Volaris Reports February 2025 Traffic Results: Load Factor of 85%
Volaris (VLRS) has released its February 2025 traffic results, showing mixed performance across key metrics. The ultra-low-cost carrier's capacity, measured in Available Seat Miles (ASM), increased by 3.4% year-over-year, while Revenue Passenger Miles (RPMs) grew by 2.5%.
In the domestic Mexican market, RPMs rose by 3.6%, while international RPMs showed modest growth of 0.7%. The airline's load factor experienced a slight decline of 0.7 percentage points, settling at 85.2%. Volaris transported 2.2 million passengers during February.
CEO Enrique Beltranena noted that February loads remained robust across both domestic and cross-border markets, typical for a low-season month. The company plans to maintain proactive capacity management and fare modulation strategies to maintain strong load factors while addressing challenges from local currency depreciation and softer cross-border demand.
Volaris (VLRS) ha pubblicato i risultati del traffico di febbraio 2025, mostrando una performance mista su metriche chiave. La capacità della compagnia aerea ultra-low-cost, misurata in Available Seat Miles (ASM), è aumentata del 3,4% rispetto all'anno precedente, mentre i Revenue Passenger Miles (RPM) sono cresciuti del 2,5%.
Nel mercato domestico messicano, gli RPM sono aumentati del 3,6%, mentre gli RPM internazionali hanno mostrato una crescita modesta dello 0,7%. Il fattore di carico della compagnia ha subito un lieve calo di 0,7 punti percentuali, attestandosi al 85,2%. Volaris ha trasportato 2,2 milioni di passeggeri durante febbraio.
Il CEO Enrique Beltranena ha osservato che i carichi di febbraio sono rimasti robusti sia nei mercati domestici che in quelli transfrontalieri, come è tipico per un mese di bassa stagione. L'azienda prevede di mantenere una gestione proattiva della capacità e strategie di modulazione delle tariffe per mantenere forti fattori di carico, affrontando al contempo le sfide derivanti dalla svalutazione della valuta locale e dalla domanda più debole per i voli transfrontalieri.
Volaris (VLRS) ha publicado sus resultados de tráfico de febrero de 2025, mostrando un rendimiento mixto en métricas clave. La capacidad de la aerolínea de ultra bajo costo, medida en Available Seat Miles (ASM), aumentó un 3.4% interanual, mientras que los Revenue Passenger Miles (RPM) crecieron un 2.5%.
En el mercado doméstico mexicano, los RPM aumentaron un 3.6%, mientras que los RPM internacionales mostraron un crecimiento modesto del 0.7%. El factor de ocupación de la aerolínea experimentó una ligera disminución de 0.7 puntos porcentuales, estableciéndose en un 85.2%. Volaris transportó a 2.2 millones de pasajeros durante febrero.
El CEO Enrique Beltranena señaló que las cargas de febrero se mantuvieron robustas tanto en los mercados domésticos como en los transfronterizos, algo típico para un mes de baja demanda. La compañía planea mantener una gestión proactiva de la capacidad y estrategias de modulación de tarifas para mantener fuertes factores de ocupación, mientras enfrenta desafíos derivados de la depreciación de la moneda local y la demanda más débil en los vuelos transfronterizos.
볼라리스 (VLRS)는 2025년 2월 교통 결과를 발표하며 주요 지표에서 혼합된 성과를 보여주었습니다. 저비용 항공사의 용량은 가용 좌석 마일(ASM) 기준으로 전년 대비 3.4% 증가했으며, 수익 여객 마일(RPM)은 2.5% 성장했습니다.
멕시코 국내 시장에서 RPM은 3.6% 증가했으며, 국제 RPM은 0.7%의 미미한 성장을 보였습니다. 항공사의 적재율은 0.7% 포인트 감소하여 85.2%에 정착했습니다. 볼라리스는 2월 동안 220만 명의 승객을 수송했습니다.
CEO 엔리케 벨트라넨은 2월의 적재가 국내 및 국경 간 시장에서 강력하게 유지되었으며, 이는 비수기 월에 일반적인 경향이라고 언급했습니다. 회사는 강력한 적재율을 유지하고, 현지 통화 가치 하락과 국경 간 수요 감소와 같은 도전에 대응하기 위해 능동적인 용량 관리 및 요금 조정 전략을 유지할 계획입니다.
Volaris (VLRS) a publié ses résultats de trafic de février 2025, montrant une performance mixte sur des indicateurs clés. La capacité de la compagnie aérienne à très bas prix, mesurée en Available Seat Miles (ASM), a augmenté de 3,4% par rapport à l'année précédente, tandis que les Revenue Passenger Miles (RPM) ont crû de 2,5%.
Sur le marché domestique mexicain, les RPM ont augmenté de 3,6%, tandis que les RPM internationaux ont montré une croissance modeste de 0,7%. Le coefficient de remplissage de la compagnie a connu une légère baisse de 0,7 point de pourcentage, se fixant à 85,2%. Volaris a transporté 2,2 millions de passagers en février.
Le PDG Enrique Beltranena a noté que les chargements de février sont restés robustes tant sur les marchés domestiques que transfrontaliers, ce qui est typique pour un mois de basse saison. L'entreprise prévoit de maintenir une gestion proactive de la capacité et des stratégies de modulation des tarifs pour maintenir de forts coefficients de remplissage tout en faisant face aux défis liés à la dépréciation de la monnaie locale et à une demande transfrontalière plus faible.
Volaris (VLRS) hat die Verkehrsergebnisse für Februar 2025 veröffentlicht, die eine gemischte Leistung bei den wichtigsten Kennzahlen zeigen. Die Kapazität der Ultra-Low-Cost-Airline, gemessen in verfügbaren Sitzmeilen (ASM), stieg um 3,4% im Jahresvergleich, während die Revenue Passenger Miles (RPM) um 2,5% wuchsen.
Im mexikanischen Inlandsmarkt stiegen die RPM um 3,6%, während die internationalen RPM ein moderates Wachstum von 0,7% zeigten. Der Auslastungsfaktor der Airline erlebte einen leichten Rückgang um 0,7 Prozentpunkte und lag bei 85,2%. Volaris transportierte im Februar 2,2 Millionen Passagiere.
CEO Enrique Beltranena bemerkte, dass die Auslastung im Februar sowohl auf dem Inlands- als auch auf dem grenzüberschreitenden Markt robust blieb, was für einen Monat in der Nebensaison typisch ist. Das Unternehmen plant, eine proaktive Kapazitätsverwaltung und Tarifmodulationsstrategien aufrechtzuerhalten, um starke Auslastungsfaktoren zu sichern und gleichzeitig Herausforderungen durch die Abwertung der lokalen Währung und eine schwächere grenzüberschreitende Nachfrage zu bewältigen.
- ASM capacity increased 3.4% YoY
- Overall RPMs grew 2.5% YoY
- Domestic Mexican RPMs up 3.6%
- Maintained high load factor of 85.2%
- Load factor declined 0.7 percentage points YoY
- International RPMs grew only 0.7%
- Facing challenges from currency depreciation
- Experiencing softer cross-border demand
MEXICO CITY, March 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR) (“Volaris” or “the Company”), the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) serving Mexico, the United States, Central and South America, reports its February 2025 preliminary traffic results.
In February, Volaris’ ASM capacity increased by
Enrique Beltranena, Volaris’ President and CEO, said: “February loads remained robust across both domestic and cross-border markets, in line with historical trends for a typical low-season month. We will maintain a proactive approach to capacity management and fare modulation to preserve strong load factors and cope with the impact of local currency depreciation and softer cross-border demand. We will closely monitor forward booking patterns and will continuously adjust capacity to match demand.”
Feb 2025 | Feb 2024 | Variance | YTD Feb 2025 | YTD Feb 2024 | Variance | |||||||
RPMs (million, scheduled & charter) | ||||||||||||
Domestic | 1,381 | 1,332 | 3.6 | % | 2,939 | 2,877 | 2.2 | % | ||||
International | 856 | 850 | 0.7 | % | 1,963 | 1,896 | 3.5 | % | ||||
Total | 2,237 | 2,183 | 2.5 | % | 4,902 | 4,772 | 2.7 | % | ||||
ASMs (million, scheduled & charter) | ||||||||||||
Domestic | 1,548 | 1,469 | 5.3 | % | 3,322 | 3,192 | 4.1 | % | ||||
International | 1,078 | 1,070 | 0.7 | % | 2,381 | 2,289 | 4.0 | % | ||||
Total | 2,625 | 2,540 | 3.4 | % | 5,703 | 5,481 | 4.1 | % | ||||
Load Factor (%, RPMs/ASMs) | ||||||||||||
Domestic | 89.2 | % | 90.7 | % | (1.4) pp | 88.5 | % | 90.1 | % | (1.7) pp | ||
International | 79.4 | % | 79.5 | % | (0.0) pp | 82.4 | % | 82.8 | % | (0.4) pp | ||
Total | 85.2 | % | 85.9 | % | (0.7) pp | 85.9 | % | 87.1 | % | (1.1) pp | ||
Passengers (thousand, scheduled & charter) | ||||||||||||
Domestic | 1,644 | 1,539 | 6.8 | % | 3,477 | 3,310 | 5.0 | % | ||||
International | 583 | 584 | -0.1 | % | 1,347 | 1,303 | 3.4 | % | ||||
Total | 2,226 | 2,122 | 4.9 | % | 4,823 | 4,613 | 4.6 | % | ||||
The information included in this report has not been audited and does not provide information on the Company’s future performance. Volaris’ future performance depends on several factors. It cannot be inferred that any period’s performance or its comparison year-over-year will indicate a similar performance in the future. Figures are rounded for convenience purposes.
Revenue passenger miles (RPMs): Number of seats booked by passengers multiplied by the number of miles flown.
Available seat miles (ASMs): Number of seats available for passengers multiplied by the number of miles flown.
Load factor: RPMs divided by ASMs and expressed as a percentage.
Passengers: The total number of passengers booked on all flight segments.
Investor Relations Contact
Ricardo Martínez / ir@volaris.com
Media Contact
Israel Álvarez / ialvarez@gcya.net
About Volaris
*Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. (“Volaris” or “the Company”) (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR) is an ultra-low-cost carrier, with point-to-point operations, serving Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America. Volaris offers low base fares to build its market, providing quality service and extensive customer choice. Since the beginning of operations in March 2006, Volaris has increased its routes from 5 to more than 230 and its fleet from 4 to 145 aircraft. Volaris offers more than 500 daily flight segments on routes that connect 44 cities in Mexico and 29 cities in the United States, Central, and South America, with one of the youngest fleets in Mexico. Volaris targets passengers who are visiting friends and relatives, cost-conscious business and leisure travelers in Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America. Volaris has received the ESR Award for Social Corporate Responsibility for fifteen consecutive years. For more information, please visit ir.volaris.com. Volaris routinely posts information that may be important to investors on its investor relations website. The Company encourages investors and potential investors to consult the Volaris website regularly for important information about Volaris.

What was Volaris (VLRS) load factor in February 2025?
How many passengers did Volaris (VLRS) transport in February 2025?
What was the growth rate of Volaris (VLRS) domestic Mexican RPMs in February 2025?