Proposal for Board of Directors of AB Volvo
The Election Committee of AB Volvo has proposed the re-election of Chairman Pär Boman and all current Board members including Matti Alahuhta, Bo Annvik, Jan Carlson, Eric Elzvik, Martha Finn Brooks, Kurt Jofs, Martin Lundstedt, Kathryn V. Marinello, Martina Merz, and Helena Stjernholm.
The Election Committee comprises representatives of Volvo's four largest shareholders, collectively representing 16.4% of shares and 39.9% of votes, along with the Board Chairman. The committee members include Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF and AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta), and Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance).
Volvo Group, headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, reported net sales of SEK 527 billion (EUR 46 billion) in 2024, employs over 100,000 people, and operates in nearly 190 markets.
Il Comitato Elettorale di AB Volvo ha proposto il rinnovo della carica di Presidente Pär Boman e di tutti i membri attuali del Consiglio, tra cui Matti Alahuhta, Bo Annvik, Jan Carlson, Eric Elzvik, Martha Finn Brooks, Kurt Jofs, Martin Lundstedt, Kathryn V. Marinello, Martina Merz e Helena Stjernholm.
Il Comitato Elettorale è composto da rappresentanti dei quattro maggiori azionisti di Volvo, che insieme rappresentano il 16,4% delle azioni e il 39,9% dei voti, insieme al Presidente del Consiglio. I membri del comitato includono Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF e AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta) e Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance).
Il Gruppo Volvo, con sede a Göteborg, Svezia, ha riportato vendite nette di 527 miliardi di SEK (46 miliardi di EUR) nel 2024, impiega oltre 100.000 persone e opera in quasi 190 mercati.
El Comité Electoral de AB Volvo ha propuesto la reelección de el Presidente Pär Boman y de todos los miembros actuales del Consejo, incluyendo a Matti Alahuhta, Bo Annvik, Jan Carlson, Eric Elzvik, Martha Finn Brooks, Kurt Jofs, Martin Lundstedt, Kathryn V. Marinello, Martina Merz y Helena Stjernholm.
El Comité Electoral está compuesto por representantes de los cuatro mayores accionistas de Volvo, que en conjunto representan el 16,4% de las acciones y el 39,9% de los votos, junto con el Presidente del Consejo. Los miembros del comité incluyen a Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF y AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta) y Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance).
El Grupo Volvo, con sede en Gotemburgo, Suecia, reportó ventas netas de 527 mil millones de SEK (46 mil millones de EUR) en 2024, emplea a más de 100,000 personas y opera en casi 190 mercados.
AB Volvo의 선거 위원회는 회장 Pär Boman과 현재 이사회의 모든 구성원, 즉 Matti Alahuhta, Bo Annvik, Jan Carlson, Eric Elzvik, Martha Finn Brooks, Kurt Jofs, Martin Lundstedt, Kathryn V. Marinello, Martina Merz, Helena Stjernholm의 재선거를 제안했습니다.
선거 위원회는 Volvo의 네 명의 주요 주주의 대표로 구성되어 있으며, 이들은 총 16.4%의 주식과 39.9%의 투표권을 보유하고 있습니다. 위원회 구성원은 Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF 및 AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta), Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance)입니다.
스웨덴 예테보리 본사의 Volvo Group은 2024년에 5270억 SEK (460억 EUR)의 순매출을 보고했으며, 10만 명 이상의 직원을 고용하고 거의 190개 시장에서 운영되고 있습니다.
Le Comité Électoral d'AB Volvo a proposé la réélection de Président Pär Boman et de tous les membres actuels du Conseil, y compris Matti Alahuhta, Bo Annvik, Jan Carlson, Eric Elzvik, Martha Finn Brooks, Kurt Jofs, Martin Lundstedt, Kathryn V. Marinello, Martina Merz et Helena Stjernholm.
Le Comité Électoral est composé de représentants des quatre plus grands actionnaires de Volvo, représentant collectivement 16,4 % des actions et 39,9 % des votes, ainsi que du Président du Conseil. Les membres du comité incluent Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF et AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta) et Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance).
Le Groupe Volvo, dont le siège est à Göteborg, en Suède, a rapporté un chiffre d'affaires net de 527 milliards de SEK (46 milliards d'EUR) en 2024, emploie plus de 100 000 personnes et opère dans près de 190 marchés.
Der Wahlausschuss von AB Volvo hat die Wiederwahl von Vorsitzendem Pär Boman und allen derzeitigen Vorstandsmitgliedern, darunter Matti Alahuhta, Bo Annvik, Jan Carlson, Eric Elzvik, Martha Finn Brooks, Kurt Jofs, Martin Lundstedt, Kathryn V. Marinello, Martina Merz und Helena Stjernholm, vorgeschlagen.
Der Wahlausschuss besteht aus Vertretern der vier größten Aktionäre von Volvo, die zusammen 16,4% der Aktien und 39,9% der Stimmen repräsentieren, sowie dem Vorsitzenden des Vorstands. Zu den Ausschussmitgliedern gehören Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF und AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta) und Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance).
Die Volvo Group mit Sitz in Göteborg, Schweden, berichtete 2024 von einem Nettoumsatz von 527 Milliarden SEK (46 Milliarden EUR), beschäftigt über 100.000 Mitarbeiter und ist in fast 190 Märkten tätig.
- Board stability maintained through proposed re-election of all current members
- Strong shareholder representation in Election Committee with 39.9% voting power
- Robust financial performance with SEK 527 billion in 2024 net sales
- None.
Press information from AB Volvo's Election Committee
The Election Committee of AB Volvo comprises representatives of four of the company's largest shareholders, who together represent approximately 16.4 percent of the shares and approximately 39.9 percent of the votes, and the Chairman of the Board Pär Boman. The members who represent the largest shareholders are Fredrik Persson (AB Industrivärden), Anders Oscarsson (AMF and AMF Funds), Carina Silberg (Alecta) and Anders Algotsson (AFA Insurance).
For further information, please contact:
Claes Eliasson, Head of Media Relations
+46 76 553 7229
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The Volvo Group drives prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions, offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers' uptime and productivity. Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to shaping the future landscape of sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. The Volvo Group is headquartered in
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Who are the proposed Board members for AB Volvo (VLVLY) in 2025?
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