Viad Corp to Transform Into Pure-Play Attractions and Hospitality Leader Through Sale of GES Business to Truelink Capital for $535 Million

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Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) has announced a transformative deal to sell its GES business to Truelink Capital for $535 million. The transaction, expected to close by the end of 2024, will separate GES from Viad's Pursuit attractions and hospitality business. Upon completion, Viad plans to change its corporate name to Pursuit and its NYSE ticker symbol to PRSU, becoming a pure-play attractions and hospitality leader.

Pursuit, which delivered $350 million in revenue with a 26.4% Adjusted EBITDA margin in 2023, will focus on its collection of experiences in iconic destinations across the US, Canada, and Iceland. The company aims to accelerate growth through its Refresh, Build, Buy strategy, leveraging an improved balance sheet from the transaction proceeds.

David Barry, current President of Pursuit, will become CEO and President of the standalone public company post-closing. The deal is expected to enhance Pursuit's ability to allocate resources, pursue growth opportunities, and simplify its business model.

Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) ha annunciato un accordo trasformativo per vendere la sua attività GES a Truelink Capital per 535 milioni di dollari. La transazione, prevista per concludersi entro la fine del 2024, separerà GES dall'attività di attrazioni e ospitalità di Viad, Pursuit. Al termine della transazione, Viad prevede di cambiare il proprio nome aziendale in Pursuit e il simbolo azionario della NYSE in PRSU, diventando un leader nel settore delle attrazioni e dell'ospitalità.

Pursuit, che ha generato 350 milioni di dollari di fatturato con un 26,4% di margine EBITDA corretto nel 2023, si concentrerà sulla sua collezione di esperienze in destinazioni iconiche negli Stati Uniti, in Canada e in Islanda. L'azienda mira ad accelerare la crescita attraverso la sua strategia Refresh, Build, Buy, sfruttando un bilancio migliorato dai proventi della transazione.

David Barry, attuale Presidente di Pursuit, diventerà CEO e Presidente della società pubblica indipendente dopo la chiusura. Si prevede che l'accordo migliorerà la capacità di Pursuit di allocare risorse, perseguire opportunità di crescita e semplificare il suo modello di business.

Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) ha anunciado un acuerdo transformador para vender su negocio GES a Truelink Capital por 535 millones de dólares. La transacción, que se espera que se cierre a finales de 2024, separará GES del negocio de atracciones y hospitalidad de Viad, Pursuit. Tras la conclusión, Viad planea cambiar su nombre corporativo a Pursuit y su símbolo en la NYSE a PRSU, convirtiéndose en un líder exclusivo en atracciones y hospitalidad.

Pursuit, que reportó 350 millones de dólares en ingresos con un margen EBITDA ajustado del 26,4% en 2023, se enfocará en su colección de experiencias en destinos icónicos en Estados Unidos, Canadá e Islandia. La empresa busca acelerar el crecimiento a través de su estrategia Refresh, Build, Buy, aprovechando un balance mejorado a partir de los ingresos de la transacción.

David Barry, actual Presidente de Pursuit, se convertirá en CEO y Presidente de la empresa pública independiente tras el cierre. Se espera que el acuerdo mejore la capacidad de Pursuit para asignar recursos, buscar oportunidades de crecimiento y simplificar su modelo de negocio.

Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI)는 GES 사업을 Truelink Capital에 5억 3천5백만 달러에 판매하는 변혁적인 거래를 발표했습니다. 2024년 말까지 마감될 것으로 예상되는 이번 거래는 GES를 Viad의 Pursuit 관광 및 환대 사업과 분리하게 됩니다. 완료 후, Viad는 회사의 이름을 Pursuit로 변경할 계획이며 NYSE 티커 심볼을 PRSU로 바꾸어, 순수한 관광 및 환대 부문의 리더가 될 것입니다.

Pursuit는 2023년에 3억 5천만 달러의 수익을 올렸으며 26.4%의 조정 EBITDA 마진을 기록했습니다. 이 회사는 미국, 캐나다 및 아이슬란드의 아이코닉한 목적지에서 경험을 제공하는 데 집중할 것입니다. 또한 이 거래의 수익을 활용하여 Refresh, Build, Buy 전략을 통해 성장을 가속화할 계획입니다.

David Barry는 Pursuit의 현 회장이며 거래 종료 후 독립적인 상장 회사의 CEO 및 회장이 될 예정입니다. 이번 거래는 Pursuit가 자원을 배분하고 성장 기회를 추구하며 비즈니스 모델을 단순화하는 능력을 향상시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.

Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) a annoncé un accord transformateur pour vendre son activité GES à Truelink Capital pour 535 millions de dollars. La transaction, qui devrait être finalisée d'ici la fin de 2024, séparera GES des activités d'attractions et d'hospitalité de Viad, Pursuit. Après la conclusion, Viad prévoit de changer son nom d'entreprise en Pursuit et son symbole boursier sur le NYSE en PRSU, devenant ainsi un leader exclusif dans le domaine des attractions et de l'hospitalité.

Pursuit, qui a généré 350 millions de dollars de revenus avec une marge EBITDA ajustée de 26,4 % en 2023, se concentrera sur sa collection d'expériences dans des destinations emblématiques aux États-Unis, au Canada et en Islande. L'entreprise vise à accélérer sa croissance grâce à sa stratégie Refresh, Build, Buy, en tirant parti d'un bilan amélioré grâce aux revenus de la transaction.

David Barry, président actuel de Pursuit, deviendra PDG et président de l'entreprise publique indépendante après la fermeture. L'accord devrait améliorer la capacité de Pursuit à allouer des ressources, à poursuivre des opportunités de croissance et à simplifier son modèle commercial.

Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) hat eine transformative Vereinbarung zur Veräußerung seines GES-Geschäfts an Truelink Capital für 535 Millionen Dollar bekannt gegeben. Die Transaktion, die bis Ende 2024 abgeschlossen sein soll, wird GES von Viads Freizeit- und Gastgewerbegeschäft Pursuit trennen. Nach Abschluss plant Viad, seinen Unternehmensnamen in Pursuit zu ändern und sein NYSE-Symbol auf PRSU umzustellen, um ein reiner Anbieter von Freizeit- und Gastgewerbedienstleistungen zu werden.

Pursuit, das 2023 350 Millionen Dollar Umsatz mit einer EBITDA-Marge von 26,4 % erzielt hat, wird sich auf seine Sammlung von Erlebnissen an ikonischen Reisezielen in den USA, Kanada und Island konzentrieren. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, das Wachstum durch seine Strategie Refresh, Build, Buy zu beschleunigen, indem es eine verbesserte Bilanz durch die Einnahmen aus der Transaktion nutzt.

David Barry, der derzeitige Präsident von Pursuit, wird nach dem Abschluss CEO und Präsident des eigenständigen öffentlichen Unternehmens. Es wird erwartet, dass die Vereinbarung Pursuit in die Lage versetzt, Ressourcen besser zuzuweisen, Wachstumschancen zu verfolgen und sein Geschäftsmodell zu vereinfachen.

  • Sale of GES business for $535 million, transforming Viad into a pure-play attractions and hospitality company
  • Pursuit delivered $350 million in revenue with a 26.4% Adjusted EBITDA margin in 2023
  • Improved balance sheet and financial flexibility to accelerate Pursuit's growth strategy
  • 15% compound annual growth rate for Pursuit's revenue since 2015
  • 13 major Refresh, Build, Buy growth projects completed over the last 10 years, contributing $74 million of Adjusted EBITDA in 2023
  • Transition period until the end of 2024 for the GES sale to close, subject to regulatory approvals and closing conditions
  • Change in leadership with current CEO Steve Moster transitioning to an advisory role post-transaction


This transaction is a significant strategic move for Viad Corp. The $535 million sale of GES to Truelink Capital will transform Viad into a pure-play attractions and hospitality company under the Pursuit brand. Key financial implications include:

  • Substantial cash infusion to retire Viad's 2021 Credit Facility, including a $317 million Term Loan B and $170 million revolving credit facility
  • Improved balance sheet and financial flexibility for Pursuit's growth strategy
  • Pursuit's strong financial performance: $350 million revenue in 2023 with 26.4% Adjusted EBITDA margin
  • 15% compound annual growth rate for Pursuit since 2015

This transaction allows Pursuit to focus on its high-growth, high-return business model in the attractions and hospitality sector. The improved capital structure and growth prospects make this an overall positive development for investors, despite the divestiture of the GES business.

The transformation of Viad into Pursuit represents a strategic alignment with current market trends:

  • Focus on experiential economy: Pursuit's business model capitalizes on the growing demand for unique, memorable experiences in iconic destinations
  • High barriers to entry: Pursuit's assets in sought-after locations provide a competitive advantage
  • Vertical integration: The company's integrated approach to attractions, lodging and hospitality enhances revenue opportunities
  • Simplification appeal: The pure-play model is likely to resonate with investors seeking clear, focused business strategies

The company's "Refresh, Build, Buy" strategy has proven successful, with 13 major projects contributing $74 million to Adjusted EBITDA in 2023. This track record, combined with the enhanced financial flexibility post-transaction, positions Pursuit well for future growth in the attractive travel and leisure sector.

Upon Close, Viad to Change Corporate Name to Pursuit, Reflecting Singular Focus on Delivering Unforgettable Experiences in Iconic Destinations

Company to Host Conference Call Today at 8:30 A.M. Eastern Time

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) (“Viad” or the “Company”), a leading global provider of extraordinary experiences, including attractions, hospitality, exhibition services and experiential marketing, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its GES business to Truelink Capital for $535 million. The transaction is expected to close by the end of 2024, subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions.

The transaction separates GES, a global exhibition services and experiential marketing business, from Viad’s Pursuit attractions and hospitality business. GES and Pursuit will continue to operate under Viad until the transaction closes, allowing management and Truelink to deliver a successful transition of GES to a standalone entity within Truelink’s portfolio. Upon completion of the sale of GES, Viad intends to change its corporate name and relaunch as Pursuit and change its NYSE common stock ticker symbol to PRSU.

“After careful evaluation, and with both businesses performing at very high levels, we believe that now is the right time to separate GES and create a standalone publicly traded Pursuit,” said Steve Moster, Viad’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Both Pursuit and GES have seen significant demand and achieved remarkable results. After a decade long growth journey, Pursuit is now an industry leader with the assets, resources and capabilities to stand on its own. Through this transformative sale, we intend to establish Pursuit as a pure-play, high-growth, high-return business, with the financial strength and balance sheet to capitalize on its substantial growth prospects in the hospitality and attractions space. Additionally, the improved margin profile and growth trajectory of GES position it well for continued success under a new owner that is committed to maximizing GES’ growth potential.”

Pursuit: Maximizing Value as a Pure-Play Leader

Pursuit is an attractions and hospitality company that owns and operates a collection of inspiring and unforgettable experiences in iconic destinations in the United States, Canada, and Iceland. Pursuit’s elevated hospitality experiences include 14 world-class point-of-interest attractions and 27 distinctive lodges, along with integrated restaurants, retail and transportation that enable visitors to discover and connect with stunning national parks and renowned global travel locations.

During 2023, Pursuit welcomed 3.5 million visitors across its attractions, its lodging guests occupied nearly 420,000 room nights, and the business delivered revenue of $350 million with an Adjusted EBITDA margin of 26.4%(1).

As a standalone publicly traded company, we believe Pursuit will be able to:

  • Better allocate resources and capital to pursue a separate and distinct growth model led by a proven team;
  • Leverage the Company’s substantially improved balance sheet to fuel high-return growth opportunities through its proven Refresh, Build, Buy strategy;
  • Incorporate vertically integrated lodging and hospitality experiences to drive cross selling and upselling opportunities
  • Create irreplicable attractions that drive guest experience, economies of scale and enhanced financial performance
  • Simplify the Company’s business to better align with investor preferences and overall market trends; and
  • Enhance opportunities for employees as the business continues to expand within existing markets and diversify into new markets.

David Barry, President of Pursuit since 2015, will serve as Chief Executive Officer and President of Pursuit as a standalone publicly traded company following closing of the GES transaction. At that time, Steve Moster, Viad’s current President and CEO, will transition into an advisory role.

“Pursuit has carefully created a portfolio of world-class, high-return and irreplicable assets and experiences in the world’s most iconic and sought-after locations,” said Mr. Barry. “Our team has built a leadership position in an industry with high barriers to entry, strong perennial demand and significant market tailwinds. With an enhanced and robust balance sheet in place, we can accelerate our growth through adding new, iconic attractions and lodges that drive guest experience, economies of scale and scope, and improving financial performance.”

Pursuit: a High-Growth Company Focused on Delivering Unforgettable Experiences in Iconic Destinations

Pursuit has a proven Refresh, Build, Buy strategy, which has meaningfully scaled the business over the last nine years. Since 2015, when David Barry joined Pursuit as its President, the business has grown revenue at a 15% compound annual growth rate through a powerful combination of disciplined revenue management and operational improvements, and high-return growth investments to enhance the guest experience and expand Pursuit’s offerings.

Over the last 10 years, Pursuit has completed 13 major Refresh, Build, Buy growth projects that collectively contributed about $74 million of Adjusted EBITDA in 2023. These investments include a $76 million acquisition of a majority stake in seven lodging properties in Jasper, the $45 million acquisition of three lodges and one attraction in Alaska, the $36 million renovation of the Mount Royal Hotel in Banff, the $22 million renovation of the Banff Gondola, the $20 million construction of the Glacier Skywalk in Jasper, and the $13 million controlling interest investment to develop the Sky Lagoon in Iceland, among other projects.

Mr. Barry continued, “We have a team of proven operators with the experience and knowledge to add profitable experiences in diverse geographies that capture perennial demand, reduce seasonality, and generate returns greater than Pursuit’s cost of capital. This transformative transaction allows us to reset the Company’s capital structure, significantly bolsters our financial flexibility to accelerate Pursuit’s growth trajectory, and positions us to deliver greater long-term value to our shareholders.”

Upon closing of the GES transaction, Pursuit will have a strong balance sheet to execute on its growth strategy. Cash proceeds from the transaction will be used to retire Viad’s 2021 Credit Facility, which comprises a Term Loan B (with $317 million outstanding, bearing interest at SOFR + 425 basis points) and a $170 million revolving credit facility (of which zero was drawn as of September 30, 2024), and to accelerate Pursuit’s growth through its Refresh, Build, Buy strategy.

The $535 million purchase price for GES is subject to adjustments for cash, debt and debt-like items, and normalized working capital and will be paid in cash. Of the total cash consideration, $25 million will be deferred for one year following the transaction closing date and is contingent only on the passage of time.

  1. Adjusted EBITDA margin is a financial measure that is not calculated in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”). For a discussion and reconciliation to its most directly comparable GAAP financial measure, please see our earnings press release for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2023.


Moelis & Company LLC is serving as financial advisor to Viad, and Latham & Watkins LLP is serving as legal counsel.

Conference Call Details

Management will host a conference call to discuss this transaction at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Monday, October 21, 2024.

The conference call can be accessed with operator assistance by calling (404) 975-4839 or (833) 470-1428 and entering the access code 814985.

To avoid wait time and bypass speaking with an operator to join the call, participants can pre-register using the following registration link: After registering, a calendar invitation will be sent that includes dial-in information as well as unique codes for entry into the live call. We recommend that you register in advance to ensure access for the full call.

A live audio webcast of the call will also be available in listen-only mode through the “Investors” section of our website. A replay of the webcast will be available on our website shortly after the call and, for a limited time, by calling (929) 458-6194 or (866) 813-9403 and entering the access code 504967.

Additionally, we posted a supplemental presentation on the “Investors” section of our website that we will refer to during the call that includes commentary regarding 2024 outlook.

About Viad

Viad (NYSE: VVI) is a leading global provider of extraordinary experiences, including attractions, hospitality, exhibition services, and experiential marketing through two businesses: Pursuit and GES. Our business strategy focuses on delivering extraordinary experiences for our teams, clients and guests, and significant and sustainable growth and above-market returns for our shareholders. Viad is an S&P SmallCap 600 company.

Pursuit is an attractions and hospitality company that owns and operates a collection of inspiring and unforgettable experiences in iconic destinations in the United States, Canada, and Iceland. Pursuit’s elevated hospitality experiences include 14 world-class point-of-interest attractions and 27 distinctive lodges, along with integrated restaurants, retail and transportation that enable visitors to discover and connect with stunning national parks and renowned global travel locations.

GES is a global exhibition services and experiential marketing company offering a comprehensive range of services to the world’s leading event organizers and brands through two reportable segments, GES Exhibitions and Spiro. GES Exhibitions is a global exhibition and trade show management business that partners with leading exhibition and conference organizers as a full-service provider of strategic and logistics solutions to manage the complexity of their shows with teams throughout North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Spiro is a global experiential marketing agency that partners with leading brands around the world to manage and elevate their experiential marketing activities, bonding brand and customer.

For more information, visit

About Truelink Capital

Truelink Capital is a middle-market private equity firm based in Los Angeles. Truelink pairs deep industry experience in the industrials and technology-enabled services sectors with a commitment to building partnerships that drive long-term value through an operationally focused strategy. Truelink partners with management, corporate sellers, and founders to accelerate growth through the execution of strategic initiatives and transformative add-on acquisitions.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains a number of forward-looking statements. Words, and variations of words, such as “will,” “can,” “may,” “expect,” “would,” “could,” “might,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “deliver,” “seek,” “aim,” “potential,” “target,” “outlook,” and similar expressions are intended to identify our forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include those that address activities, events or developments that Viad or its management believes or anticipates may occur in the future, including all statements regarding the expected timing of the closing of the GES transaction, the use of proceeds of the transaction, potential benefits of the transaction, expectations concerning Pursuit’s opportunities and performance as a standalone public company, and the expected Chief Executive Officer transition in connection with the closing of the GES transaction. Similarly, statements that describe our go-forward business strategy, objectives, plans, intentions, or goals also are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to a host of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in our forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • the GES transaction may not be completed on anticipated terms and timing (or at all);
  • a condition to closing of the GES transaction may not be satisfied, including the failure to receive any required regulatory approvals from any applicable governmental entities (or any conditions, limitations or restrictions placed on such approvals);
  • the anticipated tax treatment of the GES transaction may not be obtained;
  • the potential impact of unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, costs, expenses, earnings, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition and losses on the future prospects, business and management strategies for the management, expansion and growth of the Company after the consummation of the GES transaction;
  • potential litigation relating to the GES transaction that could be instituted against the Company or its directors
  • potential adverse reactions or changes to business relationships resulting from the announcement or completion of the GES transaction
  • any negative effects of the announcement, pendency or consummation of the GES transaction on the market price of the Company’s common stock and on the Company’s operating results;
  • risks associated with third party contracts containing consent and/or other provisions that may be triggered by the GES transaction;
  • the risk that disruptions from the GES transaction will harm the Company’s business, including current plans and operations or by diverting management’s attention the Company’s ongoing business operations
  • the ability of the Company to retain and hire key personnel and uncertainties arising from leadership changes,
  • general economic uncertainty in key global markets and a worsening of global economic conditions;
  • travel industry disruptions;
  • the impact of our overall level of indebtedness, as well as our financial covenants, on our operational and financial flexibility;
  • seasonality of our businesses;
  • unanticipated delays and cost overruns of our capital projects, and our ability to achieve established financial and strategic goals for such projects;
  • the importance of key members of our account teams to our business relationships;
  • our ability to manage our business and continue our growth if we lose any of our key personnel;
  • the competitive nature of the industries in which we operate;
  • transportation disruptions and increases in transportation costs;
  • natural disasters, weather conditions, accidents, and other catastrophic events;
  • our exposure to labor cost increases and work stoppages related to unionized employees;
  • our ability to successfully integrate and achieve established financial and strategic goals from acquisitions;
  • our exposure to cybersecurity attacks and threats;
  • our exposure to currency exchange rate fluctuations;
  • liabilities relating to prior and discontinued operations;
  • sufficiency and cost of insurance coverage; and
  • compliance with laws governing the storage, collection, handling, and transfer of personal data and our exposure to legal claims and fines for data breaches or improper handling of such data.

For a more complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties that may affect our business or financial results, please see Item 1A, “Risk Factors,” of our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and our most recent Current Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC. We disclaim and do not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement in this press release except as required by applicable law or regulation.

Carrie Long or Michelle Porhola

Investor Relations

(602) 207-2681

Scott Bisang or Nick Lamplough

Media Relations

Source: Viad Corp


What is the value of the GES business sale by Viad Corp (VVI)?

Viad Corp (VVI) is selling its GES business to Truelink Capital for $535 million.

When is the GES business sale expected to close for Viad Corp (VVI)?

The sale of GES by Viad Corp (VVI) is expected to close by the end of 2024, subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions.

What will Viad Corp (VVI) be renamed after the GES sale?

After the GES sale, Viad Corp (VVI) intends to change its corporate name to Pursuit and its NYSE ticker symbol to PRSU.

What was Pursuit's revenue and Adjusted EBITDA margin in 2023?

In 2023, Pursuit, a division of Viad Corp (VVI), delivered revenue of $350 million with an Adjusted EBITDA margin of 26.4%.

Who will be the CEO of Pursuit after it becomes a standalone company?

David Barry, the current President of Pursuit, will serve as Chief Executive Officer and President of Pursuit as a standalone publicly traded company following the closing of the GES transaction.

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