Verint AI-Powered Bots Drive Upsell and Revenue Opportunities in Contact Centers

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Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, has announced that contact centers across multiple industries are deploying Verint Bots to identify optimal upsell and cross-sell opportunities, resulting in significant sales momentum and revenue generation. The AI-powered bots have shown impressive results:

1. An automotive retailer using Verint Exact Transcription Bot and Quality Bot expects to increase customer propensity to buy by up to 90%.

2. A large bank saw upsell offers increase by 62% and sales grow by 48% across 500 agents in just two months using the Verint Coaching Bot.

3. A financial firm experienced a 15% boost in insurance product sales within three months using Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots, and Coaching Bots.

These implementations are generating millions of dollars in revenue for Verint's customers, demonstrating the rapid and strong AI business outcomes achievable with Verint's technology.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, ha annunciato che i contact center in diversi settori stanno implementando i Verint Bots per identificare le opportunità ottimali di upsell e cross-sell, portando a un notevole slancio nelle vendite e nella generazione di entrate. I bot potenziati dall'IA hanno mostrato risultati impressionanti:

1. Un rivenditore automobilistico che utilizza il Verint Exact Transcription Bot e il Quality Bot si aspetta di aumentare la propensione all'acquisto dei clienti fino al 90%.

2. Una grande banca ha visto le offerte di upsell aumentare del 62% e le vendite crescere del 48% tra 500 agenti in soli due mesi utilizzando il Verint Coaching Bot.

3. Una società finanziaria ha registrato un aumento del 15% nelle vendite di prodotti assicurativi nel giro di tre mesi utilizzando Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots e Coaching Bots.

Queste implementazioni stanno generando milioni di dollari in entrate per i clienti di Verint, dimostrando i rapidi e forti risultati aziendali che si possono ottenere con la tecnologia di Verint.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, ha anunciado que los centros de contacto en diversas industrias están implementando Verint Bots para identificar oportunidades óptimas de upsell y cross-sell, lo que resulta en un impulso significativo en las ventas y generación de ingresos. Los bots potenciados por IA han mostrado resultados impresionantes:

1. Un minorista de automóviles que utiliza el Verint Exact Transcription Bot y el Quality Bot espera aumentar la propensión de compra de los clientes hasta en un 90%.

2. Un gran banco vio aumentar las ofertas de upsell en un 62% y las ventas crecer en un 48% a través de 500 agentes en solo dos meses utilizando el Verint Coaching Bot.

3. Una firma financiera experimentó un aumento del 15% en las ventas de productos de seguros en tres meses utilizando Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots y Coaching Bots.

Estas implementaciones están generando millones de dólares en ingresos para los clientes de Verint, demostrando los rápidos y sólidos resultados comerciales que se pueden lograr con la tecnología de Verint.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, 여러 산업의 콜 센터들이 최적의 업셀 및 크로스셀 기회를 식별하기 위해 Verint Bots를 배포하고 있으며, 이로 인해 상당한 판매 증가와 수익 창출이 이루어지고 있다고 발표했습니다. AI 기반 봇은 인상적인 결과를 보여주었습니다:

1. Verint Exact Transcription Bot 및 Quality Bot을 사용하는 자동차 소매업체는 고객의 구매 성향이 최대 90% 증가할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

2. 한 대형 은행은 Verint Coaching Bot을 사용하여 500명의 상담원 사이에서 업셀 제안이 62% 증가하고 판매가 48% 증가했습니다.

3. 한 금융 회사는 Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots 및 Coaching Bots를 사용하여 3개월 이내에 보험 상품 판매가 15% 증가했습니다.

이러한 구현은 Verint 고객에게 수백만 달러의 수익을 창출하고 있으며, Verint의 기술을 통해 달성할 수 있는 빠르고 강력한 AI 비즈니스 결과를 보여줍니다.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, a annoncé que les centres de contact dans plusieurs secteurs déploient des Verint Bots pour identifier les opportunités optimales de vente additionnelle et de vente croisée, entraînant une dynamique de ventes significative et une génération de revenus. Les bots alimentés par l'IA ont montré des résultats impressionnants :

1. Un détaillant automobile utilisant le Verint Exact Transcription Bot et le Quality Bot s'attend à augmenter la propension à acheter des clients jusqu'à 90%.

2. Une grande banque a vu ses offres de vente additionnelle augmenter de 62% et les ventes croître de 48% parmi 500 agents en seulement deux mois grâce au Verint Coaching Bot.

3. Une entreprise financière a connu une augmentation de 15% des ventes de produits d'assurance en trois mois en utilisant Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots et Coaching Bots.

Ces mises en œuvre génèrent des millions de dollars de revenus pour les clients de Verint, démontrant les résultats commerciaux rapides et solides réalisables grâce à la technologie de Verint.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, hat angekündigt, dass Kontaktzentren in verschiedenen Branchen Verint Bots einsetzen, um optimale Upsell- und Cross-Sell-Möglichkeiten zu identifizieren, was zu bedeutendem Verkaufsimpuls und Einnahmengenerierung führt. Die KI-gesteuerten Bots haben beeindruckende Ergebnisse gezeigt:

1. Ein Automobilhändler, der den Verint Exact Transcription Bot und den Quality Bot nutzt, erwartet, dass die Kundenneigung zum Kauf um bis zu 90% steigt.

2. Eine große Bank sah, dass die Upsell-Angebote um 62% zunahmen und die Verkäufe innerhalb von nur zwei Monaten um 48% bei 500 Agenten wuchsen, indem sie den Verint Coaching Bot verwendeten.

3. Ein Finanzunternehmen erlebte einen Anstieg der Verkaufszahlen von Versicherungsprodukten um 15% innerhalb von drei Monaten, indem es Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots und Coaching Bots einsetzte.

Diese Implementierungen generieren Millionen von Dollar an Einnahmen für Verints Kunden und demonstrieren die schnellen und starken Geschäftsergebnisse, die mit der Technologie von Verint erreicht werden können.

  • Verint Bots are driving significant sales momentum and revenue generation for brands
  • An automotive retailer expects up to 90% increase in customer propensity to buy
  • A large bank saw 62% increase in upsell offers and 48% growth in sales across 500 agents in 2 months
  • A financial firm experienced 15% boost in insurance product sales within 3 months
  • Verint bots are generating millions of dollars in revenue for customers
  • None.

Verint's AI-powered bots are showing promising results in driving revenue for contact centers across industries. The implementation of these bots has led to significant improvements in upselling and cross-selling opportunities. Key highlights include:

  • An automotive retailer saw up to 90% increase in customer propensity to buy
  • A large bank experienced a 62% increase in upsell offers and 48% growth in sales across 500 agents in just two months
  • A financial firm boosted insurance product sales by 15% within three months

These results demonstrate the potential of AI in enhancing sales performance and customer interactions. However, it's important to consider the long-term sustainability of these gains and potential customer fatigue from increased sales efforts. The true test will be maintaining these improvements over time while ensuring customer satisfaction.

The implementation of Verint's AI bots presents a compelling case for potential revenue growth in the customer service sector. While specific financial figures aren't provided, the reported percentages suggest substantial impact. For Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), this could translate to increased demand for their products and services, potentially boosting their own revenue streams. However, investors should consider:

  • The scalability of these solutions across different industries and company sizes
  • The competitive landscape in AI-powered customer service solutions
  • The company's ability to maintain technological edge and adapt to evolving market needs

It's also worth noting that while the initial results are impressive, long-term performance data will be important in assessing the sustained value of these AI solutions to both Verint and its clients.

Verint's AI-powered bots represent a significant advancement in applying machine learning to customer interactions. The combination of speech analytics, quality assessment and coaching functionalities demonstrates a comprehensive approach to optimizing sales processes. Key technological aspects include:

  • Real-time analysis of customer interactions to identify upsell opportunities
  • Automated quality assessment to improve agent performance
  • AI-driven coaching to guide agents through complex sales scenarios

The integration of these technologies allows for a dynamic, data-driven approach to sales optimization. However, it's important to consider potential challenges such as data privacy concerns, the need for continuous AI model training and the balance between automation and human touch in customer interactions. The long-term success of these solutions will depend on Verint's ability to refine and adapt their AI algorithms to changing customer behaviors and market conditions.

Leading Brands Deploy Verint Bots to Identify Optimum Opportunities for Upselling and Cross-Selling

MELVILLE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Verint® (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, today announced that contact centers across multiple industries are deploying Verint Bots to identify optimum opportunities to upsell and cross-sell, resulting in significant sales momentum and revenue generation for brands.

Verint AI-powered bots deliver insights and can increase revenue for leading brands:

  • A leading automotive retailer deployed the Verint Exact Transcription Bot and Verint Quality Bot, which quickly revealed the optimal time and type of call that leads to a successful upsell. Insights delivered by the Verint Quality Bot were used to improve agent selling behaviors during customer interactions. The retailer expects the bots to optimize agent selling behavior overall, increasing up to 90 percent customer propensity to buy compared to pre-deployment levels.
  • A large bank deployed the Verint Coaching Bot to guide agents in offering customers the right product at the right moment. Upsell offers to customers increased by 62 percent and sales grew by 48 percent across 500 agents in only two months.
  • Another financial firm used the combination of Verint Speech Analytics, Verint Quality Bots and Verint Coaching Bots to empower agents and guide calls to better outcomes. With an enhanced ability to identify customer objection points and guide agents in best-practice objection handling, the bank saw a 15 percent boost in insurance product sales within three months.

“Verint bots are creating opportunities for upselling and cross-selling that are generating millions of dollars in revenue for our customers,” says Verint’s David Singer, global vice president, Go-to-Market Strategy. “Across sectors, contact centers are deploying Verint AI-powered bots and realizing rapid and strong AI business outcomes, including realization of significant sales upside.”

Visit Verint Open Platform to learn more.

About Verint

Verint® (NASDAQ: VRNT) is a leader in customer experience (CX) automation. The world’s most iconic brands - including more than 80 of the Fortune 100 companies - use the Verint Open Platform and our team of AI-powered bots to deliver tangible AI Business Outcomes, Now™ across the enterprise.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place To Work®. Learn more at

This press release contains “forward-looking statements,” including statements regarding expectations, predictions, views, opportunities, plans, strategies, beliefs and statements of similar effect relating to Verint Systems Inc. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and they are based on management's expectations that involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, any of which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements. For a detailed discussion of these risk factors, see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2024, and other filings we make with the SEC. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release and, except as required by law, Verint assumes no obligation to update or revise them or to provide reasons why actual results may differ.

VERINT, VERINT DA VINCI, VERINT OPEN CCAAS, THE CX AUTOMATION COMPANY, THE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT COMPANY AND THE ENGAGEMENT CAPACITY GAP are trademarks of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries. Verint and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.

Media Relations

Sue Huss

Investor Relations

Matthew Frankel

Source: Verint


What results did an automotive retailer achieve using Verint Bots?

An automotive retailer using Verint Exact Transcription Bot and Quality Bot expects to increase customer propensity to buy by up to 90% compared to pre-deployment levels.

How did Verint Coaching Bot impact sales for a large bank?

A large bank using Verint Coaching Bot saw upsell offers increase by 62% and sales grow by 48% across 500 agents in just two months.

What sales improvement did a financial firm see using Verint's AI solutions?

A financial firm using Verint Speech Analytics, Quality Bots, and Coaching Bots experienced a 15% boost in insurance product sales within three months.

How are Verint Bots (VRNT) impacting revenue for customers?

Verint Bots are creating upselling and cross-selling opportunities that are generating millions of dollars in revenue for customers across various sectors.

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Software - Infrastructure
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United States of America