Energous PowerBridge Transmitters to Help Improve Transportation Efficiency for Multinational Retailer

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Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) has announced the shipment of its 1W PowerBridge transmitter systems to a Fortune 10 multinational retail organization for use in commercial transportation applications. This follows the retailer's previous orders of 2W PowerBridge transmitters for grocery distribution centers. The ruggedized and weatherproof transmitters are designed to enable real-time inventory tracking during distribution, creating a smart supply chain that improves efficiency, customer service, and profitability.

The Energous PowerBridge transmitter systems provide a Wireless Power Network (WPN) that delivers always-on, over-the-air automated energy flow, optimizing IoT device performance. This allows the retailer to digitally monitor their transportation network 24/7/365, addressing shipment issues in real-time. The solution is described as safe, cost-effective, and eco-friendly, potentially helping retailers reduce their carbon footprint and food waste while ensuring fresher food for customers.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) ha annunciato la spedizione dei suoi sistemi trasmittenti PowerBridge da 1W a un'organizzazione multinazionale di vendita al dettaglio tra le prime 10, da utilizzare in applicazioni di trasporto commerciale. Questo segue le precedenti ordinazioni del rivenditore di trasmettitori PowerBridge da 2W per i centri di distribuzione di generi alimentari. I trasmettitori, robusti e impermeabili, sono progettati per abilitare il tracciamento dell'inventario in tempo reale durante la distribuzione, creando una catena di approvvigionamento intelligente che migliora l'efficienza, il servizio clienti e la redditività.

I sistemi trasmittenti PowerBridge di Energous forniscono una Rete di Energia Wireless (WPN) che offre un flusso di energia automatizzato sempre attivo e via etere, ottimizzando le prestazioni dei dispositivi IoT. Questo consente al rivenditore di monitorare digitalmente la propria rete di trasporto 24/7/365, affrontando i problemi di spedizione in tempo reale. La soluzione è descritta come sicura, conveniente ed ecologica, potenzialmente aiutando i rivenditori a ridurre la loro impronta di carbonio e lo spreco alimentare, garantendo al contempo cibo più fresco per i clienti.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) ha anunciado el envío de sus sistemas transmisores PowerBridge de 1W a una organización multinacional de venta al por menor en el Fortune 10 para su uso en aplicaciones de transporte comercial. Esto sigue a los pedidos anteriores del minorista de transmisores PowerBridge de 2W para centros de distribución de comestibles. Los transmisores, resistentes y a prueba de intemperie, están diseñados para habilitar el seguimiento de inventario en tiempo real durante la distribución, creando una cadena de suministro inteligente que mejora la eficiencia, el servicio al cliente y la rentabilidad.

Los sistemas transmisores PowerBridge de Energous proporcionan una Red de Energía Inalámbrica (WPN) que entrega un flujo de energía automatizado siempre activo, optimizando el rendimiento de los dispositivos IoT. Esto permite al minorista monitorear digitalmente su red de transporte 24/7/365, abordando los problemas de envío en tiempo real. La solución se describe como segura, económica y ecológica, lo que potencialmente ayuda a los minoristas a reducir su huella de carbono y el desperdicio de alimentos, asegurando al mismo tiempo productos más frescos para los clientes.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT)는 상위 10대 다국적 소매 기업에 상업 운송 애플리케이션에 사용할 1W PowerBridge 송신기 시스템의 발송을 발표했습니다. 이는 소매업체가 식료품 배급 센터를 위해 이전에 주문한 2W PowerBridge 송신기에 이어지는 것입니다. 내구성이 뛰어나고 날씨에 강한 송신기는 배급 중 실시간 재고 추적을 가능하게 하여 효율성, 고객 서비스 및 수익성을 개선하는 스마트 공급망을 만듭니다.

Energous PowerBridge 송신기 시스템은 항상 켜져 있는 공중 자동 에너지 흐름을 제공하는 무선 전력 네트워크(WPN)를 통해 IoT 장치의 성능을 최적화합니다. 이를 통해 소매업체는 24/7/365 동안 자신의 운송 네트워크를 디지털 방식으로 모니터링하여 실시간으로 배송 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다. 이 솔루션은 안전하고 비용 효율적이며 친환경적인 것으로 설명되며, 소매업체가 탄소 발자국과 음식물 쓰레기를 줄이는 데 도움이 될 잠재력이 있으며, 고객에게 더 신선한 식품을 보장합니다.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) a annoncé l'expédition de ses systèmes émetteurs PowerBridge de 1W à une organisation multinationale de vente au détail du Fortune 10 pour une utilisation dans des applications de transport commercial. Cela fait suite aux commandes précédentes du détaillant de transmetteurs PowerBridge de 2W pour les centres de distribution alimentaire. Les émetteurs robustes et résistants aux intempéries sont conçus pour permettre le suivi des stocks en temps réel lors de la distribution, créant ainsi une chaîne d'approvisionnement intelligente qui améliore l'efficacité, le service client et la rentabilité.

Les systèmes émetteurs PowerBridge d'Energous fournissent un réseau d'énergie sans fil (WPN) qui offre un flux d'énergie automatisé toujours actif, optimisant les performances des dispositifs IoT. Cela permet au détaillant de surveiller numériquement son réseau de transport 24/7/365, abordant les problèmes d'expédition en temps réel. La solution est décrite comme sûre, rentable et écologique, aidant potentiellement les détaillants à réduire leur empreinte carbone et le gaspillage alimentaire tout en garantissant des aliments plus frais pour les clients.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) hat den Versand seiner 1W PowerBridge Sender-Systeme an ein Fortune-10-Multinationales Einzelhandelsunternehmen für kommerzielle Transportanwendungen bekannt gegeben. Dies folgt den früheren Bestellungen des Einzelhändlers von 2W PowerBridge Sendern für Lebensmittelverteilungszentren. Die robusten und wetterfesten Sender sind darauf ausgelegt, echtzeit Inventarverfolgung während der Verteilung zu ermöglichen, was eine intelligente Lieferkette schafft, die Effizienz, Kundenservice und Rentabilität verbessert.

Die Energous PowerBridge Sender-Systeme bieten ein Drahtloses Energie Netzwerk (WPN), das immer aktiven, über die Luft automatisierten Energiefluss liefert und die Leistung von IoT-Geräten optimiert. Dies ermöglicht es dem Einzelhändler, sein Transportnetzwerk 24/7/365 digital zu überwachen und Versandprobleme in Echtzeit zu adressieren. Die Lösung wird als sicher, kosteneffektiv und umweltfreundlich beschrieben, was potenziell Einzelhändlern hilft, ihren CO2-Fußabdruck und Lebensmittelverschwendung zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig frischere Lebensmittel für die Kunden zu gewährleisten.

  • Shipment of 1W PowerBridge transmitters to a Fortune 10 multinational retail organization
  • Expansion of existing relationship with the retailer, who previously ordered 2W transmitters
  • Potential for improved supply chain efficiency and real-time inventory tracking
  • 24/7/365 digital monitoring capability for transportation networks
  • Eco-friendly solution that may help reduce carbon footprint and food waste
  • None.


The deployment of Energous PowerBridge transmitters for a Fortune 10 retailer marks a significant advancement in supply chain management. This technology addresses critical pain points in traditional systems, such as manual tracking and information gaps. By enabling real-time inventory tracking during distribution, it promises to enhance operational efficiency and reduce errors.

The transition from 2W transmitters in grocery distribution centers to 1W transmitters for transportation applications demonstrates the scalability and versatility of Energous' wireless power network (WPN) solution. This expansion suggests growing confidence in the technology's effectiveness.

Key benefits include:

  • 24/7/365 digital monitoring of transportation networks
  • Proactive issue resolution in real-time
  • Up to 99% visibility of tracked assets
  • Potential for reduced carbon footprint and food waste

While promising, the actual impact on the retailer's bottom line and Energous' revenue remains to be seen. Investors should monitor for concrete metrics on efficiency gains and subsequent orders to gauge long-term value.

Energous' PowerBridge transmitter deployment represents a significant milestone in the practical application of over-the-air (OTA) wireless power for IoT devices in commercial settings. The technology's ability to provide continuous power to IoT sensors and tags addresses a critical challenge in large-scale IoT implementations: battery life and maintenance.

Key technological advantages include:

  • Ruggedized, weatherproof design suitable for harsh transportation environments
  • Scalability from 2W to 1W transmitters, adapting to different use cases
  • Always-on, automated energy flow optimizing IoT device performance

This deployment could serve as a proof of concept for other potential customers in retail and logistics, potentially opening up new market opportunities for Energous. However, the company faces competition from other wireless charging technologies and must demonstrate clear ROI to drive widespread adoption.

Investors should watch for metrics on power efficiency, device longevity and system reliability in real-world conditions to assess the technology's long-term viability and market potential.

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Energous Corporation d/b/a Energous Wireless Power Solutions (NASDAQ: WATT), a pioneer in scalable, over-the-air (OTA) wireless power networks, today announced it has shipped its Energous 1W PowerBridge transmitter systems for use by a Fortune 10 multinational retail organization. The transmitters, which are ruggedized and weatherproof, are purpose built for commercial transportation applications, allowing real time inventory tracking during distribution. This deployment follows the retailer’s previous orders of Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitters for its grocery distribution centers.

In legacy supply chain management systems, data is typically tracked manually with bar code scanners or paper documents, leading to information gaps and errors. As more retailers use Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices such as scanners and tags to track products, they can create smart supply chains which improve efficiency, customer service, and profitability. Energous PowerBridge transmitter systems provide a WPN that delivers an always-on, OTA, automated energy flow that optimizes IoT device performance, enabling the retailer to digitally monitor their transportation network 24/7/365. As a result, distribution becomes more efficient, and they can proactively address shipment issues, whether on the road or in a warehouse, in real time.

“This shipment of our 1W transmitters not only establishes the foundation for a new WPN that will enhance this retailer’s transportation network visibility and control, but also strengthens our existing relationship with them, given their use of our 2W transmitters for grocery distribution optimization,” said Mallorie Burak, Interim Principal Executive Officer and CFO, Energous Wireless Power Solutions. “Our wireless power solutions are safe and cost-effective, providing companies with operational infrastructures that are always on, enabling a constant stream of real-time data, and delivering up to 99 percent visibility of all tracked assets and inventory, from the warehouse to the store.

“Energous PowerBridge transmitters are also ecofriendly. As we all work toward a more sustainable future, Energous-powered WPNs will help retailers reduce the carbon footprint of their distribution and reduce food waste, while helping ensure their customers receive the freshest possible food.”

About Energous Wireless Power Solutions

Energous PowerBridge transmitter systems are the backbone of WPNs that allow connected devices such as sensors and tags to continuously provide critical enterprise data to cloud networks—at distance and without wires, batteries, or cables—ensuring they are reliably charged at all times. In addition, these transmitter systems act as data links for IoT-enabled devices, enabling them to efficiently communicate valuable data and insights back to the cloud, and allowing companies to analyze, optimize, and improve every part of their supply chain operations in real time.

The Energous 1W PowerBridge transmitter system is a cost-efficient WPN solution that works with a variety of energy harvesting Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors. The IP67-rated transmitter can be easily mounted on a wall or vehicle, making it ideal for applications which require location tracking systems in compact spaces with exposure to water and dust, including cold chain monitoring, fleet management, and temperature and humidity monitoring.

The Energous 1W PowerBridge transmitter system combines a high-efficiency power amplifier with a System-on-Chip (SoC) RF transmitter to create a wireless charging infrastructure that enables continuous data streams from mobile IoT devices into business critical applications. For more information, visit

About Energous Wireless Power Solutions

Energous Corporation d/b/a Energous Wireless Power Solutions (NASDAQ: WATT) is pioneering scalable, over-the-air (OTA) wireless power networks that enable unprecedented levels of visibility, control, and intelligent business automation. The Company’s wireless power transmitter and receiver technologies deliver continuous access to wireless power, helping drive a new generation of battery-free devices for asset and inventory tracking and management—from retail sensors, electronic shelf labels, and asset trackers, to air quality monitors, motion detectors, and more. For more information, visit or follow on LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may describe our future plans and expectations and are based on the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of Energous. These statements generally use terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “seek,” “intend,” “plan,” “estimate,” “anticipate” or similar terms. Examples of forward-looking statements in this release include but are not limited to statements about our financial results and projections, statements about the success of our collaborations with our partners, statements about any governmental approvals we may need to operate our business, statements about our technology and its expected functionality, and statements with respect to expected company growth. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from current expectations include: uncertain timing of necessary regulatory approvals; timing of customer product development and market success of customer products; our dependence on distribution partners; and intense industry competition. We urge you to consider those factors, and the other risks and uncertainties described in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), any subsequently filed quarterly reports on Form 10-Q as well as in other documents that may have been subsequently filed by Energous, from time to time, with the SEC, in evaluating our forward-looking statements. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Energous’ views only as of the date of this release and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Energous does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements unless required by law.

Media Contacts:

Energous PR

Source: Energous Corporation


What product has Energous (WATT) shipped to a Fortune 10 retailer?

Energous has shipped its 1W PowerBridge transmitter systems to a Fortune 10 multinational retail organization for use in commercial transportation applications.

How will Energous (WATT) PowerBridge transmitters benefit the retailer's supply chain?

The PowerBridge transmitters will enable real-time inventory tracking during distribution, creating a smart supply chain that improves efficiency, customer service, and profitability. They provide 24/7/365 digital monitoring of the transportation network.

What are the environmental benefits of Energous (WATT) PowerBridge transmitters?

Energous PowerBridge transmitters are described as eco-friendly, potentially helping retailers reduce their carbon footprint and food waste while ensuring fresher food for customers.

How does Energous (WATT) PowerBridge technology differ from legacy supply chain management systems?

Unlike legacy systems that often rely on manual tracking with bar code scanners or paper documents, Energous PowerBridge systems provide an always-on, over-the-air automated energy flow for IoT devices, enabling constant real-time data and up to 99% visibility of tracked assets.

Energous Corporation


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