Volvo Group CEO to Keynote at CES 2025

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The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) has announced Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO of Volvo Group, as a keynote speaker for CES 2025. Volvo Group will showcase its vision for 100% safe, 100% fossil-free, and 100% more productive transportation and infrastructure. The presentation will focus on sustainable innovation through electrification, connectivity, and automation.

Volvo Group aims to reach net zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. They will highlight their three-pronged approach to fossil-free transportation: battery electric, hydrogen fuel cells, and combustion engines running on renewable biofuels. The company emphasizes the importance of a systemic approach across the entire value chain and strategic partnerships to accelerate change.

Martin Lundstedt's keynote speech is scheduled for January 8, 2025, at 9 a.m. PT in the Palazzo Ballroom at the Venetian.

L'Associazione Tecnologica dei Consumatori (CTA) ha annunciato Martin Lundstedt, Presidente e CEO di Volvo Group, come relatore principale per CES 2025. Volvo Group presenterà la sua visione per un trasporto e un'infrastruttura 100% sicuri, 100% privi di fossili e 100% più produttivi. La presentazione si concentrerà sull'innovazione sostenibile tramite elettrificazione, connettività e automazione.

Volvo Group punta a raggiungere zero emissioni di gas serra lungo la catena del valore entro il 2040. Sottolineeranno il loro approccio tripartito al trasporto privo di fossili: elettrico a batteria, celle a combustibile a idrogeno e motori a combustione alimentati da biocarburanti rinnovabili. L'azienda enfatizza l'importanza di un approccio sistemico lungo l'intera catena del valore e di alleanze strategiche per accelerare il cambiamento.

Il discorso di apertura di Martin Lundstedt è programmato per l'8 gennaio 2025, alle 9:00 PT nella Sala Palazzo al Venetian.

La Asociación de Tecnología del Consumidor (CTA) ha anunciado a Martin Lundstedt, Presidente y CEO de Volvo Group, como orador principal para CES 2025. Volvo Group presentará su visión de transporte e infraestructura 100% seguros, 100% libres de fósiles y 100% más productivos. La presentación se centrará en la innovación sostenible a través de electrificación, conectividad y automatización.

Volvo Group tiene como objetivo alcanzar cero emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en su cadena de valor para 2040. Destacarán su enfoque tripartito para un transporte libre de fósiles: eléctrico a batería, celdas de combustible de hidrógeno y motores de combustión que funcionan con biocombustibles renovables. La empresa enfatiza la importancia de un enfoque sistémico a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor y asociaciones estratégicas para acelerar el cambio.

El discurso de apertura de Martin Lundstedt está programado para el 8 de enero de 2025, a las 9 a.m. PT en el Palacio Ballroom en el Venetian.

소비자 기술 협회(CTA)는 마틴 룬드스태드, 볼보 그룹의 회장 겸 CEO를 CES 2025의 기조 연설자로 발표했습니다. 볼보 그룹은 100% 안전하고, 100% 화석 연료가 없는, 100% 생산성이 높은 교통 및 인프라에 대한 비전을 선보일 것입니다. 발표는 전기화, 연결성 및 자동화를 통한 지속 가능 혁신에 중점을 둘 것입니다.

볼보 그룹은 2040년까지 가치 사슬에서 온실가스 배출량 제로를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 그들은 화석 연료 없는 교통을 위한 세 가지 접근 방식을 강조할 것입니다: 배터리 전기, 수소 연료 전지 및 재생 가능한 바이오 연료로 작동하는 내연 기관. 이 회사는 전체 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 시스템적 접근 방식과 변화를 가속화하기 위한 전략적 파트너십의 중요성을 강조합니다.

마틴 룬드스태드의 기조 연설은 2025년 1월 8일, 오전 9시 PT에 이탈리아 빌라 홀에서 진행될 예정입니다.

L'Association des technologies grand public (CTA) a annoncé Martin Lundstedt, président et PDG de Volvo Group, en tant que conférencier principal pour CES 2025. Volvo Group présentera sa vision d'un transport et d'une infrastructure 100% sûrs, 100% sans fossil et 100% plus productifs. La présentation sera centrée sur l'innovation durable à travers l'électrification, la connectivité et l'automatisation.

Volvo Group vise à atteindre zéro émission de gaz à effet de serre dans sa chaîne de valeur d'ici 2040. Ils mettront en avant leur approche en trois volets pour un transport sans fossiles : électrique à batterie, piles à hydrogène et moteurs à combustion fonctionnant avec des biocarburants renouvelables. L'entreprise souligne l'importance d'une approche systémique tout au long de la chaîne de valeur et de partenariats stratégiques pour accélérer le changement.

Le discours d'ouverture de Martin Lundstedt est prévu pour le 8 janvier 2025, à 9h00 PT dans le Palazzo Ballroom au Venetian.

Der Consumer Technology Association (CTA) hat Martin Lundstedt, Präsident und CEO von Volvo Group, als Hauptredner für CES 2025 angekündigt. Die Volvo Group wird ihre Vision für 100% sichere, 100% fossile-freie und 100% produktivere Transport- und Infrastruktur präsentieren. Die Präsentation wird sich auf nachhaltige Innovationen durch E-Mobilität, Vernetzung und Automatisierung konzentrieren.

Die Volvo Group hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2040 null Treibhausgasemissionen in der Wertschöpfungskette zu erreichen. Sie werden ihren dreigleisigen Ansatz für fossile-freien Transport hervorheben: Batterieelektrik, Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen und Verbrennungsmotoren, die mit erneuerbaren Biokraftstoffen betrieben werden. Das Unternehmen betont die Bedeutung eines systematischen Ansatzes in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette und strategische Partnerschaften, um Veränderungen zu beschleunigen.

Der Eröffnungsvortrag von Martin Lundstedt ist für den 8. Januar 2025 um 9:00 Uhr PT im Palazzo Ballroom im Venetian geplant.

  • Volvo Group CEO to keynote at high-profile CES 2025 event, potentially increasing visibility and investor interest
  • Company showcasing ambitious vision for 100% safe, fossil-free, and more productive transportation
  • Highlighting technological advancements in electrification, connectivity, and automation
  • Demonstrating commitment to sustainability with net zero value chain emissions target by 2040
  • Presenting a diversified approach to fossil-free transportation with three distinct technologies
  • None.

President and CEO Martin Lundstedt to Showcase Sustainable Innovation

ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® announces Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO of Volvo Group, as a keynote speaker for CES® 2025, along with several influential guests. Volvo Group will highlight its vision for a 100% safe, 100% fossil-free, and 100% more productive transportation and infrastructure.

President and CEO Martin Lundstedt to Showcase Sustainable Innovation

Volvo Group will focus its presentation on the urgency to deliver a more sustainable and efficient way of working through the power of electrification, connectivity, and automation. Technology and collaboration are Volvo Group's most effective tools in achieving its ambitious target to reach net zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

"Volvo Group is leading the way in mobility to deliver sustainable technologies across trucks, buses, construction equipment, and marine and industrial solutions," said Gary Shapiro, CEO, CTA. "We look forward to hearing their ambitious strategy to accelerate climate progress in the next decade."

Volvo Group will highlight its unique three-pronged approach to fossil-free transportation: battery electric, hydrogen fuel cells, and combustion engines running on renewable biofuels. The company will explain why a systemic approach across the entire value chain is essential to support the successful adaptation and continued adoption of these technologies.

"We are honored to take the stage at CES and highlight the impact our technological advancements will have on our industry and society at large," said Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO, Volvo Group. "Transforming mobility is a full-scale societal issue and we are urgently driving that forward. But the reality is that while we have the technology and equipment available, it is of paramount importance to have vital enabling conditions in place to ensure society and the planet benefit from fossil free transport and infrastructure solutions. CES will provide a powerful opportunity for us to showcase to the world how we are transforming tomorrow across our supply chain."

In the light of rapid climate change, now more than ever, Volvo Group believes that leveraging strategic partnerships across industries and governments is the key to accelerating change. Putting vision into action, Volvo Group will also share concrete steps towards integrating sustainable practices across its operations.

"Volvo Group is playing an important part in the green future with some of the most ambitious goals and initiatives in the industry," said Kinsey Fabrizio, President, CTA. "We can't wait to learn more about the expected and unexpected partnerships that have led to breakthroughs in technology and sustainable practices."

Volvo Group's Martin Lundstedt speaks at 9 a.m. PT on January 8, 2025, in the Palazzo Ballroom at the Venetian. Dive in to chart the course to advanced mobility at CES 2025. For the latest information on CES 2025, visit and register here.

About CES®:  
CES is the most powerful tech event in the world – the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. This is where the world's biggest brands do business and meet new partners, and the sharpest innovators hit the stage. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®, CES features every aspect of the tech sector. CES 2025 takes place Jan. 7-10, 2025, in Las Vegas. Learn more at and follow CES on social.  

About Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®
As North America's largest technology trade association, CTA is the tech sector. Our members are the world's leading innovators – from startups to global brands – helping support more than 18 million American jobs. CTA owns and produces CES® – the most powerful tech event in the world. Find us at Follow us @CTAtech

About The Volvo Group: 
The Volvo Group drives prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions, offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers' uptime and productivity. Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to shaping the future landscape of sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. The Volvo Group is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, employs more than 100,000 people and serves customers in almost 190 markets. In 2023, net sales amounted to SEK 553 billion (EUR 48 billion). Volvo shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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SOURCE Consumer Technology Association


When and where will Volvo Group CEO Martin Lundstedt deliver his keynote at CES 2025?

Martin Lundstedt, CEO of Volvo Group (VLVLY), will deliver his keynote speech on January 8, 2025, at 9 a.m. PT in the Palazzo Ballroom at the Venetian during CES 2025.

What is Volvo Group's (VLVLY) target for achieving net zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions?

Volvo Group (VLVLY) has set an ambitious target to reach net zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

What are the three approaches to fossil-free transportation that Volvo Group (VLVLY) will highlight at CES 2025?

Volvo Group (VLVLY) will highlight its three-pronged approach to fossil-free transportation at CES 2025: battery electric, hydrogen fuel cells, and combustion engines running on renewable biofuels.

What is Volvo Group's (VLVLY) vision for transportation and infrastructure as presented at CES 2025?

Volvo Group (VLVLY) will present its vision for 100% safe, 100% fossil-free, and 100% more productive transportation and infrastructure at CES 2025.



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