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Vox Royalty Corp. (TSX.V:VOX, VOTCQX:VOX) reported significant updates from its royalty partners. Key highlights include:
- Gold Standard Ventures released a feasibility study for the South Railroad Project, showing an after-tax IRR of 62% and a 29% increase in mineral reserves.
- Genesis reported exceptional drilling results at the Puzzle North project, indicating potential resource expansion.
- Develop's results at Sulphur Springs suggest a substantial resource upgrade.
- Alamos announced a US$14M capital budget for Lynn Lake in 2022.
2022 is projected to be a record year for Vox's royalty portfolio.
Vox Royalty Corp announces its first royalty payment of approximately C$116,750 (US$92,100) from Thor Explorations Ltd. This payment is from the Segilola Gold Project, which recently commenced commercial production. CEO Kyle Floyd highlighted this milestone, suggesting potential revenue growth up to five times Vox's initial investment of C$900,000 within three years. Production estimates from Thor indicate a quarterly output of 20,000 to 22,000 ounces of gold in Q1 2022, contributing to higher anticipated sales as operations stabilize.
Vox Royalty Corp. (TSXV:VOX, OTCQX:VOXCF) reports significant exploration progress from partners Quantum Graphite, Develop Global, Silver Mines, and ValOre. In 2021, Vox achieved a record of approximately 170,000 metres drilled across 18 projects, anticipating resource upgrades for South Railroad, Bowdens, Sulphur Springs, Pedra Branca, Pitombeiras, and Kookynie within six months. Key highlights include a maiden mineral resource estimate for Uley 3 and strong drilling results at Sulphur Springs, Bowdens, and Pedra Branca, indicating ongoing growth and future potential for the company.
What is the current stock price of Vanguard Communication Services ETF (VOX)?