Verra Mobility launches National School Bus Safety Week campaign to raise awareness around school bus safety

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Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) has launched the 'Zero in on School Bus Safety Toolkit' for National School Bus Safety Week (October 21-25). This initiative aims to raise awareness about school bus safety and combat the alarming increase in drivers illegally passing stopped school buses. The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services reported 45.2 million violations last school year, up from 43.5 million the previous year.

The toolkit includes free resources such as social media posts, statistics, and digital collateral to promote safer school transportation. Verra Mobility's school bus stop arm program uses cameras to detect and record vehicles illegally passing stopped buses. The company reports that 98% of drivers issued a violation do not repeat the behavior, with some programs seeing up to a 70% reduction in citations throughout the school year.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) ha lanciato il 'Toolkit per la Sicurezza degli Autobus Scolastici' in occasione della Settimana Nazionale della Sicurezza degli Autobus Scolastici (21-25 ottobre). Questa iniziativa ha l'obiettivo di aumentare la consapevolezza sulla sicurezza degli autobus scolastici e di combattere l'allarmante incremento di conducenti che sorpassano illegalmente autobus scolastici fermi. L'Associazione Nazionale dei Direttori Statali dei Servizi di Trasporto Scolastico ha riportato 45,2 milioni di violazioni nell'anno scolastico scorso, rispetto ai 43,5 milioni dell'anno precedente.

Il toolkit include risorse gratuite come post sui social media, statistiche e materiali digitali per promuovere un trasporto scolastico più sicuro. Il programma di bracci elettrici per fermate degli autobus scolastici di Verra Mobility utilizza telecamere per rilevare e registrare i veicoli che passano illegalmente davanti agli autobus fermi. L'azienda riporta che il 98% dei conducenti sanzionati non ripete il comportamento, con alcuni programmi che registrano una riduzione delle multe fino al 70% durante l'anno scolastico.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) ha lanzado el 'Kit de Seguridad para Autobuses Escolares' para la Semana Nacional de Seguridad en Autobuses Escolares (del 21 al 25 de octubre). Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo aumentar la concienciación sobre la seguridad en los autobuses escolares y combatir el alarmante aumento de conductores que pasan ilegalmente a autobuses escolares detenidos. La Asociación Nacional de Directores Estatales de Servicios de Transporte Escolar reportó 45,2 millones de violaciones el año escolar pasado, un incremento respecto a los 43,5 millones del año anterior.

El kit incluye recursos gratuitos como publicaciones en redes sociales, estadísticas y materiales digitales para promover un transporte escolar más seguro. El programa del brazo de parada de autobuses escolares de Verra Mobility utiliza cámaras para detectar y grabar vehículos que pasan ilegalmente a autobuses deteniéndose. La compañía informa que el 98% de los conductores multados no repiten el comportamiento, con algunos programas que muestran una reducción de hasta el 70% en las multas durante el año escolar.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM)는 국가 학교 버스 안전 주간 (10월 21-25일)을 맞아 '학교 버스 안전 툴킷'을 출시했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 학교 버스 안전에 대한 인식을 높이고 정차된 학교 버스를 불법적으로 지나치는 운전자의 놀라운 증가에 대응하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주 운송 서비스 국장 협회는 지난 학년도에 4천520만 건의 위반 사례를 보고했으며, 이는 이전 년도의 4천350만 건에서 증가한 수치입니다.

이 툴킷에는 안전한 학교 교통을 촉진하기 위한 소셜 미디어 게시물, 통계 및 디지털 자료와 같은 무료 리소스가 포함되어 있습니다. Verra Mobility의 학교 버스 정차 팔 프로그램은 정지된 버스를 불법으로 지나치는 차량을 감지하고 기록하기 위해 카메라를 사용합니다. 회사는 처벌을 받은 운전자의 98%가 같은 행동을 반복하지 않으며, 일부 프로그램에서는 학년도 동안 최대 70%의 인용 감소를 목격했습니다.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) a lancé le 'Kit de Sécurité pour Autobus Scolaires' à l'occasion de la Semaine Nationale de la Sécurité des Autobus Scolaires (21-25 octobre). Cette initiative vise à sensibiliser à la sécurité des autobus scolaires et à lutter contre l'augmentation alarmante des conducteurs passant illégalement des autobus scolaires à l'arrêt. La National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services a signalé 45,2 millions de violations l'année scolaire passée, contre 43,5 millions l'année précédente.

Le kit comprend des ressources gratuites telles que des publications sur les réseaux sociaux, des statistiques et des supports numériques pour promouvoir un transport scolaire plus sûr. Le programme de bras d'arrêt des autobus scolaires de Verra Mobility utilise des caméras pour détecter et enregistrer les véhicules passant illégalement devant des autobus à l'arrêt. L'entreprise rapporte que 98% des conducteurs sanctionnés ne répètent pas leur comportement, certains programmes montrant une réduction des contraventions allant jusqu'à 70% au cours de l'année scolaire.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) hat das 'Toolkit zur Sicherheit von Schulbussen' anlässlich der Nationalen Schulbus-Sicherheitswoche (21.-25. Oktober) ins Leben gerufen. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, das Bewusstsein für die Sicherheit von Schulbussen zu schärfen und dem alarmierenden Anstieg von Fahrern entgegenzutreten, die angehaltene Schulbusse illegal überholen. Die Nationale Vereinigung der landesweiten Schultransportdirektoren berichtete im vergangenen Schuljahr von 45,2 Millionen Verstößen, verglichen mit 43,5 Millionen im Vorjahr.

Das Toolkit umfasst kostenlose Ressourcen wie Social-Media-Beiträge, Statistiken und digitale Materialien zur Förderung eines sichereren Schultransports. Das Schulbus-Stopparmprogramm von Verra Mobility verwendet Kameras, um Fahrzeuge zu erkennen und aufzuzeichnen, die angehaltene Busse illegal überholen. Das Unternehmen berichtet, dass 98% der Fahrer, die eine Strafe erhalten haben, sich nicht wieder so verhalten, wobei einige Programme eine Reduzierung von bis zu 70% der Verweise im Schuljahr verzeichnen.

  • None.
  • None.

Organizations are encouraged to download and share the free toolkit, including social media posts and digital collateral, to advocate for safer school transportation

MESA, Ariz., Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM), a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions, has launched the 'Zero in on School Bus Safety Toolkit' to champion National School Bus Safety Week (October 21-25) and encourage others to embrace the importance of using safe driving behavior around school buses.

Passing a stopped school bus with its stop-arm extended is against the law, yet thousands of Americans do this on a daily basis. The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) annual survey showed 45.2 million drivers received a violation for illegally passing school buses last school year - up from 43.5 million during the prior school year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration relates this to the most devastating consequence, stating an average of 108 fatalities occurred each year via school transportation-related crashes from 2013-2022.

To encourage communities and organizations to raise awareness around this issue, Verra Mobility created 'Zero in on School Bus Safety Toolkit' with resources including social media posts, statistics, and digital collateral to raise awareness and create safer school bus transportation. To download the free materials and share this important safety message, visit

"Every day, millions of students rely on school buses for safe transport to and from school," said Belinda Olivares, general manager of the school bus stop arm division at Verra Mobility. "The illegal passing of stopped school buses threatens our students' safety. That's why Verra Mobility is partnering with school districts to install school bus safety arm technology to protect students as they board and exit the bus. These programs are proven to alter driver behavior, but we must do more. The goal of the toolkit is to give school districts and organizations across the nation a way to deliver the safety message in one easy step."

Verra Mobility's school bus stop arm program works when the bus's stop arm is deployed, and a camera automatically detects vehicles that pass the stopped bus within the enforced zone. The camera records video of the vehicle and captures event images including its license plate and the extended stop-arm. 

Verra Mobility's program has shown that 98 percent of drivers who are issued a violation for illegally passing a stopped school bus do not repeat their behavior, with some programs experiencing up to a 70 percent reduction in issued citations when comparing the beginning of the school year to the end. Violations act to raise awareness and change driver behavior.

"School buses carry very precious cargo…our students. While protecting their safety is a daily priority, this week allows us to spotlight the importance of safe school bus transportation and reduce the risks to children," said Olivares. "Verra Mobility has equipped thousands of school buses, transporting tens-of-thousands of students, with safety camera technology to better protect children on their commute to and from school."

To learn more about the school bus stop arm safety program, visit

About Verra Mobility

Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM) is a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions that make transportation safer, smarter and more connected. The company sits at the center of the mobility ecosystem, bringing together vehicles, hardware, software, data and people to enable safe, efficient solutions for customers globally. Verra Mobility's transportation safety systems and parking management solutions protect lives, improve urban and motorway mobility and support healthier communities. The company also solves complex payment, utilization and compliance challenges for fleet owners and rental car companies. Headquartered in Arizona, Verra Mobility operates in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more information, please visit

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What is Verra Mobility's 'Zero in on School Bus Safety Toolkit' for National School Bus Safety Week?

Verra Mobility's 'Zero in on School Bus Safety Toolkit' is a free resource launched for National School Bus Safety Week (October 21-25) to raise awareness about school bus safety. It includes social media posts, statistics, and digital collateral to promote safer school transportation.

How many drivers received violations for illegally passing school buses last school year according to NASDPTS?

According to the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) annual survey, 45.2 million drivers received violations for illegally passing school buses last school year, an increase from 43.5 million the previous year.

What is the effectiveness of Verra Mobility's school bus stop arm program?

Verra Mobility reports that 98% of drivers issued a violation for illegally passing a stopped school bus do not repeat their behavior. Some programs have experienced up to a 70% reduction in issued citations when comparing the beginning of the school year to the end.

How does Verra Mobility's school bus stop arm technology work?

When a school bus's stop arm is deployed, a camera automatically detects vehicles passing the stopped bus within the enforced zone. It records video of the vehicle and captures event images, including its license plate and the extended stop-arm.

Where can organizations download Verra Mobility's school bus safety toolkit?

Organizations can download the free 'Zero in on School Bus Safety Toolkit' at

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