Teletrac Navman Survey Finds 83% of Fleets Say That AI Is Future of Safety

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Teletrac Navman, a connected mobility platform, has released findings from its AI & Driver Safety survey, revealing that 83% of fleets believe AI is the future of safety. The survey, supplementing their 2025 Distracted Driving & Driver Safety Report, highlights significant trends in AI adoption for fleet safety.

Key findings show that 26% of fleets are testing AI safety solutions while 18% are exploring options. The survey identified that 49% of respondents reported direct financial impacts from distracted driving incidents. Fleet operators are implementing three main tactics: technology, training, and developing a safety culture.

The study reveals that 32% of respondents expect AI to monitor driver behavior in real-time, with additional applications including reducing distracted driving (16%), accident prevention (17%), vehicle maintenance (14%), and enhanced training (13%). Despite 66% acknowledging AI's safety benefits, concerns persist about data privacy (23%) and staff resistance (14%). Notably, 47% emphasize the importance of human interaction in decision-making, while 37% value human accountability and ethical oversight.

Teletrac Navman, una piattaforma di mobilità connessa, ha pubblicato i risultati del suo sondaggio su AI e Sicurezza del Conducente, rivelando che l'83% delle flotte crede che l'IA sia il futuro della sicurezza. Il sondaggio, che integra il loro Rapporto sulla Distrazione alla Guida e Sicurezza del Conducente 2025, evidenzia tendenze significative nell'adozione dell'IA per la sicurezza delle flotte.

I risultati chiave mostrano che il 26% delle flotte sta testando soluzioni di sicurezza basate su IA, mentre il 18% sta esplorando opzioni. Il sondaggio ha identificato che il 49% dei rispondenti ha riportato impatti finanziari diretti a causa di incidenti legati alla guida distratta. Gli operatori delle flotte stanno implementando tre principali strategie: tecnologia, formazione e sviluppo di una cultura della sicurezza.

Lo studio rivela che il 32% dei rispondenti si aspetta che l'IA monitori il comportamento del conducente in tempo reale, con ulteriori applicazioni che includono la riduzione della guida distratta (16%), la prevenzione degli incidenti (17%), la manutenzione dei veicoli (14%) e una formazione migliorata (13%). Nonostante il 66% riconosca i benefici dell'IA per la sicurezza, persistono preoccupazioni riguardo alla privacy dei dati (23%) e alla resistenza del personale (14%). È interessante notare che il 47% sottolinea l'importanza dell'interazione umana nel processo decisionale, mentre il 37% valorizza la responsabilità umana e la supervisione etica.

Teletrac Navman, una plataforma de movilidad conectada, ha publicado los resultados de su encuesta sobre IA y Seguridad del Conductor, revelando que el 83% de las flotas cree que la IA es el futuro de la seguridad. La encuesta, que complementa su Informe sobre Distracción al Conducir y Seguridad del Conductor 2025, destaca tendencias significativas en la adopción de IA para la seguridad de las flotas.

Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 26% de las flotas está probando soluciones de seguridad basadas en IA, mientras que el 18% está explorando opciones. La encuesta identificó que el 49% de los encuestados reportaron impactos financieros directos debido a incidentes de conducción distraída. Los operadores de flotas están implementando tres tácticas principales: tecnología, capacitación y desarrollo de una cultura de seguridad.

El estudio revela que el 32% de los encuestados espera que la IA monitoree el comportamiento del conductor en tiempo real, con aplicaciones adicionales que incluyen la reducción de la conducción distraída (16%), la prevención de accidentes (17%), el mantenimiento de vehículos (14%) y una capacitación mejorada (13%). A pesar de que el 66% reconoce los beneficios de seguridad de la IA, persisten preocupaciones sobre la privacidad de los datos (23%) y la resistencia del personal (14%). Notablemente, el 47% enfatiza la importancia de la interacción humana en la toma de decisiones, mientras que el 37% valora la responsabilidad humana y la supervisión ética.

Teletrac Navman는 연결된 이동성 플랫폼으로, AI 및 운전자의 안전에 관한 설문 조사 결과를 발표하며 83%의 차량 운송업체가 AI가 안전의 미래라고 믿고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이 설문 조사는 2025년 주의 산만한 운전 및 운전자의 안전 보고서를 보완하며, 차량 안전을 위한 AI 채택의 중요한 경향을 강조합니다.

주요 결과에 따르면 26%의 차량 운송업체가 AI 안전 솔루션을 테스트하고 있다고 하며, 18%는 옵션을 탐색 중입니다. 설문 조사에서는 49%의 응답자가 주의 산만한 운전 사고로 인해 직접적인 재정적 영향을 보고했다고 확인했습니다. 차량 운송업체는 기술, 교육 및 안전 문화를 개발하는 세 가지 주요 전략을 구현하고 있습니다.

연구에 따르면 응답자의 32%가 AI가 실시간으로 운전자의 행동을 모니터링할 것으로 기대하고 있으며, 추가적인 응용 프로그램으로는 주의 산만한 운전 감소(16%), 사고 예방(17%), 차량 유지보수(14%) 및 향상된 교육(13%)이 포함됩니다. 66%가 AI의 안전 이점을 인정함에도 불구하고, 데이터 개인 정보 보호(23%) 및 직원 저항(14%)에 대한 우려가 여전히 존재합니다. 특히 47%는 의사 결정에서 인간 상호작용의 중요성을 강조하며, 37%는 인간의 책임과 윤리적 감독을 중요하게 생각합니다.

Teletrac Navman, une plateforme de mobilité connectée, a publié les résultats de son enquête sur l'IA et la sécurité des conducteurs, révélant que 83 % des flottes estiment que l'IA est l'avenir de la sécurité. L'enquête, qui complète leur Rapport 2025 sur la conduite distraite et la sécurité des conducteurs, met en lumière des tendances significatives dans l'adoption de l'IA pour la sécurité des flottes.

Les résultats clés montrent que 26 % des flottes testent des solutions de sécurité basées sur l'IA, tandis que 18 % explorent des options. L'enquête a identifié que 49 % des répondants ont signalé des impacts financiers directs dus à des incidents de conduite distraite. Les opérateurs de flottes mettent en œuvre trois principales tactiques : technologie, formation et développement d'une culture de sécurité.

L'étude révèle que 32 % des répondants s'attendent à ce que l'IA surveille le comportement des conducteurs en temps réel, avec des applications supplémentaires incluant la réduction de la conduite distraite (16 %), la prévention des accidents (17 %), la maintenance des véhicules (14 %) et une formation améliorée (13 %). Bien que 66 % reconnaissent les avantages de sécurité de l'IA, des préoccupations subsistent concernant la protection des données (23 %) et la résistance du personnel (14 %). Notamment, 47 % soulignent l'importance de l'interaction humaine dans la prise de décision, tandis que 37 % valorisent la responsabilité humaine et la supervision éthique.

Teletrac Navman, eine vernetzte Mobilitätsplattform, hat die Ergebnisse ihrer Umfrage zu KI und Fahrersicherheit veröffentlicht, die zeigt, dass 83% der Flotten glauben, dass KI die Zukunft der Sicherheit ist. Die Umfrage ergänzt ihren Bericht über Ablenkung beim Fahren und Fahrersicherheit 2025 und hebt bedeutende Trends bei der Einführung von KI zur Flottensicherheit hervor.

Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 26% der Flotten KI-Sicherheitslösungen testen, während 18% Optionen erkunden. Die Umfrage ergab, dass 49% der Befragten direkte finanzielle Auswirkungen durch Vorfälle von Ablenkung beim Fahren berichteten. Flottenbetreiber setzen drei Hauptstrategien um: Technologie, Schulung und Entwicklung einer Sicherheitskultur.

Die Studie zeigt, dass 32% der Befragten erwarten, dass KI das Fahrverhalten in Echtzeit überwacht, mit zusätzlichen Anwendungen wie der Verringerung von Ablenkungen beim Fahren (16%), der Unfallverhütung (17%), der Fahrzeugwartung (14%) und einer verbesserten Schulung (13%). Trotz 66%, die die Sicherheitsvorteile von KI anerkennen, bestehen Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes (23%) und des Widerstands des Personals (14%). Bemerkenswert ist, dass 47% betonen, wie wichtig menschliche Interaktion bei Entscheidungsprozessen ist, während 37% menschliche Verantwortung und ethische Aufsicht schätzen.

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Dashboard cams, telematics & AI combined will predict and prevent future accidents.

MILTON KEYNES, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Teletrac Navman, a leading connected mobility platform and Vontier company, today announces the findings of its AI & Driver Safety survey – a new supplement to its 2025 Distracted Driving & Driver Safety Report – which found that 83% of fleets say that AI is the future of safety.

“The use of AI by fleets is expanding from, primarily, fleet planning to fleet operations,” said Alain Samaha, CEO, Teletrac Navman. “There are clear safety advantages in harnessing AI with vehicle and dashcam data including preventing accidents by reducing distracted driving, and our customers are turning to Teletrac Navman and TN360 as a partner in achieving these results.” According to the survey, 26% are testing or piloting AI safety solutions and 18% are exploring options.

Distracted driving incidents, such as using mobile devices behind the wheel are growing. 49% of respondents to an earlier survey from Teletrac Navman said that distracted driving had a direct financial cost on their business. Technology, training, and developing a culture of safety are three tactics being employed by fleet operators to reduce the number of incidents.

As such, 32% of respondents said that AI will effectively be used to monitor driver behaviour in real time and to reduce distracted driving incidents (16%); predicting and preventing potential accidents (17%); improving vehicle maintenance (14%); and enhancing training/coaching through data insights (13%).

However, implementing AI is not without its concerns and challenges. Despite 66% of teams being aware of the safety benefits of AI, 23% of respondents said they were concerned about data privacy and 14% fear resistance from drivers or staff. 47% of respondents said that human interaction is crucial for effective decision making and 37% said humans provide accountability and ethical oversight.

“Camera and telematic data, in combination with AI, have the potential to be a very powerful tool for fleets who need to cut their exposure to risk,” added Samaha. “However, people are integral to making that happen, especially in situations where there may be concerns from drivers and unions. Effective communication is key.”

About Teletrac Navman

Teletrac Navman’s goal is to empower the industries that transform and sustain our futures with simple and intelligent solutions that enhance the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of their operation. As a connected mobility platform for industries that manage vehicle and equipment assets, Teletrac Navman simplifies the complex so that its customers can transform the way they work through cloud-based solutions that leverage AI to unlock the power of operational insight. Teletrac Navman manages more than 700,000 vehicles and assets around the world. The company operates globally, with offices worldwide and headquarters in Northbrook IL. For more information visit Teletrac Navman is a Vontier company.

About Vontier

Vontier (NYSE: VNT) is a global industrial technology company uniting productivity, automation and multi-energy technologies to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving, more connected mobility ecosystem. Leveraging leading market positions, decades of domain expertise and unparalleled portfolio breadth, Vontier enables the way the world moves – delivering smart, safe and sustainable solutions to our customers and the planet. Vontier has a culture of continuous improvement and innovation built upon the foundation of the Vontier Business System and embraced by colleagues worldwide. Additional information about Vontier is available on the Company’s website

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Source: Teletrac Navman


What percentage of fleets are currently testing AI safety solutions according to Teletrac Navman's survey?

26% of fleets are currently testing or piloting AI safety solutions, while an additional 18% are exploring options.

How many fleet operators reported financial impacts from distracted driving?

49% of survey respondents reported that distracted driving had a direct financial impact on their business operations.

What are the main concerns about implementing AI in fleet safety systems?

23% of respondents expressed concerns about data privacy, while 14% worried about resistance from drivers or staff.

What are the primary applications of AI in fleet safety according to the survey?

AI applications include real-time driver behavior monitoring (32%), reducing distracted driving (16%), accident prevention (17%), vehicle maintenance (14%), and enhanced training (13%).

How important is human oversight in AI fleet safety systems?

47% of respondents emphasized that human interaction is important for effective decision making, while 37% stated humans provide necessary accountability and ethical oversight.
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