Foresight Sports and Uneekor Agree on License of Foresight Sports Patents Related to Portable Golf Launch Monitor Screen Technology

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Foresight Sports, a Revelyst brand specializing in golf enhancement technologies, and Uneekor, a manufacturer of golf simulator technologies, have reached a licensing agreement for Foresight Sports' patents related to portable golf launch monitor screen technology. This agreement allows Uneekor to use Foresight Sports' patented technologies in their products.

Foresight Sports, known for its innovation in portable golf launch monitors since 2010, has been a significant contributor to the industry. Uneekor, primarily focused on stationary overhead-mounted launch monitors, has recently expanded into portable launch monitor technology.

The agreement acknowledges the value of Foresight Sports' patented technologies and enables both companies to continue developing their respective products without changing their methodologies for tracking and ball flight algorithms. This collaboration demonstrates the industry's respect for intellectual property and commitment to technological advancement in golf simulation and analysis.

Foresight Sports, un marchio di Revelyst specializzato in tecnologie per il miglioramento del golf, e Uneekor, un produttore di tecnologie per simulatori di golf, hanno raggiunto un accordo di licenza per i brevetti di Foresight Sports relativi alla tecnologia degli schermi per monitor portatili di lancio golfistico. Questo accordo consente a Uneekor di utilizzare le tecnologie brevettate di Foresight Sports nei loro prodotti.

Foresight Sports, nota per la sua innovazione nei monitor portatili di lancio golfistico dal 2010, è stata un contributore significativo per l'industria. Uneekor, principalmente focalizzata su monitor di lancio montati a soffitto, ha recentemente ampliato la propria offerta nella tecnologia dei monitor di lancio portatili.

L'accordo riconosce il valore delle tecnologie brevettate di Foresight Sports e consente a entrambe le aziende di continuare a sviluppare i propri prodotti senza modificare le loro metodologie per il tracciamento e gli algoritmi di volo della palla. Questa collaborazione dimostra il rispetto dell'industria per la proprietà intellettuale e l'impegno per il progresso tecnologico nella simulazione e analisi del golf.

Foresight Sports, una marca de Revelyst especializada en tecnologías de mejora del golf, y Uneekor, un fabricante de tecnologías de simuladores de golf, han llegado a un acuerdo de licencia para las patentes de Foresight Sports relacionadas con la tecnología de pantallas de monitores de lanzamiento de golf portátiles. Este acuerdo permite a Uneekor utilizar las tecnologías patentadas de Foresight Sports en sus productos.

Foresight Sports, conocida por su innovación en monitores portátiles de lanzamiento de golf desde 2010, ha sido un contribuyente significativo a la industria. Uneekor, que se centra principalmente en monitores de lanzamiento montados en el techo, ha ampliado recientemente su capacidad en tecnología de monitores de lanzamiento portátiles.

El acuerdo reconoce el valor de las tecnologías patentadas de Foresight Sports y permite a ambas empresas continuar desarrollando sus respectivos productos sin cambiar sus metodologías de seguimiento y algoritmos de vuelo de la bola. Esta colaboración demuestra el respeto de la industria por la propiedad intelectual y el compromiso con el avance tecnológico en la simulación y el análisis del golf.

Foresight Sports는 골프 향상 기술 전문 Revelyst 브랜드이며, Uneekor는 골프 시뮬레이터 기술 제조업체로, Foresight Sports의 포터블 골프 론치 모니터 스크린 기술 관련 특허에 대한 라이선스 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 Uneekor가 Foresight Sports의 특허 기술을 자사 제품에 사용할 수 있게 합니다.

2010년부터 포터블 골프 론치 모니터의 혁신으로 알려진 Foresight Sports는 산업에 중요한 기여를 해왔습니다. 주로 고정형 천장 장착 론치 모니터에 초점을 맞춘 Uneekor는 최근 포터블 론치 모니터 기술로 확장을 했습니다.

이 계약은 Foresight Sports의 특허 기술의 가치를 인정하고 두 회사가 각각의 제품을 개발하는 것을 계속할 수 있도록 하며, 추적 방법론과 볼 비행 알고리즘을 변경하지 않습니다. 이 협력은 지적 재산에 대한 산업의 존중과 골프 시뮬레이션 및 분석 기술 발전에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

Foresight Sports, une marque de Revelyst spécialisée dans les technologies d'amélioration du golf, et Uneekor, un fabricant de technologies de simulateurs de golf, ont conclu un accord de licence concernant les brevets de Foresight Sports liés à la technologie des écrans de moniteurs de lancement de golf portables. Cet accord permet à Uneekor d'utiliser les technologies brevetées de Foresight Sports dans ses produits.

Foresight Sports, reconnue pour son innovation dans les moniteurs de lancement de golf portables depuis 2010, a été un contributeur significatif à l'industrie. Uneekor, principalement axée sur les moniteurs de lancement fixes montés au plafond, s'est récemment tournée vers la technologie des moniteurs de lancement portables.

L'accord reconnaît la valeur des technologies brevetées de Foresight Sports et permet aux deux entreprises de continuer à développer leurs produits respectifs sans changer leurs méthodologies de suivi et d'algorithmes de vol de balle. Cette collaboration témoigne du respect de l'industrie pour la propriété intellectuelle et de son engagement envers l'avancement technologique dans la simulation et l'analyse du golf.

Foresight Sports, eine Marke von Revelyst, die sich auf Technologien zur Verbesserung des Golfspiels spezialisiert hat, und Uneekor, ein Hersteller von Technologien für Golfsimulatoren, haben eine Lizenzvereinbarung für die Patente von Foresight Sports in Bezug auf tragbare Golfstartmonitor-Bildschirmtechnologie erreicht. Diese Vereinbarung ermöglicht es Uneekor, die patentierten Technologien von Foresight Sports in ihren Produkten zu verwenden.

Foresight Sports, bekannt für seine Innovationen im Bereich tragbarer Golfstartmonitore seit 2010, hat einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Branche geleistet. Uneekor, das sich hauptsächlich auf stationäre, an der Decke montierte Startmonitore konzentriert, hat kürzlich in die Technologie tragbarer Startmonitore expandiert.

Die Vereinbarung erkennt den Wert der patentierten Technologien von Foresight Sports an und ermöglicht beiden Unternehmen, ihre jeweiligen Produkte weiterzuentwickeln, ohne ihre Methodologien zur Verfolgung und Ballflugalgorithmen zu ändern. Diese Zusammenarbeit zeigt den Respekt der Branche für geistiges Eigentum und das Engagement für technologische Fortschritte in der Golf-Simulation und -Analyse.

  • Licensing agreement allows Foresight Sports to monetize its patents
  • Acknowledgment of Foresight Sports' technological contributions to the industry
  • Potential for increased market presence through licensed technology
  • None.


This agreement between Foresight Sports and Uneekor represents a significant development in the golf technology sector. The licensing of Foresight Sports' patents to Uneekor acknowledges the former's innovation in portable golf launch monitor screen technology. This deal has several implications:

  • It validates Foresight Sports' intellectual property, potentially strengthening its market position.
  • It allows Uneekor to expand into portable launch monitor technology without legal obstacles, fostering competition and innovation.
  • The agreement demonstrates a mature approach to IP management in the industry, avoiding costly litigation.

For VSTO (Vista Outdoor), which owns Foresight Sports through its Revelyst brand, this could mean additional revenue streams from licensing and a reinforced market position. However, it also signals increased competition in the portable launch monitor space. The long-term impact will depend on how both companies leverage this agreement for future innovations and market strategies.

This licensing agreement signals important market dynamics in the golf technology sector:

  • The portable golf launch monitor market is expanding, with new entrants like Uneekor diversifying from stationary systems.
  • Foresight Sports' willingness to license its technology suggests a strategy of monetizing IP while maintaining its competitive edge through ongoing innovation.
  • The agreement may lead to market consolidation or collaboration, potentially affecting product pricing and features.

For VSTO investors, this development has mixed implications. While it may generate licensing revenue and validate Foresight Sports' technology leadership, it also introduces a new competitor in a key product category. The impact on VSTO's market share and revenue in the golf tech segment will depend on how effectively Foresight Sports continues to innovate and differentiate its products in response to increased competition.

SAN DIEGO & IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Foresight Sports, a Revelyst brand and a designer and manufacturer of game enhancement technologies including launch monitors, simulators, performance/entertainment software and smart mobility solutions, and Uneekor, Inc. (dba Uneekor), a manufacturer of golf simulator technologies, have reached an agreement that grants Uneekor a license to a number of Foresight Sports patents related to portable golf launch monitor technology.

Foresight Sports, a power brand in the Revelyst Precision Sports Technology platform, has long been a significant contributor to the portable golf launch monitor industry. The company’s commitment to innovation and excellence has set high standards for quality and performance, making Foresight Sports a trusted name among golfers worldwide since the launch of its first golf launch monitor, the GC2, in 2010.

Uneekor has emerged as an important player in stationary overhead-mounted launch monitor technology. Recently, Uneekor expanded into portable launch monitor technology, leading to discussions between the two companies. These discussions resulted in Uneekor agreeing to a license of Foresight Sports patents.

“We are pleased to have reached this agreement with Uneekor, which acknowledges the value of our patented technologies,” said Jon Watters, President of Foresight Sports. “It is gratifying to see our early innovation regarding the use of a screen on the device remain relevant to portable launch monitor technology today, which we were able to ultimately license to Uneekor without change to either’s methodology for tracking and ball flight algorithms. Foresight Sports remains committed to protecting its intellectual property as we continue to develop industry-leading technology. I am proud that our continued innovation in the space is reflected in the unparalleled performance of our products.”

Jey Suk, CEO of Uneekor, commented, “We respect Foresight Sports’ contributions to the industry and are glad to have found a solution that allows us to continue providing our innovative products to customers. This agreement helps us move forward confidently, knowing that we are respecting the established technological advancements in the field.”

About Foresight Sports

Headquartered in San Diego, California, Foresight Sports develops the most advanced and most trusted performance analysis solutions in the golf industry. Outdoors or indoors, from cutting-edge launch monitors and software to the ultimate virtual golf experience, Foresight Sports is your total technology solution.

About Revelyst

Revelyst, a segment of Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO), is a collective of world-class maker brands that design and manufacture performance gear and precision technologies. Our category-defining brands leverage meticulous craftsmanship and cross-collaboration to pursue new innovations that redefine what is humanly possible in the outdoors. Portfolio brands include Foresight Sports, Bushnell Golf, Fox, Bell, Giro, CamelBak, Bushnell, Simms Fishing and more. For more information, visit our website at

About Uneekor

Uneekor, established in the US in 2015, is a leader in golf simulation equipment and technologies specialized in performance analysis and enhancement. Uneekor is recognized for revolutionizing the industry by bringing together the sharpest team of passionate engineers, strongly committed to constant innovation and quality assurance. Products include launch monitors, simulators, performance software, and accessories to create the world’s greatest practice experience, empowering golfers to elevate their game. Uneekor knows what golfers want, but truly understands what they need. We are unrivaled, we are unmatched. We are Uneekor. Master Your Passion. For more information visit

Revelyst Media Contact:

Eric Smith


Source: Vista Outdoor Inc.


What is the licensing agreement between Foresight Sports and Uneekor about?

The licensing agreement allows Uneekor to use Foresight Sports' patents related to portable golf launch monitor screen technology in their products.

How does this agreement affect Foresight Sports' position in the market?

The agreement reinforces Foresight Sports' position as an innovator in the portable golf launch monitor industry and allows them to monetize their patented technologies.

What impact does this licensing agreement have on Uneekor's product development?

The agreement enables Uneekor to continue developing and providing innovative portable launch monitor products while respecting established technological advancements in the field.

When did Foresight Sports launch its first golf launch monitor?

Foresight Sports launched its first golf launch monitor, the GC2, in 2010.

Vista Outdoor Inc.


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