 있으며, 글로벌 확장을 위한 모델 역할을 합니다.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) a lancé des améliorations d'infrastructure pour son premier projet d'énergie des vagues de 1 MW à Porto, au Portugal, prévu pour être achevé en 2026. Le projet consiste à transformer 'La Galerie', un tunnel de brise-lames, en une installation abritant des équipements de conversion d'énergie des vagues et un musée sous-marin dédié à l'énergie des vagues.
Les principales améliorations d'infrastructure comprennent l'enlèvement de sable et de débris, des renforts structurels et des mesures d'étanchéité. L'entreprise a nommé Juan José Gómez comme Responsable de la Centrale et a établi un partenariat avec MOQ Engineering pour la conception finale et les calculs de charge.
Le projet vise à soutenir la stratégie énergétique renouvelable du Portugal, visant à atteindre 85 % de production d'électricité renouvelable d'ici 2030, tout en servant de modèle pour l'expansion mondiale.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) hat Infrastrukturverbesserungen für sein erstes 1-MW-Wellenenergieprojekt in Porto, Portugal, eingeleitet, das für 2026 abgeschlossen sein soll. Das Projekt umfasst die Umwandlung von 'The Gallery', einem Wellenbrecher-Tunnel, in eine Anlage, die Ausrüstung zur Umwandlung von Wellenenergie und ein Unterwasser-Wellenenergie-Museum beherbergt.
Zu den wichtigsten Infrastrukturverbesserungen gehören die Entfernung von Sand und Schutt, strukturelle Verstärkungen und Abdichtungsmaßnahmen. Das Unternehmen hat Juan José Gómez zum Betriebsleiter ernannt und arbeitet mit MOQ Engineering an der finalen Planung und den Lastberechnungen zusammen.
Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Strategie für erneuerbare Energien Portugals zu unterstützen, die bis 2030 eine Erzeugung von 85 % erneuerbarer Elektrizität anstrebt, und dient gleichzeitig als Modell für die globale Expansion.
- First MW-scale wave energy project in Portugal
- Strategic alignment with Portugal's renewable energy targets
- Appointment of experienced Power Station Manager
- Partnership with established engineering firm MOQ
- Project completion not until 2026
- Significant infrastructure improvements required before operation
Eco Wave Power's infrastructure enhancement announcement for its Portugal project represents a critical commercialization milestone in the company's development trajectory. This 1MW installation in Porto marks WAVE's transition from smaller pilot projects to utility-scale implementation, potentially establishing proof-of-concept at commercially relevant scales.
The infrastructure preparations – including sand removal, structural reinforcements, and waterproofing of "The Gallery" breakwater tunnel – indicate the project is moving from planning to physical implementation phase. The dual-purpose facility design (power generation plus educational center) demonstrates a strategic approach to building public acceptance while creating potential supplementary revenue streams through tourism.
From an investment perspective, several critical elements remain undisclosed:
- No capital expenditure figures or funding mechanisms were provided
- Revenue projections and expected power purchase agreement terms are absent
- Timeline to operational status beyond the 2026 completion target lacks specificity
The appointment of an experienced Power Station Manager and engagement of MOQ Engineering suggests appropriate resource allocation, though investors should note that wave energy technology remains largely pre-commercial globally, with few successful utility-scale deployments.
Portugal's ambitious renewable targets (85% renewable electricity by 2030) create a supportive regulatory environment, potentially including favorable feed-in tariffs or subsidies that could significantly impact project economics. However, with completion not expected until 2026, WAVE faces a substantial runway before potential revenue generation – a consideration for a company with
To prepare "The Gallery" for equipment installation and public engagement, Eco Wave Power is undertaking the following key activities:
- Sand and Debris Removal: Clearing accumulated materials to ensure a clean and safe environment for both equipment and visitors.
- Structural Reinforcements: Replacing doors and windows to enhance the integrity and security of the facility.
- Waterproofing Measures: Sealing points of water ingress to maintain optimal operational conditions.
Following the completion of the infrastructure enhancements, Eco Wave Power will advance to the next phase of the project, which includes the production and deployment of its proprietary wave energy technology. The project aims to support
To support the execution of the
"This milestone underscores our commitment to delivering a robust and scalable wave energy solution in
About Eco Wave Power Global AB (publ)
Eco Wave Power is a leading onshore wave energy company revolutionizing clean energy with its patented, smart, and cost-efficient technology that converts ocean and sea waves into sustainable electricity.
Dedicated to combating climate change, Eco Wave Power operates the first grid-connected wave energy system in
Expanding globally, Eco Wave Power is preparing to install projects at the Port of
The Company has received support from prestigious institutions such as the European Union Regional Development Fund, Innovate
Eco Wave Power's American Depositary Shares (WAVE) are traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market.
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SOURCE EWPG Holding AB (publ)
When will Eco Wave Power's 1MW Porto project in Portugal be completed?
What infrastructure improvements is WAVE implementing at The Gallery in Porto?
What is the purpose of The Gallery facility in WAVE's Porto project?