Viatris 2023 Sustainability Report: Advocating for Patients

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Viatris' 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the company's commitment to patient advocacy and empowerment. The report outlines various collaborations and initiatives undertaken in 2023, including:

  • Partnering with Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia for awareness campaigns and patient education
  • Sponsoring the COPD Foundation's Lace up for Lungs campaign in the U.S.
  • Supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and Boomer Esiason Foundation
  • Collaborating with multiple sclerosis advocacy associations
  • Creating the MyHealthMyLife website for disease awareness
  • Partnering with the Active Citizen Network to strengthen patients' voices in health policies

These efforts aim to provide patients and caregivers with access to information, raise awareness, and empower them to actively participate in their healthcare journey.

Il Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2023 di Viatris evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda per la difesa dei pazienti e l'emancipazione. Il rapporto delinea varie collaborazioni e iniziative intraprese nel 2023, tra cui:

  • Collaborazione con Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia per campagne di sensibilizzazione e educazione dei pazienti
  • Sponsorizzazione della campagna Lace up for Lungs della COPD Foundation negli Stati Uniti
  • Sostegno alla Cystic Fibrosis Foundation e alla Boomer Esiason Foundation
  • Collaborazione con associazioni di difesa della sclerosi multipla
  • Creazione del sito web MyHealthMyLife per la sensibilizzazione sulle malattie
  • Partnership con l'Active Citizen Network per rafforzare le voci dei pazienti nelle politiche sanitarie

Questi sforzi mirano a fornire ai pazienti e ai caregiver accesso alle informazioni, aumentare la consapevolezza e dare loro il potere di partecipare attivamente al proprio percorso di cura.

El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de Viatris destaca el compromiso de la empresa con la defensa de los pacientes y el empoderamiento. El informe describe varias colaboraciones e iniciativas emprendidas en 2023, incluyendo:

  • Colaboración con Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia para campañas de concienciación y educación de pacientes
  • Patrocinio de la campaña Lace up for Lungs de la COPD Foundation en EE.UU.
  • Apoyo a la Cystic Fibrosis Foundation y a la Boomer Esiason Foundation
  • Colaboración con asociaciones de defensa de la esclerosis múltiple
  • Creación del sitio web MyHealthMyLife para la concienciación sobre enfermedades
  • Asociación con la Active Citizen Network para fortalecer las voces de los pacientes en las políticas de salud

Estos esfuerzos tienen como objetivo proporcionar a los pacientes y cuidadores acceso a la información, aumentar la conciencia y empoderarlos para participar activamente en su viaje de atención médica.

Viatris의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서는 환자 옹호 및 권한 부여에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조합니다. 보고서는 2023년에 수행된 다양한 협력 및 이니셔티브를 설명하며, 여기에는:

  • Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia와 협력하여 인식 캠페인 및 환자 교육 진행
  • 미국에서 COPD Foundation의 Lace up for Lungs 캠페인 후원
  • 낭포성 섬유증 재단과 부머 에시안 재단 지원
  • 다발성 경화증 옹호 단체와의 협력
  • 질병 인식을 위한 MyHealthMyLife 웹사이트 생성
  • Active Citizen Network와 협력하여 의료 정책에서 환자 목소리 강화

이러한 노력은 환자와 간병인이 정보에 접근하고 인식을 높이며, 자신의 건강 관리 과정에 능동적으로 참여할 수 있도록 힘을 실어주려는 목적을 가지고 있습니다.

Le Rapport de Durabilité 2023 de Viatris souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la défense des patients et leur empowerment. Le rapport décrit diverses collaborations et initiatives entreprises en 2023, notamment :

  • Partenariat avec Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia pour des campagnes de sensibilisation et d'éducation des patients
  • Parrainage de la campagne Lace up for Lungs de la COPD Foundation aux États-Unis
  • Soutien à la Cystic Fibrosis Foundation et à la Boomer Esiason Foundation
  • Collaboration avec des associations de défense de la sclérose en plaques
  • Création du site MyHealthMyLife pour sensibiliser aux maladies
  • Partenariat avec l'Active Citizen Network pour renforcer les voix des patients dans les politiques de santé

Ces efforts visent à fournir aux patients et aux accompagnants un accès à l'information, à sensibiliser et à les habiliter à participer activement à leur parcours de soins.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 von Viatris hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für Patientenvertretung und Empowerment hervor. Der Bericht skizziert verschiedene Kooperationen und Initiativen, die im Jahr 2023 unternommen wurden, darunter:

  • Partnerschaft mit Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia für Aufklärungskampagnen und Patientenschulungen
  • Unterstützung der Lace up for Lungs-Kampagne der COPD Foundation in den USA
  • Förderung der Cystic Fibrosis Foundation und der Boomer Esiason Foundation
  • Zusammenarbeit mit Verbänden zur Vertretung von Multipler Sklerose
  • Erstellung der MyHealthMyLife-Website zur Krankheitsaufklärung
  • Partnerschaft mit dem Active Citizen Network zur Stärkung der Patientenstimmen in der Gesundheitspolitik

Diese Bemühungen zielen darauf ab, Patienten und Betreuern den Zugang zu Informationen zu ermöglichen, das Bewusstsein zu schärfen und sie zu ermächtigen, aktiv an ihrer Gesundheitsreise teilzunehmen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2024 / With people at the heart of our mission, Viatris is committed to representing and capturing the diverse voices of patients and caregivers and joining together for advocacy. As both a caretaker and a caregiver, people often experience a lack of power and limited access to information at a time when they may be at their most vulnerable. We work with many patient advocacy organizations to help provide patients and caregivers with access to information, grow their knowledge and leverage the power of their collective voice to raise awareness. Together with patient organizations and academia, we engage in education, research, sponsorships, awareness events and policy efforts with the goal to empower patients.

In 2023, this included:

  • Collaborated with Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia on awareness campaigns, patient education and resources to help ensure familiarity with how and when to use epinephrine auto-injectors. We also collaborate with the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology (ASCIA) to promote, evaluate, and update ASCIA allergy and anaphylaxis e-training courses and online resources.

  • Sponsored the COPD Foundation's Lace up for Lungs campaign in the U.S., which is instrumental in advancing the organization's mission to help millions of people live longer and healthier lives by advancing research, advocacy and awareness to stop COPD and related lung diseases

  • Participated in and sponsoring the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's annual Corporate Cup. More than a dozen colleagues took part in recreation and sporting events between area companies, while raising awareness and money to support the foundation.

  • Supported our longtime U.S.-based partner the Boomer Esiason Foundation to provide education and resources to families affected by cystic fibrosis and the organization's BEF Financial Hardship Fund, which provides a temporary source of funding for families during a time of unexpected adversity or emergency

  • Partnered with several multiple sclerosis (MS) advocacy associations, including the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, the National MS Society and others to provide educational resources and support for people living with this autoimmune disease

  • Collaborated with patients' organizations and medical societies to create the MyHealthMyLife website to support patients group to provide additional resources on diseases awareness

  • Supported long-term partner Brazilian Association of Family, Friends and People with Affective Disorders (ABRATA) on several initiatives including disease awareness and advocacy

  • Partnered with the Active Citizen Network (ACN), which supports several regional and local activities on European Patients' Rights Day to strengthen patients' voice in shaping and influencing health policies focusing on the healthcare workforce crisis

  • Participated in the working group of Gravitate Health, a publicprivate partnership with 40 members from Europe and the U.S., which works to equip and empower people with digital information tools that make them confident, active and responsive in their patient journey

View the full 2023 Sustainability Report.

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Spokesperson: Viatris

SOURCE: Viatris

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What patient advocacy initiatives did Viatris (VTRS) undertake in 2023?

In 2023, Viatris (VTRS) collaborated with various organizations, including Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia, COPD Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and multiple sclerosis advocacy associations. They also created the MyHealthMyLife website and partnered with the Active Citizen Network to support patient advocacy and empowerment.

How did Viatris (VTRS) support COPD awareness in 2023?

Viatris (VTRS) sponsored the COPD Foundation's Lace up for Lungs campaign in the U.S. in 2023. This campaign aims to advance research, advocacy, and awareness to stop COPD and related lung diseases, helping millions of people live longer and healthier lives.

What initiatives did Viatris (VTRS) support for cystic fibrosis in 2023?

In 2023, Viatris (VTRS) participated in and sponsored the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's annual Corporate Cup. They also supported the Boomer Esiason Foundation, providing education and resources to families affected by cystic fibrosis and contributing to the BEF Financial Hardship Fund.

How is Viatris (VTRS) supporting multiple sclerosis patients?

Viatris (VTRS) partnered with several multiple sclerosis (MS) advocacy associations in 2023, including the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America and the National MS Society. These partnerships aim to provide educational resources and support for people living with this autoimmune disease.

What digital health initiative did Viatris (VTRS) participate in during 2023?

In 2023, Viatris (VTRS) participated in the working group of Gravitate Health, a public-private partnership with 40 members from Europe and the U.S. This initiative works to equip and empower people with digital information tools to make them confident, active, and responsive in their patient journey.

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