Waste Energy Provides Update Regarding its New Pyrolysis and AI Based Waste-to-Energy Conversion Business
Waste Energy Corp (OTCQB:WAST) has announced plans for its plastic waste-to-fuel conversion business using pyrolysis technology and AI. The company has identified four strategic locations in North Carolina and Florida for initial operations. The first facility, scheduled to launch in early 2025, will process up to 20 tons of plastic waste daily, with plans to scale to 200 tons per day by year-end. The technology converts non-recyclable plastics into valuable fuels like diesel, gasoline, and industrial-grade feedstock through oxygen-free thermal decomposition. Site selection meetings are ongoing with local officials, with final location decisions expected by end of 2024.
Waste Energy Corp (OTCQB:WAST) ha annunciato piani per la sua attività di conversione dei rifiuti di plastica in carburante utilizzando tecnologia di pirolisi e intelligenza artificiale. L'azienda ha identificato quattro località strategiche nella Carolina del Nord e in Florida per le operazioni iniziali. La prima struttura, prevista per avviarsi all'inizio del 2025, processerà fino a 20 tonnellate di rifiuti di plastica al giorno, con piani per aumentare a 200 tonnellate al giorno entro la fine dell'anno. La tecnologia converte plastica non riciclabile in carburanti preziosi come diesel, benzina e materie prime di grado industriale attraverso una decomposizione termica priva di ossigeno. Le riunioni per la selezione dei siti sono in corso con funzionari locali, con decisioni finali sui luoghi attese entro la fine del 2024.
Waste Energy Corp (OTCQB:WAST) ha anunciado planes para su negocio de conversión de residuos plásticos en combustible utilizando tecnología de pirólisis e inteligencia artificial. La empresa ha identificado cuatro ubicaciones estratégicas en Carolina del Norte y Florida para las operaciones iniciales. La primera instalación, programada para inaugurarse a principios de 2025, procesará hasta 20 toneladas de residuos plásticos diarios, con planes de aumentar a 200 toneladas por día para finales de año. La tecnología convierte plásticos no reciclables en combustibles valiosos como diésel, gasolina y materia prima de grado industrial mediante descomposición térmica sin oxígeno. Se están llevando a cabo reuniones de selección de sitios con funcionarios locales, y se esperan decisiones finales sobre las ubicaciones para finales de 2024.
Waste Energy Corp (OTCQB:WAST)는 열분해 기술과 인공지능을 이용한 플라스틱 폐기물에서 연료로의 전환 사업 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 초기 운영을 위해 노스캐롤라이나와 플로리다에서 네 개의 전략적 위치를 확인했습니다. 첫 번째 시설은 2025년 초에 가동될 예정이며, 하루 최대 20톤의 플라스틱 폐기물을 처리할 수 있으며, 연말까지 하루 200톤으로 확대할 계획입니다. 이 기술은 재활용이 불가능한 플라스틱을 산소가 없는 열분해를 통해 디젤, 휘발유 및 산업용 원료와 같은 귀중한 연료로 전환합니다. 사이트 선정 회의는 지역 관계자들과 진행 중이며, 2024년 말까지 최종 위치 결정을 기대하고 있습니다.
Waste Energy Corp (OTCQB:WAST) a annoncé des projets pour son activité de conversion des déchets plastiques en carburant utilisant la technologie de pyrolyse et l'intelligence artificielle. L'entreprise a identifié quatre emplacements stratégiques en Caroline du Nord et en Floride pour les opérations initiales. La première installation, prévue pour être lancée au début de 2025, traitera jusqu'à 20 tonnes de déchets plastiques par jour, avec des plans pour passer à 200 tonnes par jour d'ici la fin de l'année. La technologie convertit les plastiques non recyclables en carburants précieux comme le diesel, l'essence et la matière première de qualité industrielle par décomposition thermique sans oxygène. Des réunions de sélection de sites sont en cours avec des responsables locaux, et les décisions finales concernant les emplacements devraient être prises d'ici la fin de 2024.
Waste Energy Corp (OTCQB:WAST) hat Pläne für sein Fälligkeit von Plastikabfällen in Treibstoff unter Verwendung von Pyrrolisetechnik und KI angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat vier strategische Standorte in North Carolina und Florida für die ersten Operationen identifiziert. Die erste Anlage, die für Anfang 2025 geplant ist, wird bis zu 20 Tonnen Plastikabfälle täglich verarbeiten, mit Plänen, bis Ende des Jahres auf 200 Tonnen pro Tag zu skalieren. Die Technologie wandelt nicht-recyclingfähige Kunststoffe durch sauerstofffreie thermische Zersetzung in wertvolle Brennstoffe wie Diesel, Benzin und Rohstoffe in Industriequalität um. Die Standortauswahlmeetings laufen mit lokalen Beamten, und die endgültigen Standortentscheidungen werden bis Ende 2024 erwartet.
- Initial facility capacity of 20 tons of plastic waste processing per day
- Planned expansion to 200 tons daily processing capacity by end of 2025
- Strategic location selection in North Carolina and Florida near plastic waste sources
- Production of valuable end products including diesel, gasoline, and industrial feedstock
- Operations not expected to begin until Q1 2025
- Final site selection still pending
FAIRFIELD, CA / ACCESSWIRE / November 21, 2024 / Waste Energy Corp. ("Waste Energy" or the "Company"), (OTCQB:WAST), a pioneering waste-to-energy company, today released an update regarding its groundbreaking plastic waste-to-fuel conversion business using advanced pyrolysis technology and AI. The company has identified four strategic locations in 2 states for its initial operations, signaling a bold step toward combating plastic pollution while addressing the world's growing demand for sustainable energy.
The locations Waste Energy has identified to launch its initial operations are in North Carolina and Florida, these sites were selected based on their proximity to abundant plastic waste sources, strong community support, and existing infrastructure for waste management and logistics. These facilities will be equipped with state-of-the-art pyrolysis reactors capable of processing various types of non-recyclable plastics and converting them into valuable fuels such as diesel, gasoline, and industrial-grade feedstock.
"Plastic waste is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, and our technology stack based on Pyrolysis and AI offers a practical, scalable solution," said Waste Energy President Scott Gallagher. "By transforming discarded waste plastics into clean-burning fuels, we aim to reduce landfill waste, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the circular economy while building a profitable,sustainable business."
At the core of Waste Energy's innovative approach is pyrolysis technology, which thermally decomposes plastic waste in an oxygen-free environment to produce reusable hydrocarbons without releasing harmful toxins. This proven, scalable method effectively diverts plastic waste from landfills and waterways while generating high-value, energy-rich byproducts. These byproducts, including clean-burning fuels, can replace traditional fossil fuels across transportation, industrial, and power generation sectors, creating a compelling investment opportunity in the burgeoning circular economy.
The company's initial facility is projected to process up to 20 tons of plastic waste daily upon launch in early 2025, with a targeted ramp-up to 200 tons per day by the end of the same year. This scale represents a significant leap in waste-to-energy capability, with each facility generating substantial fuel outputs and contributing to measurable reductions in plastic pollution. In addition to environmental benefits, the operations will create high-value employment opportunities and catalyze economic growth in surrounding communities.
To ensure swift and efficient project deployment, Waste Energy's management team has already held productive meetings with local officials in two of its four shortlisted locations with additional meetings scheduled for next week. The final site selection is expected by the end of 2024, with the inaugural facility slated to commence operations in Q1 2025.
About Waste Energy Corp.
Waste Energy Corp is committed to redefining waste as an asset and to reducing the volume of non-recyclable waste in landfills. Specializing in the conversion of waste plastics and used tires into clean diesel fuel. The company will combine AI & Pyrolysis technologies to reduce the volume of plastic and tire waste in landfills while developing a new, clean, US based energy source.
Waste Energy Corp. trades on the OTCQB market, over the counter under the ticker symbol: WAST. Waste Energy Corp is an SEC exchange act, fully reporting company.
For more information on Waste Energy Corp, please visit www.WasteEnergyCorp.com. For additional investor or financial information visit: www.SEC.gov.
Company Contact:
Scott Gallagher, President
(727) 417-7807
SOURCE: Waste Energy Corp.
View the original press release on accesswire.com