To the Moon: Viasat Selected to Design Lunar Orbiting Satellite System Alongside Telespazio

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Viasat (NASDAQ: VSAT) has been selected to join the European Space Agency's (ESA) Moonlight project, collaborating with program lead Telespazio to develop Europe's first lunar orbiting satellite network. The project aims to create a comprehensive lunar navigation and communication system.

Viasat will lead the design and development of the communication network, including earth ground infrastructure and lunar surface user terminals. The system will function as a data highway connecting the Moon and Earth, facilitating communications for spacecraft, lunar vehicles, and future commercial activities like space tourism.

The project will be implemented in phases, with initial capability targeted for late 2028 and full operations by 2030. The UK Space Agency, a major ESA Moonlight program contributor, has chosen Viasat to lead the UK ecosystem for communications capability. The project's Phase 1 is fully funded by ESA, with Telespazio having previously secured a €123m contract for infrastructure implementation.

Viasat (NASDAQ: VSAT) è stata selezionata per unirsi al progetto Moonlight dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA), collaborando con il capoprogramma Telespazio per sviluppare la prima rete di satelliti in orbita lunare d'Europa. L'obiettivo del progetto è creare un sistema completo di navigazione e comunicazione lunare.

Viasat guiderà la progettazione e lo sviluppo della rete di comunicazione, inclusa l'infrastruttura terrestre e i terminali utente sulla superficie lunare. Il sistema fungerà da autostrada dei dati collegando la Luna e la Terra, facilitando le comunicazioni per veicoli spaziali, veicoli lunari e future attività commerciali come il turismo spaziale.

Il progetto sarà implementato in fasi, con la capacità iniziale prevista per la fine del 2028 e operazioni complete entro il 2030. L'Agenzia Spaziale del Regno Unito, un importante contributore del programma ESA Moonlight, ha scelto Viasat per guidare l'ecosistema del Regno Unito per la capacità di comunicazione. La Fase 1 del progetto è completamente finanziata dall'ESA, con Telespazio che ha precedentemente ottenuto un contratto di 123 milioni di euro per l'implementazione dell'infrastruttura.

Viasat (NASDAQ: VSAT) ha sido seleccionada para unirse al proyecto Moonlight de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), colaborando con el líder del programa Telespazio para desarrollar la primera red de satélites en órbita lunar de Europa. El objetivo del proyecto es crear un sistema integral de navegación y comunicación lunar.

Viasat liderará el diseño y desarrollo de la red de comunicación, incluyendo la infraestructura en tierra y los terminales de usuario en la superficie lunar. El sistema funcionará como una autopista de datos conectando la Luna y la Tierra, facilitando las comunicaciones para naves espaciales, vehículos lunares y futuras actividades comerciales como el turismo espacial.

El proyecto se implementará en fases, con la capacidad inicial prevista para finales de 2028 y operaciones completas para 2030. La Agencia Espacial del Reino Unido, un importante contribuyente al programa ESA Moonlight, ha elegido a Viasat para liderar el ecosistema del Reino Unido para la capacidad de comunicación. La Fase 1 del proyecto está completamente financiada por la ESA, y Telespazio ha asegurado previamente un contrato de 123 millones de euros para la implementación de la infraestructura.

비아사트 (NASDAQ: VSAT)가 유럽 우주국(ESA)의 문라이트 프로젝트에 참여하기 위해 선정되었으며, 프로그램 리더인 텔레스파지오와 협력하여 유럽 최초의 달 궤도 위성 네트워크를 개발할 예정입니다. 이 프로젝트의 목표는 포괄적인 달 탐색 및 통신 시스템을 만드는 것입니다.

비아사트는 통신 네트워크의 설계 및 개발을 주도하며, 지상 인프라와 달 표면 사용자 단말기를 포함합니다. 이 시스템은 달과 지구를 연결하는 데이터 고속도로 역할을 하여 우주선, 달 탐사 차량 및 우주 관광과 같은 미래의 상업 활동을 위한 통신을 용이하게 합니다.

이 프로젝트는 단계적으로 진행되며, 초기 기능은 2028년 말에 목표하고 있으며, 2030년까지 완전 운영될 예정입니다. 영국 우주국은 ESA 문라이트 프로그램의 주요 기여자로서 비아사트를 영국 통신 능력 생태계를 이끌도록 선택했습니다. 프로젝트의 1단계는 ESA에 의해 완전히 자금 지원되며, 텔레스파지오는 인프라 구현을 위해 1억 2300만 유로의 계약을 이전에 확보했습니다.

Viasat (NASDAQ: VSAT) a été sélectionnée pour rejoindre le projet Moonlight de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA), en collaboration avec le chef de programme Telespazio pour développer le premier réseau de satellites en orbite lunaire d'Europe. L'objectif du projet est de créer un système de navigation et de communication lunaire complet.

Viasat dirigera la conception et le développement du réseau de communication, y compris l'infrastructure terrestre et les terminaux utilisateurs à la surface de la Lune. Le système fonctionnera comme une autoroute de données reliant la Lune et la Terre, facilitant les communications pour les engins spatiaux, les véhicules lunaires et les futures activités commerciales telles que le tourisme spatial.

Le projet sera mis en œuvre par phases, avec une capacité initiale prévue pour fin 2028 et des opérations complètes d'ici 2030. L'Agence Spatiale Britannique, un contributeur majeur au programme ESA Moonlight, a choisi Viasat pour diriger l'écosystème britannique pour les capacités de communication. La Phase 1 du projet est entièrement financée par l'ESA, Telespazio ayant précédemment sécurisé un contrat de 123 millions d'euros pour la mise en œuvre de l'infrastructure.

Viasat (NASDAQ: VSAT) wurde ausgewählt, um am Moonlight-Projekt der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation (ESA) teilzunehmen und mit dem Programmleiter Telespazio zusammenzuarbeiten, um Europas erstes Satellitennetzwerk in der Mondumlaufbahn zu entwickeln. Ziel des Projekts ist es, ein umfassendes Navigations- und Kommunikationssystem für den Mond zu schaffen.

Viasat wird das Design und die Entwicklung des Kommunikationsnetzwerks leiten, einschließlich der terrestrischen Infrastruktur und der Benutzerterminals auf der Mondoberfläche. Das System wird als Datenautobahn fungieren, die den Mond und die Erde verbindet und die Kommunikation für Raumfahrzeuge, Mondfahrzeuge und zukünftige kommerzielle Aktivitäten wie den Weltraumtourismus erleichtert.

Das Projekt wird in Phasen umgesetzt, wobei die anfängliche Fähigkeit für Ende 2028 angestrebt wird und die vollständigen Operationen bis 2030 erfolgen sollen. Die britische Raumfahrtbehörde, ein wichtiger Beitragender zum ESA-Moonlight-Programm, hat Viasat ausgewählt, um das britische Ökosystem für Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu leiten. Die Phase 1 des Projekts wird vollständig von der ESA finanziert, wobei Telespazio zuvor einen Vertrag über 123 Millionen Euro für die Implementierung der Infrastruktur gesichert hat.

  • Secured major contract for lunar communication infrastructure development
  • Full funding from ESA for Phase 1 operations
  • Strategic positioning in emerging lunar economy market
  • Part of €123m Moonlight program contract
  • Long development timeline with revenue generation starting 2028-2030
  • High-risk project dependent on multiple international partnerships


Viasat's selection for ESA's Moonlight program represents a strategic positioning move in the emerging lunar economy rather than an immediate revenue catalyst. As a key member of the Telespazio-led consortium, Viasat will design the lunar communications network infrastructure, develop end-to-end communications services, and deliver ground infrastructure and user terminals.

The project's timeline - with initial capability targeted for end-2028 and full operations by 2030 - places this firmly in the long-term strategic category. While the article confirms the initial design phase is fully funded by ESA, Viasat's specific portion of the broader €123 million Moonlight program contract remains undisclosed.

This contract positions Viasat at the infrastructure level of lunar development, potentially creating a competitive advantage as lunar activities expand beyond scientific missions to eventual commercial applications. The technology developed could enhance Viasat's expertise in challenging communications environments while diversifying beyond its traditional satellite communications business.

For a company with a market capitalization of $1.37 billion, the near-term financial impact appears modest given the extended timeline and early-stage nature of lunar economic development. However, securing this position in what could become the "lunar internet" infrastructure demonstrates Viasat's technical capabilities and creates optionality for future space-based communications opportunities.

Viasat to lead the lunar orbiting satellite communications portion of ESA’s Moonlight Program, alongside Telespazio and a host of other European and UK companies.

Project creates Europe’s first lunar orbiting satellite network.

LONDON, March 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Viasat, Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), a global leader in satellite communications, today joined the European Space Agency’s Moonlight project (“Moonlight”), alongside program lead Telespazio.

Moonlight is the European Space Agency's (ESA) program to develop a lunar orbiting Navigation and Communication system that will greatly enhance combined navigation and communications services for European and international missions both on the surface of the Moon and in lunar orbit.

The Moonlight communications system will act as a data highway on and around the Moon, and between Earth and the Moon. People, spacecraft, and lunar vehicles can access that data highway to simplify and speed communications among themselves and back to earth to better enable their scientific and exploration projects including their position over the Moon. Over time, Moonlight is anticipated to support additional commercial activities on the Moon such as space tourism, and manufacturing programs leveraging rare materials found on the lunar surface.

Viasat will be responsible for the design and development of the communication network and will lead the definition of the end-to-end communications services: aiming to provide a communications network for lunar landers, rovers, orbiters, and other technology. Viasat will also be responsible for the communication earth ground infrastructure and communication lunar surface user terminals. Telespazio, as Moonlight program lead, has executed a contract with Viasat for the initial design phase of the communication system. This work will be fully funded by the European Space Agency throughout Phase 1.

The UK Space Agency, as one of the major contributors to ESA’s Moonlight program, selected Viasat to lead the UK ecosystem to deliver the communications capability. Moonlight services will be deployed in phases, targeting initial capability at the end of 2028 with full operations aimed by 2030.

Mark Dankberg, Chairman and CEO, Viasat, said: “Moonlight is among the most forward looking and exciting projects undertaken by the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency. Viasat’s participation builds on our heritage of delivering and operating highly innovative and ambitious satellite communication programs. Alongside Telespazio, we look forward to supporting the Space Agencies by leveraging our commercial orientation, network engineering and operational skills, to reliably and securely support future generations of space exploration.”

Gabriele Pieralli, CEO, Telespazio, said: “This marks a pivotal milestone in our commitment to the Moonlight program. By partnering with a global leader in satellite communications, we can harness cutting-edge technologies to create a secure and efficient communications and navigation infrastructure — essential for the success of lunar missions. This collaboration reinforces our drive to innovate and deliver comprehensive solutions, paving the way for a new era in lunar exploration and resource utilization.”

Laurent Jaffart, ESA’s Director of Connectivity and Secure Communications, said: "Moonlight is a game-changer for lunar exploration. By providing reliable communications and navigation as a service, we're enabling future missions to dedicate more of their payload capacity to mission-critical instruments. This interoperable infrastructure will significantly enhance mission capabilities while reducing complexity and cost, ultimately accelerating humanity's return to the Moon."

Craig Brown, Investment Director at The UK Space Agency, said: “The Moonlight initiative will showcase Viasat’s and the UK’s leadership in emerging commercial markets such as the lunar economy. Once developed, the service will not only advance our capabilities across satellite communications but also provide reliable navigation and communication services to the growing number of commercial and institutional missions to the lunar surface over the next decade.

“Viasat is a crucial addition to the Moonlight partnership, and the new lunar economy, driving innovation and creating high-skilled jobs across the country.”

Giancarlo Varacalli, Head of Telecommunications and Navigation at the Italian Space Agency (ASI), said: “Moonlight is steadily taking shape, and the inclusion of Viasat marks a significant milestone towards the provision of communications and navigation services for future ambitious lunar missions. Italy is proudly at the forefront of this endeavour, with ASI strong support and through its leading industrial excellence, aiming at playing a major role in a sustainable presence on the Moon.”

Notes to editors
Telespazio - a joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%) - is prime contractor for the Moonlight Program, previously signing a €123m contract for the implementation of the infrastructure of the Moonlight programme in late 2024 as part of phase 1 activities.

The consortium includes Telespazio as prime contractor responsible for the overall system as well as a pool of companies including Hispasat, Viasat, Thales Alenia Space Italia, SSTL, Qascom, MDA, KSat, Telespazio UK, Telespazio Iberica, SDA Bocconi, POLIMI, CRAS and SIA for the design, implementation and operational qualification of the system.

Viasat’s involvement in Moonlight as end-to-end communications lead is fully funded by European Space Agency throughout Phase 1. Viasat plans to provide the skillset for its engineering and technology operations from its International Business Headquarters in London.

About Viasat
Viasat is a global communications company that believes everyone and everything in the world can be connected. With offices in 24 countries around the world, our mission shapes how consumers, businesses, governments and militaries around the world communicate and connect. Viasat is developing the ultimate global communications network to power high-quality, reliable, secure, affordable, fast connections to positively impact people’s lives anywhere they are - on the ground, in the air or at sea, while building a sustainable future in space. In May 2023, Viasat completed its acquisition of Inmarsat, combining the teams, technologies and resources of the two companies to create a new global communications partner. Learn more at, the Viasat News Room or follow us on LinkedIn, X, Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky, Threads, and YouTube.

Copyright © 2025 Viasat, Inc. All rights reserved. Viasat, the Viasat logo and the Viasat Signal are registered trademarks in the U.S. and in other countries of Viasat, Inc. All other product or company names mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

About Telespazio
Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%), is one of the world's leading operators in space services: from the design and development of space systems to the management of satellite launch and in-orbit control services; from Earth observation, integrated communications, satellite navigation, and positioning services to scientific programs. The company plays a key role in its reference markets, leveraging over 60 years of technological expertise, infrastructure, and participation in space programs such as Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus, COSMO-SkyMed and Moonlight. Telespazio, together with Thales Alenia Space, forms the "Space Alliance" and generated a revenue of €700 million in 2023, with 3,300 employees in fifteen countries.

Viasat, Inc. Contacts

Richard Jones, Public Relations, Viasat, +44 7843 819 611, 
Lisa Curran/Peter Lopez, Investor Relations,

Telespazio Press Contacts
Paolo Mazzetti, Ph: +39 335 6515994,
Ivana Giannone, Ph: +39 337 1024608,

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to the safe harbors created under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements include, among others, statements that refer to the Moonlight program, future phases of the Moonlight Project and the future potential of the lunar economy. Readers are cautioned that actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include: unexpected expenses related to our satellite projects; our ability to successfully implement our business plan for our broadband services on our anticipated timeline or at all; risks associated with the construction, launch and operation of satellites and space infrastructure used the Moonlight project, including the effect of any anomaly, operational failure or degradation in satellite performance; our ability to successfully develop, introduce and sell new technologies, products and services; introduction and reliability of new technologies and other factors affecting the communications and space communications generally; the effect of adverse regulatory changes (including changes affecting spectrum availability or permitted uses) on our ability to sell or deploy our products and services; changes in the way others use spectrum; our inability to access additional spectrum, use spectrum for additional purposes, and/or operate satellites at additional orbital locations; competing uses of the same spectrum or orbital locations that we utilize or seek to utilize; In addition, please refer to the risk factors contained in our SEC filings available at, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements for any reason.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


When will Viasat's Moonlight lunar communication system be fully operational?

The Moonlight system is planned to achieve initial capability by end of 2028, with full operations targeted for 2030.

What is Viasat's (VSAT) role in the ESA Moonlight program?

Viasat will lead the design and development of the communication network, including earth ground infrastructure and lunar surface user terminals.

How much is the contract value for the Moonlight program's Phase 1?

Telespazio secured a €123m contract for the infrastructure implementation in late 2024 for Phase 1 activities.

What commercial applications will the VSAT Moonlight system support?

The system will support space tourism and manufacturing programs utilizing rare materials found on the lunar surface.

Who are the main partners in the ESA Moonlight program with Viasat?

The main partners include Telespazio (prime contractor), Hispasat, Thales Alenia Space Italia, SSTL, Qascom, MDA, KSat, and others.
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