New Survey Reveals Nearly 80 Percent of EV Drivers Will Go the Extra Mile for Safer Charging

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Vontier's new survey reveals important insights into EV driver preferences, highlighting safety as a key factor in charging station choice. Nearly 80% of EV drivers would go out of their way for a safe charging location, while 67% prefer stations near shopping areas. The study underscores the importance of well-lit, secure, and conveniently located charging stations in accelerating EV adoption.

Vontier (NYSE: VNT), a global industrial technology company, is addressing these concerns by partnering with major convenience store chains to deploy safe and convenient charging infrastructure. Their portfolio company EVolve, which includes Driivz, manages over 85,000 charging ports globally. Gilbarco Veeder-Root's Konect solution offers a turnkey approach for convenience stores to integrate charging with existing services.

As states deploy NEVI Formula Program funds for fast-charging stations, Vontier aims to create charging options prioritizing driver safety and comfort, potentially increasing station utilization and profitability.

Il nuovo sondaggio di Vontier rivela importanti informazioni sulle preferenze dei conducenti di veicoli elettrici, evidenziando la sicurezza come un fattore chiave nella scelta delle stazioni di ricarica. Quasi l'80% dei conducenti di veicoli elettrici sarebbe disposto a deviare dal proprio percorso per trovare una posizione di ricarica sicura, mentre il 67% preferisce stazioni vicino a zone commerciali. Lo studio sottolinea l'importanza di stazioni di ricarica ben illuminate, sicure e situate in modo conveniente per accelerare l'adozione dei veicoli elettrici.

Vontier (NYSE: VNT), un'azienda tecnologica industriale globale, sta affrontando queste problematiche collaborando con importanti catene di negozi per l'implementazione di infrastrutture di ricarica sicure e convenienti. La loro azienda in portafoglio, EVolve, che include Driivz, gestisce oltre 85.000 punti di ricarica a livello globale. La soluzione Konect di Gilbarco Veeder-Root offre un approccio chiavi in mano per consentire ai negozi di convenience di integrare la ricarica con i servizi esistenti.

Con gli stati che distribuiscono i fondi del programma NEVI Formula per le stazioni di ricarica rapida, Vontier mira a creare opzioni di ricarica che prioritizzano la sicurezza e il comfort dei conducenti, aumentando potenzialmente l'utilizzo delle stazioni e la redditività.

La nueva encuesta de Vontier revela información importante sobre las preferencias de los conductores de vehículos eléctricos, destacando la seguridad como un factor clave en la elección de las estaciones de carga. Casi el 80% de los conductores de vehículos eléctricos haría un esfuerzo adicional para encontrar una ubicación de carga segura, mientras que el 67% prefiere estaciones cerca de áreas comerciales. El estudio subraya la importancia de estaciones de carga bien iluminadas, seguras y convenientemente ubicadas para acelerar la adopción de vehículos eléctricos.

Vontier (NYSE: VNT), una empresa tecnológica industrial global, está abordando estas preocupaciones colaborando con importantes cadenas de tiendas de conveniencia para desplegar infraestructura de carga segura y conveniente. Su empresa de cartera EVolve, que incluye Driivz, gestiona más de 85,000 puertos de carga a nivel mundial. La solución Konect de Gilbarco Veeder-Root ofrece un enfoque llave en mano para que las tiendas de conveniencia integren la carga con los servicios existentes.

A medida que los estados despliegan fondos del Programa NEVI Formula para estaciones de carga rápida, Vontier busca crear opciones de carga que prioricen la seguridad y comodidad del conductor, lo que podría aumentar la utilización de las estaciones y su rentabilidad.

Vontier의 새로운 조사는 전기차 운전자의 선호도에 대한 중요한 통찰력을 보여주며, 충전소 선택에서 안전이 주요 요소로 강조됩니다. 전기차 운전자의 거의 80%가 안전한 충전 위치를 위해 경로를 일부러 변경할 의향이 있으며, 67%는 쇼핑 지역 근처의 충전소를 선호합니다. 이 연구는 전기차 도입을 가속화하기 위해 잘 조명되고 안전하며 편리하게 위치한 충전소의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Vontier (NYSE: VNT)는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 주요 편의점 체인과 협력하여 안전하고 편리한 충전 인프라를 배포하고 있습니다. 그들의 포트폴리오 회사 EVolve는 Driivz를 포함하여 전 세계에서 85,000개 이상의 충전 포트를 관리합니다. Gilbarco Veeder-Root의 Konect 솔루션은 편의점이 기존 서비스와 충전을 통합할 수 있는 턴키 접근 방식을 제공합니다.

주 정부들이 NEVI 공식 프로그램 기금을 신속 충전소에 배분함에 따라, Vontier는 운전자의 안전과 편안함을 우선시하는 충전 옵션을 만들어 충전소의 이용률과 수익성을 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

La nouvelle enquête de Vontier révèle des informations importantes sur les préférences des conducteurs de véhicules électriques, soulignant la sécurité comme un facteur clé dans le choix des stations de recharge. Près de 80 % des conducteurs de véhicules électriques seraient prêts à faire un détour pour un emplacement de recharge sécurisé, tandis que 67 % préfèrent des stations proches des zones commerciales. L'étude souligne l'importance des stations de recharge bien éclairées, sécurisées et idéalement situées pour accélérer l'adoption des véhicules électriques.

Vontier (NYSE: VNT), une entreprise technologique industrielle mondiale, répond à ces préoccupations en s'associant à de grandes chaînes de magasins de proximité pour déployer une infrastructure de recharge sûre et pratique. Leur entreprise en portefeuille, EVolve, qui comprend Driivz, gère plus de 85 000 points de recharge à l'échelle mondiale. La solution Konect de Gilbarco Veeder-Root offre une approche clé en main pour intégrer la recharge aux services existants dans les magasins de proximité.

Alors que les États déploient des fonds du programme NEVI Formula pour des stations de recharge rapide, Vontier vise à créer des options de recharge qui privilégient la sécurité et le confort des conducteurs, ce qui pourrait potentiellement augmenter l'utilisation des stations et leur rentabilité.

Die neue Umfrage von Vontier zeigt wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Vorlieben von Elektrofahrzeugfahrern und hebt die Sicherheit als entscheidenden Faktor bei der Auswahl von Ladestationen hervor. Nahezu 80 % der Elektrofahrzeugfahrer wären bereit, für einen sicheren Ladeort Umwege in Kauf zu nehmen, während 67 % Stationen in der Nähe von Einkaufszentren bevorzugen. Die Studie betont die Bedeutung von gut beleuchteten, sicheren und günstig gelegenen Ladestationen zur Beschleunigung der Einführung von Elektrofahrzeugen.

Vontier (NYSE: VNT), ein globales Unternehmen für industrielle Technologien, geht diese Sorgen an, indem es mit großen Convenience-Store-Ketten zusammenarbeitet, um sichere und bequeme Ladeinfrastrukturen bereitzustellen. Ihr Portfoliounternehmen EVolve, zu dem auch Driivz gehört, verwaltet weltweit über 85.000 Ladeports. Die Konect-Lösung von Gilbarco Veeder-Root bietet einen schlüsselfertigen Ansatz für Convenience-Stores, um das Laden mit bestehenden Dienstleistungen zu integrieren.

Während die Bundesstaaten Mittel des NEVI Formelprogramms für Schnellladestationen bereitstellen, zielt Vontier darauf ab, Lademöglichkeiten zu schaffen, die die Sicherheit und den Komfort der Fahrer priorisieren, was potenziell die Nutzung und Rentabilität der Stationen erhöhen könnte.

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78% of electric vehicle drivers would go out of their way to use a public charger in a safe location; 67% of electric vehicle drivers would go out of their way to use a public charger accompanied by a place to shop

RALEIGH, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A new survey by Vontier (NYSE: VNT), a global industrial technology company, reveals a critical truth in the electric vehicle (EV) landscape: safety isn't just a preference—it's a driving force to adoption. The study highlights a critical gap in the current EV charging infrastructure and points to potential solutions that could accelerate EV adoption, including charging station design and placement.

An overwhelming nearly 80 percent of EV drivers reported they would go out of their way to use a public charger located in a safe environment. This striking statistic underscores a significant issue with many existing charging stations, which are often poorly lit, lack security cameras, and are situated in isolated areas of parking lots with minimal supervision.

"It's not just about plugging in anymore—it's about peace of mind,” said Mark Morelli, President and CEO at Vontier. “Addressing these safety concerns is imperative for the future of EV adoption, and convenience stores are uniquely positioned to address this challenge. They innately provide a safer, more comfortable charging experience while offering the amenities that drivers desire to be more productive during their charging time."

The survey also found that over half of EV drivers would drive farther for charging stations that offer protection from the elements, such as rain or snow. Additionally, 67 percent would go out of their way for stations near shopping areas, and 63 percent for those close to dining options.

Vontier is at the forefront of deploying EV charging infrastructure at convenience stores, partnering with industry leaders like 7-Eleven, Circle K, Wawa, Buc-ee’s, Speedway, Chevron, and Shell. Vontier’s portfolio company EVolve includes global EV charging software leader Driivz with over 85,000 ports under management. Vontier company Gilbarco Veeder-Root also recently launched its turnkey Konect solution that enables convenience stores to integrate charging seamlessly with existing fueling, payment, and service offerings, providing drivers with a convenient, sustainable, and most importantly, safe place to charge.

“It’s interesting that drivers are willing to drive further for their preferred chargers despite ongoing concerns around EV range and charging access,” said Andrew Bennett, President and CEO of EVolve, a Vontier company. “While convenience remains a factor, businesses should never underestimate the power of a superior charging experience. Drivers will more likely stop at your store, and buy more, if done right.”

As states deploy federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program funds to build fast-charging stations, Vontier is committed to partnering with businesses to create charging options that prioritize driver safety and comfort. This approach not only addresses consumer concerns but also has the potential to increase charging station utilization and profitability.

About Vontier

Vontier (NYSE: VNT) is a global industrial technology company uniting productivity, automation, and multi-energy technologies to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving, more connected mobility ecosystem. Leveraging leading market positions, decades of domain expertise and unparalleled portfolio breadth, Vontier enables the way the world moves – delivering smart, safe and sustainable solutions to our customers and the planet. Vontier has a culture of continuous improvement and innovation built upon the foundation of the Vontier Business System and embraced by colleagues worldwide. Additional information about Vontier is available on the Company’s website at

Nicole Beck, Corporate Communications

Vontier Corporation

Chelsea Nolan

Antenna Group

Ryan Edelman, Investor Relations

Vontier Corporation

Source: Vontier Corporation


What percentage of EV drivers would go out of their way for a safe charging location according to Vontier's survey?

According to Vontier's survey, nearly 80% of EV drivers would go out of their way to use a public charger located in a safe environment.

How many EV drivers prefer charging stations near shopping areas based on Vontier's study?

Vontier's study found that 67% of EV drivers would go out of their way for charging stations near shopping areas.

What is Vontier's stock symbol?

Vontier's stock symbol is VNT, and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

How many charging ports does Vontier's portfolio company EVolve manage?

Vontier's portfolio company EVolve, which includes Driivz, manages over 85,000 charging ports globally.

What is the name of Gilbarco Veeder-Root's turnkey solution for convenience stores to integrate EV charging?

Gilbarco Veeder-Root, a Vontier company, recently launched its turnkey Konect solution for convenience stores to integrate EV charging seamlessly with existing services.

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