Verint Agent Copilot Bots Can Double Agent Capacity in the Contact Center

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(Very Positive)

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, unveiled its new Verint Agent Copilot Bots at Engage 2024, demonstrating groundbreaking AI business outcomes. These AI-powered bots automate specific agent tasks and, when used together, can double agent capacity and process twice as many calls. Organizations are leveraging this increased capacity to:

  • Lower labor costs
  • Enhance customer and employee experience
  • Boost revenue through better upselling and cross-selling support

The bots automate tasks such as searching for customer information, finding relevant knowledge articles, providing real-time coaching, and creating call summaries. Verint's Chief Product Officer, Jaime Meritt, reports strong AI business outcomes from customers using these bots. The Verint Open Platform offers a modular approach for quick AI deployment in contact centers, allowing seamless addition of more bots and achieving tangible AI outcomes and ROI at scale.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, ha presentato i suoi nuovi Verint Agent Copilot Bots all'Engage 2024, dimostrando risultati aziendali rivoluzionari grazie all'IA. Questi bot potenziati dall'IA automatizzano compiti specifici degli agenti e, se utilizzati insieme, possono raddoppiare la capacità degli agenti e gestire il doppio delle chiamate. Le organizzazioni stanno sfruttando questa maggiore capacità per:

  • Ridurre i costi del lavoro
  • Migliorare l'esperienza di clienti e dipendenti
  • Aumentare i ricavi attraverso un migliore supporto per upselling e cross-selling

I bot automatizzano compiti come la ricerca di informazioni sui clienti, la ricerca di articoli informativi pertinenti, la fornitura di coaching in tempo reale e la creazione di sintesi delle chiamate. Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer di Verint, riporta risultati aziendali significativi da parte dei clienti che utilizzano questi bot. La Verint Open Platform offre un approccio modulare per un rapido deployment dell'IA nei centri di contatto, consentendo l'aggiunta senza problemi di ulteriori bot e ottenendo risultati tangibili in termini di IA e ROI su larga scala.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, presentó sus nuevos Verint Agent Copilot Bots en Engage 2024, demostrando resultados comerciales innovadores gracias a la IA. Estos bots impulsados por IA automatizan tareas específicas de los agentes y, cuando se utilizan juntos, pueden duplicar la capacidad de los agentes y procesar el doble de llamadas. Las organizaciones están aprovechando esta mayor capacidad para:

  • Reducir los costos laborales
  • Mejorar la experiencia del cliente y del empleado
  • Aumentar los ingresos mediante un mejor soporte para upselling y cross-selling

Los bots automatizan tareas como buscar información de clientes, encontrar artículos de conocimiento relevantes, proporcionar entrenamiento en tiempo real y crear resúmenes de llamadas. Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer de Verint, informa sobre resultados comerciales positivos de los clientes que utilizan estos bots. La Verint Open Platform ofrece un enfoque modular para un despliegue rápido de IA en los centros de contacto, permitiendo la adición fluida de más bots y logrando resultados tangibles en IA y ROI a gran escala.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, Engage 2024에서 Verint Agent Copilot Bots를 공개하며 혁신적인 AI 비즈니스 결과를 선보였습니다. 이 AI 기반 봇은 특정 에이전트 작업을 자동화하고 함께 사용될 경우 에이전트 용량을 두 배로 늘릴 수 있으며, 이를 통해 두 배 많은 전화를 처리할 수 있습니다. 조직들은 이 증가된 용량을 활용하여:

  • 노동 비용 절감
  • 고객과 직원 경험 향상
  • 업셀링 및 크로스셀링 지원을 통한 수익 증대

이 봇은 고객 정보 검색, 관련 지식 기사 찾기, 실시간 코칭 제공, 통화 요약 작성 등의 작업을 자동화합니다. Verint의 최고 제품 책임자 Jaime Meritt는 이러한 봇을 사용하는 고객으로부터 긍정적인 AI 비즈니스 결과를 보고하고 있습니다. Verint Open Platform은 고객 센터에서 빠른 AI 배치를 위한 모듈식 접근 방식을 제공하며, 더 많은 봇을 원활하게 추가하고 대규모로 실질적인 AI 결과 및 ROI를 달성할 수 있습니다.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, a dévoilé ses nouveaux Verint Agent Copilot Bots lors de l'Engage 2024, démontrant des résultats commerciaux révolutionnaires grâce à l'IA. Ces bots alimentés par l'IA automatisent des tâches spécifiques des agents et, s'ils sont utilisés ensemble, peuvent doubler la capacité des agents et traiter deux fois plus d'appels. Les organisations tirent parti de cette capacité accrue pour :

  • Réduire les coûts de main-d'œuvre
  • Améliorer l'expérience des clients et des employés
  • Augmenter les revenus grâce à un meilleur soutien pour le upselling et le cross-selling

Les bots automatisent des tâches telles que la recherche d'informations sur les clients, la recherche d'articles de connaissance pertinents, la fourniture de coaching en temps réel et la création de résumés d'appels. Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer de Verint, rapporte de bons résultats commerciaux IA de la part des clients utilisant ces bots. La Verint Open Platform offre une approche modulaire pour un déploiement rapide de l'IA dans les centres de contact, permettant l'ajout en douceur de plus de bots et obtenant des résultats tangibles en IA et un retour sur investissement à grande échelle.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, präsentierte auf der Engage 2024 seine neuen Verint Agent Copilot Bots und demonstrierte bahnbrechende Ergebnisse im Bereich der KI-gesteuerten Geschäftsergebnisse. Diese KI-gestützten Bots automatisieren spezifische Aufgaben der Agenten und können, wenn sie gemeinsam eingesetzt werden, die Kapazität der Agenten verdoppeln und doppelt so viele Anrufe bearbeiten. Organisationen profitieren von dieser erhöhten Kapazität, um:

  • Arbeitskosten zu senken
  • Die Erfahrung von Kunden und Mitarbeitern zu verbessern
  • Den Umsatz durch bessere Unterstützung beim Upselling und Cross-Selling zu steigern

Die Bots automatisieren Aufgaben wie das Suchen nach Kundeninformationen, das Finden relevanter Wissensartikel, die Bereitstellung von Echtzeit-Coaching und die Erstellung von Anrufzusammenfassungen. Jaime Meritt, Chief Product Officer von Verint, berichtet von positiven KI-Geschäftsergebnissen bei Kunden, die diese Bots nutzen. Die Verint Open Platform bietet einen modularen Ansatz für die schnelle Implementierung von KI in Kontaktzentren, sodass zusätzliche Bots nahtlos hinzugefügt werden können und greifbare AI-Ergebnisse sowie ROI in großem Maßstab erzielt werden können.

  • Verint Agent Copilot Bots can double agent capacity and process twice as many calls
  • The technology can help lower labor costs for organizations
  • The bots can enhance customer and employee experience by freeing up agent time
  • Potential for increased revenue through better support for upselling and cross-selling
  • Modular approach allows for quick AI deployment and scalability
  • None.


Verint's unveiling of Agent Copilot Bots represents a significant leap in contact center automation technology. The claim of doubling agent capacity is particularly noteworthy, as it directly addresses two critical pain points in the industry: labor costs and customer experience.

The modular approach of Verint's Open Platform is strategically sound, allowing for flexible implementation and scalability. This could be appealing to a wide range of clients, from small businesses to large enterprises, potentially expanding Verint's market reach.

However, the real test will be in the long-term adoption and performance metrics. While initial reports of "strong AI business outcomes" are promising, investors should look for concrete data on:

  • Actual reduction in labor costs
  • Improvements in customer satisfaction scores
  • Increase in upselling and cross-selling success rates
  • ROI figures from early adopters

If Verint can provide solid evidence of these outcomes, it could significantly strengthen its position in the competitive CX Automation market, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth.

Verint's Agent Copilot Bots represent a significant advancement in AI-powered contact center technology. The key technical aspects to note are:

  • Task-specific AI bots working in concert
  • Integration through a single user interface
  • Automation of complex tasks like information retrieval, knowledge base searching and real-time coaching

The modular architecture of the Open Platform is particularly innovative, allowing for seamless integration and scalability. This approach addresses a common challenge in enterprise software adoption - the need for flexible, incremental implementation.

However, the true technical challenge lies in ensuring consistent performance across various customer environments and maintaining accuracy as the system scales. Investors should monitor:

  • The system's ability to handle diverse and complex queries
  • Accuracy rates of AI-generated summaries and next-best-action recommendations
  • Integration capabilities with existing CRM and knowledge management systems

If Verint can maintain high performance standards while scaling, it could establish a significant competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving CX Automation market.

Verint Unveiled Groundbreaking AI Business Outcomes Driving CX Automation Category Leadership

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ENGAGE 2024Verint® (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, today unveiled and demonstrated groundbreaking AI business outcomes delivered by its new Verint Agent Copilot Bots at Engage 2024, the industry’s premier CX Automation conference.

Verint Agent Copilot Bots Can Double Agent Capacity in the Contact Center (Photo: Business Wire)

Verint Agent Copilot Bots Can Double Agent Capacity in the Contact Center (Photo: Business Wire)

Verint Agent Copilot Bots each automate a specific agent task. When these AI-powered bots are used together, they can double agent capacity and process twice as many calls. Organizations are using this extra agent capacity created by Verint Agent Copilot to achieve strategic goals, including lowering labor costs, enhancing customer and employee experience by freeing up agent time for interaction and support, and boosting revenue by better supporting agents to upsell and cross-sell products and services.

Verint Agent Copilot Bots are accessible through a single user interface and automate agent tasks including searching for customer information and the reason for their call, searching for relevant knowledge articles, real-time coaching for effective next-best action, and creating call summaries.

“Our customers using Verint Agent Copilot Bots are reporting strong AI business outcomes,” says Verint’s Chief Product Officer, Jaime Meritt. “The Verint Open Platform offers a modular approach that allows organizations to quickly deploy AI into their contact centers, to seamlessly add more bots whenever they like, and to achieve tangible AI outcomes and ROI in their existing ecosystems, at scale.”

Visit Verint Agent Copilot Bots to learn more.

About Verint

Verint® (NASDAQ: VRNT) is a leader in customer experience (CX) automation. The world’s most iconic brands - including more than 80 of the Fortune 100 companies - use the Verint Open Platform and our team of AI-powered bots to deliver tangible AI Business Outcomes, Now™ across the enterprise.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place To Work®. Learn more at

This press release contains “forward-looking statements,” including statements regarding expectations, predictions, views, opportunities, plans, strategies, beliefs and statements of similar effect relating to Verint Systems Inc. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and they are based on management's expectations that involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, any of which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements. For a detailed discussion of these risk factors, see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2024, and other filings we make with the SEC. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release and, except as required by law, Verint assumes no obligation to update or revise them or to provide reasons why actual results may differ.

VERINT, VERINT DA VINCI, VERINT OPEN CCAAS, THE CX AUTOMATION COMPANY, THE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT COMPANY AND THE ENGAGEMENT CAPACITY GAP are trademarks of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries. Verint and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.

Media Relations

Sue Huss

Investor Relations

Matthew Frankel

Source: Verint


What are the key features of Verint Agent Copilot Bots announced at Engage 2024?

Verint Agent Copilot Bots automate specific agent tasks, including searching for customer information, finding relevant knowledge articles, providing real-time coaching, and creating call summaries. When used together, they can double agent capacity and process twice as many calls.

How can Verint Agent Copilot Bots impact business outcomes for VRNT customers?

Verint Agent Copilot Bots can help organizations lower labor costs, enhance customer and employee experience by freeing up agent time, and boost revenue by better supporting agents in upselling and cross-selling products and services.

What advantages does the Verint Open Platform offer for AI deployment in contact centers?

The Verint Open Platform offers a modular approach that allows organizations to quickly deploy AI into their contact centers, seamlessly add more bots as needed, and achieve tangible AI outcomes and ROI in their existing ecosystems at scale.

How does Verint (VRNT) describe itself in relation to CX Automation?

Verint describes itself as 'The CX Automation Company™', emphasizing its focus on customer experience automation solutions.

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