51% of Americans find the idea of a vehicle being a "digital wallet" appealing; 54% would enable this feature if available

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Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) conducted a survey of 2,000 Americans who own or lease vehicles from 2019 or newer, exploring attitudes towards connected vehicle features. Key findings include:

- 51% find the idea of a vehicle as a 'digital wallet' appealing
- 54% would enable this feature if available
- 59% are familiar with the term 'connected vehicle'
- 62% are aware of connected vehicle services available in their vehicle
- 49% currently use at least one connected vehicle service
- 40% have paid for or renewed a subscription for such services

The survey also revealed that 57% of Americans consider connected vehicle services a reason to spend more on a vehicle, and 70% prefer not to connect their smartphone to enable digital services. The U.S. is projected to have over 400 million connected cars in operation by 2025.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) ha condotto un sondaggio su 2.000 americani che possiedono o affittano veicoli del 2019 o più recenti, esplorando le attitudini verso le funzionalità dei veicoli connessi. I risultati principali includono:

- Il 51% trova interessante l'idea di un veicolo come 'portafoglio digitale'
- Il 54% abiliterebbe questa funzione se disponibile
- Il 59% è familiare con il termine 'veicolo connesso'
- Il 62% è consapevole dei servizi per veicoli connessi disponibili nel proprio veicolo
- Il 49% utilizza attualmente almeno un servizio per veicoli connessi
- Il 40% ha pagato o rinnovato un abbonamento per tali servizi

Il sondaggio ha anche rivelato che il 57% degli americani considera i servizi per veicoli connessi un motivo per spendere di più per un veicolo, e il 70% preferisce non connettere il proprio smartphone per abilitare i servizi digitali. Si prevede che entro il 2025 negli Stati Uniti ci saranno oltre 400 milioni di auto connesse in circolazione.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) realizó una encuesta a 2.000 estadounidenses que poseen o alquilan vehículos de 2019 o más recientes, explorando las actitudes hacia las características de los vehículos conectados. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 51% encuentra atractiva la idea de un vehículo como 'cartera digital'
- El 54% habilitaría esta función si está disponible
- El 59% está familiarizado con el término 'vehículo conectado'
- El 62% es consciente de los servicios de vehículo conectado disponibles en su vehículo
- El 49% utiliza actualmente al menos un servicio de vehículo conectado
- El 40% ha pagado o renovado una suscripción a dichos servicios

La encuesta también reveló que el 57% de los estadounidenses considera los servicios de vehículo conectado como una razón para gastar más en un vehículo, y el 70% prefiere no conectar su smartphone para habilitar los servicios digitales. Se espera que para 2025 haya más de 400 millones de coches conectados en funcionamiento en EE. UU.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM)는 2019년 이후의 차량을 소유하거나 리스하는 2,000명의 미국인을 대상으로 연결된 차량 기능에 대한 태도를 조사하는 설문 조사를 실시했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 51%가 차량을 '디지털 지갑'으로 생각하는 것에 매력을 느낀다고 응답했습니다.
- 54%는 이 기능이 제공된다면 활성화할 것이라고 응답했습니다.
- 59%는 '연결된 차량'이라는 용어에 익숙하다고 응답했습니다.
- 62%는 자신의 차량에서 사용할 수 있는 연결된 차량 서비스에 대해 알고 있다고 응답했습니다.
- 49%는 현재 적어도 하나의 연결된 차량 서비스를 사용하고 있습니다.
- 40%는 그러한 서비스에 대해 유료 구독을 하거나 갱신한 경험이 있습니다.

설문 조사에서는 또한 57%의 미국인이 연결된 차량 서비스를 차량에 더 많은 비용을 지출하는 이유로 생각하고 있으며, 70%는 디지털 서비스를 활성화하기 위해 스마트폰을 연결하고 싶지 않다고 응답했습니다. 2025년까지 미국에 4억 대 이상의 연결된 자동차가 운영될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) a réalisé une enquête auprès de 2.000 Américains possédant ou louant des véhicules de 2019 ou plus récents, explorant les attitudes envers les fonctionnalités des véhicules connectés. Les résultats clés incluent :

- 51% trouvent l'idée d'un véhicule comme un 'portefeuille numérique' attrayante
- 54% activeraient cette fonctionnalité si elle était disponible
- 59% sont familiers avec le terme 'véhicule connecté'
- 62% sont conscients des services de véhicule connecté disponibles dans leur véhicule
- 49% utilisent actuellement au moins un service de véhicule connecté
- 40% ont payé ou renouvelé un abonnement pour de tels services

L'enquête a également révélé que 57% des Américains considèrent les services de véhicule connecté comme une raison de dépenser plus pour un véhicule, et 70% préfèrent ne pas connecter leur smartphone pour activer les services numériques. On prévoit qu'il y aura plus de 400 millions de voitures connectées en circulation aux États-Unis d'ici 2025.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) hat eine Umfrage unter 2.000 Amerikanern durchgeführt, die Fahrzeuge aus dem Jahr 2019 oder neuer besitzen oder leasen, um Einstellungen zu den Funktionen vernetzter Fahrzeuge zu erkunden. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

- 51% finden die Idee eines Fahrzeugs als 'digitales Wallet' ansprechend
- 54% würden diese Funktion aktivieren, wenn sie verfügbar ist
- 59% sind mit dem Begriff 'vernetztes Fahrzeug' vertraut
- 62% sind sich der verfügbaren vernetzten Fahrzeugdienste in ihrem Fahrzeug bewusst
- 49% nutzen derzeit mindestens einen vernetzten Fahrzeugdienst
- 40% haben für solche Dienste ein Abonnement bezahlt oder erneuert

Die Umfrage ergab auch, dass 57% der Amerikaner vernetzte Fahrzeugdienste als Grund ansehen, mehr Geld für ein Fahrzeug auszugeben, und 70% es vorziehen, ihr Smartphone nicht zu verbinden, um digitale Dienste zu aktivieren. Es wird prognostiziert, dass bis 2025 in den USA über 400 Millionen vernetzte Autos im Einsatz sein werden.

  • 51% of Americans find the idea of a vehicle as a 'digital wallet' appealing
  • 54% would enable the 'digital wallet' feature if available
  • 62% are aware of connected vehicle services available in their vehicle
  • 49% currently use at least one connected vehicle service
  • 40% have paid for or renewed a subscription for connected vehicle services
  • 57% say connected vehicle services are a reason to spend more on a vehicle
  • None.


The survey results reveal significant consumer interest in connected vehicle services, particularly the concept of vehicles as "digital wallets." With 51% of respondents finding this idea appealing and 54% willing to enable such features, there's a clear market opportunity for Verra Mobility and automakers.

Key findings support the potential for growth in this sector:

  • 62% awareness of connected vehicle services
  • 49% current usage of at least one service
  • 40% have paid for or renewed subscriptions
  • 57% would spend more on a vehicle for these services

The preference for in-vehicle payments over smartphone-based solutions (53%) suggests a shift in consumer behavior that could benefit Verra Mobility's toll payment solutions. With 34% preferring to pay tolls through vehicle services, there's a substantial addressable market for the company's offerings.

These trends align with projections of over 400 million connected cars globally by 2025, indicating a rapidly expanding market for Verra Mobility's services. The company's partnerships with cities, tech firms and OEMs position it well to capitalize on this growth.

   Verra Mobility conducted a connected vehicle survey of Americans who own or
lease a vehicle 2019 or newer explores attitudes and awareness about current and
future technology

MESA, Ariz., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM), a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions, announced today the results of a new survey of 2,000 Americans who own or lease a vehicle 2019 or newer. The survey, which was conducted by Verra Mobility's Commercial Services business, explored attitudes and awareness around connected vehicle features. The survey found that over half of Americans find the idea of a vehicle being a "digital wallet" appealing, and 54% would enable such a feature if available.

In 2020, 91% of new vehicles sold in the U.S. were considered connected, and this number is projected to grow. The U.S is the largest market for connected vehicles. According to Statista, it is projected that by 2025, there will be over 400 million connected cars in operation worldwide, up from approximately 237 million in 2021.

According to the Verra Mobility survey, 59% of Americans stated they were familiar with the term connected vehicle, and the results were split on perceived definition, with 25% stating they believed a connected vehicle meant a vehicle that can connect to a smartphone device.

In terms of connected vehicle adoption, the survey found:

  • 62% were aware of connected vehicle services available through their vehicle.
  • 49% were currently using at least one connected vehicle service.
  • 40% had paid for or renewed a subscription, such as a vehicle manufacturer's app.
  • 39% reported signing up for a connected vehicle service using the vehicle's infotainment system.

"Utilizing a vehicle as a digital wallet to pay for services such as tolls, parking and maintenance is the next frontier for OEMs and consumers," said Cathi Chinn, VP of Innovation for Verra Mobility's Commercial Services business. "When it comes to connected vehicles, we are just getting started. I believe the number of drivers opting into these types of services and seeing value from them will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years."

Other interesting survey findings included:

  • 57% of Americans say connected vehicle services are a reason they would spend more on a vehicle.
  • 70% of Americans would prefer to not have to connect their smartphone to their vehicle to enable digital services.
  • 50% of respondents would like their vehicle to be another digital wallet to make automatic payments.
  • 53% of respondents would prefer using their car vs. their phone to pay for services.
  • 34% of Americans would prefer to pay for tolls directly through vehicle connected services.

To download the full report detailing the survey findings, visit: 

"These results echo the value consumers of our members' products and services expect when using a connected vehicle," said Steve Crumb, Executive Director at the Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA), an open global technology alliance accelerating the full potential of connected vehicles. "Awareness and ease of use are the two most important steps in connected feature adoption and once people understand how these services work and the value they provide, they are more likely to use them. Verra Mobility's contributions to COVESA's work to expand digital commerce in the vehicle, including tolling, is appreciated and has great potential for bringing increased value to the consumer."

Survey Methodology
The data was derived from a survey by Verra Mobility conducted online via Pollfish between July 11-12, 2024. 2,000 Americans who own or lease a vehicle 2019 or newer completed the survey. For the purposes of this survey, connected vehicle services were defined as services that utilize data from a vehicle's native internet connection, such as vehicle manufacturer apps used to see a vehicle's location and remotely start the vehicle, etc. The survey noted that services used in the vehicle through a mobile phone like Apple CarPlay or Android Auto were not considered Connected Vehicle Services for the purposes of this survey.

More info on Statista's connected car stats can be found here, and information about the total number of connected vehicles globally can be found here.

Verra Mobility's Commercial Services business is currently partnering with numerous cities, technology companies and OEMs to enable toll payments through connected vehicles.

About Verra Mobility
Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM) is a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions that make transportation safer, smarter and more connected. The company sits at the center of the mobility ecosystem, bringing together vehicles, hardware, software, data and people to enable safe, efficient solutions for customers globally. Verra Mobility's transportation safety systems and parking management solutions protect lives, improve urban and motorway mobility and support healthier communities. The company also solves complex payment, utilization and compliance challenges for fleet owners and rental car companies. Headquartered in Arizona, Verra Mobility operates in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more information, please visit

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What percentage of Americans find the idea of a vehicle as a 'digital wallet' appealing according to Verra Mobility's survey?

According to Verra Mobility's survey, 51% of Americans find the idea of a vehicle being a 'digital wallet' appealing.

How many Americans would enable the 'digital wallet' feature in their vehicle if available?

The survey found that 54% of Americans would enable the 'digital wallet' feature in their vehicle if it were available.

What percentage of survey respondents are currently using at least one connected vehicle service?

According to the survey, 49% of respondents are currently using at least one connected vehicle service.

How many Americans have paid for or renewed a subscription for connected vehicle services?

The survey revealed that 40% of Americans have paid for or renewed a subscription for connected vehicle services, such as a vehicle manufacturer's app.

What is the projected number of connected cars in operation worldwide by 2025?

According to the press release, it is projected that by 2025, there will be over 400 million connected cars in operation worldwide.

Verra Mobility Corporation


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Infrastructure Operations
Transportation Services
United States of America