Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) Wholly Owned Subsidiary Moviynt Receives New Key SAP Certification

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Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Moviynt, has received SAP certification for its Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution. This certification allows Moviynt's platform to be used with SAP's S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition software, which is currently utilized by over 20,000 customers worldwide. The Mobilium platform bridges the gap between mobile devices and ERP systems, enabling rapid development of new workflows to eliminate inefficiencies and capture data across all levels of an organization.

Moviynt's solution is a multi-ERP, SAP premium certified plugin that allows customers to publish APIs and connect them to existing SAP functions. It also provides a workbench for managing work distribution, monitoring progress, and tracking exception handling. This certification assures clients that Moviynt's solutions meet SAP's rigorous technical, security, and business standards, positioning the company as a trusted partner for optimized hands-free automation in warehouses and beyond.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) ha annunciato che la sua controllata, Moviynt, ha ottenuto la certificazione SAP per la sua soluzione Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0. Questa certificazione permette alla piattaforma di Moviynt di essere utilizzata con il software SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, attualmente in uso da oltre 20.000 clienti in tutto il mondo. La piattaforma Mobilium colma il divario tra dispositivi mobili e sistemi ERP, consentendo lo sviluppo rapido di nuovi flussi di lavoro per eliminare inefficienze e catturare dati a tutti i livelli di un'organizzazione.

La soluzione di Moviynt è un plugin multi-ERP, certificato premium SAP che consente ai clienti di pubblicare API e collegarle alle funzioni SAP esistenti. Inoltre, offre un banco di lavoro per gestire la distribuzione del lavoro, monitorare i progressi e tenere traccia della gestione delle eccezioni. Questa certificazione garantisce ai clienti che le soluzioni di Moviynt soddisfano gli rigorosi standard tecnici, di sicurezza e di business di SAP, posizionando l'azienda come partner fidato per l'automazione ottimizzata senza mani nei magazzini e oltre.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) anunció que su subsidiaria completamente propiedad, Moviynt, ha recibido la certificación SAP para su solución Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0. Esta certificación permite que la plataforma de Moviynt se utilice con el software SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, que actualmente es utilizado por más de 20,000 clientes en todo el mundo. La plataforma Mobilium conecta dispositivos móviles con sistemas ERP, permitiendo un desarrollo rápido de nuevos flujos de trabajo para eliminar ineficiencias y captar datos en todos los niveles de una organización.

La solución de Moviynt es un plugin multi-ERP, certificado premium por SAP que permite a los clientes publicar API y conectarlas a las funciones SAP existentes. También proporciona un banco de trabajo para gestionar la distribución del trabajo, monitorear el progreso y rastrear el manejo de excepciones. Esta certificación asegura a los clientes que las soluciones de Moviynt cumplen con los rigurosos estándares técnicos, de seguridad y de negocios de SAP, posicionando a la empresa como un socio confiable para la automatización optimizada sin manos en almacenes y más allá.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI)는 완전 자회사 Moviynt가 Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 솔루션에 대해 SAP 인증을 받았다고 발표했습니다. 이 인증은 Moviynt의 플랫폼이 현재 전 세계 20,000명 이상의 고객이 사용 중인 SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition 소프트웨어와 함께 사용될 수 있음을 의미합니다. Mobilium 플랫폼은 모바일 장치와 ERP 시스템 간의 간극을 연결하여 비효율성을 제거하고 조직의 모든 수준에서 데이터를 수집할 수 있는 새로운 워크플로우의 빠른 개발을 가능하게 합니다.

Moviynt의 솔루션은 고객이 API를 게시하고 기존 SAP 기능에 연결할 수 있는 SAP 프리미엄 인증 멀티-ERP 플러그인입니다. 또한 작업 분배 관리, 진행 상황 모니터링 및 예외 처리 추적을 위한 작업장을 제공합니다. 이 인증은 고객에게 Moviynt의 솔루션이 SAP의 엄격한 기술, 보안 및 비즈니스 기준을 충족함을 보장하며, 웨어하우스 및 그 이상에서 최적화된 손쉬운 자동화를 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너로서 회사를 위치시킵니다.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) a annoncé que sa filiale à part entière, Moviynt, a reçu la certification SAP pour sa solution Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0. Cette certification permet à la plateforme de Moviynt d'être utilisée avec le logiciel SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, actuellement utilisé par plus de 20 000 clients dans le monde entier. La plateforme Mobilium fait le lien entre les dispositifs mobiles et les systèmes ERP, permettant un développement rapide de nouveaux flux de travail pour éliminer les inefficacités et capturer des données à tous les niveaux d'une organisation.

La solution de Moviynt est un plugin multi-ERP, certifié SAP premium qui permet aux clients de publier des API et de les connecter aux fonctions SAP existantes. Elle fournit également un banc d'essai pour gérer la distribution du travail, suivre les progrès et gérer les exceptions. Cette certification assure aux clients que les solutions de Moviynt respectent les normes techniques, de sécurité et commerciales strictes de SAP, positionnant l'entreprise comme un partenaire de confiance pour une automatisation optimisée et sans main dans les entrepôts et au-delà.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) gab bekannt, dass ihre hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft Moviynt die SAP-Zertifizierung für ihre Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0-Lösung erhalten hat. Diese Zertifizierung ermöglicht es der Moviynt-Plattform, mit der SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition-Software verwendet zu werden, die derzeit von über 20.000 Kunden weltweit genutzt wird. Die Mobilium-Plattform schließt die Lücke zwischen mobilen Geräten und ERP-Systemen und ermöglicht die schnelle Entwicklung neuer Workflows zur Beseitigung von Ineffizienzen und zur Datenerfassung auf allen Ebenen einer Organisation.

Die Lösung von Moviynt ist ein Multi-ERP, SAP-premium-zertifiziertes Plugin, das es Kunden ermöglicht, APIs bereitzustellen und diese mit bestehenden SAP-Funktionen zu verbinden. Sie bietet auch eine Arbeitsplattform zur Verwaltung der Arbeitsverteilung, zur Überwachung des Fortschritts und zur Nachverfolgung der Ausnahmebehandlung. Diese Zertifizierung versichert den Kunden, dass die Lösungen von Moviynt die strengen technischen, sicherheits- und geschäftlichen Standards von SAP erfüllen und das Unternehmen als vertrauenswürdigen Partner für optimierte, automatisierte Prozesse in Lagerhäusern und darüber hinaus positioniert.

  • Moviynt received SAP certification for Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution
  • Certification allows integration with SAP's S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, used by over 20,000 customers
  • Moviynt's platform bridges gap between mobile devices and ERP systems
  • Solution enables rapid development of new workflows to eliminate inefficiencies
  • Certification assures compliance with SAP's technical, security, and business standards
  • None.

Vuzix's subsidiary Moviynt has achieved a significant milestone with its SAP certification for the Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution. This certification is particularly noteworthy as it applies to SAP's S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, a tailored cloud ERP system used by over 20,000 customers worldwide. This extensive user base represents a substantial market opportunity for Moviynt.

The Mobilium platform's ability to bridge mobile devices and ERP systems addresses a critical need in today's digital transformation landscape. By enabling rapid workflow development and eliminating inefficiencies, Moviynt is positioning itself at the forefront of enterprise mobility solutions. The multi-ERP nature of the Mobilium Gateway 3.0, coupled with its API publishing capabilities and workbench for managing work distribution, makes it a versatile tool for businesses looking to streamline their operations.

From a technological standpoint, this certification validates Moviynt's compliance with SAP's stringent technical and security standards. This is important in an era where data security and system integrity are paramount concerns for enterprises. The certification also positions Moviynt as one of the few providers offering S/4HANA certified solutions for hands-free automation in warehouses and beyond, potentially giving them a competitive edge in the market.

However, it's important to note that while this certification opens doors, Moviynt will need to continuously innovate and adapt to maintain its relevance in the rapidly evolving ERP and mobile solutions market. The company's commitment to keeping pace with SAP's developments will be important for long-term success.

The SAP certification of Moviynt's Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution represents a significant market opportunity for Vuzix. With SAP's S/4HANA platform boasting an installed base of over 20,000 companies worldwide, Moviynt now has potential access to a vast customer pool. This certification effectively positions Moviynt as a trusted solution provider in the SAP ecosystem, which could lead to increased adoption rates and market penetration.

The enterprise mobility solutions market, where Moviynt operates, is projected to grow substantially in the coming years. Factors driving this growth include the increasing adoption of cloud-based solutions, the need for real-time data access and the push for digital transformation across industries. Moviynt's solution, with its focus on bridging mobile devices and ERP systems, aligns well with these market trends.

However, it's important to consider the competitive landscape. While Moviynt is among the few firms offering S/4HANA certified solutions for hands-free automation, the enterprise mobility market is crowded with both established players and innovative startups. Moviynt will need to leverage its SAP certification and Vuzix's expertise in AR and smart glasses to differentiate itself and capture market share.

From an investor's perspective, this certification could potentially lead to increased revenue streams for Vuzix through its Moviynt subsidiary. However, it's important to note that the impact on Vuzix's financials may take time to materialize, as enterprise sales cycles can be lengthy and adoption of new technologies in large organizations often occurs gradually.

  • Bridging the gap between mobile devices and ERP systems to empower the rapid development of new workflows that eliminate inefficiencies
  • Installed base of over 20,000 companies worldwide

ROCHESTER, N.Y., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vuzix® Corporation (NASDAQ: VUZI), ("Vuzix" or, the "Company"), a leading supplier of smart glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technology and products, today announced that Moviynt®, its wholly owned subsidiary and SAP Certified ERP SaaS logistics solution provider, has received certification from leading business software provider SAP for its Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution to be used with SAP's S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition software platform, a tailored-to-fit cloud ERP. SAP's S/4HANA product is currently used by more than 20,000 customers worldwide.

Moviynt's Mobilium platform bridges the gap between mobile devices and ERP systems and provides a studio to empower the rapid development of new workflows, which can eliminate inefficiencies and capture data from business processes at all levels of the organization, enabling users to realize their vision of digital transformation. The Mobilium Gateway 3.0 solution is a multi-ERP, SAP premium certified plugin, which allows the customer to publish APIs, and connect them to their existing standard or customized SAP functions. It also provides a workbench to manage work distribution, monitor progress, and track exception handling.

"Obtaining certification from SAP that our platform is fully compliant with their rigorous technical, security, and business standards is a significant accomplishment for Moviynt and assures our clients that our solutions accurately solve their pressing problems," says Philip Matkovsky, President and CEO of Moviynt, a wholly owned subsidiary of Vuzix. "Our customers and potential customers demand innovation but also want a partner whose platform is tested, proven, and certified. We are proud to be among the few firms to offer S/4HANA certified solutions for optimized hands-free automation in the warehouse and beyond, and we will remain committed to keeping pace with SAP to deliver to our clients solutions that are both cutting edge and platform certified."

About Vuzix Corporation

Vuzix is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies and products for the enterprise, medical, defense and consumer markets. The Company's products include head-mounted smart personal display and wearable computing devices that offer users a portable high-quality viewing experience, provide solutions for mobility, wearable displays and augmented reality, as well OEM waveguide optical components and display engines. Vuzix holds more than 375 patents and patents pending and numerous IP licenses in the fields of optics, head-mounted displays, and augmented reality Video Eyewear field. Moviynt, an SAP Certified ERP SaaS logistics solution provider, is a Vuzix wholly owned subsidiary. The Company has won Consumer Electronics Show (or CES) awards for innovation for the years 2005 to 2024 and several wireless technology innovation awards among others. Founded in 1997, Vuzix is a public company (NASDAQ: VUZI) with offices in: Rochester, NY; Munich, Germany; and Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan.  For more information, visit the Vuzix website, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer

Certain statements contained in this news release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements contained in this release relate to Vuzix Smart Glasses, Moviynt SaaS solutions, the Mobilium Gateway 3.0 solution capabilities and our ability to maintain SAP certifications in the future, and among other things the Company's leadership in the Smart Glasses and AR display industry. They are generally identified by words such as "believes," "may," "expects," "anticipates," "should" and similar expressions. Readers should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which are based upon the Company's beliefs and assumptions as of the date of this release. The Company's actual results could differ materially due to risk factors and other items described in more detail in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual Reports and MD&A filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and applicable Canadian securities regulators (copies of which may be obtained at or Subsequent events and developments may cause these forward-looking statements to change. The Company specifically disclaims any obligation or intention to update or revise these forward-looking statements as a result of changed events or circumstances that occur after the date of this release, except as required by applicable law.

Vuzix Media and Investor Relations Contact:

Ed McGregor, Director of Investor Relations,
Vuzix Corporation  
Tel: (585) 359-5985

Vuzix Corporation, 25 Hendrix Road, West Henrietta, NY 14586 USA,
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What SAP certification did Vuzix's subsidiary Moviynt receive for its Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution?

Moviynt received certification for its Mobilium Gateway™ 3.0 solution to be used with SAP's S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition software platform, a tailored-to-fit cloud ERP.

How many customers currently use SAP's S/4HANA product worldwide?

SAP's S/4HANA product is currently used by more than 20,000 customers worldwide.

What are the key features of Moviynt's Mobilium Gateway 3.0 solution?

Mobilium Gateway 3.0 is a multi-ERP, SAP premium certified plugin that allows customers to publish APIs, connect them to existing SAP functions, and provides a workbench to manage work distribution, monitor progress, and track exception handling.

How does Moviynt's Mobilium platform benefit organizations using SAP systems?

The Mobilium platform bridges the gap between mobile devices and ERP systems, enabling rapid development of new workflows to eliminate inefficiencies and capture data from business processes at all levels of the organization.

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