Royal Bank of Canada & EDC Issue Demand Letters and Notice of Enforcement of Security to Vicinity Motor Corp, a North American Supplier of Commercial Electric Vehicles

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Vicinity Motor Corp (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC), a North American supplier of commercial electric vehicles, has received demand letters from Royal Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada for full payment of outstanding debt balances. RBC demands payment of USD$19,202,242 by August 19, 2024, while EDC demands immediate payment of USD$8,625,000 plus interest. The lenders have provided Notices of Intention to Enforce Security under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).

Vicinity intends to pursue all available options to resolve these matters while continuing to support its customer base. The company maintained USD$77.8 million in assets as of March 31, 2024, including USD$23.5 million in Property, Plant and Equipment, USD$28.2 million in Inventory, and USD$4.3 million in cash. Vicinity aims to continue trading on NASDAQ and TSX Venture Exchange, subject to compliance with exchange requirements.

Vicinity Motor Corp (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC), fornitore nordamericano di veicoli commerciali elettrici, ha ricevuto lettere di richiesta dalla Royal Bank of Canada e da Export Development Canada per il pagamento completo dei saldi debitori non ancora saldati. RBC richiede un pagamento di 19.202.242 USD entro il 19 agosto 2024, mentre EDC richiede un pagamento immediato di 8.625.000 USD più interessi. I prestatori hanno fornito avvisi di intenzione di far valere la sicurezza ai sensi della Legge sulla bancarotta e l'insolvenza (Canada).

Vicinity intende perseguire tutte le opzioni disponibili per risolvere queste questioni, continuando a supportare la sua clientela. L'azienda ha mantenuto 77,8 milioni di USD in attivi al 31 marzo 2024, inclusi 23,5 milioni di USD in beni immobili, impianti e attrezzature, 28,2 milioni di USD in inventario e 4,3 milioni di USD in liquidità. Vicinity mira a continuare a essere quotata su NASDAQ e TSX Venture Exchange, a condizione di rispettare i requisiti di borsa.

Vicinity Motor Corp (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC), un proveedor norteamericano de vehículos eléctricos comerciales, ha recibido cartas de demanda de Royal Bank of Canada y Export Development Canada por el pago total de saldos de deuda pendientes. RBC exige el pago de 19.202.242 USD antes del 19 de agosto de 2024, mientras que EDC exige el pago inmediato de 8.625.000 USD más intereses. Los prestamistas han emitido Notificaciones de Intención de Hacer Cumplir la Garantía bajo la Ley de Quiebras e Insolvencia (Canadá).

Vicinity tiene la intención de explorar todas las opciones disponibles para resolver estos asuntos mientras continúa apoyando a su base de clientes. La empresa mantenía 77,8 millones de USD en activos al 31 de marzo de 2024, incluidos 23,5 millones de USD en Propiedades, Planta y Equipo, 28,2 millones de USD en Inventario y 4,3 millones de USD en efectivo. Vicinity aspira a seguir operando en NASDAQ y en la Bolsa de Valores TSX Venture, sujeto al cumplimiento de los requisitos de la bolsa.

Vicinity Motor Corp (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC)는 북미 상업 전기차 공급업체로, Royal Bank of CanadaExport Development Canada로부터 미지급 부채 잔액에 대한 전액 지급 요구서를 받았습니다. RBC는 2024년 8월 19일까지 19,202,242 USD의 지급을 요구하는 반면, EDC는 즉각적인 8,625,000 USD의 지급과 이자를 요구하고 있습니다. 대출자들은 파산 및 회생법(캐나다) 아래 보안을 집행하려는 의도의 통지서를 제공했습니다.

Vicinity는 고객 기반을 지원하면서 이러한 문제 해결을 위한 모든 가능한 옵션을 추구할 계획입니다. 이 회사는 2024년 3월 31일 기준으로 7700만 8천 달러의 자산을 보유하고 있으며, 여기에는 2350만 달러의 부동산, 플랜트 및 장비, 2820만 달러의 재고 및 430만 달러의 현금이 포함됩니다. Vicinity는 거래소 요구 사항을 준수하는 전제 하에 NASDAQ 및 TSX Venture Exchange에서 계속 거래할 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Vicinity Motor Corp (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC), un fournisseur nord-américain de véhicules électriques commerciaux, a reçu des lettres de demande de la Royal Bank of Canada et d'Export Development Canada pour le paiement intégral des soldes de dettes en souffrance. RBC demande un paiement de 19.202.242 USD d'ici le 19 août 2024, tandis que l'EDC exige un paiement immédiat de 8.625.000 USD plus les intérêts. Les créanciers ont émis des avis d'intention d'appliquer la sécurité en vertu de la Loi sur la faillite et l'insolvabilité (Canada).

Vicinity a l'intention d'explorer toutes les options disponibles pour résoudre ces questions tout en continuant à soutenir sa clientèle. L'entreprise maintenait 77,8 millions USD d'actifs au 31 mars 2024, y compris 23,5 millions USD en biens immobiliers, installations et équipements, 28,2 millions USD en inventaire et 4,3 millions USD en liquidités. Vicinity vise à continuer à être cotée sur NASDAQ et TSX Venture Exchange, sous réserve du respect des exigences de l'échange.

Vicinity Motor Corp (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC), ein nordamerikanischer Anbieter von kommerziellen Elektrofahrzeugen, hat von der Royal Bank of Canada und Export Development Canada Forderungsschreiben über die vollständige Zahlung ausstehender Schulden erhalten. RBC verlangt bis zum 19. August 2024 die Zahlung von 19.202.242 USD, während EDC sofortige Zahlung von 8.625.000 USD zuzüglich Zinsen verlangt. Die Kreditgeber haben Mitteilungen über die Absicht zur Durchsetzung der Sicherheit gemäß dem Insolvenzgesetz (Kanada) bereitgestellt.

Vicinity beabsichtigt, alle verfügbaren Optionen zu prüfen, um diese Angelegenheiten zu klären, während es weiterhin seine Kundenbasis unterstützt. Das Unternehmen hielt zum 31. März 2024 77,8 Millionen USD an Vermögenswerten, darunter 23,5 Millionen USD in Grundstücken, Anlagen und Ausstattungen, 28,2 Millionen USD im Inventar und 4,3 Millionen USD in Bargeld. Vicinity strebt an, weiterhin an der NASDAQ und der TSX Venture Exchange zu handeln, vorbehaltlich der Einhaltung der Anforderungen der Börse.

  • Vicinity Motor Corp maintains USD$77.8 million in assets as of March 31, 2024
  • Over 1,000 Vicinity transit buses are currently in operation across North America
  • Royal Bank of Canada demands payment of USD$19,202,242 by August 19, 2024
  • Export Development Canada demands immediate payment of USD$8,625,000 plus interest
  • Secured Lenders have provided Notices of Intention to Enforce Security
  • Credit facilities were not renewed by Royal Bank and EDC
  • Company faces potential enforcement of security or appointment of a receiver
  • Lower than anticipated demand for the VMC 1200 model
  • Higher than anticipated working capital requirements to support production backlog
  • Insufficient support from lenders

This news is highly concerning for Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV). The demand for USD$27.8 million plus additional interest from secured lenders signals severe financial distress. With only USD$4.3 million in cash as of March 31, VEV lacks liquidity to meet these obligations. The potential enforcement of security and appointment of a receiver suggest a high risk of bankruptcy.

VEV's USD$77.8 million in assets, primarily inventory and PP&E, may provide some negotiating leverage. However, the company's inability to secure credit facility renewals indicates a loss of lender confidence. The mention of "turning a corner" during EV adoption challenges hints at underlying operational issues. Investors should be extremely cautious, as there's a significant risk of substantial or total loss of equity value.

The issuance of demand letters and Notices of Intention to Enforce Security under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is a critical legal development. This initiates a formal process that could lead to receivership or bankruptcy proceedings. Vicinity's statement about pursuing "all available options afforded by law" suggests they may seek protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) to restructure.

The discrepancy in debt figures (USD$19.2 million claimed by RBC vs. USD$16.2 million in company records) could lead to legal disputes. Vicinity's intention to continue trading on NASDAQ and TSXV may face challenges, as exchanges have strict listing requirements for companies in financial distress. Shareholders should be prepared for potential delisting and recourse in case of insolvency.

Vicinity's situation reflects broader challenges in the EV industry, particularly for smaller players. The company cites "lower than anticipated demand for the VMC 1200" and "continued supply chain impacts," indicating market penetration difficulties and operational hurdles. With over 1,000 buses in operation, Vicinity has established a presence, but scaling production and managing working capital have proven problematic.

The EV transition, while promising long-term, is causing short-term volatility. Vicinity's struggles highlight the capital-intensive nature of the industry and the importance of robust financial backing. This case may lead to increased investor scrutiny of other small EV manufacturers' financials and production capabilities, potentially affecting valuations across the sector.

Vicinity Intends to Pursue All Available Options Afforded by Law to Resolve These Matters While Continuing to Support its Customer Base

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 9, 2024 / Vicinity Motor Corp. (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC) ("Vicinity" or the "Company"), a North American supplier of commercial electric vehicles, today announced it has received letters from Royal Bank of Canada ("Royal Bank") and Export Development Canada ("EDC") (the " Secured Lenders") which demand full payment of the outstanding debt balances under their respective credit facilities. Royal Bank has demanded payment by August 19, 2024 and EDC has demanded immediate payment. RBC indebtedness totals USD$19,202,242 (the Company's records reflect a lower balance of USD$16,241,641) plus CAD$45,251 and EDC indebtedness totals USD$8,625,000 plus interest of USD$54,231. Additional interest, costs, fees and expenses under the credit facilities of the respective Secured Lenders continues to accrue.

In addition, the Secured Lenders have provided Vicinity with Notices of Intention to Enforce Security pursuant to subsection 244(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). The Company will engage in discussions with its creditors to evaluate potential solutions to enable the Company to carry on in some form in the future; however, there can be no assurances it will be able to successfully do so. The Secured Lenders may enforce their security and/or a receiver or receiver manager may be appointed. Vicinity intends to pursue all available options afforded by law to resolve these matters while continuing to support its customer base.

As disclosed in the Company's publicly filed interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, the credit facilities were set be renewed on a yearly basis, at the discretion of the Secured Lenders, on July 16, 2024. The Company had actively been working with Royal Bank and EDC on securing a renewal, but Royal Bank and EDC have exercised their discretion not to renew the credit facilities. As set out in the interim financial statements, as of March 31, 2024 the Company had drawn USD$17,225,000 under the credit facilities. Additional details about the credit facilities can be found in Note 5 of the interim financial statements.

The Vicinity Board of Directors remains committed to navigating these challenges as it turns a corner during a difficult time in the transition to broader electric vehicle adoption, leveraging the Company's position as a respected Canadian EV and transit bus OEM providing significant public benefit. Today there are more than 1,000 Vicinity transit buses in operation across North America and Vicinity recognizes this responsibility to support and maintain the critical transportation infrastructure that allows North America's families to fulfill their travel responsibilities.

The Company maintained USD$77.8 million in assets as of March 31, 2024, including USD$23.5 million of Property, Plant and Equipment, USD$28.2 million of Inventory and USD$4.3 million of cash & cash equivalents. As stated in the Company's publicly filed Management Discussion & Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024, the Company has been impacted by continued supply chain impacts to its production efficiency, lower than anticipated demand for the VMC 1200, higher than anticipated working capital requirements to support production backlog and insufficient support from lenders.

The Company intends for trading of the Company's common shares to continue on the NASDAQ and TSX Venture Exchange, subject to compliance with applicable exchange requirements.

About Vicinity Motor Corp.
Vicinity Motor Corp. (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC) ("VMC") is a North American supplier of electric vehicles for both public and commercial enterprise use. The Company leverages a dealer network and close relationships with world-class manufacturing partners to supply its flagship electric, CNG and clean-diesel Vicinity buses, as well as the VMC 1200 electric truck to the transit and industrial markets. For more information, please visit

Company Contact:
John LaGourgue
VP Corporate Development

Investor Relations Contact:
Lucas Zimmerman
MZ Group - MZ North America

Neither the TSX-V nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. In particular, and without limitation, this news release contains forward-looking statements regarding the continuation of trading of the Company's common shares on the NASDAQ and TSX Venture Exchange, and the success of the Company's discussions with its creditors to evaluate potential solutions to enable the Company to carry on. Forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Vicinity's expectations include uncertainties relating to the economic conditions in the markets in which Vicinity operates, vehicle sales volume, anticipated future sales growth, the success of Vicinity's operational strategies, production prospects at Vicinity's assembly facility in the State of Washington, the success of Vicinity's strategic partnerships, the ability to continue as a going concern; and other risk and uncertainties disclosed in Vicinity's reports and documents filed with applicable securities regulatory authorities from time to time. Vicinity's forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made. Vicinity assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law.

SOURCE: Vicinity Motor Corp.

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What is the total debt demanded by Royal Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada from Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV)?

Royal Bank of Canada demands USD$19,202,242 plus CAD$45,251, while Export Development Canada demands USD$8,625,000 plus USD$54,231 in interest from Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV).

By when does Royal Bank of Canada demand payment from Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV)?

Royal Bank of Canada demands payment from Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV) by August 19, 2024.

What actions have the Secured Lenders taken against Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV)?

The Secured Lenders have provided Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV) with Notices of Intention to Enforce Security pursuant to subsection 244(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).

What was the total asset value of Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV) as of March 31, 2024?

Vicinity Motor Corp (VEV) maintained USD$77.8 million in assets as of March 31, 2024.

How many Vicinity transit buses are currently in operation across North America?

There are more than 1,000 Vicinity transit buses currently in operation across North America.

Vicinity Motor Corp.


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