Vistagen, The Goldie Hawn Foundation, and MindUP Students to Ring Nasdaq Closing Bell on World Mental Health Day

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Vistagen, The Goldie Hawn Foundation, and MindUP students will ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell on October 10, 2024, in honor of World Mental Health Day and The Goldie Hawn Foundation's 20th Anniversary. This event brings together Vistagen CEO Shawn Singh, Foundation Founder Goldie Hawn, and MindUP students to raise awareness about the roles of mindfulness and neuroscience in mental health.

Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN) is a late clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focusing on neuroscience-based therapies for psychiatric disorders. MindUP is a neuroscience-based preventative mental health program for youth. The joint ceremony highlights their shared commitment to advancing neuroscience-based innovation and improving mental well-being.

Goldie Hawn emphasized the importance of understanding brain function for mental fitness and resilience in children. Shawn Singh highlighted Vistagen's belief in a multifaceted approach to improving mental health through awareness, education, and improved patient care.

Vistagen, La Goldie Hawn Foundation e gli studenti di MindUP suoneranno il Campanello di Chiusura del Nasdaq il 10 ottobre 2024, in onore della Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale e del 20° anniversario della Goldie Hawn Foundation. Questo evento riunisce il CEO di Vistagen, Shawn Singh, la fondatrice della Fondazione, Goldie Hawn, e gli studenti di MindUP per aumentare la consapevolezza sui ruoli della mindfulness e della neuroscienza nella salute mentale.

Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN) è un'azienda biofarmaceutica in fase clinica avanzata che si concentra su terapie basate sulla neuroscienza per i disturbi psichiatrici. MindUP è un programma di salute mentale preventiva basato sulla neuroscienza rivolto ai giovani. La cerimonia congiunta evidenzia il loro impegno condiviso per promuovere l'innovazione basata sulla neuroscienza e migliorare il benessere mentale.

Goldie Hawn ha sottolineato l'importanza di comprendere il funzionamento del cervello per la salute mentale e la resilienza nei bambini. Shawn Singh ha evidenziato la convinzione di Vistagen in un approccio multifattoriale per migliorare la salute mentale attraverso la consapevolezza, l'istruzione e un'assistenza ai pazienti migliore.

Vistagen, La Fundación Goldie Hawn y los estudiantes de MindUP sonarán la Campana de Cierre de Nasdaq el 10 de octubre de 2024, en honor al Día Mundial de la Salud Mental y al 20º aniversario de la Fundación Goldie Hawn. Este evento reúne al CEO de Vistagen, Shawn Singh, a la fundadora de la Fundación, Goldie Hawn, y a estudiantes de MindUP para aumentar la conciencia sobre los roles de la mindfulness y la neurociencia en la salud mental.

Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN) es una empresa biofarmacéutica en etapa clínica tardía que se centra en terapias basadas en la neurociencia para trastornos psiquiátricos. MindUP es un programa preventivo de salud mental basado en la neurociencia para jóvenes. La ceremonia conjunta destaca su compromiso compartido de avanzar en la innovación basada en la neurociencia y mejorar el bienestar mental.

Goldie Hawn enfatizó la importancia de entender el funcionamiento del cerebro para la salud mental y la resiliencia en los niños. Shawn Singh destacó la creencia de Vistagen en un enfoque multifacético para mejorar la salud mental a través de la conciencia, la educación y una mejor atención al paciente.

비스타젠, 골디 혼 재단, 그리고 마인드업 학생들이 2024년 10월 10일전국 장부 거래소(Nasdaq) 종가 종을 울릴 예정입니다. 이는 세계 정신 건강의 날과 골디 혼 재단의 20주년을 기념하기 위한 행사입니다. 이 행사는 비스타젠의 CEO인 Shawn Singh, 재단의 설립자 Goldie Hawn, 그리고 마인드업 학생들이 정신 건강에서 마음챙김과 신경 과학의 역할에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해 모이는 자리입니다.

비스타젠(Nasdaq: VTGN)은 정신과 질환에 대한 신경과학 기반 치료법에 집중하는 임상 단계의 바이오 제약 회사입니다. 마인드업은 청소년을 위한 신경과학 기반의 예방 정신 건강 프로그램입니다. 공동식은 신경 과학 기반의 혁신을 발전시키고 정신적 웰빙을 향상시키겠다는 공동의 노력을 강조합니다.

골디 혼은 아동의 정신적 회복력과 건강을 위한 뇌 기능 이해의 중요성을 강조했습니다. Shawn Singh은 인식 개선, 교육, 그리고 환자 관리를 통해 정신 건강을 향상시키기 위한 비스타젠의 다각적인 접근 방식을 강조했습니다.

Vistagen, La Fondation Goldie Hawn et les étudiants de MindUP sonneront la Cloche de Clôture Nasdaq le 10 octobre 2024, en l'honneur de la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale et du 20ème anniversaire de la Fondation Goldie Hawn. Cet événement rassemblera le PDG de Vistagen, Shawn Singh, la fondatrice de la Fondation, Goldie Hawn, et les étudiants de MindUP, afin de sensibiliser aux rôles de la pleine conscience et des neurosciences dans la santé mentale.

Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN) est une entreprise biopharmaceutique en phase clinique avancée qui se concentre sur les thérapies basées sur les neurosciences pour les troubles psychiatriques. MindUP est un programme de santé mentale préventive basé sur les neurosciences pour les jeunes. La cérémonie conjointe souligne leur engagement commun à faire progresser l'innovation basée sur les neurosciences et à améliorer le bien-être mental.

Goldie Hawn a souligné l'importance de comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau pour la santé mentale et la résilience des enfants. Shawn Singh a mis en avant la conviction de Vistagen en une approche multifacette pour améliorer la santé mentale grâce à la sensibilisation, à l'éducation et à une meilleure prise en charge des patients.

Vistagen, Die Goldie Hawn Stiftung und die Schüler von MindUP werden am 10. Oktober 2024 die Nasdaq Schlussglocke läuten, um den Weltgesundheitstag für psychische Gesundheit und das 20-jährige Bestehen der Goldie Hawn Stiftung zu feiern. Diese Veranstaltung vereint den CEO von Vistagen, Shawn Singh, die Gründerin der Stiftung, Goldie Hawn, und die Schüler von MindUP, um das Bewusstsein für die Rollen von Achtsamkeit und Neurowissenschaft in der psychischen Gesundheit zu fördern.

Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN) ist ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der späten klinischen Phase, das sich auf neurowissenschaftlich basierte Therapien für psychiatrische Störungen konzentriert. MindUP ist ein auf Neurowissenschaften basierendes präventives Programm für psychische Gesundheit bei Jugendlichen. Die gemeinsame Zeremonie unterstreicht ihr gemeinsames Engagement für die Förderung neurowissenschaftlich basierter Innovationen und die Verbesserung des psychischen Wohlbefindens.

Goldie Hawn betonte die Bedeutung des Verständnisses der Gehirnfunktion für die psychische Fitness und Resilienz bei Kindern. Shawn Singh hob den Glauben von Vistagen an einen facettenreichen Ansatz zur Verbesserung der psychischen Gesundheit durch Bewusstsein, Bildung und verbesserte Patientenversorgung hervor.

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Vistagen CEO Shawn Singh; The Goldie Hawn Foundation Founder Goldie Hawn; and MindUP students to ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell on October 10, 2024

Vistagen and The Goldie Hawn Foundation join forces to raise awareness around the roles of mindfulness and pioneering neuroscience in mental health

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. & SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN), a late clinical-stage neuroscience-focused biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of groundbreaking therapies for psychiatric disorders based on nose-to-brain neurocircuitry, and The Goldie Hawn Foundation’s MindUP, a neuroscience-based preventative mental health program for youth, along with children from New York City schools utilizing MindUP, will join together in New York City on October 10, 2024 to ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell in honor of World Mental Health Day and The Goldie Hawn Foundation’s 20th Anniversary.

Vistagen CEO Shawn Singh and Goldie Hawn, along with MindUP students will ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell together in a joint ceremony to highlight the power of partnership and shared commitment to advance neuroscience-based innovation.

“Mental well-being is foundational for a healthy life, and it starts with understanding how our brains work,” said Goldie Hawn, Founder of The Goldie Hawn Foundation and innovator of its MindUP program. “Our mission has always been to equip children with the tools to understand their brain and build mental fitness and resilience. We are ringing the bell with Vistagen today in an effort to invite leaders from across the country to join our work to advance investment in our most important resource, our children.”

“At Vistagen, we believe in the importance of a multifaceted approach to improving mental health through heightened awareness, innovative education, and improved patient care,” said Shawn Singh, CEO of Vistagen. “Driven by pioneering neuroscience-based research, Vistagen and MindUp can make a positive difference in the mental health and well-being of millions of children and adults around the world.”

About World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. According to the World Health Organization, in 2019, 970 million people globally were living with a mental health disorder, with anxiety and depression the most common. Mental health conditions can cause difficulties in all aspects of life, including emotional well-being, relationships, physical health, and ability to function at work or school. Left untreated, these issues can lead to chronic stress, social isolation, and an increased risk of other health complications. Creating a range of solutions such as therapy, medication, education, community support, and lifestyle changes, can help individuals find care that suits their unique needs, ultimately leading to better mental health outcomes and a healthier society.

About Vistagen

Headquartered in South San Francisco, CA, Vistagen (Nasdaq: VTGN) is a late clinical-stage neuroscience-focused biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of groundbreaking therapies for psychiatric and neurological disorders. Based on its pioneering approach and deep understanding of nose-to-brain neurocircuitry, Vistagen’s diversified neuroscience pipeline includes non-systemic pherine nasal spray product candidates designed to rapidly activate chemosensory neurons in the nasal cavity to impact olfactory system and brain neurocircuitry. Vistagen’s most advanced pherine candidate, fasedienol, is in a U.S. registration-directed Phase 3 development program for the acute treatment of social anxiety disorder, which affects over 30 million adults in the U.S. Vistagen is passionate about its mission to deliver novel and differentiated treatments that set new standards of care for millions of people living with anxiety, depression, and other neurological disorders. Connect at

About The Goldie Hawn Foundation’s MindUP program

The Goldie Hawn Foundation’s MindUP program provides evidence-based training to help youth, educators, and families develop the mental fitness needed to thrive in school, work, and life. Founded in 2003, it is the signature program of The Goldie Hawn Foundation, a not-for-profit organization created in response to the global epidemic of childhood aggression, anxiety, depression, and suicide. Based firmly on neuroscience, MindUP provides children with the skills and knowledge to successfully manage stress, regulate emotions, and face the challenges of today. Learn more at

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements made by Vistagen within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks that are difficult to predict and include all matters that are not historical facts. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the use of words such as “may,” “could,” “expect,” “project,” “outlook,” “strategy,” “intend,” “plan,” “seek,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” “strive,” “goal,” “continue,” “likely,” “will,” “would” and variations of these terms and similar expressions, or the negative of these terms or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Vistagen and its management, are inherently uncertain. These uncertainties, risks, and other matters are more fully discussed in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in filings Vistagen makes with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from time to time. Vistagen’s SEC filings are available on the SEC’s website at You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as representing Vistagen’s views as of any subsequent date. Vistagen explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements other than as may be required by law. If Vistagen does update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be made that Vistagen will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.



Mark McPartland


Caren Scannell

MindUP The Goldie Hawn Foundation

Milan Blagojevic

Source: Vistagen


When will Vistagen (VTGN) ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell for World Mental Health Day?

Vistagen (VTGN) will ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell on October 10, 2024, in honor of World Mental Health Day and The Goldie Hawn Foundation's 20th Anniversary.

Who will join Vistagen (VTGN) in ringing the Nasdaq Closing Bell?

Vistagen CEO Shawn Singh, The Goldie Hawn Foundation Founder Goldie Hawn, and MindUP students will join together to ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell.

What is the purpose of Vistagen (VTGN) ringing the Nasdaq Closing Bell?

The purpose is to raise awareness around the roles of mindfulness and pioneering neuroscience in mental health, and to highlight the partnership between Vistagen and The Goldie Hawn Foundation.

What is Vistagen's (VTGN) focus as a biopharmaceutical company?

Vistagen (VTGN) is a late clinical-stage neuroscience-focused biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing groundbreaking therapies for psychiatric disorders based on nose-to-brain neurocircuitry.

What is the MindUP program associated with Vistagen's (VTGN) Nasdaq bell ringing event?

MindUP is a neuroscience-based preventative mental health program for youth, created by The Goldie Hawn Foundation to equip children with tools to understand their brain and build mental fitness and resilience.

Vistagen Therapeutics, Inc.


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