CSG Reaffirms its Commitment to Successfully Completing $2.15 Billion Acquisition of the Kinetic Group and Maximizing Value for All Vista Outdoor Shareholders

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CSG reaffirms its commitment to completing the $2.15 billion acquisition of Vista Outdoor's The Kinetic Group. The fully financed bid, approved by U.S. regulators including CFIUS, offers Vista Outdoor shareholders certainty and superior value. Glass Lewis recommends shareholders vote 'FOR' the acquisition at the July 30, 2024 special meeting. CSG plans to invest in The Kinetic Group's growth and increase American jobs post-acquisition.

CSG CEO Michal Strnad states the acquisition is optimal for Vista Outdoor shareholders, employees, and the American economy. CSG, an experienced global industrial company, intends to fully integrate The Kinetic Group and enhance its operations. The transaction is expected to close in early August, pending shareholder approval.

CSG riafferma il proprio impegno a completare l'acquisizione di 2,15 miliardi di dollari del gruppo The Kinetic di Vista Outdoor. L'offerta, completamente finanziata e approvata dai regolatori statunitensi, incluso il CFIUS, offre agli azionisti di Vista Outdoor certezza e valore superiore. Glass Lewis raccomanda agli azionisti di votare 'A FAVORE' dell'acquisizione durante l'assemblea straordinaria del 30 luglio 2024. CSG prevede di investire nella crescita del gruppo The Kinetic e incrementare i posti di lavoro americani dopo l'acquisizione.

Il CEO di CSG, Michal Strnad, dichiara che l'acquisizione è ottimale per gli azionisti di Vista Outdoor, per i dipendenti e per l'economia americana. CSG, un'azienda industriale globale esperta, intende integrare completamente il gruppo The Kinetic e migliorare le sue operazioni. La transazione dovrebbe chiudersi all'inizio di agosto, in attesa dell'approvazione degli azionisti.

CSG reafirma su compromiso de completar la adquisición de 2.15 mil millones de dólares del grupo The Kinetic de Vista Outdoor. La oferta, completamente financiada y aprobada por los reguladores de EE. UU., incluido el CFIUS, ofrece a los accionistas de Vista Outdoor certeza y un valor superior. Glass Lewis recomienda a los accionistas que voten 'A FAVOR' de la adquisición en la reunión especial del 30 de julio de 2024. CSG planea invertir en el crecimiento del grupo The Kinetic y aumentar los empleos estadounidenses después de la adquisición.

El CEO de CSG, Michal Strnad, afirma que la adquisición es óptima para los accionistas de Vista Outdoor, los empleados y la economía estadounidense. CSG, una empresa industrial global con experiencia, tiene la intención de integrar completamente al grupo The Kinetic y mejorar sus operaciones. Se espera que la transacción se cierre a principios de agosto, pendiente de la aprobación de los accionistas.

CSG는 Vista Outdoor의 The Kinetic Group에 대한 21억 5천만 달러의 인수 완료 의지를 재확인했습니다. 미국 규제 기관인 CFIUS의 승인을 받은 완전히 자금이 확보된 입찰은 Vista Outdoor의 주주에게 확실성과 높은 가치를 제공합니다. Glass Lewis는 주주들이 2024년 7월 30일의 특별 회의에서 인수에 '찬성' 투표할 것을 권장합니다. CSG는 인수 후 The Kinetic Group의 성장에 투자하고 미국 일자리를 늘릴 계획입니다.

CSG의 CEO 미할 스트나다는 이 인수가 Vista Outdoor의 주주와 직원, 그리고 미국 경제에 최적이라고 말합니다. CSG는 경험이 풍부한 글로벌 산업 회사로, The Kinetic Group을 완전히 통합하고 운영을 강화할 계획입니다. 이 거래는 주주 승인 후 8월 초에 마감될 것으로 예상됩니다.

CSG réaffirme son engagement à finaliser l'acquisition de 2,15 milliards de dollars du groupe The Kinetic de Vista Outdoor. L'offre entièrement financée, approuvée par les régulateurs américains, y compris le CFIUS, offre aux actionnaires de Vista Outdoor sécurité et valeur supérieure. Glass Lewis recommande aux actionnaires de voter 'POUR' l'acquisition lors de l'assemblée spéciale du 30 juillet 2024. CSG prévoit d'investir dans la croissance du groupe The Kinetic et d'augmenter les emplois américains après l'acquisition.

Le PDG de CSG, Michal Strnad, déclare que l'acquisition est optimale pour les actionnaires de Vista Outdoor, les employés et l'économie américaine. CSG, une entreprise industrielle mondiale expérimentée, envisage d'intégrer complètement le groupe The Kinetic et d'améliorer ses opérations. La transaction devrait être finalisée début août, sous réserve de l'approbation des actionnaires.

CSG bekräftigt sein Engagement, die 2,15 Milliarden Dollar schwere Übernahme der Kinetic Group von Vista Outdoor abzuschließen. Das vollständig finanzierte Angebot, das von den US-Regulierungsbehörden einschließlich CFIUS genehmigt wurde, bietet den Aktionären von Vista Outdoor Sicherheit und überlegenen Wert. Glass Lewis empfiehlt den Aktionären, bei der außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung am 30. Juli 2024 'FÜR' die Übernahme zu stimmen. CSG plant, in das Wachstum der Kinetic Group zu investieren und nach der Übernahme amerikanische Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen.

CSG-CEO Michal Strnad erklärt, dass die Übernahme optimal für die Aktionäre von Vista Outdoor, die Mitarbeiter und die amerikanische Wirtschaft ist. CSG, ein erfahrenes globales Industrieunternehmen, beabsichtigt, die Kinetic Group vollständig zu integrieren und ihre Abläufe zu verbessern. Der Abschluss der Transaktion wird Anfang August erwartet, vorbehaltlich der Genehmigung der Aktionäre.

  • CSG increased its offer for The Kinetic Group to $2.15 billion
  • The acquisition has been approved by U.S. regulators, including CFIUS
  • Glass Lewis recommends Vista Outdoor shareholders vote 'FOR' the acquisition
  • CSG plans to invest in The Kinetic Group's growth and increase American jobs
  • CSG has previous successful acquisition experience in the U.S. with Fiocchi Group
  • None.

CSG's acquisition of The Kinetic Group for $2.15 billion represents a significant event in the financial landscape, not just for the companies involved but also for the broader market. This move reflects a strong confidence in the potential synergies between CSG and The Kinetic Group. Having secured approval from U.S. regulators, including the CFIUS, demonstrates a level of due diligence and regulatory acceptance that should reassure investors. Additionally, the backing of Glass Lewis, a leading proxy advisory firm, lends further credibility to the transaction, highlighting it as a value-maximizing option for Vista Outdoor shareholders.

From a financial perspective, this acquisition is likely to create substantial value through economies of scale, enhanced market reach and operational efficiencies. The fact that CSG has a track record in the U.S., with its earlier acquisition of Fiocchi Group, suggests that they are well-versed in navigating the complexities of the American market. Investors should view this transaction as a positive development, with potential for both short-term gains from the acquisition premium and long-term growth driven by strategic investments in the newly acquired assets.

From a market perspective, the acquisition of The Kinetic Group by CSG is poised to impact not only the shareholders of Vista Outdoor but also the competitive landscape. CSG's commitment to invest in growth and American jobs can enhance their market positioning while contributing positively to the U.S. economy. This move aligns with current trends where foreign companies are increasingly investing in the U.S., bringing in capital and creating jobs.

Considering CSG's successful integration of Fiocchi Group, their strategy appears robust and credible. By acquiring The Kinetic Group, CSG can diversify its portfolio and leverage The Kinetic Group's operational strengths, which should be positively received by investors. This acquisition can also result in increased market share and enhanced competitive dynamics, benefiting both companies' stakeholders in the long term.

From a legal standpoint, the successful approval of this acquisition by U.S. regulators, including the CFIUS, is a critical milestone. This approval signifies compliance with strategic and security considerations, which are paramount in cross-border transactions, particularly those involving significant industrial players like CSG. The regulatory green light not only facilitates the closing of the transaction but also instills confidence in shareholders and other stakeholders regarding the legality and legitimacy of the acquisition process.

Furthermore, the endorsement from a reputable proxy advisory firm like Glass Lewis, which has recommended shareholders to vote in favor of the acquisition, adds an additional layer of legal and fiduciary assurance. This comprehensive legal and advisory backing highlights the thoroughness of the transaction, minimizing potential legal hurdles and ensuring a smoother integration post-acquisition.

CSG's Fully Financed Bid Provides Vista Outdoor Shareholders Certainty and Opportunity to Realize Superior Value

Vista Outdoor Shareholders Can Vote FOR the CSG Transaction at Special Meeting of Stockholders on July 30, 2024

PRAGUE, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Czechoslovak Group ("CSG"), a leading global industrial holding company, which recently increased its offer for Vista Outdoor Inc.'s (NYSE: VSTO) ("Vista Outdoor") The Kinetic Group to $2.15 billion, today reaffirmed its strong commitment to successfully completing the acquisition. CSG believes its fully financed bid maximizes the value that will be received by Vista Outdoor shareholders, and that the transaction can be completed in early August.

CSG's offer has been approved by U.S. regulators, including the multi-agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ("CFIUS"). Further, leading proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis & Co. ("Glass Lewis") has issued an updated analysis recommending that Vista Outdoor shareholders vote "FOR" the CSG acquisition at the Vista Outdoor special meeting of stockholders, scheduled for July 30, 2024. In its report, Glass Lewis notes that the transaction is the "best option to maximize shareholder value," for Vista shareholders.1 This recommendation was published prior to CSG's increased offer to $2.15 billion, which has further enhanced the value that would be delivered to shareholders.

Additionally, after successful completion of the transaction, CSG intends to invest in the growth of the newly acquired businesses within The Kinetic Group and increase American jobs as part of its broader growth strategy.

"CSG's acquisition of The Kinetic Group is the optimal outcome for Vista Outdoor shareholders, employees of the company and the American economy," said Michal Strnad, Chief Executive Officer and the owner of CSG. "CSG is a highly experienced and globally respected industrial company and upon successful completion of the acquisition, we intend to fully integrate The Kinetic Group, build those businesses, serve all of the company's customers with the highest level of professionalism and trust, and add jobs in the United States," added Mr. Strnad.

Mr. Strnad added, "Once shareholder approval is secured, we stand ready to quickly close the transaction and begin to chart the future of the The Kinetic Group as part of CSG."

The acquisition by CSG will not be its first in the United States. In 2022, CSG acquired Fiocchi Group, a manufacturer of small-caliber ammunition, which has two production sites in the U.S. As a result, it has become an American manufacturer in a strategic field and has successfully built its businesses in the U.S.

About CSG
The global industrial and technological group CSG, owned by Czech entrepreneur Michal Strnad, has key production facilities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, India, the UK, and the U.S. and exports its products worldwide. CSG is continuously investing into the development of its companies while expanding in its core business areas. The Group includes, for example, the Czech truck manufacturer Tatra Trucks, the world's leading manufacturer of small caliber ammunition Fiocchi, and the Czech radar manufacturer Eldis. More than 10,000 employees work in the companies included in the CSG group and in their associated companies. In 2023, the Group's consolidated sales reached USD 1.73 billion. CSG's main fields of activity are the engineering, automotive, rail, aerospace, and defense industries and small caliber ammunition production. CSG's products can be found on all continents thanks to its strong export orientation.

CSG´s companies in Europe are major suppliers of tanks, artillery systems and high caliber ammunition for Ukraine which is co-financed also by the U.S. and other NATO member states.

1 Permission to use quotes was neither sought nor obtained.

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SOURCE CSG Czechoslovak Group


What is the value of CSG's offer for Vista Outdoor's The Kinetic Group (VSTO)?

CSG has increased its offer for Vista Outdoor's The Kinetic Group to $2.15 billion.

When is the Vista Outdoor (VSTO) special meeting of stockholders scheduled?

The Vista Outdoor special meeting of stockholders is scheduled for July 30, 2024.

Has CSG's acquisition of Vista Outdoor's The Kinetic Group (VSTO) received regulatory approval?

Yes, the acquisition has been approved by U.S. regulators, including the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).

What are CSG's plans for The Kinetic Group after the acquisition of Vista Outdoor (VSTO)?

CSG intends to fully integrate The Kinetic Group, invest in its growth, and increase American jobs as part of its broader growth strategy.

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