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Voyager Digital announced its financial highlights for February 2021, reporting preliminary revenue exceeding US$20 million and Assets Under Management exceeding US$1.7 billion. The platform experienced significant growth, with net deposits surpassing US$400 million and over 70,000 new funded accounts in February alone. The company emphasized its commitment to retail investors and aims to expand offerings, including debit and credit cards, while tripling its workforce in 2021. However, for Q2 FY2021, net losses reached US$9 million.
Voyager Digital Ltd. (CSE: VYGR, OTCQB: VYGVF, FRA: UCD2) has announced the release date for its fiscal 2021 second-quarter financial results, which will be available after market close on March 1, 2021. A conference call will be held on the same day at 5:00 p.m. ET to discuss the results and outline the company's recent milestones and growth strategy. The call can be accessed via phone or online. Investors are encouraged to visit the company's website for further information and insights.
Voyager Digital Ltd. (CSE: VYGR, OTCQB: VYGVF) reported that its Assets Under Management (AUM) have exceeded US$1.1 billion, growing fivefold from US$230 million at the end of December 2020. As of February 15, 2021, the company has surpassed 1 million trades in February. The successful capital raises in 2021 totaled US$146 million, contributing to a strong cash balance of US$156 million. Additionally, Krisztian Toth has been appointed as a Director, succeeding Gaspard De Dreuzy.
Voyager Digital reported impressive growth metrics for January 2021 and early February. Revenue reached US$8.5 million, a significant increase from US$1.7 million in December 2020. Assets Under Management surpassed US$800 million, up from US$230 million at the end of 2020. Cash deposits also surged to US$120 million from US$30 million. Daily trades averaged over 30,000 in January, escalating to 60,000 in early February. The company is focusing on onboarding 80,000 new customers and expanding its workforce.
On February 4, 2021, Voyager Digital Ltd. (CSE: VYGR, OTCQB: VYGVF) announced the appointment of Daniel Costantino as the new Chief Information Security Officer. With experience as Associate CIO and CISO at Penn Medicine, Costantino will enhance Voyager's security infrastructure and customer account protection. He has managed significant IT budgets and led comprehensive security programs. This strategic hiring aims to fortify Voyager's platform as it expands in the digital asset market, addressing rising demands and prioritizing user asset safety.
Voyager Digital Ltd. (CSE: VYGR, OTCQB: VYGVF) announced its participation in several upcoming events, including Adelaide Capital's Crypto Day on February 3 and the A.G.P. Emerging Growth Technology Conference on February 4. The company focuses on providing a seamless trading experience for crypto assets to both retail and institutional investors. Founded by Wall Street and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Voyager aims to offer better execution and custody for digital assets.
Voyager Digital Ltd. reported significant growth in January 2021, processing over 1 million trades compared to 200,000 in December 2020. The company's app saw 250,000 downloads in just three days, hitting #18 in the US App Store on January 29. CEO Steve Ehrlich expressed enthusiasm for the new customer influx and highlighted ongoing improvements to enhance user experience. The increase in trading activity reflects the company's growing position in the crypto market, positioning Voyager as a key player in digital asset trading.
Voyager Digital Ltd. has announced that NBA Hall of Famer Tracy McGrady will join as an advisor alongside business partner Grant Haas. They will promote the platform's offerings, including a noteworthy 8.5% APR on USDC. To encourage new users, they plan to give away $2 million to new customers as part of their promotional campaign. This initiative aims to attract more investors to the crypto space through Voyager's extensive asset offerings and user-friendly platform.
Voyager Digital Ltd. (CSE: VYGR, OTCQB: VYGVF) announced on October 8, 2020, the launch of a new institutional offering targeting corporate treasury desks and institutional accounts. This initiative aims to attract clients seeking higher yield for cash reserves compared to traditional banking. With over 250,000 users, Voyager has become the largest crypto asset agency provider in the U.S. The company also settled $110,000 in debt by issuing 195,000 common shares at $C0.75 per share, pending Canadian Securities Exchange approval.
Voyager Digital Ltd. (CSE: VYGR, OTCQB: VYGVF, FRA: UCD2) announced on October 1, 2020, the appointment of Lewis Bateman as Head of Business Development and International Strategy. Bateman, based in Toronto, will focus on expanding Voyager's international regulatory infrastructure across North America, Europe, and Latin America. This appointment comes amid Voyager's growth, including the recent addition of its 50th asset and expected revenues exceeding $2 million for the September quarter, reflecting a 200% increase from the previous quarter.