voxeljet AG - Extraordinary General Meeting – First Shareholder Meeting Regarding the Sale of voxeljet’s Business Concluded

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voxeljet AG (VJTTY) held an extraordinary General Meeting on February 27, 2025, focusing on the proposed sale of the company's business. During the meeting, shareholders approved only one resolution: agenda item 5, which amends the Articles of Association to reduce the Supervisory Board's size. This amendment was previously published in the federal gazette on January 17, 2025.

Shareholders opted to postpone decisions on five other agenda items (1-4 and 6) related to the business sale. The company plans to provide additional information to shareholders before these items are addressed at the ordinary general meeting, expected to take place in Q2 2025.

voxeljet AG (VJTTY) ha tenuto un'assemblea generale straordinaria il 27 febbraio 2025, incentrata sulla proposta di vendita dell'attività dell'azienda. Durante l'incontro, gli azionisti hanno approvato solo una risoluzione: il punto all'ordine del giorno 5, che modifica lo Statuto per ridurre le dimensioni del Consiglio di Sorveglianza. Questa modifica era stata precedentemente pubblicata nella gazzetta federale il 17 gennaio 2025.

Gli azionisti hanno deciso di rinviare le decisioni su altri cinque punti all'ordine del giorno (1-4 e 6) relativi alla vendita dell'attività. L'azienda prevede di fornire ulteriori informazioni agli azionisti prima che questi punti vengano trattati nell'assemblea generale ordinaria, che si prevede si svolgerà nel secondo trimestre del 2025.

voxeljet AG (VJTTY) celebró una reunión general extraordinaria el 27 de febrero de 2025, centrada en la propuesta de venta del negocio de la empresa. Durante la reunión, los accionistas aprobaron solo una resolución: el punto 5 del orden del día, que modifica los Estatutos para reducir el tamaño del Consejo de Supervisión. Esta enmienda se había publicado previamente en el boletín federal el 17 de enero de 2025.

Los accionistas optaron por posponer las decisiones sobre otros cinco puntos del orden del día (1-4 y 6) relacionados con la venta del negocio. La empresa planea proporcionar información adicional a los accionistas antes de que se aborden estos puntos en la reunión general ordinaria, que se espera tenga lugar en el segundo trimestre de 2025.

voxeljet AG (VJTTY)는 2025년 2월 27일 회사 사업 매각 제안에 관한 특별 주주총회를 개최했습니다. 회의 중 주주들은 단 한 가지 결의안만을 승인했습니다: 안건 5, 이는 감독 위원회의 규모를 축소하는 정관 개정을 포함합니다. 이 개정안은 2025년 1월 17일 연방 관보에 이전에 게재되었습니다.

주주들은 사업 매각과 관련된 다른 다섯 개의 안건(1-4 및 6)에 대한 결정을 연기하기로 선택했습니다. 회사는 이러한 안건이 2025년 2분기에 예정된 정기 주주총회에서 다뤄지기 전에 주주들에게 추가 정보를 제공할 계획입니다.

voxeljet AG (VJTTY) a tenu une assemblée générale extraordinaire le 27 février 2025, axée sur la proposition de vente de l'activité de l'entreprise. Au cours de la réunion, les actionnaires n'ont approuvé qu'une seule résolution : le point 5 de l'ordre du jour, qui modifie les statuts pour réduire la taille du Conseil de surveillance. Cette modification avait été publiée précédemment dans le journal officiel fédéral le 17 janvier 2025.

Les actionnaires ont choisi de reporter les décisions concernant cinq autres points de l'ordre du jour (1-4 et 6) liés à la vente de l'activité. L'entreprise prévoit de fournir des informations supplémentaires aux actionnaires avant que ces points ne soient abordés lors de l'assemblée générale ordinaire, qui devrait avoir lieu au deuxième trimestre de 2025.

voxeljet AG (VJTTY) hielt am 27. Februar 2025 eine außerordentliche Hauptversammlung ab, die sich auf den vorgeschlagenen Verkauf des Unternehmensgeschäfts konzentrierte. Während der Sitzung genehmigten die Aktionäre nur einen Beschluss: Tagesordnungspunkt 5, der die Satzung ändert, um die Größe des Aufsichtsrats zu reduzieren. Diese Änderung wurde zuvor am 17. Januar 2025 im Bundesanzeiger veröffentlicht.

Die Aktionäre entschieden sich, die Entscheidungen zu fünf weiteren Tagesordnungspunkten (1-4 und 6), die mit dem Unternehmensverkauf in Zusammenhang stehen, zu verschieben. Das Unternehmen plant, den Aktionären vor der Behandlung dieser Punkte in der ordentlichen Hauptversammlung, die voraussichtlich im 2. Quartal 2025 stattfinden wird, weitere Informationen bereitzustellen.

  • None.
  • None.

FRIEDBERG, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, voxeljet AG (“voxeljet”) announced that at the extraordinary General Meeting of voxeljet AG on Thursday, February 27, 2025, voxeljet completed the first shareholder meeting with resolutions on the sale of voxeljet’s business. The resolution proposal on agenda item 5, the amendment to the Articles of Association to reduce the size of the Supervisory Board, published in the federal gazette (Bundesanzeiger) January 17, 2025 was adopted by the general meeting.

The present shareholders approved postponing other related resolutions (agenda items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6). The postponement offers the company the opportunity to provide shareholders with further information in advance of the ordinary general meeting, which is expected to occur in the second quarter of the year.


voxeljet’s was founded in 1999 as a spin-off from Technical University Munich (TUM) with a clear vision in mind: to establish a new manufacturing standard by developing new generative processes for the series-production of complex components using 3D printing. In the beginning, operations were launched with four employees at the TUM. Today, we are a globally acting, leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand 3D printed parts to industrial and commercial customers. Components manufactured with the help of voxeljet technology are flying in space, make mobility more efficient and the production of new engineering solutions possible. Visit voxeljet’s website, and follow us on LinkedIn, or on Twitter.

Virtual tour through voxeljet HQs in Germany:

Johannes Pesch

Director Investor Relations, Business Development and Purchasing


Source: voxeljet AG


What was the outcome of voxeljet AG's (VJTTY) extraordinary General Meeting on February 27, 2025?

Shareholders approved only the reduction of Supervisory Board size and postponed other business sale-related resolutions.

When will VJTTY shareholders vote on the remaining business sale resolutions?

The remaining resolutions will be addressed at the ordinary general meeting, expected in Q2 2025.

Which resolution was approved at VJTTY's extraordinary General Meeting?

Agenda item 5, amending the Articles of Association to reduce the Supervisory Board size, was approved.

How many agenda items were postponed at VJTTY's extraordinary General Meeting?

Five agenda items (1, 2, 3, 4, and 6) related to the business sale were postponed.

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