Happy Belly Closes Acquisition of CraveIT Restaurant Group's Via Cibo Restaurant Chain

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Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) has successfully closed the acquisition of CraveIt Restaurant Group's Via Cibo Restaurant Chain, marking a significant milestone in their journey to become a leading consolidator of emerging food brands. The transaction involves the incorporation of Via Cibo as the 7th restaurant brand and 9th brand overall for Happy Belly. Via Cibo, known for its fast casual Italian street food, is an asset-light entity with established locations in Ontario and Alberta. The acquisition aligns with Happy Belly's financial metrics and growth criteria, providing immediate synergies in supplier contracts, operational systems, and shared resources. The transaction is non-arms length and involves board members, ensuring transparency and fairness. The company has strategically onboarded key team members to accelerate growth and enhance operational excellence. With this acquisition, Happy Belly aims to drive both the top-line and bottom-line growth through franchising initiatives.
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) ha concluso con successo l'acquisizione della catena di ristoranti Via Cibo del Gruppo CraveIt Restaurant, segnando una tappa importante nel loro percorso per diventare un consolidatore leader di marchi alimentari emergenti. La transazione prevede l'incorporazione di Via Cibo come settimo marchio di ristorante e nono marchio complessivo per Happy Belly. Via Cibo, noto per il suo cibo di strada italiano di tipo fast casual, è un'entità con un modello di business leggero e sedi consolidate in Ontario e Alberta. L'acquisizione è in linea con le metriche finanziarie e i criteri di crescita di Happy Belly, offrendo sinergie immediate nei contratti di fornitura, nei sistemi operativi e nelle risorse condivise. La transazione è intra-gruppo e coinvolge membri del consiglio di amministrazione, garantendo trasparenza ed equità. L'azienda ha strategicamente integrato membri chiave del team per accelerare la crescita e migliorare l'eccellenza operativa. Con questa acquisizione, Happy Belly mira a incrementare la crescita sia in termini di fatturato che di utile netto attraverso iniziative di franchising.
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) ha cerrado exitosamente la adquisición de la cadena de restaurantes Via Cibo del Grupo CraveIt Restaurant, marcando un hito significativo en su camino para convertirse en un consolidador líder de marcas de alimentos emergentes. La transacción involucra la incorporación de Via Cibo como la séptima marca de restaurantes y la novena en general para Happy Belly. Via Cibo, conocido por su comida callejera italiana de tipo casual rápido, es una entidad con poca inversión en activos fijos y con ubicaciones establecidas en Ontario y Alberta. La adquisición se alinea con las métricas financieras y criterios de crecimiento de Happy Belly, proporcionando sinergias inmediatas en contratos de proveedores, sistemas operativos y recursos compartidos. La transacción es de carácter interno e involucra a miembros del consejo, asegurando transparencia y equidad. La compañía ha integrado estratégicamente a miembros claves del equipo para acelerar el crecimiento y mejorar la excelencia operativa. Con esta adquisición, Happy Belly aspira a impulsar el crecimiento tanto en ingresos como en beneficios a través de iniciativas de franquicias.
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG)는 CraveIt Restaurant Group의 Via Cibo 레스토랑 체인을 성공적으로 인수했습니다. 이는 신흥 식품 브랜드를 통합하는 주요 사업자가 되기 위한 그들의 여정에서 중요한 이정표입니다. 거래에는 Via Cibo를 Happy Belly의 7번째 레스토랑 브랜드 및 전체적으로 9번째 브랜드로 통합하는 것이 포함됩니다. 온타리오와 앨버타에 위치한 Via Cibo는 패스트 캐주얼 이탈리안 스트리트 푸드로 알려져 있으며, 경량 자산 기업입니다. 이 인수는 Happy Belly의 재무 지표 및 성장 기준과 일치하며, 공급업체 계약, 운영 시스템 및 공유 자원에서 즉각적인 시너지를 제공합니다. 거래는 이사회 멤버들이 관련되어 있어 투명성과 공정성을 보장합니다. 회사는 성장을 가속화하고 운영 우수성을 향상시키기 위해 핵심 팀 멤버들을 전략적으로 온보딩했습니다. 이 인수를 통해 Happy Belly는 프랜차이징 이니셔티브를 통해 매출과 순이익 성장을 모두 추진하고자 합니다.
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) a réussi à clore l'acquisition de la chaîne de restaurants Via Cibo du groupe CraveIt Restaurant, marquant ainsi une étape importante dans leur parcours pour devenir un consolidateur majeur de marques alimentaires émergentes. La transaction comprend l'intégration de Via Cibo en tant que septième marque de restaurant et neuvième marque au total pour Happy Belly. Via Cibo, connu pour sa nourriture de rue italienne décontractée rapide, est une entité légère avec des emplacements établis en Ontario et en Alberta. L'acquisition est conforme aux mesures financières et aux critères de croissance de Happy Belly, offrant des synergies immédiates dans les contrats de fournisseurs, les systèmes opérationnels et les ressources partagées. La transaction est non liée aux bras et implique des membres du conseil d'administration, garantissant la transparence et l'équité. L'entreprise a stratégiquement embarqué des membres clés de l'équipe pour accélérer la croissance et améliorer l'excellence opérationnelle. Avec cette acquisition, Happy Belly vise à stimuler la croissance aussi bien du chiffre d'affaires que du résultat net à travers des initiatives de franchise.
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) hat erfolgreich die Übernahme der Via Cibo Restaurantkette von der CraveIt Restaurant Gruppe abgeschlossen, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in ihrem Bestreben darstellt, ein führender Konsolidierer aufstrebender Lebensmittelmarken zu werden. Die Transaktion beinhaltet die Eingliederung von Via Cibo als siebte Restaurantmarke und insgesamt neunte Marke von Happy Belly. Via Cibo, bekannt für seine schnelle, legere italienische Straßenküche, ist eine entitätenleichte Einheit mit etablierten Standorten in Ontario und Alberta. Die Akquisition entspricht den finanziellen Kennzahlen und Wachstumskriterien von Happy Belly und bietet sofortige Synergien bei Lieferantenverträgen, Betriebssystemen und gemeinsamen Ressourcen. Die Transaktion ist nicht zulässig und bezieht Vorstandsmitglieder mit ein, was Transparenz und Fairness gewährleistet. Das Unternehmen hat strategisch wichtige Teammitglieder eingebunden, um das Wachstum zu beschleunigen und die operative Exzellenz zu verbessern. Mit dieser Akquisition strebt Happy Belly an, sowohl das Umsatz- als auch das Gewinnwachstum durch Franchise-Initiativen voranzutreiben.
  • Successful acquisition of CraveIt Restaurant Group's Via Cibo Restaurant Chain by Happy Belly Food Group Inc.
  • Marks a significant milestone in Happy Belly's journey to become a leading consolidator of emerging food brands
  • Via Cibo becomes the 7th restaurant brand and 9th brand overall for Happy Belly
  • Via Cibo is an asset-light entity with established locations in Ontario and Alberta
  • Acquisition aligns with Happy Belly's financial metrics and growth criteria
  • Immediate synergies in supplier contracts, operational systems, and shared resources
  • Non-arms length transaction involving board members ensures transparency and fairness
  • Strategic onboarding of key team members to accelerate growth and enhance operational excellence
  • Focus on driving top-line and bottom-line growth through franchising initiatives
  • Transaction involves related party members as vendors, which may raise governance concerns
  • Statutory hold period of four months and one day for Consideration Shares, Working Capital Shares, and Earn Out Shares
  • Earn Out Shares are subject to achieving positive EBITDA compared to estimated values for 2024
  • Related party transaction under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions
  • Exemptions from formal valuation and minority approval requirements under MI 61-101 based on specific conditions

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 24, 2024) - Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) (OTCQB: VGANF) ("Happy Belly" or the "Company"), a leading consolidator of emerging food brands is pleased to announce that it has closed, as of April 23rd, 2024, its acquisition of CraveIt Restaurant Group's ("CraveIt") Via Cibo Restaurant Chain ("Via Cibo"), serving fast casual Italian street food made with the best traditional ingredients, as initially announced in the Company's press release dated January 5th, 2024 (the "Transaction").

"Happy Belly started 2024 with the signing of the largest M&A it has conducted to date, and today we are pleased to announce the closing of that transaction. This marks a significant stride forward in our journey to becoming a leading consolidator of emerging food brands. The closing of this Transaction represents the incorporation of our 7th restaurant brand, and our 9th brand overall," said Shawn Moniz, Chief Executive Officer of Happy Belly.

"Via Cibo, an all-franchised system, is an asset-light entity with established street-front real estate locations in both Ontario and Alberta. Furthermore, Via Cibo is debt free and cashflow positive. The acquisition fits the exact financial metrics and belly check criteria that Happy Belly looks for in an acquisition."

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Via Cibo 1

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This Transaction is non-arms length, involving board members of Happy Belly, namely Sean Black, Alex Rechichi, and Mark Rechichi (the "Vendors"). To ensure transparency and fairness, an independent Review Committee comprising of Shawn Moniz, Gary Fung, Kevin Cole and Dean Callaway was established to scrutinize and negotiate the Transaction's terms.

"This Transaction symbolizes the culmination of having our entire team, both management and directors alike, aligned and 100% focused on propelling Happy Belly's growth. It consolidates all our resources, infrastructure, and seasoned operators under one roof of operational excellence all rowing the same boat. This accretive acquisition checks a lot of boxes for Happy Belly's growth, and enhances our ability to scale and integrate future brands such as Via Cibo into Happy Belly's accelerated growth model.

"There are significant synergies that Happy Belly is immediately benefiting from including seemless integration into established frameworks for supplier contracts, rebate system integration, ordering and logistical systems, utilization of Learning Management Systems across franchised brands, shared resources encompassing culinary, accounting and marketing staff for increased labour and productivity efficiencies, performance based analytical systems, insurance coverage savings and much more.

"Over the past twenty-eight months Happy Belly has strategically onboarded former successful team members from both Extreme Brandz and CraveIt spanning various disciplines such as finance, seasoned area developers, legal counsel, real estate networks, and brand franchise operators and owners. With the addition of CraveIt's infrastructure, we have now assembled the final piece of the puzzle that began over two years ago with the inclusion of Sean, Mark, and Alex on the board of directors. With the closing of Via Cibo, we are now all operating behind Happy Belly to accelerate its growth into a leading consolidator of emerging food brands."

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Via Cibo 2

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"Our approach has always been to focus on the development and growth of emerging brands in the food sector. CraveIt Restaurant Group is an accretive acquisition by Happy Belly Food Group, and it is anticipated that our franchising program will deliver new franchised locations that will continue to drive both the top line and bottom line of the company."

For franchising inquiries please see or contact us at

Acquisition Closing and Transactional Details

Following the Company's January 5th, 2024 press release, the Company entered into a share exchange agreement with the Vendors of CraveIT on January 4th, 2024 (the "Share Exchange Agreement").

In connection with the Transaction, and as a condition of closing, the Company intends issue to each of the Vendors, divided equally (being one third to each of the Vendors (as defined below)): (i) common shares of the Company (the "Consideration Shares") in the aggregate value of $450,000, in exchange for all of the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of CraveIt, and (ii) common shares of the Company in the aggregate value of $50,000 as a working capital payment (the "Working Capital Shares"), with the Consideration Shares and Working Capital Shares to be issued at a price that is equal to the 10 day VWAP of the Company's common shares as of the day immediately prior to the Closing Date. Out of the Consideration Shares, $360,000 in shares will be restricted from trading for 12 months (the "Base Purchase Price") and $90,000 in shares to be restricted for 13 months, with $45,000 in shares (the "Escrowed Shares") of the $90,000 to be held in escrow. The parties have appointed Garfinkle Biderman LLP as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent") with respect to the Escrowed Shares pursuant to the terms of the Share Exchange Agreement.

In addition, the Company agreed to issue earn-out payments (if achieved) in the form of the Company's common shares (being one third to each of the Vendors) ("Earn Out Shares") following the 12 month anniversary of the closing of the Transaction, for the positive difference between the actual EBITDA that CraveIt [and its Subsidiaries achieve] and the estimated EBITDA for the 2024 calendar year, all multiplied by 6, to be issued at a price that is equal to the 10 day VWAP of the Company's common shares in and around the month subsequent to the 12 month anniversary of the closing date. Should the actual EBITDA be less than the estimated EBITDA, the Consideration Shares will be reduced by the difference, multiplied by 6, subject to the minimum of the Base Purchase Price.

The Consideration Shares, Working Capital Shares, and Earn Out Shares (if any) will be subject to a statutory hold period of four months and one day.

The Vendors, being Mr. Alex Rechichi, Mr. Mark Rechichi, and Mr. Sean Black, all directors of Company, are shareholders of CraveIt, and therefore the Transaction constitutes a "related party transaction under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Company is relying on exemptions from the formal valuation and minority approval requirements of MI 61-101 based on a determination that the securities of the Company are listed on the Canadian Securities and that neither the fair market value of the subject matter of, nor the fair market value of the consideration for, the Transaction, in so far as it involves interested parties, exceeds 25% of the market capitalization of the Company. Pursuant to MI 61-101, the Company will file a material change report providing disclosure in relation to each "related party transaction" on SEDAR+ under the Company's issuer profile at The Company did not file the material change report more than 21 days before the expected closing date of the Transaction as the details of the Transaction and the participation therein by each "related party" of the Company were not settled until shortly prior to the closing of the Transaction, and the Company wished to close the Transaction on an expedited basis for sound business reasons.

About Happy Belly Food Group
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) (OTCQB: VGANF) ("Happy Belly" or the "Company") is a leading consolidator of emerging food brands.

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Happy Belly Food Group
Shawn Moniz
Chief Executive Officer


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If you wish to contact us please call: (604) 737-2303

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release, which has been prepared by management.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

All statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking information" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-Looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur, and include the future performance of Happy Belly and her subsidiaries. Forward-Looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. There are no assurances that the business plans for Happy Belly described in this news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its business and affairs, readers should refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis and other disclosure filings with Canadian securities regulators, which are posted on

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What acquisition has Happy Belly Food Group Inc. recently closed?

Happy Belly Food Group Inc. has closed the acquisition of CraveIt Restaurant Group's Via Cibo Restaurant Chain.

What type of food does Via Cibo specialize in?

Via Cibo specializes in fast casual Italian street food made with traditional ingredients.

How many brands does Via Cibo become for Happy Belly through this acquisition?

Via Cibo becomes the 7th restaurant brand and 9th brand overall for Happy Belly Food Group Inc.

What are some immediate synergies mentioned in the press release?

Immediate synergies include integration into supplier contracts, operational systems, and shared resources.

Who are the key team members that Happy Belly has strategically onboarded?

Happy Belly has strategically onboarded former successful team members from Extreme Brandz and CraveIt spanning various disciplines.



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