Venture Global Receives Non-FTA Export Authorization for CP2 LNG
Venture Global has received approval from the U.S. Department of Energy to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-FTA countries for its CP2 LNG project in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. The company has already initiated the Final Investment Decision (FID) process for CP2 LNG.
The initial phase of CP2 LNG has secured 20-year sales and purchase agreements with major energy companies including ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE, and EnBW. Venture Global is currently in discussions for the remaining capacity and has begun significant off-site construction while awaiting regulatory authorizations.
Venture Global ha ricevuto l'approvazione dal Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti per esportare gas naturale liquefatto (LNG) verso paesi non FTA per il suo progetto CP2 LNG a Cameron Parish, Louisiana. L'azienda ha già avviato il processo di Decisione Finale di Investimento (FID) per CP2 LNG.
La fase iniziale di CP2 LNG ha assicurato contratti di vendita e acquisto di 20 anni con importanti aziende energetiche tra cui ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE e EnBW. Venture Global è attualmente in discussione per la capacità rimanente e ha iniziato significativi lavori di costruzione fuori sede in attesa delle autorizzazioni normative.
Venture Global ha recibido la aprobación del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. para exportar gas natural licuado (LNG) a países no FTA para su proyecto CP2 LNG en Cameron Parish, Luisiana. La compañía ya ha iniciado el proceso de Decisión Final de Inversión (FID) para CP2 LNG.
La fase inicial de CP2 LNG ha asegurado contratos de compra y venta por 20 años con importantes empresas energéticas, incluyendo ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE y EnBW. Venture Global está actualmente en conversaciones para la capacidad restante y ha comenzado una construcción significativa fuera del sitio mientras espera las autorizaciones regulatorias.
벤처 글로벌은 루이지애나주 카메론 패리시의 CP2 LNG 프로젝트를 위해 비FTA 국가에 액화천연가스(LNG)를 수출할 수 있도록 미국 에너지부의 승인을 받았습니다. 이 회사는 이미 CP2 LNG에 대한 최종 투자 결정(FID) 프로세스를 시작했습니다.
CP2 LNG의 초기 단계는 ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE 및 EnBW를 포함한 주요 에너지 회사들과 20년 판매 및 구매 계약을 확보했습니다. 벤처 글로벌은 현재 남은 용량에 대한 논의를 진행 중이며, 규제 승인을 기다리는 동안 현장 외에 상당한 건설 작업을 시작했습니다.
Venture Global a obtenu l'approbation du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis pour exporter du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) vers des pays non-FTA pour son projet CP2 GNL à Cameron Parish, Louisiane. L'entreprise a déjà lancé le processus de Décision Finale d'Investissement (DFI) pour CP2 GNL.
La phase initiale de CP2 GNL a sécurisé des contrats de vente et d'achat de 20 ans avec de grandes entreprises énergétiques, y compris ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE et EnBW. Venture Global est actuellement en discussion pour la capacité restante et a commencé des travaux de construction significatifs hors site en attendant les autorisations réglementaires.
Venture Global hat die Genehmigung des US-Energieministeriums erhalten, verflüssigtes Erdgas (LNG) an Nicht-FTA-Länder für sein CP2 LNG-Projekt in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, zu exportieren. Das Unternehmen hat bereits den Prozess der Finalen Investitionsentscheidung (FID) für CP2 LNG eingeleitet.
Die erste Phase von CP2 LNG hat 20-jährige Verkaufs- und Kaufverträge mit großen Energieunternehmen wie ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE und EnBW gesichert. Venture Global befindet sich derzeit in Gesprächen über die verbleibende Kapazität und hat mit bedeutenden Bauarbeiten außerhalb des Standorts begonnen, während es auf regulatorische Genehmigungen wartet.
- Received key DOE export authorization for non-FTA countries
- Secured multiple 20-year purchase agreements with major energy companies
- Project construction already initiated
- Final Investment Decision (FID) process launched
- Still awaiting additional regulatory authorizations
- Remaining capacity not yet fully contracted
“CP2 LNG is a vital project for the
Earlier this month, Venture Global announced that it has launched the FID process for CP2 LNG. To date, the initial phase of CP2 LNG has been sold through 20-year sales and purchase agreements with ExxonMobil, Chevron, JERA, New Fortress Energy, INPEX, China Gas, SEFE and EnBW. Venture Global is in active discussions for the remaining capacity and has launched significant off site construction of the project while it has awaited project authorizations from
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Michael Pasquarello
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Shaylyn Hynes
Source: Venture Global Inc.