New York's Onondaga County and Verra Mobility prioritize student safety with one of the state's most extensive school bus safety programs

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Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) has partnered with Onondaga County, New York, to implement an extensive school bus stop arm safety program. The initiative will equip over 500 school buses across six school districts with advanced camera technology to document and report vehicles illegally passing stopped school buses.

The program covers more than 20,000 students and 40 schools, involving districts including Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool, and North Syracuse. The technology features AI integration and is designed to operate in extreme weather conditions.

Historical data shows that 98% of drivers who receive violations don't repeat the offense, and programs have achieved over 50% reduction in citations. The program will be self-funded through citation revenues, with no upfront costs to the county or school districts. Implementation is planned for the 2025/2026 school year, with a 30-day public awareness campaign preceding citation issuance.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) ha stretto una collaborazione con la Contea di Onondaga, New York, per implementare un ampio programma di sicurezza per i braccioli dei bus scolastici. L'iniziativa prevede di dotare oltre 500 autobus scolastici in sei distretti scolastici di tecnologia avanzata di telecamere per documentare e segnalare i veicoli che superano illegalmente gli autobus scolastici fermi.

Il programma coinvolge più di 20.000 studenti e 40 scuole, includendo distretti come Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool e North Syracuse. La tecnologia è dotata di un'integrazione AI e progettata per funzionare in condizioni meteorologiche estreme.

I dati storici mostrano che il 98% degli automobilisti che ricevono violazioni non commettono nuovamente l'infrazione, e i programmi hanno ottenuto oltre il 50% di riduzione delle sanzioni. Il programma sarà autofinanziato attraverso i proventi delle sanzioni, senza costi iniziali per la contea o i distretti scolastici. L'implementazione è prevista per l'anno scolastico 2025/2026, con una campagna di sensibilizzazione pubblica di 30 giorni prima dell'emissione delle sanzioni.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) ha formado una asociación con el Condado de Onondaga, Nueva York, para implementar un extenso programa de seguridad para el brazo de parada de los autobuses escolares. La iniciativa equipará más de 500 autobuses escolares en seis distritos escolares con tecnología avanzada de cámaras para documentar y reportar vehículos que pasan ilegalmente los autobuses escolares detenidos.

El programa abarca más de 20,000 estudiantes y 40 escuelas, incluyendo distritos como Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool y North Syracuse. La tecnología cuenta con integración de IA y está diseñada para operar en condiciones climáticas extremas.

Los datos históricos muestran que el 98% de los conductores que reciben violaciones no repiten la ofensa, y los programas han logrado más de un 50% de reducción en las citaciones. El programa se financiará a sí mismo a través de los ingresos de las citaciones, sin costos iniciales para el condado o los distritos escolares. La implementación está prevista para el año escolar 2025/2026, con una campaña de concienciación pública de 30 días antes de la emisión de citaciones.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM)는 뉴욕의 오논다가 카운티와 협력하여 광범위한 학교 버스 정차 안전 프로그램을 구현하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 500대 이상의 학교 버스에 첨단 카메라 기술을 설치하여 정차 중인 학교 버스를 불법으로 지나치는 차량을 문서화하고 보고할 예정입니다.

이 프로그램은 Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool 및 North Syracuse를 포함한 6개 학군에서 20,000명 이상의 학생40개 학교에 걸쳐 있습니다. 이 기술은 AI 통합 기능을 갖추고 있으며 극한의 기상 조건에서도 작동하도록 설계되었습니다.

과거 데이터에 따르면 98%의 운전자가 위반 사항을 받으면 재범하지 않으며, 이 프로그램들은 50% 이상의 감소율을 달성했습니다. 이 프로그램은 과태료 수입을 통해 자금을 조달하며, 카운티나 학군에 선불 비용이 없습니다. 시행은 2025/2026 학년도에 예정되어 있으며, 과태료 발부 이전에 30일간의 공공 인식 캠페인이 실시될 것입니다.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) s'est associé au comté d'Onondaga, à New York, pour mettre en œuvre un vaste programme de sécurité pour les bras d'arrêt des bus scolaires. L'initiative équipera plus de 500 bus scolaires dans six districts scolaires avec une technologie de caméra avancée pour documenter et signaler les véhicules passant illégalement devant des bus scolaires à l'arrêt.

Le programme couvre plus de 20 000 étudiants et 40 écoles, impliquant des districts comme Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool et North Syracuse. La technologie intègre de l'IA et est conçue pour fonctionner dans des conditions météorologiques extrêmes.

Les données historiques montrent que 98% des conducteurs ayant reçu des violations ne récidivent pas, et les programmes ont permis de réduire de plus de 50% le nombre de contraventions. Le programme sera autofinancé grâce aux revenus des contraventions, sans coûts initiaux pour le comté ou les districts scolaires. La mise en œuvre est prévue pour l'année scolaire 2025/2026, précédée d'une campagne de sensibilisation du public de 30 jours avant l'émission des contraventions.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) hat eine Partnerschaft mit dem Onondaga County, New York, geschlossen, um ein umfangreiches Sicherheitsprogramm für den Schulbus-Stopparm umzusetzen. Die Initiative wird über 500 Schulbusse in sechs Schulbezirken mit fortschrittlicher Kameratechnologie ausstatten, um Fahrzeuge zu dokumentieren und zu melden, die an haltenden Schulbussen vorbeifahren.

Das Programm umfasst mehr als 20.000 Schüler und 40 Schulen und umfasst Bezirke wie Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool und North Syracuse. Die Technologie ist mit KI-Integration ausgestattet und so konzipiert, dass sie unter extremen Wetterbedingungen funktioniert.

Historische Daten zeigen, dass 98% der Fahrer, die ein Vergehen begehen, dies nicht wiederholen, und die Programme haben eine Reduzierung der Bußgelder um über 50% erreicht. Das Programm wird durch Einnahmen aus Bußgeldern selbstfinanziert, ohne Vorauszahlungen für die Gemeinde oder die Schulbezirke. Die Implementierung ist für das Schuljahr 2025/2026 geplant, mit einer 30-tägigen Öffentlichkeitskampagne vor der Erteilung von Bußgeldern.

  • Program is self-funded through citations with no upfront costs
  • Demonstrated 98% effectiveness in preventing repeat violations
  • Achieved over 50% reduction in citations in existing programs
  • Large-scale implementation covering 500+ buses and 20,000+ students
  • None.


This contract marks a strategic expansion of Verra Mobility's school safety technology business, demonstrating strong execution in the public sector market. The program's structure offers multiple revenue streams while building significant barriers to entry:

  • The initial deployment covering 500+ buses and 20,000 students creates a substantial recurring revenue base through citation processing fees
  • The zero-upfront-cost model makes the solution highly attractive to budget-conscious municipalities, enabling faster market penetration
  • Integration of advanced AI technology and extreme weather capabilities showcases Verra's technological edge, particularly relevant for harsh Northeast conditions

The business implications extend beyond immediate revenues. This implementation creates a replicable blueprint for other New York counties and nationwide expansion. The documented 98% effectiveness rate in preventing repeat violations strengthens Verra's position in competitive bids for similar contracts.

The strategic timing of the rollout for the 2025/2026 school year, coupled with the comprehensive training and awareness campaign, indicates a well-planned execution strategy that minimizes implementation risks while maximizing community acceptance and program effectiveness.

More than six school districts and 500 school buses will deploy advanced technology to reduce the risk of drivers illegally passing stopped school buses

MESA, Ariz., Feb. 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM), a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions, announced a partnership with Onondaga County, New York, to implement an advanced school bus stop arm safety program to protect students and reduce dangerous traffic violations around school buses.

The program will start by equipping more than 500 school buses with cutting-edge stop arm safety camera technology to better protect children on their daily commute to and from school. The stop arm camera safety system will automatically document and report vehicles that illegally pass stopped school buses, capturing critical evidence that can be used by law enforcement to uphold the law.

"Too often, drivers disregard laws that are intended to protect children while they are boarding and exiting school buses," stated New York State Assemblyman William Magnarelli. "A recent study by the New York Association for Pupil Transportation determined that motorists pass stopped school buses more than five passes on average per day per bus. These cameras will serve as a deterrent to drivers from passing stopped school buses and ultimately save students' lives."

As one of the most extensive school bus stop arm programs in New York, the program will commence with six school districts, which include more than 20,000 students and more than 40 schools. The program is expected to roll out in phases with the launch to include:

  • Baldwinsville School District
  • East Syracuse Minoa School District
  • Fabius-Pompey School District
  • Jamesville-Dewitt School District
  • Liverpool School District
  • North Syracuse School District

"Onondaga County is pleased to announce our partnership with Verra Mobility on a stop-arm camera project aimed at ensuring safe travel to and from school," said Onondaga County Executive J. Ryan McMahon, II. "This initiative will hold drivers accountable for illegally passing stopped school buses, helping to protect our children and make our roadways safer."

The program will incorporate advanced AI integration, include a full-service solution to implement the school bus stop arm safety program, and deliver an expansive public education campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of illegally passing a stopped school bus. The technology will also help to increase camera performance in the extreme weather conditions surrounding the Syracuse area.

"Our stop arm safety technology has consistently demonstrated its ability to reduce dangerous traffic violations," said Belinda Olivares, general manager of Verra Mobility's Bus Safety Division. "In Onondaga County, we're not just implementing a technology solution – we're creating a comprehensive safety ecosystem that protects our most vulnerable road users. Our school bus stop arm program is about changing driver behavior and ultimately saving lives."

Passing a stopped school bus with its stop arm extended is against the law. In New York, legislation has set fine offenses to start at $250 and increase with subsequent violations. When an illegal passing is captured, an event package (including video evidence of the violation) will be sent, verified, and approved by the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office before being issued to the vehicle owner.

The program will have no up-front cost to Onondaga County or the school districts and will be funded through the citations received from the illegal behaviors. The remaining funds will stay with the County.

Verra Mobility's stop arm safety program has shown that 98 percent of drivers who are issued a violation for illegally passing a stopped school bus do not repeat their behavior. Through community awareness, programs have experienced a more than 50% reduction in issued citations.

Verra Mobility will provide comprehensive training to district personnel and local law enforcement to ensure smooth implementation and maximum effectiveness of the stop arm safety program. Both parties aim to implement the program for the beginning of the 2025/2026 school year and will conduct an extensive public awareness campaign for 30 days prior to citations being issued.

Participating school districts' superintendents are in support of this new initiative.

"The Baldwinsville Central School District has the responsibility to safely transport hundreds of students to and from school, athletic contests and special events every day. The installation of red light stop arm cameras is an additional tool that we can use to enhance our district's safety measures and protect our students. To have Onondaga County team up with Verra Mobility for this program will send a strong message to motorists to obey school bus safety laws. This initiative not only raises awareness to the dangers of passing a school bus when the stop-arm is extended but it also holds drivers accountable. The safety of our students, whether it's inside our schools or on our school buses, continues to be our top priority." 
Joseph M. DeBarbieri, Ed.D.,Superintendent of Schools, Baldwinsville Central School District

"Through our program with Onondaga County, we are taking a critical step toward ensuring the safety of our students by installing stop-arm cameras on school buses in partnership with Verra Mobility. These cameras have proven to significantly reduce traffic violations, enhance driver accountability, and ultimately prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities. By investing in these innovative safety solutions, we are not only enforcing traffic laws but also fostering a safer environment for our children and the entire community."
Dr. Donna DeSiato, Superintendent, East Syracuse Minoa Central School District

"The Fabius-Pompey Central School District is dedicated to the safety and well-being of our students and the broader community. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure student safety during transportation, we are excited to participate in a program with Verra Mobility to install stop arm cameras on our school buses.

We believe this program reflects our district's values of caring for our students and community. By taking proactive measures to address this safety concern, Fabius-Pompey CSD is demonstrating our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our students and the shared responsibility we all have in keeping them safe. Together, we can create a culture of safety and accountability throughout our community." 
Lloyd L. Peck, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, Fabius Pompey Central School District

"The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District is thankful for this opportunity to work with Onondaga County to increase transportation safety for our students, staff, and the community. This program has real potential to help reduce unsafe driving across Central New York and better protect the youngest members of our community."
Peter Smith, Superintendent, Jamesville-Dewitt School District

"The safety and security of Liverpool Central School District students is our top priority, both in our school buildings and on our school buses. The number of vehicles passing stopped school buses in Liverpool, as well as school districts across Onondaga County, has increased dramatically over the last few years. The addition of stop arm cameras on Liverpool school buses will assist our bus drivers in recording the license plates of those passing our buses illegally, ensuring the safety of students entering and exiting the bus. We are grateful to Verra Mobility and Onondaga County for including the Liverpool Central School District in this program." 
Douglas P. Lawrence, Interim Superintendent, Liverpool Central School District 

About Verra Mobility

Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM) is a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions that make transportation safer, smarter and more connected. The company sits at the center of the mobility ecosystem, bringing together vehicles, hardware, software, data and people to enable safe, efficient solutions for customers globally. Verra Mobility's transportation safety systems and parking management solutions protect lives, improve urban and motorway mobility and support healthier communities. The company also solves complex payment, utilization and compliance challenges for fleet owners and rental car companies. Headquartered in Arizona, Verra Mobility operates in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more information, please visit

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Media Relations:
Valerie Schneider  

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When will Verra Mobility (VRRM) launch its school bus safety program in Onondaga County?

The program is scheduled to launch at the beginning of the 2025/2026 school year, with a 30-day public awareness campaign preceding the start of citations.

How many school buses will be equipped with Verra Mobility's (VRRM) stop arm cameras in Onondaga County?

More than 500 school buses across six school districts will be equipped with the stop arm safety camera technology.

What is the success rate of Verra Mobility's (VRRM) stop arm safety program?

The program has shown that 98% of drivers who receive a violation do not repeat their behavior, with programs experiencing over 50% reduction in issued citations.

How will Verra Mobility's (VRRM) Onondaga County school bus program be funded?

The program will have no up-front cost to Onondaga County or school districts and will be funded through citations received from illegal passing violations.

Which school districts are participating in Verra Mobility's (VRRM) Onondaga County program?

The participating districts are Baldwinsville, East Syracuse Minoa, Fabius-Pompey, Jamesville-Dewitt, Liverpool, and North Syracuse School Districts.
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