Volaris Reports July 2024 Traffic Results: 90% Load Factor

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Volaris, the ultra-low-cost carrier serving Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America, reported its July 2024 preliminary traffic results. Key highlights include:

- ASM capacity decreased by 15.0% year-over-year due to accelerated Pratt & Whitney engine inspections and aircraft groundings
- Load factor increased by 2.0 pp YoY to 89.8%
- RPMs decreased by 13.0%
- Mexican domestic RPMs decreased by 20.0%, while international RPMs increased by 1.0%
- Transported 2.7 million passengers during the month

The company's strategic fleet mitigation plan is on track, with a well-balanced market mix and increased presence in the cross-border market, strengthening unit revenues. Booking curves indicate robust performance for the summer high season.

Volaris, la compagnia aerea ultra low cost che serve il Messico, gli Stati Uniti, l'America Centrale e quella del Sud, ha comunicato i suoi risultati preliminari di traffico per luglio 2024. I punti salienti includono:

- La capacità ASM è diminuita del 15,0% rispetto all'anno precedente a causa di ispezioni accelerate dei motori Pratt & Whitney e dei fermi a terra degli aerei
- Il fattore di carico è aumentato di 2,0 pp rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo l'89,8%
- I RPM sono diminuiti del 13,0%
- I RPM domestici in Messico sono diminuiti del 20,0%, mentre i RPM internazionali sono aumentati dell'1,0%
- Sono stati trasportati 2,7 milioni di passeggeri nel mese

Il piano strategico di mitigazione della flotta dell'azienda è sulla buona strada, con un mix di mercato ben bilanciato e una maggiore presenza nel mercato transfrontaliero, rafforzando i ricavi per unità. Le curve di prenotazione indicano una performance robusta per l'alta stagione estiva.

Volaris, la aerolínea de ultra bajo costo que opera en México, Estados Unidos, Centro y Sudamérica, publicó sus resultados preliminares de tráfico de julio de 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- La capacidad ASM disminuyó un 15,0% interanual debido a inspecciones aceleradas de motores Pratt & Whitney y el aterrizaje de aeronaves
- El factor de ocupación aumentó 2,0 pp interanual, alcanzando el 89,8%
- Los RPM disminuyeron un 13,0%
- Los RPM nacionales en México disminuyeron un 20,0%, mientras que los RPM internacionales aumentaron un 1,0%
- Se transportaron 2,7 millones de pasajeros durante el mes

El plan estratégico de mitigación de la flota de la empresa está en marcha, con una mezcla de mercado bien equilibrada y una mayor presencia en el mercado transfronterizo, fortaleciendo los ingresos unitarios. Las curvas de reservas indican un rendimiento robusto para la temporada alta de verano.

볼라리스, 멕시코, 미국, 중앙 및 남미를 운항하는 저비용 항공사, 2024년 7월 예비 교통 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- ASM 용량이 전년 대비 15.0% 감소했으며, 이는 프랫 앤드 휘트니 엔진 검사와 항공기 운항 중지에 따른 것입니다.
- 적재율이 전년 대비 2.0 pp 증가하여 89.8%에 도달했습니다.
- RPM이 13.0% 감소했습니다.
- 멕시코 국내 RPM이 20.0% 감소한 반면, 국제 RPM은 1.0% 증가했습니다.
- 이번 달에 270만 명의 승객을 수송했습니다.

회사의 전략적 항공기 감축 계획은 순조롭게 진행되고 있으며, 균형 잡힌 시장 믹스와 국경 간 시장에서의 증가된 존재감을 통해 단위 수익을 강화하고 있습니다. 예약 곡선은 여름 성수기에 대한 강력한 성과를 나타내고 있습니다.

Volaris, la compagnie aérienne à très bas coûts desservant le Mexique, les États-Unis, l'Amérique centrale et l'Amérique du Sud, a annoncé ses résultats préliminaires de trafic pour juillet 2024. Les faits marquants incluent :

- La capacité ASM a diminué de 15,0 % par rapport à l'année précédente en raison d'inspections accélérées des moteurs Pratt & Whitney et de la mise à terre des avions
- Le taux de chargement a augmenté de 2,0 points par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 89,8%
- Les RPM ont diminué de 13,0%
- Les RPM domestiques au Mexique ont baissé de 20,0%, tandis que les RPM internationaux ont augmenté de 1,0%
- 2,7 millions de passagers ont été transportés durant le mois

Le plan stratégique de réduction de la flotte de l'entreprise est en bonne voie, avec un équilibre bien pensé du marché et une présence accrue sur le marché transfrontalier, renforçant les revenus unitaires. Les courbes de réservation indiquent de solides performances pour la haute saison estivale.

Volaris, die Ultra-Niedrigpreisfluggesellschaft, die Mexiko, die Vereinigten Staaten, Mittel- und Südamerika bedient, hat ihre vorläufigen Verkehrsergebnisse für Juli 2024 veröffentlicht. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

- Die ASM-Kapazität ist um 15,0% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gesunken aufgrund beschleunigter Inspektionen von Pratt & Whitney-Motoren und Flugzeugstilllegungen
- Der Sitzladefaktor stieg um 2,0 pp im Vergleich zum Vorjahr auf 89,8%
- Die RPMs sanken um 13,0%
- Die inländischen RPMs in Mexiko sanken um 20,0%, während die internationalen RPMs um 1,0% stiegen
- Im Monat wurden 2,7 Millionen Passagiere transportiert

Der strategische Flottenminderungsplan des Unternehmens kommt gut voran, mit einer gut ausgewogenen Marktaneignung und einer vergrößerten Präsenz auf dem grenzüberschreitenden Markt, was die Einheitserlöse stärkt. Die Buchungskurven zeigen eine robuste Leistung für die Hochsaison im Sommer.

  • Load factor increased by 2.0 percentage points year-over-year to 89.8%
  • International RPMs increased by 1.0%
  • Strategic fleet mitigation plan is on track and delivering favorable outcomes
  • Increased presence in the cross-border market, strengthening unit revenues
  • Booking curves indicate robust performance for the summer high season
  • ASM capacity decreased by 15.0% year-over-year due to engine inspections and aircraft groundings
  • Overall RPMs decreased by 13.0%
  • Mexican domestic RPMs decreased by 20.0%
  • Total passengers transported decreased by 12.3% compared to July 2023


Volaris' July 2024 traffic results reveal a mixed performance amidst operational challenges. The 15.0% decrease in ASM capacity due to Pratt & Whitney engine inspections is concerning, but the company has shown resilience. The 2.0 percentage point increase in load factor to 89.8% is impressive, indicating strong demand despite reduced capacity.

The 20.0% decrease in domestic RPMs versus a 1.0% increase in international RPMs suggests a strategic shift towards cross-border markets. This pivot may help mitigate domestic challenges and potentially improve unit revenues. The overall 13.0% decrease in RPMs, while significant, is less severe than the capacity reduction, reflecting effective capacity management.

Volaris' ability to transport 2.7 million passengers despite these challenges demonstrates operational adaptability. However, investors should monitor the ongoing impact of engine inspections on fleet utilization and financial performance in the coming months.

From a financial perspective, Volaris' July 2024 results present a nuanced outlook. The increased load factor of 89.8% is a positive indicator for revenue efficiency, potentially offsetting some of the impact from reduced capacity. However, the 15.0% decrease in ASMs likely translates to reduced overall revenue, which may pressure margins.

The shift towards international markets, with a 1.0% increase in international RPMs, could be financially beneficial if these routes offer higher yields. Investors should focus on upcoming financial reports to assess the impact on unit revenues and profitability. The company's ability to maintain a high load factor during fleet challenges suggests strong demand, which could support pricing power.

While the traffic reduction is significant, Volaris' strategic fleet mitigation plan and market mix adjustment indicate proactive management. This adaptability could be important for financial stability in the face of ongoing operational challenges.

Volaris' July 2024 traffic results offer intriguing insights into market dynamics. The 2.0 percentage point increase in load factor to 89.8% suggests robust consumer demand, even as capacity decreased. This high load factor, especially during the summer season, indicates strong market positioning despite operational challenges.

The divergence between domestic and international performance is noteworthy. The 20.0% decrease in domestic RPMs versus a 1.0% increase in international RPMs points to shifting market preferences or strategic reallocation of resources. This could reflect changing travel patterns post-pandemic or a deliberate strategy to capture higher-yield international traffic.

The CEO's statement about a well-balanced market mix and strengthening unit revenues is encouraging. However, the true test will be sustaining this performance beyond the summer peak. Investors should watch for any shifts in consumer behavior or competitive responses that could impact Volaris' market share and pricing power in the ultra-low-cost carrier segment.

MEXICO CITY, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR) (“Volaris” or “the Company”), the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) serving Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America, reports its July 2024 preliminary traffic results.

In July 2024, Volaris' ASM capacity decreased by 15.0% year-over-year due to the accelerated Pratt & Whitney engine inspections and the resulting aircraft groundings. Load factor in the month increased by 2.0 pp YoY to 89.8%, as RPMs decreased by 13.0%. Mexican domestic RPMs decreased by 20.0%, while international RPMs increased by 1.0%. Volaris transported 2.7 million passengers during the month.

Enrique Beltranena, Volaris’ President and CEO said: “Our strategic fleet mitigation plan is on track and continues to deliver favorable outcomes; we have achieved our goals since the engine inspections began. We currently have a well-balanced market mix, with an increased presence in the cross-border market, that is strengthening our unit revenues. As shown with our July traffic, our booking curves similarly indicate robust performance for the summer high season.”

 July 2024July 2023VarianceYTD July 2024YTD July 2023Variance
RPMs (million, scheduled & charter)      
Domestic1,657 2,071 -20.0%10,374 13,263 -21.8%
International1,034 1,024 1.0%6,451 6,250 3.2%
Total2,692 3,095 -13.0%16,826 19,513 -13.8%
ASMs (million, scheduled & charter)      
Domestic1,819 2,352 -22.7%11,455 15,503 -26.1%
International1,178 1,174 0.3%7,932 7,385 7.4%
Total2,997 3,526 -15.0%19,387 22,888 -15.3%
Load Factor (%, RPMs/ASMs)      
Domestic91.1%88.1%3.1 pp90.6%85.6%5.0 pp
International87.8%87.2%0.5 pp81.3%84.6%(3.3) pp
Total89.8%87.8%2.0 pp86.8%85.3%1.5 pp
Passengers (thousand, scheduled & charter)      
Domestic1,979 2,356 -16.0%12,288 15,314 -19.8%
International705 705 0.1%4,407 4,306 2.3%
Total2,685 3,061 -12.3%16,695 19,620 -14.9%

The information included in this report has not been audited and does not provide information on the Company’s future performance. Volaris’ future performance depends on several factors. It cannot be inferred that any period’s performance or its comparison year-over-year will indicate a similar performance in the future.


Revenue passenger miles (RPMs): Number of seats booked by passengers multiplied by the number of miles flown.

Available seat miles (ASMs): Number of seats available for passengers multiplied by the number of miles flown.

Load factor: RPMs divided by ASMs and expressed as a percentage.

Passengers: The total number of passengers booked on all flight segments.

Investor Relations Contact
Ricardo Martínez /

Media Contact
Israel Álvarez /

About Volaris
*Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. (“Volaris” or “the Company”) (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR) is an ultra-low-cost carrier, with point-to-point operations, serving Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America. Volaris offers low base fares to build its market, providing quality service and extensive customer choice. Since the beginning of operations in March 2006, Volaris has increased its routes from 5 to more than 201 and its fleet from 4 to 137 aircraft. Volaris offers more than 500 daily flight segments on routes that connect 44 cities in Mexico and 29 cities in the United States, Central, and South America, with one of the youngest fleets in Mexico. Volaris targets passengers who are visiting friends and relatives, cost-conscious business and leisure travelers in Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America. Volaris has received the ESR Award for Social Corporate Responsibility for fifteen consecutive years. For more information, please visit Volaris routinely posts information that may be important to investors on its investor relations website. The Company encourages investors and potential investors to consult the Volaris website regularly for important information about Volaris.


What was Volaris' load factor in July 2024?

Volaris reported a load factor of 89.8% in July 2024, which was an increase of 2.0 percentage points compared to the same month in 2023.

How did Volaris' ASM capacity change in July 2024?

Volaris' ASM capacity decreased by 15.0% year-over-year in July 2024 due to accelerated Pratt & Whitney engine inspections and resulting aircraft groundings.

What was the impact on Volaris' domestic and international RPMs in July 2024?

In July 2024, Volaris' Mexican domestic RPMs decreased by 20.0%, while international RPMs increased by 1.0% compared to the same period last year.

How many passengers did Volaris transport in July 2024?

Volaris transported 2.7 million passengers during July 2024, which represents a 12.3% decrease compared to July 2023.

What is Volaris' outlook for the summer high season based on their July 2024 traffic results?

According to Volaris' CEO, booking curves indicate robust performance for the summer high season, suggesting a positive outlook despite the challenges faced in July 2024.

Controladora Vuela Compania de Aviacion, S.A.B. de C.V.


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