Election committee for Vitrolife AB (publ)

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Vitrolife AB (publ) has announced the appointment of its election committee for the Annual General Meeting in 2025. The committee members are:

  • Niels Jacobsen, appointed by William Demant Invest A/S
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, appointed by Bure Equity AB
  • Patricia Hedelius, appointed by AMF Fonder & Pension
  • Jón Sigurdsson, Chairman of the Board

The appointments follow the principles determined at the Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2024. The upcoming Annual General Meeting will be held on April 29, 2025 in Gothenburg. Shareholders wishing to propose items for consideration must submit their requests to the Board at least seven weeks before the meeting.

Vitrolife AB (publ) ha annunciato la nomina del suo comitato elettorale per l'Assemblea Generale Annuale nel 2025. I membri del comitato sono:

  • Niels Jacobsen, nominato da William Demant Invest A/S
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, nominato da Bure Equity AB
  • Patricia Hedelius, nominata da AMF Fonder & Pension
  • Jón Sigurdsson, Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione

Le nomine seguono i principi stabiliti nell'Assemblea Generale Annuale del 25 aprile 2024. La prossima Assemblea Generale Annuale si terrà il 29 aprile 2025 a Göteborg. Gli azionisti che desiderano proporre elementi da considerare devono inviare le loro richieste al Consiglio almeno sette settimane prima della riunione.

Vitrolife AB (publ) ha anunciado la designación de su comité electoral para la Junta General Anual en 2025. Los miembros del comité son:

  • Niels Jacobsen, designado por William Demant Invest A/S
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, designado por Bure Equity AB
  • Patricia Hedelius, designada por AMF Fonder & Pension
  • Jón Sigurdsson, Presidente del Consejo de Administración

Las designaciones siguen los principios establecidos en la Junta General Anual del 25 de abril de 2024. La próxima Junta General Anual se llevará a cabo el 29 de abril de 2025 en Gotemburgo. Los accionistas que deseen proponer temas para su consideración deben enviar sus solicitudes al Consejo al menos siete semanas antes de la reunión.

Vitrolife AB (publ)는 2025년 정기총회를 위한 선거위원회의 임명을 발표했습니다. 위원회 구성원은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Niels Jacobsen, William Demant Invest A/S에서 임명
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, Bure Equity AB에서 임명
  • Patricia Hedelius, AMF Fonder & Pension에서 임명
  • Jón Sigurdsson, 이사회 의장

이번 임명은 2024년 4월 25일에 열린 정기총회에서 결정된 원칙에 따릅니다. 다음 정기총회는 2025년 4월 29일에 괴테보리에서 열릴 예정입니다. 고려할 사항을 제안하고자 하는 주주들은 회의 최소 7주 전에 이사회에 요청을 제출해야 합니다.

Vitrolife AB (publ) a annoncé la nomination de son comité électoral pour l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle de 2025. Les membres du comité sont :

  • Niels Jacobsen, nommé par William Demant Invest A/S
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, nommé par Bure Equity AB
  • Patricia Hedelius, nommée par AMF Fonder & Pension
  • Jón Sigurdsson, Président du Conseil d'Administration

Les nominations suivent les principes établis lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle du 25 avril 2024. La prochaine Assemblée Générale Annuelle se tiendra le 29 avril 2025 à Göteborg. Les actionnaires souhaitant proposer des éléments à examiner doivent soumettre leurs demandes au Conseil au moins sept semaines avant la réunion.

Vitrolife AB (publ) hat die Ernennung seines Wahlkomitees für die Hauptversammlung 2025 bekannt gegeben. Die Mitglieder des Komitees sind:

  • Niels Jacobsen, ernannt von William Demant Invest A/S
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, ernannt von Bure Equity AB
  • Patricia Hedelius, ernannt von AMF Fonder & Pension
  • Jón Sigurdsson, Vorsitzender des Vorstands

Die Ernennungen folgen den Prinzipien, die in der Hauptversammlung am 25. April 2024 festgelegt wurden. Die nächste Hauptversammlung findet am 29. April 2025 in Göteborg statt. Aktionäre, die Vorschläge zur Prüfung vorlegen möchten, müssen ihre Anfragen mindestens sieben Wochen vor der Versammlung an den Vorstand senden.

  • None.
  • None.

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- 

The following people have been appointed as members of the election committee for Vitrolife AB for the Annual General Meeting in 2025:

Niels Jacobsen, appointed by William Demant Invest A/S
Patrik Tigerschiöld, appointed by Bure Equity AB
Patricia Hedelius, appointed by AMF Fonder & Pension
Jón Sigurdsson, Chairman of the Board

The appointments have been made in accordance with the instructions regarding principles for the appointment of the company election committee which were determined at the Annual General Meeting of Vitrolife AB on April 25, 2024.

The Annual General Meeting of Vitrolife AB (publ) will be held on April 29, 2025 in Gothenburg.

Shareholders who wish to have an item considered at the Annual General Meeting can submit a request to the Board to this effect. Such a request for an item to be considered is to be sent to Vitrolife AB (publ), Att: Chairman of the Board, Box 9080, 400 92 Gothenburg, and must have been received by the Board no later than seven weeks before the Annual General Meeting, or otherwise in such good time that the matter, where necessary, can be included in the notice to attend the Annual General Meeting.

Gothenburg, October 4, 2024

Jón Sigurdsson, Chairman of the Board, email: 
Patrik Tolf, CFO, phone +46 (0) 31 766 90 21

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

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Election committee for Vitrolife AB (publ)


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SOURCE Vitrolife AB (publ)


When is Vitrolife AB's (VTRLY) next Annual General Meeting?

Vitrolife AB's next Annual General Meeting is scheduled for April 29, 2025, in Gothenburg.

Who are the members of Vitrolife AB's (VTRLY) election committee for 2025?

The election committee members for Vitrolife AB's 2025 Annual General Meeting are Niels Jacobsen (appointed by William Demant Invest A/S), Patrik Tigerschiöld (appointed by Bure Equity AB), Patricia Hedelius (appointed by AMF Fonder & Pension), and Jón Sigurdsson (Chairman of the Board).

How can shareholders submit items for consideration at Vitrolife AB's (VTRLY) Annual General Meeting?

Shareholders can submit requests for items to be considered at the Annual General Meeting by sending them to Vitrolife AB's Board at least seven weeks before the meeting or in time for inclusion in the meeting notice.

When was the election committee for Vitrolife AB (VTRLY) appointed?

The election committee for Vitrolife AB was appointed on October 4, 2024, as per the press release date.



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