Vislink Launches New Brand Identity and Website to Drive Global Growth and Strengthen Market Leadership

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Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL), a global leader in live video solutions, has unveiled a modernized brand identity and redesigned website. This digital marketing initiative aims to elevate brand awareness, differentiate Vislink from competitors, and provide an enhanced user experience for customers.

The new website at features a sleek interface with improved navigation, showcasing Vislink's comprehensive range of live video solutions. It offers detailed product information, case studies, and easy access to resources for broadcasters, public safety professionals, and defense clients.

CEO Mickey Miller stated that this rebranding represents a key milestone for Vislink, designed to support the company's ambitious growth objectives by attracting new clients and improving the digital experience for existing customers. The initiative underscores Vislink's commitment to innovation and industry leadership.

Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL), un leader globale nelle soluzioni video in diretta, ha svelato una nuova identità di marca e un sito web ridisegnato. Questa iniziativa di marketing digitale mira a aumentare la consapevolezza del marchio, differenziare Vislink dai concorrenti e fornire un esperienza utente migliorata per i clienti.

Il nuovo sito web presenta un interfaccia elegante con una navigazione migliorata, mettendo in mostra l'ampia gamma di soluzioni video in diretta di Vislink. Offre informazioni dettagliate sui prodotti, casi studio e facile accesso a risorse per broadcaster, professionisti della sicurezza pubblica e clienti nel settore della difesa.

Il CEO Mickey Miller ha dichiarato che questo rebranding rappresenta un traguardo chiave per Vislink, progettato per sostenere gli ambiziosi obiettivi di crescita dell'azienda, attraendo nuovi clienti e migliorando l'esperienza digitale per i clienti esistenti. L'iniziativa sottolinea l'impegno di Vislink per l'innovazione e la leadership nel settore.

Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL), un líder mundial en soluciones de video en vivo, ha presentado una nueva identidad de marca y un sitio web rediseñado. Esta iniciativa de marketing digital tiene como objetivo aumentar la conciencia de la marca, diferenciar a Vislink de sus competidores y proporcionar una experiencia de usuario mejorada para los clientes.

El nuevo sitio web en presenta una interfaz elegante con navegación mejorada, mostrando la amplia gama de soluciones de video en vivo de Vislink. Ofrece información detallada sobre productos, estudios de caso y fácil acceso a recursos para radiodifusores, profesionales de la seguridad pública y clientes del sector defensa.

El CEO Mickey Miller declaró que este rebranding representa un hito clave para Vislink, diseñado para apoyar los objetivos de crecimiento ambiciosos de la empresa, atrayendo nuevos clientes y mejorando la experiencia digital para los clientes existentes. La iniciativa subraya el compromiso de Vislink con la innovación y el liderazgo en la industria.

Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL)는 라이브 비디오 솔루션의 글로벌 리더로서 모던한 브랜드 아이덴티티재설계된 웹사이트를 공개했습니다. 이 디지털 마케팅 이니셔티브는 브랜드 인지도를 높이고, Vislink을 경쟁사와 차별화하며, 고객에게 향상된 사용자 경험을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

www.vislink.com의 새로운 웹사이트는 개선된 탐색 기능을 갖춘 세련된 인터페이스를 제공하며, Vislink의 포괄적인 라이브 비디오 솔루션을 선보입니다. 이 사이트는 방송사, 공공 안전 전문가 및 방위 고객을 위한 상세한 제품 정보, 사례 연구 및 리소스에 대한 손쉬운 접근을 제공합니다.

CEO 미키 밀러는 이 리브랜딩이 Vislink에 대한 주요 이정표를 나타내며, 새로운 클라이언트를 유치하고 기존 고객을 위한 디지털 경험을 개선하여 회사의 야심찬 성장 목표를 지원하도록 설계되었다고 전했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Vislink의 혁신 및 산업 리더십에 대한 의지를 강조합니다.

Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL), un leader mondial des solutions vidéo en direct, a dévoilé une nouvelle identité de marque et un site web repensé. Cette initiative de marketing numérique vise à augmenter la notoriété de la marque, à différencier Vislink de ses concurrents et à offrir une expérience utilisateur améliorée pour les clients.

Le nouveau site présente une interface élégante avec une navigation améliorée, mettant en avant la gamme complète des solutions vidéo en direct de Vislink. Il propose des informations détaillées sur les produits, des études de cas et un accès facile aux ressources pour les diffuseurs, les professionnels de la sécurité publique et les clients du secteur de la défense.

Le PDG Mickey Miller a déclaré que ce rebranding représente un jalon clé pour Vislink, conçu pour soutenir les objectifs de croissance ambitieux de l'entreprise en attirant de nouveaux clients et en améliorant l'expérience numérique pour les clients existants. L'initiative souligne l'engagement de Vislink envers l'innovation et le leadership dans l'industrie.

Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL), ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen für Live-Videolösungen, hat eine modernisierte Markenidentität und eine neugestaltete Website vorgestellt. Diese digitale Marketinginitiative zielt darauf ab, das Markenbewusstsein zu steigern, Vislink von Wettbewerbern zu differenzieren und eine verbesserte Benutzererfahrung für die Kunden zu bieten.

Die neue Website unter bietet eine schicke Benutzeroberfläche mit verbesserter Navigation und präsentiert das umfassende Angebot von Vislink im Bereich der Live-Videolösungen. Sie bietet detaillierte Produktinformationen, Fallstudien und einfachen Zugang zu Ressourcen für Rundfunkanstalten, Fachleute im Bereich öffentliche Sicherheit und Verteidigungskunden.

CEO Mickey Miller erklärte, dass dieses Rebranding einen wichtigen Meilenstein für Vislink darstellt, das darauf abzielt, die ambitionierten Wachstumsziele des Unternehmens zu unterstützen, indem es neue Kunden anzieht und das digitale Erlebnis für bestehende Kunden verbessert. Die Initiative unterstreicht Vislink's Engagement für Innovation und Branchenführung.

  • Launch of modernized brand identity and redesigned website to support revenue growth goals
  • Enhanced user experience and improved navigation on the new website
  • Potential to attract new clients and improve customer engagement
  • None.

Mt. Olive, New Jersey, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: VISL), a global leader in live video capture, delivery, and management for the media, entertainment, law enforcement, and defense sectors has announced the unveiling of its modernized brand identity and completely redesigned website. This new digital marketing presence aims to elevate brand awareness, differentiate Vislink from its competitors, and provide customers with an enhanced, user-friendly platform that simplifies finding and understanding the company’s market-leading solutions. The new brand and website are key elements in Vislink’s marketing strategy to support the company’s revenue growth goals.

The new website at offers a sleek, modern interface with enhanced navigation that allows customers to easily discover Vislink’s comprehensive range of live video solutions spanning airborne video downlink systems, wireless video camera systems, bonded cellular solutions and AI video production. With detailed product information, case studies, and user-friendly access to resources, the platform is designed to serve as a one-stop destination for broadcasters, public safety professionals, and defense clients seeking innovative, reliable video communication solutions.

“This rebranding and new website launch represent a key milestone for Vislink,” said Mickey Miller, CEO of Vislink. “Our goal is to clearly differentiate ourselves from competitors while making our solutions easier to find and understand for our customers. The new brand reflects our leadership in the wireless live video space, and the enhanced website is designed to support our ambitious growth objectives by attracting new clients and providing our existing customers with a better digital experience.”

The brand refresh and website relaunch underscore Vislink’s commitment to innovation and leadership in the industry, ensuring that customers receive the highest quality, cutting-edge solutions available on the market today.

About Vislink Technologies, Inc.

Vislink Technologies is a global technology leader in capturing, delivering, and managing high-quality live video and associated data. With a renowned heritage in video communications encompassing over 50 years, Vislink has revolutionized live video communications by delivering the highest-quality video from the scene, even in the most challenging transmission conditions—enabling broadcasters and public safety agencies to capture and share live video seamlessly and securely. Vislink also provides live streaming solutions using bonded cellular, 5G, and AI-driven technologies for automated news and sports productions. Vislink’s shares of common stock are publicly traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol “VISL.”

For more information, visit

Press inquiries:
Adrian Lambert
VP Marketing, Vislink Technologies
+44 7905 863352



What is the purpose of Vislink's new brand identity and website launch?

Vislink's new brand identity and website launch aim to elevate brand awareness, differentiate from competitors, and provide an enhanced user-friendly platform for customers to easily find and understand the company's market-leading solutions. This initiative is designed to support Vislink's revenue growth goals.

What features does Vislink's new website offer?

Vislink's new website at offers a sleek, modern interface with enhanced navigation, detailed product information, case studies, and user-friendly access to resources. It showcases Vislink's comprehensive range of live video solutions for broadcasters, public safety professionals, and defense clients.

How does the rebranding initiative align with Vislink's (VISL) business strategy?

The rebranding initiative aligns with Vislink's (VISL) business strategy by supporting the company's ambitious growth objectives. It aims to attract new clients, provide existing customers with a better digital experience, and reinforce Vislink's leadership position in the wireless live video space.

Vislink Technologies, Inc.


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