VirnetX Announces New Chief Technical Officer
VirnetX Holding (NYSE: VHC) has appointed Dr. John Anthony Jamison as its new Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Dr. Jamison brings extensive experience from his roles as a Naval Intelligence Officer (1997-2018), Technical Director at BAE Systems' FAST Labs, and most recently as CTO at AI/ML startup OmniTeq. He holds a Doctorate of Strategic Intelligence and has significant expertise in defense electronics, tactical space satellite programs, and AI/ML applications.
The former CTO, Dr. Victor Larson, will transition to a Strategic Advisor role at VirnetX. CEO Kendall Larsen expressed enthusiasm about Dr. Jamison's appointment, highlighting his intelligence community background as valuable for the company's defense sector objectives.
VirnetX Holding (NYSE: VHC) ha nominato Dr. John Anthony Jamison come nuovo Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Il Dr. Jamison porta con sé un'ampia esperienza proveniente dai suoi ruoli come Ufficiale di Intelligence Navale (1997-2018), Direttore Tecnico presso i FAST Labs di BAE Systems e, più recentemente, come CTO della startup di AI/ML OmniTeq. È in possesso di un Dottorato in Intelligence Strategica e ha una notevole esperienza in elettronica per la difesa, programmi di satelliti spaziali tattici e applicazioni di AI/ML.
Il precedente CTO, Dr. Victor Larson, passerà a un ruolo di Consulente Strategico presso VirnetX. Il CEO Kendall Larsen ha espresso entusiasmo per la nomina del Dr. Jamison, evidenziando il suo background nella comunità dell'intelligence come un valore aggiunto per gli obiettivi del settore difesa dell'azienda.
VirnetX Holding (NYSE: VHC) ha nombrado al Dr. John Anthony Jamison como su nuevo Director Técnico (CTO). El Dr. Jamison aporta una amplia experiencia de sus roles como Oficial de Inteligencia Naval (1997-2018), Director Técnico en los FAST Labs de BAE Systems y, más recientemente, como CTO en la startup de AI/ML OmniTeq. Posee un Doctorado en Inteligencia Estratégica y tiene una experiencia significativa en electrónica de defensa, programas de satélites espaciales tácticos y aplicaciones de AI/ML.
El anterior CTO, Dr. Victor Larson, pasará a un papel de Asesor Estratégico en VirnetX. El CEO Kendall Larsen expresó su entusiasmo por la designación del Dr. Jamison, destacando su experiencia en la comunidad de inteligencia como un valor para los objetivos del sector defensa de la compañía.
VirnetX 홀딩 (NYSE: VHC)는 존 앤서니 제이미슨 박사를 새로운 최고 기술 책임자(CTO)로 임명했습니다. 제이미슨 박사는 해군 정보 장교(1997-2018), BAE 시스템스 FAST Labs의 기술 이사, 최근에는 AI/ML 스타트업 OmniTeq의 CTO로 근무한 폭넓은 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그는 전략 정보 분야의 박사 학위를 보유하고 있으며, 방위 전자 기기, 전술 위성 프로그램 및 AI/ML 응용 프로그램에 대한 상당한 전문 지식을 가지고 있습니다.
이전 CTO인 빅터 라슨 박사는 VirnetX의 전략 고문 역할로 전환됩니다. CEO 켄달 라르센은 제이미슨 박사의 임명에 대해 기쁨을 표하며, 그의 정보 커뮤니티 배경이 회사의 방위 분야 목표에 매우 중요하다고 강조했습니다.
VirnetX Holding (NYSE: VHC) a nommé Dr. John Anthony Jamison comme son nouveau Directeur Technique (CTO). Le Dr. Jamison apporte une vaste expérience de ses fonctions en tant qu'Officier de renseignement naval (1997-2018), Directeur technique chez BAE Systems' FAST Labs, et plus récemment en tant que CTO de la startup AI/ML OmniTeq. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en intelligence stratégique et possède une expertise significative dans l'électronique de défense, les programmes de satellites tactiques et les applications AI/ML.
L'ancien CTO, Dr. Victor Larson, passera à un rôle de Conseiller stratégique chez VirnetX. Le PDG Kendall Larsen a exprimé son enthousiasme quant à la nomination du Dr. Jamison, soulignant que son expérience dans la communauté des services de renseignement serait précieuse pour les objectifs de défense de l'entreprise.
VirnetX Holding (NYSE: VHC) hat Dr. John Anthony Jamison als neuen Chief Technical Officer (CTO) ernannt. Dr. Jamison bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen aus seinen Positionen als Marine Intelligence Officer (1997-2018), Technischer Direktor bei BAE Systems' FAST Labs und zuletzt als CTO des AI/ML-Startups OmniTeq mit. Er hält einen Doktortitel in strategischer Intelligence und verfügt über umfangreiche Expertise in Verteidigungselektronik, taktischen Satellitenprogrammen und AI/ML-Anwendungen.
Der frühere CTO, Dr. Victor Larson, wird zu einem strategischen Berater bei VirnetX wechseln. CEO Kendall Larsen äußerte sich begeistert über die Ernennung von Dr. Jamison und hob hervor, dass sein Hintergrund in der Geheimdienstgemeinschaft wertvoll für die Verteidigungsziele des Unternehmens sei.
- Appointment of new CTO with extensive military intelligence and defense sector experience
- Strategic alignment with defense sector objectives through key personnel hire
- None.
"We are estatic to have Dr. Jamison join us as CTO," said Kendall Larsen, VirnetX President and CEO. "He brings a wealth of technology experience in the intelligence community and will be instrumental as we convert on our defense sector objectives."
Previous VirnetX CTO, Dr. Victor Larson, will take on a new role as a Strategic Advisor at VirnetX.
About VirnetX
VirnetX Holding Corporation is an Internet security software and technology company with an industry-leading, patented technology for Zero Trust Network Access ("ZTNA") based secure network communications. VirnetX's team includes experts on technologies related to hiding, securing, and transporting critical communications data, using advanced cryptography, PKI, block chain, and more, between sub-system components and mission tools, capabilities, and applications for secure end-to-end communications. VirnetX's software and technology solutions, including its Secure Domain Name Registry and Technology, VirnetX One™, VirnetX War Room™, and VirnetX Matrix™, are designed to be device and location independent, and enable a secure real-time communication environment for all types of enterprise applications, services, and critical infrastructures. For more information, please visit
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